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Tip revision: 6c59be08a9eaa84f2923153255821df7509a857e authored by Kamil Bartoń on 02 October 2017, 11:39:13 UTC
version 1.40.0
Tip revision: 6c59be0

\title{Akaike weights}
Calculate, extract or set normalized model likelihoods (\sQuote{Akaike weights}).

Weights(x) <- value

	\item{x}{a numeric vector of information criterion values such as AIC, or
	objects returned by functions like \code{AIC}. There are also methods for
	extracting \sQuote{Akaike weights} from \code{"model.selection"} or 
	\code{"averaging"} objects. }
	\item{value}{numeric, the new weights for the \code{"averaging"} object or
	\code{NULL} to reset the weights based on the original IC used.}


	The replacement function can assign new weights to an \code{"averaging"}
	object, affecting coefficient values and order of component models.

	For the extractor, a numeric vector of normalized likelihoods.

	On assigning new weights, the model order changes accordingly, so assigning
	the same weights again will cause incorrect re-calculation of averaged
	coefficients. To avoid that, either re-set model weights by assigning \code{NULL},
	or use ordered weights.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

\code{\link{importance}}, \code{\link{weighted.mean}}

\code{\link{bootWeights}}, \code{\link{BGWeights}}, \code{\link{cos2Weights}},
\code{\link{jackknifeWeights}} and \code{\link{stackingWeights}} can be used to
produce model weights.

\code{\link{weights}}, which extracts fitting weights from model objects.


fm1 <- glm(Prop ~ dose, data = Beetle, family = binomial)
fm2 <- update(fm1, . ~ . + I(dose^2))
fm3 <- update(fm1, . ~ log(dose))
fm4 <- update(fm3, . ~ . + I(log(dose)^2))

round(Weights(AICc(fm1, fm2, fm3, fm4)), 3)

am <- model.avg(fm1, fm2, fm3, fm4, rank = AICc)


# Assign equal weights to all models:
Weights(am) <- rep(1, 4) # assigned weights are rescaled to sum to 1

# Assign dummy weights:
wts <- c(2,1,4,3)
Weights(am) <- wts
# Component models are now sorted according to the new weights.
# The same weights assigned again produce incorrect results!
Weights(am) <- wts
coef(am) # wrong!
Weights(am) <- NULL # reset to original model weights
Weights(am) <- wts 
coef(am) # correct


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