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Tip revision: 6d141f74b5ff705e3b929297b452377bf70b4eea authored by Martin Maechler on 30 May 2015, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.2-1
Tip revision: 6d141f7

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> #### For both 'Extract' ("[") and 'Replace' ("[<-") Method testing
> ####    aka    subsetting     and  subassignment
> #### suppressPackageStartupMessages(...)  as we have an * to Rdiff against
> stopifnot(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(Matrix)))
> source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix"), keep.source = FALSE)
Loading required package: tools
> ##-> identical3() etc
> cat("doExtras:",doExtras,"\n")
doExtras: FALSE 
> if(interactive()) {
+     options(error = recover, warn = 1)
+ } else if(FALSE) { ## MM @ testing *manually* only
+     options(error = recover, Matrix.verbose = TRUE, warn = 1)
+ } else {
+     options(Matrix.verbose = TRUE, warn = 1)
+ }
> ### Dense Matrices
> m <- Matrix(1:28 +0, nrow = 7)
> validObject(m)
[1] TRUE
> stopifnot(identical(m, m[]),
+ 	  identical(m[2, 3],  16), # simple number
+ 	  identical(m[2, 3:4], c(16,23)), # simple numeric of length 2
+ 	  identical(m[NA,NA], as(Matrix(NA, 7,4), "dMatrix")))
> m[2, 3:4, drop=FALSE] # sub matrix of class 'dgeMatrix'
1 x 2 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   16   23
> m[-(4:7), 3:4]        # ditto; the upper right corner of 'm'
3 x 2 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   15   22
[2,]   16   23
[3,]   17   24
> ## rows or columns only:
> m[1,]     # first row, as simple numeric vector
[1]  1  8 15 22
> m[,2]     # 2nd column
[1]  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
> m[,1:2]   # sub matrix of first two columns
7 x 2 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    8
[2,]    2    9
[3,]    3   10
[4,]    4   11
[5,]    5   12
[6,]    6   13
[7,]    7   14
> m[-(1:6),, drop=FALSE] # not the first 6 rows, i.e. only the 7th
1 x 4 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    7   14   21   28
> m[integer(0),] #-> 0 x 4 Matrix
0 x 4 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
> m[2:4, numeric(0)] #-> 3 x 0 Matrix
3 x 0 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
> ## logical indexing
> stopifnot(identical(m[2,3], m[(1:nrow(m)) == 2, (1:ncol(m)) == 3]),
+           identical(m[2,], m[(1:nrow(m)) == 2, ]),
+           identical(m[,3:4], m[, (1:4) >= 3]))
> ## dimnames indexing:
> mn <- m
> dimnames(mn) <- list(paste("r",letters[1:nrow(mn)],sep=""),
+                      LETTERS[1:ncol(mn)])
> checkMatrix(mn)
 norm(m [7 x 4]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
> mn["rd", "D"]
[1] 25
> msr <- ms <- as(mn,"sparseMatrix")
> mnr <- mn
> v <- rev(as(ms, "vector"))
> mnr[] <- v
> msr[] <- v # [<- "sparse" -- not very sensical; did fail w/o a message
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> z <- msr; z[] <- 0
> zz <- as(array(0, dim(z)), "sparseMatrix")
> a.m <- as(mnr,"matrix")
> stopifnot(identical(mn["rc", "D"], mn[3,4]), mn[3,4] == 24,
+ 	  identical(mn[, "A"], mn[,1]), mn[,1] == 1:7,
+ 	  identical(mn[c("re", "rb"), "B"], mn[c(5,2), 2]),
+ 	  identical(ms["rc", "D"], ms[3,4]), ms[3,4] == 24,
+ 	  identical(ms[, "A"], ms[,1]), ms[,1] == 1:7,
+ 	  identical(ms[ci <- c("re", "rb"), "B"], ms[c(5,2), 2]),
+ 	  identical(rownames(mn[ci, ]), ci),
+ 	  identical(rownames(ms[ci, ]), ci),
+ 	  identical(colnames(mn[,cj <- c("B","D")]), cj),
+ 	  identical(colnames(ms[,cj]), cj),
+ 	  identical(a.m, as(msr,"matrix")),
+ 	  identical(unname(z), zz),
+ 	  identical(a.m, array(v, dim=dim(mn), dimnames=dimnames(mn)))
+ 	  )
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.152 0.016 0.169 
> ## R-forge Matrix bug #2556: Subsetting a sparse matrix did remove  names(dimnames(.)) :
> m44 <- matrix(1:16, 4, 4, dimnames=list(row=c('a','b','c','d'), col=c('x','y','z','w')))
> ## Dense matrix: ------------------------------------------
> a <- Matrix(m44)
> identical(
+     dimnames(m44[,FALSE, drop=FALSE]),
+     dimnames(  a[,FALSE, drop=FALSE]))
[1] TRUE
> chk.ndn <- function(a, a0=m44)
+     stopifnot(identical(names(dimnames(a)), names(dimnames(a0))))
> i <- 1:2
> chk.ndn(a[i,]); chk.ndn(a[i, i])
> ## Sparse matrix: -----------------------------------------
> s <- as(a %% 3 == 1, "sparseMatrix")
> ts <- as(s,"TsparseMatrix")
> b <- sparseMatrix(i=1:3, j=rep(2,3), dims=c(4,4), dimnames=dimnames(s))
> tb <- as(b,"TsparseMatrix")
> stopifnot(identical5(
+     dimnames(a), dimnames(s), dimnames(ts),
+     dimnames(b), dimnames(tb)))
> chk.ndn(b [i, i]); chk.ndn(b [i, ])
> chk.ndn(s [i, i]); chk.ndn(s [i, ])
> chk.ndn(tb[i, i]); chk.ndn(tb[i, ])
> chk.ndn(ts[i, i]); chk.ndn(ts[i, ])
> chk.ndn( b[ , 1, drop=FALSE]); chk.ndn( s[i, 2, drop=FALSE])
> chk.ndn(tb[ , 1, drop=FALSE]); chk.ndn(ts[i, 2, drop=FALSE])
> ## Printing sparse colnames:
> ms[sample(28, 20)] <- 0
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> ms <- t(rbind2(ms, 3*ms))
> cnam1 <- capture.output(show(ms))[2] ; op <- options("sparse.colnames" = "abb3")
   [[ suppressing 14 column names 'ra', 'rb', 'rc' ... ]]
> cnam2 <- capture.output(show(ms))[2] ; options(op) # revert
> stopifnot(## sparse printing
+ 	  grep("^ +$", cnam1) == 1, # cnam1 is empty
+ 	  identical(cnam2,
+ 		    paste(" ", paste(rep(rownames(mn), 2), collapse=" "))))
> mo <- m
> m[2,3] <- 100
> m[1:2, 4] <- 200
> m[, 1] <- -1
> m[1:3,]
3 x 4 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   -1    8   15  200
[2,]   -1    9  100  200
[3,]   -1   10   17   24
> m. <- as.matrix(m)
> ## m[ cbind(i,j) ] indexing:
> iN <- ij <- cbind(1:6, 2:3)
> iN[2:3,] <- iN[5,2] <- NA
> stopifnot(identical(m[ij], m.[ij]),
+ 	  identical(m[iN], m.[iN]))
> ## testing operations on logical Matrices rather more than indexing:
> g10 <- m [ m > 10 ]
> stopifnot(18 == length(g10))
> stopifnot(10 == length(m[ m <= 10 ]))
> sel <- (20 <  m) & (m <  150)
> sel.<- (20 <  m.)& (m.<  150)
> nsel <-(20 >= m) | (m >= 150)
> (ssel <- as(sel, "sparseMatrix"))
7 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "lgCMatrix"
[1,] . . . .
[2,] . . | .
[3,] . . . |
[4,] . . . |
[5,] . . . |
[6,] . . . |
[7,] . . | |
> stopifnot(is(sel, "lMatrix"), is(ssel, "lsparseMatrix"),
+ 	  identical3(as.mat(sel.), as.mat(sel), as.mat(ssel)),
+ 	  identical3(!sel, !ssel, nsel), # !<sparse> is typically dense
+ 	  identical3(m[ sel],  m[ ssel], as.matrix(m)[as.matrix( ssel)]),
+ 	  identical3(m[!sel],  m[!ssel], as.matrix(m)[as.matrix(!ssel)])
+ 	  )
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.106 0.008 0.115 
> ## more sparse Matrices --------------------------------------
> ##' @title Check sparseMatrix sub-assignment   m[i,j] <- v
> ##' @param ms sparse Matrix
> ##' @param mm its [traditional matrix]-equivalent
> ##' @param k (approximate) length of index vectors (i,j)
> ##' @param n.uniq (approximate) number of unique values in  i,j
> ##' @param vRNG function(n) for random 'v' generation
> ##' @param show logical; if TRUE, it will not stop on error
> ##' @return
> ##' @author Martin Maechler
> chkAssign <- function(ms, mm = as(ms, "matrix"),
+                       k = min(20,dim(mm)), n.uniq = k %/% 3,
+                       vRNG = { if(is.numeric(mm) || is.complex(mm))
+                                    function(n) rpois(n,lambda= 0.75)# <- about 47% zeros
+                       else ## logical
+                           function(n) runif(n) > 0.8 }, ## 80% zeros
+                       showOnly=FALSE)
+ {
+     stopifnot(is(ms,"sparseMatrix"))
+     d <- dim(ms)
+     s1 <- function(n) sample(n, pmin(n, pmax(1, rpois(1, n.uniq))))
+     i <- sample(s1(d[1]), k/2+ rpois(1, k/2), replace = TRUE)
+     j <- sample(s1(d[2]), k/2+ rpois(1, k/2), replace = TRUE)
+     assert.EQ.mat(ms[i,j], mm[i,j])
+     ms2 <- ms. <- ms; mm. <- mm # save
+     ## now sub*assign* to these repeated indices, and then compare -----
+     v <- vRNG(length(i) * length(j))
+     mm[i,j] <- v
+     ms[i,j] <- v
+     ## useful to see (ii,ij), but confusing R/ESS when additionally debugging:
+     ## if(!showOnly && interactive()) { op <- options(error = recover); on.exit(options(op)) }
+     assert.EQ.mat(ms, mm, show=showOnly)
+     ## vector indexing m[cbind(i,j)] == m[i + N(j-1)] ,  N = nrow(.)
