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Tip revision: 4b1b757a8dfaf6fa6dfb3d3e862aeb2abdfe4f00 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 27 July 2009, 19:54:06 UTC
version 1.16-1
Tip revision: 4b1b757
\title{Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points}
  Performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed
  at a set of irregular locations. 
smooth.ppp(X, ..., weights = rep(1, X$n), at="pixels")
markmean(X, ...)
markvar(X, ...)
  \item{X}{A marked point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}).}
  \item{\dots}{Arguments passed to \code{\link{density.ppp}}
    to control the kernel smoothing and
    the pixel resolution of the result.}
  \item{weights}{Optional weights attached to the observations.}
    String specifying whether to compute the intensity values
    at a grid of pixel locations (\code{at="pixels"}) or
    only at the points of \code{x} (\code{at="points"}).
  The function \code{smooth.ppp} performs spatial smoothing of numeric values
  observed at a set of irregular locations. The functions
  \code{markmean} and \code{markvar} are wrappers for \code{smooth.ppp}
  which compute the spatially-varying mean and variance of the marks of
  a point pattern.

  Smoothing is performed by Gaussian kernel weighting. If the
  observed values are \eqn{v_1,\ldots,v_n}{v[1],...,v[n]}
  at locations \eqn{x_1,\ldots,x_n}{x[1],...,x[n]} respectively,
  then the smoothed value at a location \eqn{u} is
  (ignoring edge corrections)
    g(u) = \frac{\sum_i k(u-x_i) v_i}{\sum_i k(u-x_i)}
    g(u) = (sum of k(u-x[i]) v[i])/(sum of k(u-x[i]))
  where \eqn{k} is a Gaussian kernel.
  The argument \code{X} must be a marked point pattern (object
  of class \code{"ppp"}, see \code{\link{ppp.object}}).
  The points of the pattern are taken to be the
  observation locations \eqn{x_i}{x[i]}, and the marks of the pattern
  are taken to be the numeric values \eqn{v_i}{v[i]} observed at these
  The numerator and denominator are computed by \code{\link{density.ppp}}.
  The arguments \code{...} control the smoothing kernel parameters
  and determine whether edge correction is applied.
  See \code{\link{density.ppp}}.

  The optional argument \code{weights} allows numerical weights to
  be applied to the data. If a weight \eqn{w_i}{w[i]}
  is associated with location \eqn{x_i}{x[i]}, then the smoothed
  function is 
  (ignoring edge corrections)
    g(u) = \frac{\sum_i k(u-x_i) v_i w_i}{\sum_i k(u-x_i) w_i}
    g(u) = (sum of k(u-x[i]) v[i] w[i])/(sum of k(u-x[i]) w[i])
  By default, the result is
  a pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}). 
  Pixel values are values of the interpolated function.

  If \code{at="points"}, the result is a numeric vector
  of length equal to the number of points in \code{x}.
  Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of \code{x}.
  To perform interpolation, see the \code{akima} package.
   # Longleaf data - tree locations, marked by tree diameter
   # Local smoothing of tree diameter
   Z <- smooth.ppp(longleaf)
   # Kernel bandwidth sigma=5
   plot(smooth.ppp(longleaf, 5))
   # mark variance
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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