Raw File
Tip revision: 373fd6f8a8ac368501e3ecb1782ca64ca749eda8 authored by Berend Hasselman on 22 April 2009, 16:02:21 UTC
version 1.4
Tip revision: 373fd6f

      subroutine nwddlg(n,rjac,ldr,dn,g,xc,fcnorm,stepmx,xtol,
     *                  mxtake,dlt,qtf,scalex,fvec,d,xprev,
     *                  ssd,v,wa,fprev,xp,fp,fpnorm,retcd,gcnt,
     *                  priter,iter)

      integer ldr, n, retcd, gcnt, priter, iter
      double precision  fcnorm, stepmx, xtol, fpnorm, dlt
      double precision  rjac(ldr,*), dn(*), g(*), xc(*), qtf(*)
      double precision  scalex(*), d(*)
      double precision  xprev(*), xp(*), fp(*)
      double precision  ssd(*), v(*), wa(*), fprev(*)
      logical mxtake
      external fvec

c     Find a next iterate xp by the double dogleg method
c     Arguments
c     In       n       Integer         size of problem: dimension x, f
c     In       Rjac    Real(ldr,*)     R of QR-factored jacobian
c     In       ldr     Integer         leading dimension of Rjac
c     Inout    dn      Real(*)         newton direction
c     Inout    g       Real(*)         gradient at current point
c                                      trans(jac)*f()
c     In       xc      Real(*)         current iterate
c     In       fcnorm  Real            .5*||f(xc)||**2
c     In       stepmx  Real            maximum stepsize
c     In       xtol    Real            x-tolerance (stepsize)
c     Out      mxtake  Logical         true if maximum step taken
c     Inout    dlt     Real            on input: initial trust region radius
c                                                if -1 then set to something
c                                                reasonable
c                                      on output: final value
c                                      ! Do not modify between calls while
c                                        still iterating
c     In       qtf     Real(*)         trans(Q)*f(xc)
c     In       scalex  Real(*)         scaling factors for x()
c     In       fvec    Name            name of subroutine to evaluate f(x)
c                                      ! must be declared external in caller
c     Wk       d       Real(*)         work vector
c     Wk       xprev   Real(*)         work vector
c     Wk       ssd     Real(*)         work vector
c     Wk       v       Real(*)         work vector
c     Wk       wa      Real(*)         work vector
c     Wk       fprev   Real(*)         work vector
c     Out      xp      Real(*)         new x()
c     Out      fp      Real(*)         new f(xp)
c     Out      fpnorm  Real            new .5*||f(xp)||**2
c     Out      retcd   Integer         return code
c                                       0  new satisfactory x() found
c                                       1  no  satisfactory x() found
c     Out      gcnt    Integer         number of steps taken
c     In       priter  Integer         print flag
c                                       -1 no intermediate printing
c                                       >0 yes for print of intermediate results
c     In       iter    Integer         current iteration (only used for above)
c     All vectors at least size n

      integer i
      double precision  dnlen,ssdlen,alpha,beta,lambda,vlen,vssdag,fpred
      double precision  eta,gamma,fpnsav,oarg(7)
      double precision  dnrm2, ddot
      logical nwtake
      integer dtype

      integer idamax

      double precision Rone, Rtwo, Rten, Rhalf, Rp2, Rp8  
      parameter(Rone=1.0d0, Rtwo=2.0d0, Rten=10.0d0)
      parameter(Rp2 = Rtwo/Rten, Rp8 = Rone - Rp2)

c     length scaled newton direction

      do i=1,n
         wa(i) = dn(i) * scalex(i)

      dnlen = dnrm2(n, wa, 1)

c     steepest descent direction and length

      do i=1,n
         wa(i) = g(i) / scalex(i)
      alpha = dnrm2(n,wa,1)**2

      do i=1,n
         d(i) = wa(i) / scalex(i)
      call dtrmv('U','N','N',n,rjac,ldr,d,1)
      beta = dnrm2(n,d,1)**2

      call dcopy(n, wa, 1, ssd, 1)
      call dscal(n, -(alpha/beta), ssd, 1)

      ssdlen = alpha*sqrt(alpha)/beta

c     set trust radius to ssdlen or dnlen if required

      if( dlt .eq. -Rone ) then
         dlt = min(ssdlen, stepmx)
      elseif( dlt .eq. -Rtwo ) then
         dlt = min(dnlen, stepmx)