+     ii <- seq_len(min(length(i), length(j)))
+     i <- i[ii]
+     j <- j[ii]
+     ij <- cbind(i, j)
+     ii <- i + nrow(ms)*(j - 1)
+     ord.i <- order(ii)
+     iio <- ii[ord.i]
+     ui <- unique(iio) # compare these with :
+     neg.ii <- - setdiff(seq_len(prod(d)), ii)
+     stopifnot(identical(mm[ii], mm[ij]),
+               identical(ms.[ui], ms.[neg.ii]),
+ 	      ms.[ij] == mm.[ii], ## M[ cbind(i,j) ] was partly broken; now checking
+               ms.[ii] == mm.[ii])
+     v <- v[seq_len(length(i))]
+     if(is(ms,"nMatrix")) v <- as.logical(v)  # !
+     mm.[ij] <- v
+     ms.[ii] <- v
+     nodup <- (length(ui) == length(ii)) ## <==>  ! anyDuplicated(iio)
+     if(nodup) { cat("[-]") # rare, unfortunately
+ 	ms2[neg.ii] <- v[ord.i]
+ 	stopifnot(identical(ms2, ms.))
+     }
+     assert.EQ.mat(ms., mm., show=showOnly)
+ } ##{chkAssign}
> ## Get duplicated index {because these are "hard" (and rare)
> getDuplIndex <- function(n, k) {
+     repeat {
+         i <- sample(n, k, replace=TRUE) # 3 4 6 9 2 9 :  9 is twice
+         if(anyDuplicated(i)) break
+     }
+     i
+ }
> ## From package 'sfsmisc':
> repChar <- function (char, no) paste(, no), collapse = "")
> m <- 1:800
> set.seed(101) ; m[sample(800, 600)] <- 0
> m0 <- Matrix(m, nrow = 40)
> m1 <- add.simpleDimnames(m0)
> for(kind in c("n", "l", "d")) {
+  for(m in list(m0,m1)) { ## -- with and without dimnames -------------------------
+     kClass <-paste0(kind, "Matrix"  )
+     Ckind <- paste0(kind, "gCMatrix")
+     Tkind <- paste0(kind, "gTMatrix")
+     str(mC <- as(m, Ckind))
+     str(mT <- as(as(as(m, kClass), "TsparseMatrix"), Tkind))
+     mm <- as(mC, "matrix") # also logical or double
+     IDENT <- if(kind == "n") function(x,y) Q.eq2(x,y, tol=0) else identical
+     stopifnot(identical(mT, as(as(mC, "TsparseMatrix"), Tkind)),
+               identical(mC, as(mT, Ckind)),
+               Qidentical(mC[0,0], new(Ckind)),
+               Qidentical(mT[0,0], new(Tkind)),
+               identical(unname(mT[0,]), new(Tkind, Dim = c(0L,ncol(m)))),
+               identical(unname(mT[,0]), new(Tkind, Dim = c(nrow(m),0L))),
+               IDENT(mC[0,], as(mT[FALSE,], Ckind)),
+               IDENT(mC[,0], as(mT[,FALSE], Ckind)),
+               sapply(pmin(min(dim(mC)), c(0:2, 5:10)),
+                      function(k) {i <- seq_len(k); all(mC[i,i] == mT[i,i])}),
+               TRUE)
+     cat("ok\n")
+     show(mC[,1])
+     show(mC[1:2,])
+     show(mC[7,  drop = FALSE])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2,], mm[1:2,])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[0,], mm[0,])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[,FALSE], mm[,FALSE])
+     ##
+     ## *repeated* (aka 'duplicated') indices - did not work at all ...
+     i <- pmin(nrow(mC), rep(8:10,2))
+     j <- c(2:4, 4:3)
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[i,], mm[i,])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[,j], mm[,j])
+     ## FIXME? assert.EQ.mat(mC[,NA], mm[,NA]) -- mC[,NA] is all 0 "instead" of all NA
+     ## MM currently thinks we should  NOT  allow  <sparse>[ <NA> ]
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[i, 2:1], mm[i, 2:1])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[c(4,1,2:1), j], mm[c(4,1,2:1), j])
+     assert.EQ.mat(mC[i,j], mm[i,j])
+     ##
+     ## set.seed(7)
+     op <- options(Matrix.verbose = FALSE)
+     cat(" for(): ")
+     for(n in 1:(if(doExtras) 50 else 5)) {
+ 	chkAssign(mC, mm)
+ 	chkAssign(mC[-3,-2], mm[-3,-2])
+         cat(".")
+     }
+     options(op)
+     cat(sprintf("\n[Ok]%s\n\n", repChar("-", 64)))
+  }
+  cat(sprintf("\nok( %s )\n== ###%s\n\n", kind, repChar("=", 70)))
+ }## end{for}---------------------------------------------------------------
Formal class 'ngCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 5 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'ngTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 5 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ factors : list()
Note: method with signature 'nsparseMatrix#sparseMatrix' chosen for function '==',
 target signature 'ngCMatrix#ngTMatrix'.
 "nMatrix#nMatrix", "sparseMatrix#nsparseMatrix" would also be valid
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
[1,] . . . | . . | . . . . | . . | . | . . .
[2,] . | . . . | . . . . . . | | . . . . | .
[1] TRUE
 for(): .....

Formal class 'ngCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 5 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'ngTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 5 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ factors : list()
   r1    r2    r3    r4    r5    r6    r7    r8    r9   r10   r11   r12   r13 
  r14   r15   r16   r17   r18   r19   r20   r21   r22   r23   r24   r25   r26 
  r27   r28   r29   r30   r31   r32   r33   r34   r35   r36   r37   r38   r39 
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
r1 . . . | . . | . . . . | . . | . | . . .
r2 . | . . . | . . . . . . | | . . . . | .
[1] TRUE
 for(): .....

ok( n )
== ###======================================================================

Formal class 'lgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ x       : logi [1:200] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'lgTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ x       : logi [1:200] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
  ..@ factors : list()
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "lgCMatrix"
[1,] . . . | . . | . . . . | . . | . | . . .
[2,] . | . . . | . . . . . . | | . . . . | .
[1] TRUE
 for(): .....

Formal class 'lgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ x       : logi [1:200] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'lgTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ x       : logi [1:200] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
  ..@ factors : list()
   r1    r2    r3    r4    r5    r6    r7    r8    r9   r10   r11   r12   r13 
  r14   r15   r16   r17   r18   r19   r20   r21   r22   r23   r24   r25   r26 
  r27   r28   r29   r30   r31   r32   r33   r34   r35   r36   r37   r38   r39 
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "lgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
r1 . . . | . . | . . . . | . . | . | . . .
r2 . | . . . | . . . . . . | | . . . . | .
[1] TRUE
 for(): .....

ok( l )
== ###======================================================================

Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ x       : num [1:200] 3 7 12 22 25 30 38 39 42 45 ...
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'dgTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ x       : num [1:200] 3 7 12 22 25 30 38 39 42 45 ...
  ..@ factors : list()
 [1]  0  0  3  0  0  0  7  0  0  0  0 12  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 22  0  0 25
[26]  0  0  0  0 30  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 38 39  0
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] .  . . 121 .   . 241 . . . . 441   .   . 561 . 641 .   . .
[2,] . 42 .   . . 202   . . . . .   . 482 522   . .   . . 722 .
[1] 7
 for(): .....

Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:21] 0 8 22 28 37 41 50 63 71 81 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ x       : num [1:200] 3 7 12 22 25 30 38 39 42 45 ...
  ..@ factors : list()
Formal class 'dgTMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:200] 2 6 11 21 24 29 37 38 1 4 ...
  ..@ j       : int [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 40 20
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:40] "r1" "r2" "r3" "r4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:20] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" ...
  ..@ x       : num [1:200] 3 7 12 22 25 30 38 39 42 45 ...
  ..@ factors : list()
 r1  r2  r3  r4  r5  r6  r7  r8  r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 
  0   0   3   0   0   0   7   0   0   0   0  12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
r21 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 r29 r30 r31 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 r37 r38 r39 r40 
  0  22   0   0  25   0   0   0   0  30   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  38  39   0 
2 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
r1 .  . . 121 .   . 241 . . . . 441   .   . 561 . 641 .   . .
r2 . 42 .   . . 202   . . . . .   . 482 522   . .   . . 722 .
[1] 7
 for(): .....

