Raw File
Tip revision: a9d251a960b9e907455cbde83f2dfcb98be34610 authored by Han Lin Shang on 26 March 2010, 11:17:18 UTC
version 1.10
Tip revision: a9d251a
bhdr <- function (data, alpha = c(0.01, 0.5), label = TRUE, shadecols, pointcol, ...) 
    y = t(data$y)
    sco = PCAproj(y, k = 2)$scores   
    band = Hscv.diag(sco, binned = TRUE)
    if(any(diag(band) < 10^(-30))){
       stop("Computationally singular due to at least one of the diagonal elements of bandwidth matrix is very close to 0.")
        den <- kde(x = sco, H = 0.8 * band)
        den <- list(x = den$eval.points[[1]], y = den$eval.points[[2]], 
                    z = den$estimate)
        hdr1 <-[, 1], sco[, 2], den, alpha = alpha)
        hdrcde:::plothdr2d(sco[, 1], sco[, 2], den, alpha, shadecols = shadecols,
               pointcol = pointcol, xlab = "PC score 1", 
               ylab = "PC score 2", show.points = FALSE, , xaxs = "i", 
               yaxs = "i", ...)
        points(sco[, 1], sco[, 2], pch = 16, cex = 0.5, col = 1)
        points(hdr1$mode[1], hdr1$mode[2], pch = 8, col = "red")
        index <- hdr1$fxy <= min(hdr1$falpha)
        outliers <- which(as.vector(index))
        points(sco[outliers, 1], sco[outliers, 2], col = rainbow(length(outliers)), 
               pch = 16)
        if (label) {
            year = as.numeric(rownames(y))
            text(sco[outliers, 1] - 0.2, sco[outliers, 2], year[outliers], 
                 adj = 1, col = rainbow(length(outliers)))

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