c     calculate double dogleg parameter

      gamma = alpha*alpha/(-beta*ddot(n,g,1,dn,1))
      eta = Rp2 + Rp8*gamma

      do 10 i=1,n
          v(i) = eta*scalex(i)*dn(i) - ssd(i)
  10  continue

      vssdag = ddot(n,v,1,ssd,1)
      vlen   = dnrm2(n,v,1)**2

      retcd = 4
      gcnt  = 0

  20  continue

c       find new step by double dogleg algorithm

        call dogstp(n,scalex,dn,dnlen,dlt,nwtake,vssdag,vlen,
     *              ssd,v,ssdlen,eta,d,dtype,lambda)

c       compute the model prediction 0.5*||F + J*d||**2 (L2-norm)

        call dcopy(n,d,1,wa,1)
        call dtrmv('U','N','N',n,rjac,ldr,wa,1)
        call daxpy(n, Rone, qtf,1,wa,1)
        fpred = Rhalf * dnrm2(n,wa,1)**2

c       evaluate function at xp = xc + d

        do 30 i = 1,n
           xp(i) = xc(i) + d(i)
  30    continue

        call nwfvec(xp,n,fvec,fp,fpnorm)
        gcnt = gcnt + 1

c       check whether the global step is acceptable

        oarg(2) = dlt
        call nwtrup(n,fcnorm,g,d,scalex,nwtake,stepmx,xtol,dlt,mxtake,
     *              fpred,retcd,xprev,fpnsav,fprev,xp,fp,fpnorm,wa)

        if( priter .gt. 0 ) then
            oarg(1) = lambda
            oarg(3) = dlt
            oarg(4) = gamma
            oarg(5) = eta
            oarg(6) = fpnorm
            oarg(7) = abs(fp(idamax(n,fp,1)))
            call nwdgot(iter,dtype,oarg)

      if(retcd .gt. 1) goto 20



      subroutine dogstp(n,scalex,dn,dnlen,dlt,nwtake,vssdag,vlen,
     *                  ssd,v,ssdlen,eta,d,dtype,lambda)
      integer n
      double precision  scalex(*), dn(*), ssd(*), v(*), d(*)
      double precision  dnlen, dlt, vssdag, vlen, ssdlen, eta, lambda
      logical nwtake
      integer dtype

c     Find a new step by the double dogleg algorithm
c     Internal routine for nwddlg
c     Arguments
c     In       n       Integer         size of problem
c     In       scalex  Real(*)         scalig factors x()
c     In       dn      Real(*)         current newton step
c     Out      dnlen   Real            length dn()
c     In       dlt     Real            current trust region radius
c     Inout    nwtake  Logical         true if newton step taken
c     In       vssdag  Real            (internal)
c     In       vlen    Real            (internal)
c     In       ssd     Real(*)         (internal) steepest descent direction
c     In       v       Real(*)         (internal) eta * dn() - ssd()
c     In       ssdlen  Real            (internal) length ssd
c     In       eta     Real            (internal) double dogleg parameter
c     Out      d       Real(*)         new step for x()
c     Out      dtype   Integer         steptype
c                                       1 steepest descent
c                                       2 full newton direction
c                                       3 partial newton step
c                                       4 combination of dn and ssd
c     Out      lambda  Real            weight of eta*dn() in d()
c                                      closer to 1 ==> more of eta*dn()

      nwtake = .false.

      if(dnlen .le. dlt) then

c         Newton step smaller than trust radius ==> take it

          nwtake = .true.
          call dcopy(n, dn, 1, d, 1)
          dlt = dnlen
          dtype = 2

      elseif(eta*dnlen .le. dlt) then

c         take partial step in newton direction

          call dcopy(n, dn, 1, d, 1)
          call dscal(n, dlt / dnlen, d, 1)
          dtype = 3

      elseif(ssdlen .ge. dlt) then

c         take step in steepest descent direction

          call dcopy(n, ssd, 1, d, 1)
          call dscal(n, dlt / ssdlen, d, 1)
          call vunsc(n,d,scalex)
          dtype = 1


c         calculate convex combination of ssd and eta*p
c         which has scaled length dlt

          lambda =(-vssdag+sqrt(vssdag**2-vlen*(ssdlen**2-dlt**2)))/vlen
          call dcopy(n, ssd, 1, d, 1)
          call daxpy(n, lambda, v, 1, d, 1)
          call vunsc(n,d,scalex)
          dtype = 4


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