ok( d )
== ###======================================================================

> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.758 0.074 0.831 
> if(doExtras) {### {was ./AAA_index.R, MM-only}
+     ## an nsparse-example
+     A <- Matrix(c(rep(c(1,0,0),2), rep(c(2,0),7), c(0,0,2), rep(0,4)), 3,9)
+     i <- c(3,1:2)
+     j <- c(3, 5, 9, 5, 9)
+     vv <- logical(length(i)*length(j)); vv[6:9] <- TRUE
+     print(An <- as(A,"nMatrix")); an <- as(An, "matrix")
+     assert.EQ.mat(An, an)
+     An[i, j] <- vv
+     an[i, j] <- vv
+     assert.EQ.mat(An, an)## error
+     if(!all(An == an)) show(drop0(An - an))
+     ## all are +1
+     options("Matrix.subassign.verbose" = TRUE)# output from C
+     An <- as(A,"nMatrix"); An[i, j] <- vv
+     ## and compare with this:
+     Al <- as(A,"lMatrix"); Al[i, j] <- vv
+     options("Matrix.subassign.verbose" = FALSE)
+     ##--- An interesting not small not large example  for  M[i,j] <- v ------------
+     ##
+     M <- Matrix(c(1, rep(0,7), 1:4), 3,4)
+     N0 <- kronecker(M,M)
+     mkN1 <- function(M) {
+         stopifnot(length(d <- dim(M)) == 2)
+         isC <- is(M,"CsparseMatrix")
+         M[,d[2]] <- c(0,2,0)
+         N <- kronecker(diag(x=1:2), M)## remains sparse if 'M' is
+         if(isC) N <- as(N, "CsparseMatrix")
+         diag(N[-1,]) <- -2
+         N[9,]  <- 1:4   # is recycled
+         N[,12] <- -7:-9 # ditto
+         N
+     }
+     show(N1 <- t(N <- mkN1(N0)))    # transpose {for display reasons}
+     C1 <- t(C <- mkN1(as(N0,"CsparseMatrix")))
+     stopifnot(all(C == N))
+     assert.EQ.mat(C, mkN1(as.matrix(N0)))
+     C. <- C1
+     show(N <- N1) ; n <- as.matrix(N); str(N)
+     sort(i <- c(6,8,19,11,21,20,10,7,12,9,5,18,17,22,13))## == c(5:13, 17:22))
+     sort(j <- c(3,8,6,15,10,4,14,13,16,2,11,17,7,5))## == c(2:8, 10:11, 13:17)
+     val <- v.l <- 5*c(0,6,0,7,0,0,8:9, 0,0)
+     show(spv <- as(val, "sparseVector")); str(spv)
+     n [i,j] <- v.l
+     N [i,j] <- val# is recycled, too
+     C.[i,j] <- val
+     assert.EQ.mat(N,n) ; stopifnot(all(C. == N))
+     ## and the same *again*:
+     n [i,j] <- v.l
+     N [i,j] <- val
+     C.[i,j] <- val
+     assert.EQ.mat(N,n)
+     stopifnot(all(C. == N))
+     print(load(system.file("external", "symA.rda", package="Matrix"))) # "As"
+     stopifnotValid(As, "dsCMatrix"); stopifnot(identical(As@factors, list()))
+     R. <- drop0(chol(As))
+     stopifnot(1:32 == sort(diag(R.)), ## !
+               R.@x == as.integer(R.@x),## so it is an integer-valued chol-decomp !
+               ## shows that (1) As is *not* singular  (2) the matrix is not random
+               all.equal(crossprod(R.), As, tolerance =1e-15))
+     print(summary(evA <- eigen(As, only.values=TRUE)$val))
+     print(tail(evA)) ## largest three ~= 10^7,  smallest two *negative*
+     print(rcond(As)) # 1.722 e-21 == very bad !
+     ##-> this *is* a border line case, i.e. very close to singular !
+     ## and also determinant(.) is rather random here!
+     cc0 <- Cholesky(As)# no problem
+     try({
+         cc <- Cholesky(As, super=TRUE)
+         ## gives --on 32-bit only--
+         ## Cholmod error 'matrix not positive definite' at file:../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c, line 613
+         ecc <- expand(cc)
+         L.P <- with(ecc, crossprod(L,P))  ## == L'P
+         ## crossprod(L.P) == (L'P)' L'P == P'LL'P
+         stopifnot( all.equal(crossprod(L.P), As) )
+     })
+     ##---- end{ eigen( As ) -----------
+ } ## only if(doExtras)
> ##---- Symmetric indexing of symmetric Matrix ----------
> m. <- mC
> m.[, c(2, 7:12)] <- 0
> stopifnotValid(S <- crossprod(add.simpleDimnames(m.) %% 100), "dsCMatrix")
> ss <- as(S, "matrix")
> ds <- as(S, "denseMatrix")
> ## NA-indexing of *dense* Matrices: should work as traditionally
> assert.EQ.mat(ds[NA,NA], ss[NA,NA])
> assert.EQ.mat(ds[NA,  ], ss[NA,])
> assert.EQ.mat(ds[  ,NA], ss[,NA])
> T <- as(S, "TsparseMatrix")
> stopifnot(identical(ds[2 ,NA], ss[2,NA]),
+ 	  identical(ds[NA, 1], ss[NA, 1]),
+ 	  identical(S, as(T, "CsparseMatrix")) )
> ## non-repeated indices:
> i <- c(7:5, 2:4);assert.EQ.mat(T[i,i], ss[i,i])
> ## NA in indices  -- check that we get a helpful error message:
> i[2] <- NA
> er <- tryCatch(T[i,i], error = function(e)e)
> stopifnot(as.logical(grep("indices.*sparse Matrices", er$message)))
> N <- nrow(T)
> set.seed(11)
> for(n in 1:(if(doExtras) 50 else 3)) {
+     i <- sample(N, max(2, sample(N,1)), replace = FALSE)
+     validObject(Tii <- T[i,i]) ; tTi <- t(T)[i,i]
+     stopifnot(is(Tii, "dsTMatrix"), # remained symmetric Tsparse
+ 	      is(tTi, "dsTMatrix"), # may not be identical when *sorted* differently
+ 	      identical(as(t(Tii),"CsparseMatrix"), as(tTi,"CsparseMatrix")))
+     assert.EQ.mat(Tii, ss[i,i])
+ }
> b <- diag(1:2)[,c(1,1,2,2)]
> cb <- crossprod(b)
> cB <- crossprod(Matrix(b, sparse=TRUE))
> a <- matrix(0, 6, 6)
> a[1:4, 1:4] <- cb
> A1 <- A2 <- Matrix(0, 6, 6)#-> sparse
> A1[1:4, 1:4] <- cb
> A2[1:4, 1:4] <- cB
> assert.EQ.mat(A1, a)# indeed
> stopifnot(identical(A1, A2), is(A1, "dsCMatrix"))
> ## repeated ones ``the challenge'' (to do smartly):
> j <- c(4, 4, 9, 12, 9, 4, 17, 3, 18, 4, 12, 18, 4, 9)
> assert.EQ.mat(T[j,j], ss[j,j])
> ## and another two sets  (a, A) &  (a., A.) :
> a <- matrix(0, 6,6)
> a[upper.tri(a)] <- (utr <- c(2, 0,-1, 0,0,5, 7,0,0,0, 0,0,-2,0,8))
> ta <- t(a); ta[upper.tri(a)] <- utr; a <- t(ta)
> diag(a) <- c(0,3,0,4,6,0)
> A <- as(Matrix(a), "TsparseMatrix")
> A. <- A
> diag(A.) <- 10 * (1:6)
> a. <- as(A., "matrix")
> ## More testing {this was not working for a long time..}
> set.seed(1)
> for(n in 1:(if(doExtras) 100 else 6)) {
+     i <- sample(1:nrow(A), 3+2*rpois(1, lam=3), replace=TRUE)
+     Aii  <- A[i,i]
+     A.ii <- A.[i,i]
+     stopifnot(class(Aii) == class(A),
+               class(A.ii) == class(A.))
+     assert.EQ.mat(Aii , a [i,i])
+     assert.EQ.mat(A.ii, a.[i,i])
+     assert.EQ.mat(T[i,i], ss[i,i])
+ }
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.143 0.007 0.151 
> stopifnot(all.equal(mC[,3], mm[,3]),
+ 	  identical(mC[ij], mC[ij + 0.4]),
+ 	  identical(mC[ij], mm[ij]),
+ 	  identical(mC[iN], mm[iN]))
> ## out of bound indexing must be detected:
> assertError(mC[cbind(ij[,1] - 5, ij[,2])])
> assertError(mC[cbind(ij[,1],     ij[,2] + ncol(mC))])
> assert.EQ.mat(mC[7, , drop=FALSE], mm[7, , drop=FALSE])
> identical    (mC[7,   drop=FALSE], mm[7,   drop=FALSE]) # *vector* indexing
[1] TRUE
> stopifnot(dim(mC[numeric(0), ]) == c(0,20), # used to give warnings
+           dim(mC[, integer(0)]) == c(40,0),
+           identical(mC[, integer(0)], mC[, FALSE]))
> validObject(print(mT[,c(2,4)]))
40 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
    c2  c4
r1   . 121
r2  42   .
r3   .   .
r4   .   .
r5  45   .
r6   .   .
r7   .   .
r8   . 128
r9   . 129
r10 50   .
r11  .   .
r12 52 132
r13  . 133
r14  .   .
r15 55   .
r16  .   .
r17  .   .
r18  . 138
r19  .   .
r20  .   .
r21  . 141
r22  . 142
r23 63   .
r24  .   .
r25 65   .
r26  .   .
r27 67   .
r28 68   .
r29  .   .
r30  .   .
r31 71   .
r32 72   .
r33  .   .
r34 74   .
r35  .   .
r36 76   .
r37  .   .
r38  .   .
r39  . 159
r40 80   .
