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Tip revision: a1fcad47c64445334bd0c3d2fecb8c4e40aa0b44 authored by Martin Maechler on 08 December 2021, 20:10:02 UTC
version 1.4-0
Tip revision: a1fcad4
####--------- Test interfaces to other non-standard Packages ---------------


source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix"))# identical3() etc

MatrixRversion <- pkgRversion("Matrix")

###-- 1)  'graph' (from Bioconductor) ---------------------------
###-- ==  =======                     ---------------------------
## do not run the test "usually" for now [Solaris problem after detach() ..]:
if((Sys.getenv("USER")=="maechler" || nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_MATRIX_CHECK_EXTRA"))) &&
   isTRUE(try(require(graph)))) { # may be there and fail (with R-devel)

    if(packageDescription("graph")$Version <= "1.10.2") {
        ## graph 1.10.x for x <= 2 had too many problems  as(<graph>, "matrix")
        cat("Version of 'graph' is too old --- no tests done here!\n")

    } else if(pkgRversion("graph") != MatrixRversion) {

        cat(sprintf("The R version (%s) of 'graph' installation differs from the Matrix one (%s)\n",
                    pkgRversion("graph"), MatrixRversion))

    } else { ## do things

        if(find("which")[[1]] != "package:Matrix") ## horribly, BiocGenerics::which() masks
            ## *and* kills the correct working of Matrix::which(.) ___ why on earth ?!??!?!! ___
            which <- Matrix::which

    if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("other-pkg-graph.pdf")

    ## 0) Simplest non-trivial graph: has no weights:
    g0 <- graphNEL(paste(1:2), edgeL=list("1"="2"), "directed")
    m0 <- as(g0, "Matrix")
    stopifnot(is(m0,"ngCMatrix"), dim(m0) == c(2,2), Matrix::which(m0) == 3)
    g. <- as(m0, "graph") ## failed in Matrix <= 1.1-0
    m. <- as(g., "Matrix")
    stopifnot( identical(m., m0) ) ## but (g0, g.) differ: the latter has '1' weights

    ## 1) undirected

    V <- LETTERS[1:4]
    edL <- vector("list", length=4)
    names(edL) <- V
    ## 1a) unweighted
    for(i in 1:4)
        edL[[i]] <- list(edges = 5-i)
    gR <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL)
    sm.g <- as(gR, "sparseMatrix")
    str(sm.g) ## dgC: TODO: want 'ds.' (symmetric)
    show( sm.g )## (incl colnames !)

    ## 1b) weighted
    for(i in 1:4)
        edL[[i]] <- list(edges = 5-i, weights=runif(1))
    gRw <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL)
    str(edgeWeights(gRw)) <- as(gRw, "sparseMatrix")
    str( ## *numeric* dgCMatrix
    show( )## U[0,1] numbers in anti-diagonal

    ## 2) directed
    gU <- gR; edgemode(gU) <- "directed"
    sgU <- as(gU, "sparseMatrix")
    str(sgU) ## 'dgC'
    show( sgU )

    ## Reverse :  sparseMatrix -> graph
    sm.g[1,2] <- 1
    gmg  <-  as(sm.g, "graph")
    validObject(gmg2 <-  as(sm.g, "graphNEL"))
    gmgw <-  as(, "graph")
    validObject(gmgw2 <- as(, "graphNEL"))
    gmgU <-  as(sgU, "graph")
    validObject(gmgU2 <- as(sgU, "graphNEL"))
    stopifnot(identical(gmg, gmg2),
              identical(gmgw, gmgw2),
              identical(gmgU, gmgU2))

    cc <- crossprod(CAex)
    ## work around bug in 'graph': diagonal must be empty:
    diag(cc) <- 0; cc <- drop0(cc)
    gg <- as(cc, "graph")

    .r <- require# cheat checks - do *not* want it in DESCRIPTION:
    if(.r("Rgraphviz")) {
	plot(gg, "circo")
	detach("package:Rgraphviz", unload = TRUE)
                        rbind(from = c(rep(1:24, each=2), 25:48),
                              to   = c(rbind(25:48,49:72), 49:72))))

    detach("package:graph", unload = TRUE)
    } # {else}

} ## end{graph}

###-- 2)  'SparseM' ---------------------------------------------
###-- ==  ========  ---------------------------------------------

if(isTRUE(try(require(SparseM)))) { # may be there and fail

    if(pkgRversion("SparseM") != MatrixRversion) {

        cat(sprintf("The R version (%s) of 'SparseM' installation differs from the Matrix one (%s)\n",
                    pkgRversion("SparseM"), MatrixRversion))

    } else { ## do things

	a <- round(rnorm(5*4), 2)
	a[abs(a) < 0.7] <- 0
	A <- matrix(a,5,4)
	print(M <- Matrix(A))
            validObject(A.csr <- as.matrix.csr(A)),
            validObject(At.csr <- as.matrix.csr(t(A))),
            validObject( <-,
            identical(At.csr, t(A.csr)),
            identical(A, as.matrix(A.csr)),
            identical(A.csr, as(M, "matrix.csr")),
            identical(, as(M, "")),
            identical3(M, as(A.csr, "CsparseMatrix"), as(A.csr, "dgCMatrix")),
            identical(t(M), as(At.csr, "CsparseMatrix"))

	## More tests, notably for triplets
	A.coo <- as.matrix.coo(A)
	str(T  <- as(M, "TsparseMatrix")) # has 'j' sorted
	str(T. <- as(A.coo, "TsparseMatrix")) # has 'i' sorted

	T3 <- as(as(T, "matrix.coo"), "Matrix") # dgT
	M3 <- as(A.csr,               "Matrix") # dgC
	M4 <- as(,               "Matrix") # dgC
	M5 <- as(as(M, "matrix.coo"), "Matrix") # dgT
	uniqT <- uniqTsparse
	stopifnot(identical4(uniqT(T), uniqT(T.), uniqT(T3), uniqT(M5)),
		  identical3(M, M3, M4))

	if(FALSE) # detaching the package gives error ".GenericTable" not found


}## end{SparseM}
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