[1] TRUE
> stopifnot(all.equal(mT[2,], mm[2,]),
+ 	  ## row or column indexing in combination with t() :
+ 	  Q.C.identical(mT[2,], t(mT)[,2]),
+ 	  Q.C.identical(mT[-2,], t(t(mT)[,-2])),
+ 	  Q.C.identical(mT[c(2,5),], t(t(mT)[,c(2,5)])) )
> assert.EQ.mat(mT[4,, drop = FALSE], mm[4,, drop = FALSE])
> stopifnot(identical3(mm[,1], mC[,1], mT[,1]),
+ 	  identical3(mm[3,], mC[3,], mT[3,]),
+ 	  identical3(mT[2,3], mC[2,3], 0),
+ 	  identical(mT[], mT),
+           identical4(       mm[c(3,7), 2:4],  as.mat( m[c(3,7), 2:4]),
+                      as.mat(mT[c(3,7), 2:4]), as.mat(mC[c(3,7), 2:4]))
+           )
> x.x <- crossprod(mC)
> stopifnot(class(x.x) == "dsCMatrix",
+           class(x.x. <- round(x.x / 10000)) == "dsCMatrix",
+           identical(x.x[cbind(2:6, 2:6)],
+                     diag(x.x [2:6, 2:6])))
> head(x.x.) # Note the *non*-structural 0's printed as "0"
6 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
c1 1 0 .  1  .  1  1  3  .  3  2  1  6  1  .  2  4  6  5  1
c2 0 6 2  1  3  5  7  5 12 14 14  9 11 16 12 13 17 19 19 10
c3 . 2 6  .  4  2  5  3  8 12  5 16  9 11 23  .  .  6  7  7
c4 1 1 . 17  .  8 10 13  8  6 18 18 29 35 14  8 25 10 19 21
c5 . 3 4  . 14  4 10  .  . 29  8  9 19 11 11  .  . 26 26 16
c6 1 5 2  8  4 42  5 19 14  9  8 10 42 56 50 27 29 32 64 16
> tail(x.x., -3) # all but the first three lines
17 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
c4  1  1  . 17  .  8  10 13   8   6  18  18  29  35  14   8  25  10  19  21
c5  .  3  4  . 14  4  10  .   .  29   8   9  19  11  11   .   .  26  26  16
c6  1  5  2  8  4 42   5 19  14   9   8  10  42  56  50  27  29  32  64  16
c7  1  7  5 10 10  5  87 14   9  31  77  47  79  43  28  17  67 110  36 121
c8  3  5  3 13  . 19  14 70  10  24  37  13  59  62  34  19  58  21  64  44
c9  . 12  8  8  . 14   9 10 116  41  58  33  33  72  78  43  69  72  75  25
c10 3 14 12  6 29  9  31 24  41 167  69  56  99  44  70  24 105  82  85  32
c11 2 14  5 18  8  8  77 37  58  69 267  80  86 139  49 105 194 119 122 129
c12 1  9 16 18  9 10  47 13  33  56  80 194  70  77  81   .  90  32   . 106
c13 6 11  9 29 19 42  79 59  33  99  86  70 324 157  55   .  69 142 144 155
c14 1 16 11 35 11 56  43 62  72  44 139  77 157 375 123 102 145  39 196  81
c15 . 12 23 14 11 50  28 34  78  70  49  81  55 123 368  71 112  41  41  86
c16 2 13  .  8  . 27  17 19  43  24 105   .   . 102  71 233 124  44 139   .
c17 4 17  . 25  . 29  67 58  69 105 194  90  69 145 112 124 523 141 245 100
c18 6 19  6 10 26 32 110 21  72  82 119  32 142  39  41  44 141 497 104 111
c19 5 19  7 19 26 64  36 64  75  85 122   . 144 196  41 139 245 104 542  55
c20 1 10  7 21 16 16 121 44  25  32 129 106 155  81  86   . 100 111  55 541
> lx.x <- as(x.x, "lsCMatrix") # FALSE only for "structural" 0
> (l10 <- lx.x[1:10, 1:10])# "lsC"
10 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "lsCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 10 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
c1  | | . | . | | | . |
c2  | | | | | | | | | |
c3  . | | . | | | | | |
c4  | | . | . | | | | |
c5  . | | . | | | . . |
c6  | | | | | | | | | |
c7  | | | | | | | | | |
c8  | | | | . | | | | |
c9  . | | | . | | | | |
c10 | | | | | | | | | |
> (l3 <-  lx.x[1:3, ])
3 x 20 sparse Matrix of class "lgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 20 column names 'c1', 'c2', 'c3' ... ]]
c1 | | . | . | | | . | | | | | . | | | | |
c2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
c3 . | | . | | | | | | | | | | | . . | | |
> m.x <- as.mat(x.x) # as.mat() *drops* (NULL,NULL) dimnames
> stopifnot(class(l10) == "lsCMatrix", # symmetric indexing -> symmetric !
+           identical(as.mat(lx.x), m.x != 0),
+           identical(as.logical(lx.x), as.logical(m.x)),
+           identical(as.mat(l10), m.x[1:10, 1:10] != 0),
+           identical(as.mat(l3 ), m.x[1:3, ] != 0)
+           )
> ##-- Sub*assignment* with repeated / duplicated index:
> A <- Matrix(0,4,3) ; A[c(1,2,1), 2] <- 1 ; A
4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] . 1 .
[2,] . 1 .
[3,] . . .
[4,] . . .
> B <- A;              B[c(1,2,1), 2] <- 1:3; B; B. <- B
4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] . 3 .
[2,] . 2 .
[3,] . . .
[4,] . . .
> B.[3,] <- rbind(4:2)
> ## change the diagonal and the upper and lower subdiagonal :
> diag(B.) <- 10 * diag(B.)
> diag(B.[,-1]) <- 5* diag(B.[,-1])
> diag(B.[-1,]) <- 4* diag(B.[-1,]) ; B.
4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] . 15  .
[2,] . 20  .
[3,] 4 12 20
[4,] .  .  .
> C <- B.; C[,2] <- C[,2];  C[1,] <- C[1,]; C[2:3,2:1] <- C[2:3,2:1]
> stopifnot(identical(unname(as.matrix(A)),
+ 		    local({a <- matrix(0,4,3); a[c(1,2,1), 2] <-  1 ; a})),
+ 	  identical(unname(as.matrix(B)),
+ 		    local({a <- matrix(0,4,3); a[c(1,2,1), 2] <- 1:3; a})),
+ 	  identical(C, drop0(B.)))
> ## <sparse>[<logicalSparse>] <- v  failed in the past
> T <- as(C,"TsparseMatrix"); C. <- C
> T[T>0] <- 21
Note: method with signature 'TsparseMatrix#Matrix#missing#replValue' chosen for function '[<-',
 target signature 'dgTMatrix#lgTMatrix#missing#numeric'.
 "Matrix#lsparseMatrix#missing#replValue" would also be valid
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> C[C>0] <- 21
Note: method with signature 'CsparseMatrix#Matrix#missing#replValue' chosen for function '[<-',
 target signature 'dgCMatrix#lgCMatrix#missing#numeric'.
 "Matrix#lsparseMatrix#missing#replValue" would also be valid
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> a. <- local({a <- as.matrix(C.); a[a>0] <- 21; a})
> assert.EQ.mat(C, a.)
> stopifnot(identical(C, as(T, "CsparseMatrix")))
> ## used to fail
> n <- 5 ## or much larger
> sm <- new("dsTMatrix", i=1L, j=1L, Dim=as.integer(c(n,n)), x = 1)
> (cm <- as(sm, "CsparseMatrix"))
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dsCMatrix"
[1,] . . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . . . .
[4,] . . . . .
[5,] . . . . .
> sm[2,]
[1] 0 1 0 0 0
> stopifnot(sm[2,] == c(0:1,,ncol(sm)-2)),
+ 	  sm[2,] == cm[2,],
+ 	  sm[,3] == sm[3,],
+ 	  all(sm[,-(1:3)] == t(sm[-(1:3),])), # all(<lge.>)
+ 	  all(sm[,-(1:3)] == 0)
+ 	  )
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.139 0.006 0.145 
> ##---  "nsparse*" sub-assignment :----------
> M <- Matrix(c(1, rep(0,7), 1:4), 3,4)
> N0 <- kronecker(M,M)
> Nn <- as(N0, "nMatrix"); nn <- as(Nn,"matrix")
> (Nn00 <- Nn0 <- Nn); nn00 <- nn0 <- nn
9 x 16 sparse Matrix of class "ngTMatrix"
 [1,] | . . | . . . . . . . . | . . |
 [2,] . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . |
 [3,] . . | | . . . . . . . . . . | |
 [4,] . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . |
 [5,] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
 [6,] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |
 [7,] . . . . . . . . | . . | | . . |
 [8,] . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . |
 [9,] . . . . . . . . . . | | . . | |
> set.seed(1)
> Nn0 <- Nn00; nn0 <- nn00
> for(i in 1:(if(doExtras) 200 else 25)) {
+     Nn <- Nn0
+     nn <- nn0
+     i. <- getDuplIndex(nrow(N0), 6)
+     j. <- getDuplIndex(ncol(N0), 4)
+     vv <- sample(c(FALSE,TRUE),
+                  length(i.)*length(j.), replace=TRUE)
+     cat(",")
+     Nn[i., j.] <- vv
+     nn[i., j.] <- vv
+     assert.EQ.mat(Nn, nn)
+     if(!all(Nn == nn)) {
+         cat("i=",i,":\n i. <- "); dput(i.)
+         cat("j. <- "); dput(j.)
+         cat("which(vv): "); dput(which(vv))
+         cat("Difference matrix:\n")
+         show(drop0(Nn - nn))
+     }
+     cat("k")
+     ## sub-assign double precision to logical sparseMatrices: now *with* warning:
+     ##  {earlier: gave *no* warning}:
+     assertWarning(Nn[1:2,] <- -pi)
+     assertWarning(Nn[, 5] <- -pi)
+     assertWarning(Nn[2:4, 5:8] <- -pi)
+     stopifnotValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix")
+     ##
+     cat(".")
+     if(i %% 10 == 0) cat("\n")
+     if(i == 100) {
+         Nn0 <- as(Nn0, "CsparseMatrix")
+         cat("Now: class", class(Nn0)," :\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n")
+     }
+ }
,k.,k.,k.,k.,k.> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.154 0.005 0.16 
> Nn <- Nn0
> ## Check that  NA is interpreted as TRUE (with a warning), for "nsparseMatrix":
> assertWarning(Nn[ii <-     3  ] <- NA); stopifnot(isValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix"), Nn[ii])
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> assertWarning(Nn[ii <-   22:24] <- NA); stopifnot(isValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix"), Nn[ii])
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> assertWarning(Nn[ii <- -(1:99)] <- NA); stopifnot(isValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix"), Nn[ii])
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> assertWarning(Nn[ii <- 3:4  ] <- c(0,NA))
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> stopifnot(isValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix"), Nn[ii] == 0:1)
> assertWarning(Nn[ii <- 25:27] <- c(0,1,NA))
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> stopifnot(isValid(Nn,"nsparseMatrix"), Nn[ii] == c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))
> m0 <- Diagonal(5)
> stopifnot(identical(m0[2,], m0[,2]),
+ 	  identical(m0[,1], c(1,0,0,0,0)))
> ### Diagonal -- Sparse:
> (m1 <- as(m0, "TsparseMatrix")) # dtTMatrix unitriangular
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtTMatrix" (unitriangular)
[1,] 1 . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . 1 . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> (m2 <- as(m0, "CsparseMatrix")) # dtCMatrix unitriangular
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtCMatrix" (unitriangular)
[1,] 1 . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . 1 . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> m1g <- as(m1, "generalMatrix")
> tr1 <- as(m1, "denseMatrix") # dtrMatrix unitriangular
> stopifnotValid(m1g, "dgTMatrix")
> diag(tr1) <- 100
> stopifnot(diag(tr1) == 100)# failed when 'diag<-' did not recycle
> assert.EQ.mat(m2[1:3,],    diag(5)[1:3,])
> assert.EQ.mat(m2[,c(4,1)], diag(5)[,c(4,1)])
> stopifnot(identical(m2[1:3,], as(m1[1:3,], "CsparseMatrix")),
+           identical(uniqTsparse(m1[, c(4,2)]),
+                     uniqTsparse(as(m2[, c(4,2)], "TsparseMatrix")))
+           )## failed in 0.9975-11
> (uTr <- new("dtTMatrix", Dim = c(3L,3L), diag="U"))
3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dtTMatrix" (unitriangular)
[1,] 1 . .
[2,] . 1 .
[3,] . . 1
> uTr[1,] <- 0
> assert.EQ.mat(uTr, cbind(0, rbind(0,diag(2))))
> M <- m0; M[1,] <- 0
> Z <- m0; Z[] <- 0; z <- array(0, dim(M))
> stopifnot(identical(M, Diagonal(x=c(0, rep(1,4)))),
+           all(Z == 0), Qidentical(as(Z, "matrix"), z))
> M <- m0; M[,3] <- 3 ; M ; stopifnot(is(M, "sparseMatrix"), M[,3] == 3)
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] 1 . 3 . .
[2,] . 1 3 . .
[3,] . . 3 . .
[4,] . . 3 1 .
[5,] . . 3 . 1
> checkMatrix(M)
Note: method with signature 'sparseMatrix#ldiMatrix' chosen for function '==',
 target signature 'nsCMatrix#ldiMatrix'.
 "nsparseMatrix#sparseMatrix", "nMatrix#lMatrix" would also be valid
 norm(m [5 x 5]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
> M <- m0; M[1:3, 3] <- 0 ;M
5 x 5 diagonal matrix of class "ddiMatrix"
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1    .    .    .    .
[2,]    .    1    .    .    .
[3,]    .    .    0    .    .
[4,]    .    .    .    1    .
[5,]    .    .    .    .    1
> T <- m0; T[1:3, 3] <- 10
> stopifnot(identical(M, Diagonal(x=c(1,1, 0, 1,1))),
+           isValid(T, "triangularMatrix"), identical(T[,3], c(10,10,10,0,0)))
> M <- m1; M[1,] <- 0 ; M ; assert.EQ.mat(M, diag(c(0,rep(1,4))), tol=0)
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtTMatrix"
[1,] . . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . 1 . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> M <- m1; M[,3] <- 3 ; stopifnot(is(M,"sparseMatrix"), M[,3] == 3)
M[i,j] <- v :  coercing symmetric M[] into non-symmetric
> Z <- m1; Z[] <- 0
> checkMatrix(M)
 norm(m [5 x 5]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: Note: method with signature 'sparseMatrix#ldiMatrix' chosen for function '&',
 target signature 'nsCMatrix#ldiMatrix'.
 "nsparseMatrix#sparseMatrix", "nMatrix#lMatrix" would also be valid
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
> M <- m1; M[1:3, 3] <- 0 ;M
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtTMatrix"
[1,] 1 . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . . . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> assert.EQ.mat(M, diag(c(1,1, 0, 1,1)), tol=0)
> T <- m1; T[1:3, 3] <- 10; checkMatrix(T)
 norm(m [5 x 5]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
as(<triangular (ge)matrix>, dtTMatrix): valid: TRUE 
> stopifnot(is(T, "triangularMatrix"), identical(T[,3], c(10,10,10,0,0)),
+ 	  Qidentical(as(Z, "matrix"), z))
> M <- m2; M[1,] <- 0 ; M ; assert.EQ.mat(M, diag(c(0,rep(1,4))), tol=0)
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtCMatrix"
[1,] . . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . 1 . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> M <- m2; M[,3] <- 3 ; stopifnot(is(M,"sparseMatrix"), M[,3] == 3)
> checkMatrix(M)
 norm(m [5 x 5]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
> Z <- m2; Z[] <- 0
> M <- m2; M[1:3, 3] <- 0 ;M
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtCMatrix"
[1,] 1 . . . .
[2,] . 1 . . .
[3,] . . . . .
[4,] . . . 1 .
[5,] . . . . 1
> assert.EQ.mat(M, diag(c(1,1, 0, 1,1)), tol=0)
> T <- m2; T[1:3, 3] <- 10; checkMatrix(T)
 norm(m [5 x 5]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
as(<triangular (ge)matrix>, dtCMatrix): valid: TRUE 
> stopifnot(is(T, "dtCMatrix"), identical(T[,3], c(10,10,10,0,0)),
+ 	  Qidentical(as(Z, "matrix"), z))
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.538 0.002 0.54 
> ## "Vector indices" -------------------
> asLogical <- function(x) {
+     stopifnot(is.atomic(x))
+     storage.mode(x) <- "logical"
+     x
+ }
> .iniDiag.example <- expression({
+     D <- Diagonal(6)
+     M <- as(D,"dgeMatrix")
+     m <- as(D,"matrix")
+     s <- as(D,"TsparseMatrix"); N <- as(s,"nMatrix")
+     S <- as(s,"CsparseMatrix"); C <- as(S,"nMatrix")
+ })
> eval(.iniDiag.example)
> i <- c(3,1,6); v <- c(10,15,20)
> ## (logical,value) which both are recycled:
> L <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE,8)) ; z <- c(50,99)
> ## vector subassignment, both with integer & logical
> ## these now work correctly {though not very efficiently; hence warnings}
> m[i] <- v # the role model: only first column is affected
> M[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(M,m) # dge
> D[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(D,m) # ddi -> dtT -> dgT
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> s[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(s,m) # dtT -> dgT
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> S[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(S,m); S # dtC -> dtT -> dgT -> dgC
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] 15 . . . . .
[2,]  . 1 . . . .
[3,] 10 . 1 . . .
[4,]  . . . 1 . .
[5,]  . . . . 1 .
[6,] 20 . . . . 1
> m.L <- asLogical(m)
> C[i] <- v # - with a warning: C is nMatrix, v not T/F
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, value = c(10, 15, 20)) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> assert.EQ.mat(C,m.L); validObject(C)
[1] TRUE
> N[i] <- v # - with a warning
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, value = c(10, 15, 20)) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> assert.EQ.mat(N,m.L); validObject(N)
[1] TRUE
> stopifnot(Q.C.identical(D,s, checkClass=FALSE))
> ## logical *vector* indexing
> eval(.iniDiag.example)
> m[L] <- z; m.L <- asLogical(m)
> M[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(M,m)
> D[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(D,m)
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> s[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(s,m)
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> S[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(S,m) ; S
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] 50  . . 50  . .
[2,]  .  1 .  .  . .
[3,]  .  . 1  .  . .
[4,]  . 99 .  1 99 .
[5,]  .  . .  .  1 .
[6,]  .  . .  .  . 1
> C[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(C,m.L) # with a good warning
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, value = c(50, 99)) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> N[L] <- z; assert.EQ.mat(N,m.L)
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, L, value = c(50, 99)) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> ## indexing [i]  vs  [i,] --- now ok
> eval(.iniDiag.example)
> stopifnot(identical5(m[i], M[i], D[i], s[i], S[i]), identical3(as.logical(m[i]), C[i], N[i]),
+           identical5(m[L], M[L], D[L], s[L], S[L]), identical3(as.logical(m[L]), C[L], N[L]))
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
> ## bordercase ' drop = .' *vector* indexing {failed till 2009-04-..)
> stopifnot(identical5(m[i,drop=FALSE], M[i,drop=FALSE], D[i,drop=FALSE],
+ 		     s[i,drop=FALSE], S[i,drop=FALSE]),
+ 	  identical3(as.logical(m[i,drop=FALSE]),
+ 		     C[i,drop=FALSE], N[i,drop=FALSE]))
> stopifnot(identical5(m[L,drop=FALSE], M[L,drop=FALSE], D[L,drop=FALSE],
+ 		     s[L,drop=FALSE], S[L,drop=FALSE]),
+ 	  identical3(as.logical(m[L,drop=FALSE]),
+ 		     C[L,drop=FALSE], N[L,drop=FALSE]))
> ## using L for row-indexing should give an error
> assertError(m[L,]); assertError(m[L,, drop=FALSE])
> ## these did not signal an error, upto (including) 0.999375-30:
> assertError(s[L,]); assertError(s[L,, drop=FALSE])
> assertError(S[L,]); assertError(S[L,, drop=FALSE])
> assertError(N[L,]); assertError(N[L,, drop=FALSE])
> ## row indexing:
> assert.EQ.mat(D[i,], m[i,])
> assert.EQ.mat(M[i,], m[i,])
> assert.EQ.mat(s[i,], m[i,])
> assert.EQ.mat(S[i,], m[i,])
> assert.EQ.mat(C[i,], asLogical(m[i,]))
> assert.EQ.mat(N[i,], asLogical(m[i,]))
> ## column indexing:
> assert.EQ.mat(D[,i], m[,i])
> assert.EQ.mat(M[,i], m[,i])
> assert.EQ.mat(s[,i], m[,i])
> assert.EQ.mat(S[,i], m[,i])
> assert.EQ.mat(C[,i], asLogical(m[,i]))
> assert.EQ.mat(N[,i], asLogical(m[,i]))
> ### --- negative indices ----------
> ## 1) negative *vector* indexing
> eval(.iniDiag.example)
> i <- -(2:30)
> stopifnot(identical5(m[i], M[i], D[i], s[i], S[i]),
+           identical3(as.logical(m[i]), C[i], N[i]))
> ##  negative vector subassignment :
> v <- seq_along(m[i])
> m[i] <- v; m.L <- asLogical(m)
> M[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(M,m) # dge
> D[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(D,m) # ddi -> dtT -> dgT
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> s[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(s,m) # dtT -> dgT
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> S[i] <- v; assert.EQ.mat(S,m); S # dtC -> dtT -> dgT -> dgC
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] 1 . . . . 2
[2,] . 1 . . . 3
[3,] . . 1 . . 4
[4,] . . . 1 . 5
[5,] . . . . 1 6
[6,] . . . . . 7
> N[i] <- v # with a good warning
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, value = 1:7) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> assert.EQ.mat(N,m.L); N
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "ngTMatrix"
[1,] | . . . . |
[2,] . | . . . |
[3,] . . | . . |
[4,] . . . | . |
[5,] . . . . | |
[6,] . . . . . |
> C[i] <- v #  ..  .  ..  warning
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class ntTMatrix to ngTMatrix
Warning in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, i, value = 1:7) :
  x[.] <- val: x is "ngTMatrix", val not in {TRUE, FALSE} is coerced.
> assert.EQ.mat(C,m.L); C #
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
[1,] | . . . . |
[2,] . | . . . |
[3,] . . | . . |
[4,] . . . | . |
[5,] . . . . | |
[6,] . . . . . |
> options(warn = 2) #---------------------# NO WARNINGS from here -----------------
> 					# =====================
> ## 2) negative [i,j] indices
> mc <- mC[1:5, 1:7]
> mt <- mT[1:5, 1:7]
> ## sub matrix
> assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2, 0:3], mm[1:2, 0:3]) # test 0-index
> stopifnot(identical(mc[-(3:5), 0:2], mC[1:2, 0:2]),
+           identical(mt[-(3:5), 0:2], mT[1:2, 0:2]),
+           identical(mC[2:3, 4],      mm[2:3, 4]))
> assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2,], mm[1:2,])
> ## sub vector
> stopifnot(identical4(mc[-(1:4), ], mC[5, 1:7],
+                      mt[-(1:4), ], mT[5, 1:7]))
> stopifnot(identical4(mc[-(1:4), -(2:4)], mC[5, c(1,5:7)],
+                      mt[-(1:4), -(2:4)], mT[5, c(1,5:7)]))
> ## mixing of negative and positive must give error
> assertError(mT[-1:1,])
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.156 0.002 0.159 
> ## Sub *Assignment* ---- now works (partially):
> mt0 <- mt
> nt <- as(mt, "nMatrix")
> mt[1, 4] <- -99
> mt[2:3, 1:6] <- 0
> mt
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
   c1 c2 c3  c4 c5 c6  c7
r1  .  .  . -99  .  . 241
r2  .  .  .   .  .  .   .
r3  .  .  .   .  .  . 243
r4  .  .  .   .  .  .   .
r5  . 45  .   .  .  .   .
> m2 <- mt+mt
> m2[1,4] <- -200
> m2[c(1,3), c(5:6,2)] <- 1:6
> stopifnot(m2[1,4] == -200,
+           as.vector(m2[c(1,3), c(5:6,2)]) == 1:6)
> mt[,3] <- 30
> mt[2:3,] <- 250
> mt[1:5 %% 2 == 1, 3] <- 0
> mt[3:1, 1:7 > 5] <- 0
> mt
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
    c1  c2  c3  c4  c5 c6 c7
r1   .   .   . -99   .  .  .
r2 250 250 250 250 250  .  .
r3 250 250   . 250 250  .  .
r4   .   .  30   .   .  .  .
r5   .  45   .   .   .  .  .
> tt <- as(mt,"matrix")
> ii <- c(0,2,5)
> jj <- c(2:3,5)
> tt[ii, jj] <- 1:6 # 0 is just "dropped"
> mt[ii, jj] <- 1:6
> assert.EQ.mat(mt, tt)
> mt[1:5, 2:6]
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
    c2 c3  c4  c5 c6
r1   .  . -99   .  .
r2   1  3 250   5  .
r3 250  . 250 250  .
r4   . 30   .   .  .
r5   2  4   .   6  .
> as((mt0 - mt)[1:5,], "dsparseMatrix")# [1,5] and lines 2:3
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
     c1   c2  c3   c4   c5  c6  c7
r1    .    .   .  220    .   . 241
r2 -250   41  -3 -250   -5 202   .
r3 -247 -250   . -250 -250   . 243
r4    .    . -30    .    .   .   .
r5    .   43  -4    .   -6   .   .
> mt[c(2,4), ] <- 0; stopifnot(as(mt[c(2,4), ],"matrix") == 0)
> mt[2:3, 4:7] <- 33
> checkMatrix(mt)
 norm(m [5 x 7]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: ok
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
> mt
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
    c1  c2 c3  c4 c5 c6 c7
r1   .   .  . -99  .  .  .
r2   .   .  .  33 33 33 33
r3 250 250  .  33 33 33 33
r4   .   .  .   .  .  .  .
r5   .   2  4   .  6  .  .
> mc[1,4] <- -99 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] == -99)
> mc[1,4] <-  00 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] ==  00)
> mc[1,4] <- -99 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] == -99)
> mc[1:2,4:3] <- 4:1; stopifnot(as.matrix(mc[1:2,4:3]) == 4:1)
> mc[-1, 3] <- -2:1 # 0 should not be entered; 'value' recycled
> mt[-1, 3] <- -2:1
> stopifnot(mc@x != 0, mt@x != 0,
+ 	  mc[-1,3] == -2:1, mt[-1,3] == -2:1) ## failed earlier
> mc0 <- mc
> mt0 <- as(mc0, "TsparseMatrix")
> m0  <- as(mc0, "matrix")
> set.seed(1); options(Matrix.verbose = FALSE)
> for(i in 1:(if(doExtras) 50 else 4)) {
+     mc <- mc0; mt <- mt0 ; m <- m0
+     ev <- 1:5 %% 2 == round(runif(1))# 0 or 1
+     j <- sample(ncol(mc), 1 + round(runif(1)))
+     nv <- rpois(sum(ev) * length(j), lambda = 1)
+     mc[ev, j] <- nv
+      m[ev, j] <- nv
+     mt[ev, j] <- nv
+     if(i %% 10 == 1) print(mc[ev,j, drop = FALSE])
+     stopifnot(as.vector(mc[ev, j]) == nv, ## failed earlier...
+               as.vector(mt[ev, j]) == nv)
+     validObject(mc) ; assert.EQ.mat(mc, m)
+     validObject(mt) ; assert.EQ.mat(mt, m)
+ }
2 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
r2  2
r4  .
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.153 0.005 0.157 
> options(Matrix.verbose = TRUE)
> mc # no longer has non-structural zeros
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   c1 c2 c3 c4 c5  c6  c7
r1  .  .  2  4  .   . 241
r2  . 42  .  3  . 202   .
r3  3  . -1  .  .   . 243
r4  .  .  1  .  .   .   .
r5  . 45  1  .  .   .   .
> mc[ii, jj] <- 1:6
> mc[c(2,5), c(3,5)] <- 3.2
> checkMatrix(mc)
 norm(m [5 x 7]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
> m. <- mc
> mc[4,] <- 0
> mc
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   c1 c2   c3 c4  c5  c6  c7
r1  .  .  2.0  4 .     . 241
r2  .  1  3.2  3 3.2 202   .
r3  3  . -1.0  . .     . 243
r4  .  .  .    . .     .   .
r5  .  2  3.2  . 3.2   .   .
> S <- as(Diagonal(5),"TsparseMatrix")
> H <- Hilbert(9)
> Hc <- as(round(H, 3), "dsCMatrix")# a sparse matrix with no 0 ...
> (trH <- tril(Hc[1:5, 1:5]))
5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dtCMatrix"
[1,] 1.000 .     .     .     .    
[2,] 0.500 0.333 .     .     .    
[3,] 0.333 0.250 0.200 .     .    
[4,] 0.250 0.200 0.167 0.143 .    
[5,] 0.200 0.167 0.143 0.125 0.111
> stopifnot(is(trH, "triangularMatrix"), trH@uplo == "L",
+           is(S, "triangularMatrix"))
> ## triangular assignment
> ## the slick (but inefficient in case of sparse!) way to assign sub-diagonals:
> ## equivalent to tmp <- `diag<-`(S[,-1], -2:1); S[,-1] <- tmp
> ## which dispatches to (x="TsparseMatrix", i="missing",j="index", value="replValue")
> diag(S[,-1]) <- -2:1 # used to give a wrong warning
M[i,j] <- v :  coercing symmetric M[] into non-symmetric
> S <- as(S,"triangularMatrix")
> assert.EQ.mat(S, local({s <- diag(5); diag(s[,-1]) <- -2:1; s}))
> trH[c(1:2,4), c(2:3,5)] <- 0 # gave an *error* upto Jan.2008
> trH[ lower.tri(trH) ] <- 0   # ditto, because of callNextMethod()
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
'sub-optimal sparse 'x[i] <- v' assignment: Coercing class dtTMatrix to dgTMatrix
> m <- Matrix(0+1:28, nrow = 4)
> m[-3,c(2,4:5,7)] <- m[ 3, 1:4] <- m[1:3, 6] <- 0
> mT <- as(m, "dgTMatrix")
> stopifnot(identical(mT[lower.tri(mT)],
+                     m [lower.tri(m) ]))
<sparse>[ <logic> ] : .M.sub.i.logical() maybe inefficient
> lM <- upper.tri(mT, diag=TRUE)
> mT[lM] <- 0
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
>  m[lM] <- 0
> assert.EQ.mat(mT, as(m,"matrix"))
> mT[lM] <- -1:0
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
>  m[lM] <- -1:0
> assert.EQ.mat(mT, as(m,"matrix"))
> (mT <- drop0(mT))
4 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] -1  .  . -1 -1 -1 -1
[2,]  2 -1 -1  .  .  .  .
[3,]  .  .  . -1 -1 -1 -1
[4,]  4  . 12  .  .  .  .
> i <- c(1:2, 4, 6:7); j <- c(2:4,6)
> H[i,j] <- 0
> (H. <- round(as(H, "sparseMatrix"), 3)[ , 2:7])
9 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
 [1,] .     .     .     0.200 .     0.143
 [2,] .     .     .     0.167 .     0.125
 [3,] 0.250 0.200 0.167 0.143 0.125 0.111
 [4,] .     .     .     0.125 .     0.100
 [5,] 0.167 0.143 0.125 0.111 0.100 0.091
 [6,] .     .     .     0.100 .     0.083
 [7,] .     .     .     0.091 .     0.077
 [8,] 0.111 0.100 0.091 0.083 0.077 0.071
 [9,] 0.100 0.091 0.083 0.077 0.071 0.067
> Hc. <- Hc
> Hc.[i,j] <- 0 ## now "works", but setting "non-structural" 0s
> stopifnot(as.matrix(Hc.[i,j]) == 0)
> Hc.[, 1:6]
9 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
 [1,] 1.000 .     .     .     0.200 .    
 [2,] 0.500 .     .     .     0.167 .    
 [3,] 0.333 0.250 0.200 0.167 0.143 0.125
 [4,] 0.250 .     .     .     0.125 .    
 [5,] 0.200 0.167 0.143 0.125 0.111 0.100
 [6,] 0.167 .     .     .     0.100 .    
 [7,] 0.143 .     .     .     0.091 .    
 [8,] 0.125 0.111 0.100 0.091 0.083 0.077
 [9,] 0.111 0.100 0.091 0.083 0.077 0.071
> ## an example that failed for a long time
> sy3 <- new("dsyMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2, 2)), x = c(14, -1, 2, -7))
> checkMatrix(dm <- kronecker(Diagonal(2), sy3))# now sparse with new kronecker
Note: method with signature 'sparseMatrix#ANY' chosen for function 'kronecker',
 target signature 'dtTMatrix#dsyMatrix'.
 "ANY#Matrix" would also be valid
 norm(m [4 x 4]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: ok
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: ok;  determinant(): ok
> dm <- Matrix(as.matrix(dm))# -> "dsyMatrix"
> (s2 <- as(dm, "sparseMatrix"))
4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dsCMatrix"
[1,] 14  2  .  .
[2,]  2 -7  .  .
[3,]  .  . 14  2
[4,]  .  .  2 -7
> checkMatrix(st <- as(s2, "TsparseMatrix"))
 norm(m [4 x 4]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
ok;  determinant(): ok
> stopifnot(is(s2, "symmetricMatrix"),
+ 	  is(st, "symmetricMatrix"))
> checkMatrix(s.32  <- st[1:3,1:2]) ## 3 x 2 - and *not* dsTMatrix
 norm(m [3 x 2]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: ok
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
> checkMatrix(s2.32 <- s2[1:3,1:2])
 norm(m [3 x 2]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: identical
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
> I <- c(1,4:3)
> stopifnot(is(s2.32, "generalMatrix"),
+           is(s.32,  "generalMatrix"),
+           identical(as.mat(s.32), as.mat(s2.32)),
+           identical3(dm[1:3,-1], asD(s2[1:3,-1]), asD(st[1:3,-1])),
+           identical4(2, dm[4,3], s2[4,3], st[4,3]),
+           identical3(diag(dm), diag(s2), diag(st)),
+           is((cI <- s2[I,I]), "dsCMatrix"),
+           is((tI <- st[I,I]), "dsTMatrix"),
+           identical4(as.mat(dm)[I,I], as.mat(dm[I,I]), as.mat(tI), as.mat(cI))
+           )
> ## now sub-assign  and check for consistency
> ## symmetric subassign should keep symmetry
> st[I,I] <- 0; checkMatrix(st); stopifnot(is(st,"symmetricMatrix"))
 norm(m [4 x 4]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
ok;  determinant(): ok
> s2[I,I] <- 0; checkMatrix(s2); stopifnot(is(s2,"symmetricMatrix"))
 norm(m [4 x 4]) : 1  I  F  M  ok
 Summary:  ok
as(., "nMatrix") giving full nonzero-pattern: ok
2*m =?= m+m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
m >= m for all: ok
m < m for none: ok
symmpart(m) + skewpart(m) == m: suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'
ok;  determinant(): ok
> ##
> m <- as.mat(st)
>  m[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> st[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
M[i,j] <- v :  coercing symmetric M[] into non-symmetric
> s2[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> stopifnot(identical(m, as.mat(st)),
+ 	  1:4 == as.vector(s2[1:2,1:2]),
+ 	  identical(m, as.mat(s2)))
> ## now a slightly different situation for 's2' (had bug)
> s2 <- as(dm, "sparseMatrix")
> s2[I,I] <- 0; diag(s2)[2:3] <- -(1:2)
> stopifnot(is(s2,"symmetricMatrix"), diag(s2) == c(0:-2,0))
> t2 <- as(s2, "TsparseMatrix")
> m <- as.mat(s2)
> s2[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> t2[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
M[i,j] <- v :  coercing symmetric M[] into non-symmetric
>  m[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> assert.EQ.mat(t2, m)
> assert.EQ.mat(s2, m)
> ## and the same (for a different s2 !)
> s2[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> t2[2:1,2:1] <- 4:1
> assert.EQ.mat(t2, m)# ok
> assert.EQ.mat(s2, m)# failed in 0.9975-8
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.552 0.01 0.562 
> ## m[cbind(i,j)] <- value: (2-column matrix subassignment):
> m.[ cbind(3:5, 1:3) ] <- 1:3
> stopifnot(m.[3,1] == 1, m.[4,2] == 2)
> nt. <- nt ; nt[rbind(2:3, 3:4, c(3,3))] <- FALSE
> s. <- m. ; m.[cbind(3,4:6)] <- 0 ## assigning 0 where there *is* 0 ..
> stopifnot(identical(nt.,nt),       ## should not have changed
+ 	  identical(s., m.))
> x.x[ cbind(2:6, 2:6)] <- 12:16
> stopifnot(isValid(x.x, "dsCMatrix"),
+ 	  12:16 == as.mat(x.x)[cbind(2:6, 2:6)])
> (ne1 <- (mc - m.) != 0)
5 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "lgCMatrix"
   c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
r1  .  .  :  :  .  .  :
r2  .  :  :  :  :  :  .
r3  |  .  :  .  .  .  :
r4  .  |  |  .  .  .  .
r5  .  :  |  .  :  .  .
> stopifnot(identical(ne1, 0 != abs(mc - m.)))
> (ge <- m. >= mc) # contains "=" -> result is dense
5 x 7 Matrix of class "lgeMatrix"
      c1   c2    c3   c4   c5   c6   c7
> ne. <- mc != m.  # was wrong (+ warning)
> stopifnot(identical(!(m. < mc), m. >= mc),
+ 	  identical(m. < mc, as(!ge, "sparseMatrix")),
+ 	  identical(ne., drop0(ne1)))
> d6 <- Diagonal(6)
> ii <- c(1:2, 4:5)
> d6[cbind(ii,ii)] <- 7*ii
> stopifnot(is(d6, "ddiMatrix"), identical(d6, Diagonal(x=c(7*1:2,1,7*4:5,1))))
> for(j in 3:6) { ## even and odd j used to behave differently
+     M <- Matrix(0, j,j); m <- matrix(0, j,j)
+     T  <- as(M, "TsparseMatrix")
+     TG <- as(T, "generalMatrix")
+     G <-  as(M, "generalMatrix")
+     id <- cbind(1:j,1:j)
+     i2 <- cbind(1:j,j:1)
+     m[id] <- 1:j
+     M[id] <- 1:j ; stopifnot(is(M,"symmetricMatrix"))
+     T[id] <- 1:j ; stopifnot(is(T,"symmetricMatrix"))
+     G[id] <- 1:j
+     TG[id]<- 1:j
+     m[i2] <- 10
+     M[i2] <- 10 ; stopifnot(is(M,"symmetricMatrix"))
+     T[i2] <- 10 ; stopifnot(is(T,"symmetricMatrix"))
+     G[i2] <- 10
+     TG[i2]<- 10
+     ##
+     assert.EQ.mat(M, m)
+     assert.EQ.mat(T, m)
+     assert.EQ.mat(G, m)
+     assert.EQ.mat(TG,m)
+ }
> ## drop, triangular, ...
> (M3 <- Matrix(upper.tri(matrix(, 3, 3)))) # ltC; indexing used to fail
3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "ltCMatrix"
[1,] . | |
[2,] . . |
[3,] . . .
> T3 <- as(M3, "TsparseMatrix")
> stopifnot(identical(drop(M3), M3),
+ 	  identical4(drop(M3[,2, drop = FALSE]), M3[,2, drop = TRUE],
+ 		     drop(T3[,2, drop = FALSE]), T3[,2, drop = TRUE]),
+ 	  is(T3, "triangularMatrix"),
+ 	  !is(T3[,2, drop=FALSE], "triangularMatrix")
+ 	  )
> (T6 <- as(as(kronecker(Matrix(c(0,0,1,0),2,2), t(T3)), "lMatrix"),
+ 	  "triangularMatrix"))
6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "ltTMatrix"
[1,] . . . . . .
[2,] . . . | . .
[3,] . . . | | .
[4,] . . . . . .
[5,] . . . . . .
[6,] . . . . . .
> T6[1:4, -(1:3)] # failed (trying to coerce back to ltTMatrix)
4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "lgTMatrix"
[1,] . . .
[2,] | . .
[3,] | | .
[4,] . . .
> stopifnot(identical(T6[1:4, -(1:3)][2:3, -3],
+ 		    spMatrix(2,2, i=c(1,2,2), j=c(1,1,2), x=rep(TRUE,3))))
> M <- Diagonal(4); M[1,2] <- 2
> M. <- as(M, "CsparseMatrix")
> (R <- as(M., "RsparseMatrix"))
4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dtRMatrix" (unitriangular)
[1,] 1 2 . .
[2,] . 1 . .
[3,] . . 1 .
[4,] . . . 1
> (Ms <- symmpart(M.))
4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dsCMatrix"
[1,] 1 1 . .
[2,] 1 1 . .
[3,] . . 1 .
[4,] . . . 1
> Rs <- as(Ms, "RsparseMatrix")
> stopifnot(isValid(M, "triangularMatrix"),
+           isValid(M.,"triangularMatrix"),
+           isValid(Ms, "dsCMatrix"),
+           isValid(R,  "dtRMatrix"),
+           isValid(Rs, "dsRMatrix") )
> stopifnot(dim(M[2:3, FALSE]) == c(2,0),
+           dim(R[2:3, FALSE]) == c(2,0),
+           identical(M [2:3,TRUE], M [2:3,]),
+           identical(M.[2:3,TRUE], M.[2:3,]),
+           identical(R [2:3,TRUE], R [2:3,]),
+           dim(R[FALSE, FALSE]) == c(0,0))
> n <- 50000L
> Lrg <- new("dgTMatrix", Dim = c(n,n))
> diag(Lrg) <- 1:n
> dLrg <- as(Lrg, "diagonalMatrix")
> stopifnot(identical(Diagonal(x = 1:n), dLrg))
> diag(dLrg) <- 1 + diag(dLrg)
> Clrg <- as(Lrg,"CsparseMatrix")
> Ctrg <- as(Clrg, "triangularMatrix")
> diag(Ctrg) <- 1 + diag(Ctrg)
> stopifnot(identical(Diagonal(x = 1+ 1:n), dLrg),
+           identical(Ctrg, as(dLrg,"CsparseMatrix")))
> cc <- capture.output(show(dLrg))# show(<diag>) used to error for large n
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.302 0.015 0.318 
> ## Large Matrix indexing / subassignment
> ## ------------------------------------- (from ex. by Imran Rashid)
> n <- 7000000
> m <-  100000
> nnz <- 20000
> set.seed(12)
> f <- sparseMatrix(i = sample(n, size=nnz, replace=TRUE),
+                   j = sample(m, size=nnz, replace=TRUE))
> str(f)
Formal class 'ngCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 5 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:20000] 6692226 4657233 4490801 3688935 344371 6380246 2797160 3584813 6553304 2327896 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:99993] 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 6999863 99992
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : NULL
  ..@ factors : list()
> dim(f) # 6999863 x 99992
[1] 6999863   99992
> prod(dim(f)) # 699930301096 == 699'930'301'096  (~ 700'000 millions)
[1] 699930301096
> str(thisCol <-  f[,5000])# logi [~ 7 mio....]
> sv <- as(thisCol, "sparseVector")
> str(sv) ## "empty" !
Formal class 'lsparseVector' [package "Matrix"] with 3 slots
  ..@ x     : logi(0) 
  ..@ length: int 6999863
  ..@ i     : int(0) 
> validObject(spCol <- f[,5000, drop=FALSE])
[1] TRUE
> ##
> ## *not* identical(): as(spCol, "sparseVector")@length is "double"prec:
> stopifnot(all.equal(as(spCol, "sparseVector"),
+                     as(sv,   "nsparseVector"), tolerance=0))
> if(doExtras) {#-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ f[,5762] <- thisCol # now "fine" <<<<<<<<<< FIXME uses LARGE objects -- slow --
+ ## is using  replCmat() in ../R/Csparse.R, then
+ ##           replTmat() in ../R/Tsparse.R
+ fx <- sparseMatrix(i = sample(n, size=nnz, replace=TRUE),
+                    j = sample(m, size=nnz, replace=TRUE),
+                    x = round(10*rnorm(nnz)))
+ class(fx)## dgCMatrix
+ fx[,6000] <- (tC <- rep(thisCol, length=nrow(fx)))# slow (as above)
+ thCol <- fx[,2000]
+ fx[,5762] <- thCol# slow
+ stopifnot(is(f, "ngCMatrix"), is(fx, "dgCMatrix"),
+ 	  identical(thisCol, f[,5762]),# perfect
+ 	  identical(as.logical(fx[,6000]), tC),
+ 	  identical(thCol,  fx[,5762]))
+ showProc.time()
+ ##
+ cat("checkMatrix() of all: \n---------\n")
+ Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")# to keep ls() reproducible
+ for(nm in ls()) if(is(.m <- get(nm), "Matrix")) {
+     cat(nm, "\n")
+     checkMatrix(.m, verbose = FALSE
+ 		, doDet = nm != "As" ## <- "As" almost singular <=> det() "ill posed"
+ 		)
+ }
+ showProc.time()
+ }#--------------end if(doExtras) -----------------------------------------------
> ## Bugs found by Peter Ralph
> n <- 17
> x <- Matrix(0, n,n)
> ## x must have at least three nonzero entries
> x[1,1] <- x[2,1:2] <- 1.
> x0 <- x <- as(x,"dgTMatrix")  # if x is dgCMatrix, no error
> ##
> z <- matrix(x) # <== not the "Matrix way":  a (n, 1) matrix
> z[1] <- 0
> x[1:n, 1:n] <- as(z, "sparseVector")
> ## gave Error: ... invalid subscript type 'S4'
> x2 <- x
> dim(zC <- as(z, "dgCMatrix"))
[1] 289   1
> x <- x0
> x[] <- zC # did fail, then gave warning.
Note: method with signature 'sparseMatrix#missing#missing#ANY' chosen for function '[<-',
 target signature 'dgTMatrix#missing#missing#dgCMatrix'.
 "sparseMatrix#missing#ANY#sparseMatrix", "sparseMatrix#ANY#missing#sparseMatrix" would also be valid
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> x1 <- x
> ##
> x <- x0
> x[] <- as(zC, "sparseVector") # did fail, too
diagnosing replTmat(x,i,j,v): nargs()= 3; missing (i,j) = (0,1)
> x2 <- x
> stopifnot(identical(x1,x2))
> x <- as(x0, "matrix")
> x[] <- z
> assert.EQ.mat(x1, x)
> i <- 4:7
> x1 <- x0; x1[cbind(i, i+10)] <- i^2
> x2 <- x0; x2[cbind(i, i+10)] <- as.matrix(i^2)
> ## failed: nargs() = 4 ... please report
> stopifnot(isValid(x1, "dgTMatrix"), identical(x1, x2))
> showProc.time()
Time elapsed:  0.575 0.076 0.651 
> if(!interactive()) warnings()
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  4.377   0.329   4.786 
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