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Tip revision: 6c59be08a9eaa84f2923153255821df7509a857e authored by Kamil Bartoń on 02 October 2017, 11:39:13 UTC
version 1.40.0
Tip revision: 6c59be0

\title{Automated model selection using parallel computation}
Parallelized version of \code{dredge}.

pdredge(global.model, cluster = NA, 
    beta = c("none", "sd", ""), evaluate = TRUE, rank = "AICc", 
    fixed = NULL, m.lim = NULL, m.min, m.max, subset, trace = FALSE, 
    varying, extra, ct.args = NULL, check = FALSE, ...)


    \item{global.model, beta, evaluate, rank}{
        see \code{\link{dredge}}. }
    \item{fixed, m.lim, m.max, m.min, subset, varying, extra, ct.args, ...}{
        see \code{\link{dredge}}. }
    \item{trace}{ displays the generated calls, but may not work as expected
        since the models are evaluated in batches rather than one by one. }
    \item{cluster}{ either a valid \code{"cluster"} object, or \code{NA} for a
        single threaded execution. }
	\item{check}{ either integer or logical value controlling how much checking
		for existence and correctness of dependencies is done on the cluster
		nodes. See \sQuote{Details}. }

All the dependencies for fitting the \code{global.model}, including the data
	and any objects the modelling function will use must be exported
	into the cluster worker nodes (e.g. \emph{via} \code{clusterExport}). 
	The required packages must be also loaded thereinto (e.g. \emph{via}
	\code{clusterEvalQ(..., library(package))}, before the cluster is used by

If \code{check} is \code{TRUE} or positive, \code{pdredge} tries to check whether
	all the variables and functions used in the call to \code{global.model} are
	present in the cluster nodes' \code{.GlobalEnv} before proceeding further.
	This causes false errors if some arguments of the model call (other than
	\code{subset}) would be evaluated in \code{data} environment. In that case
	using \code{check = FALSE} (the default) is desirable.
	If \code{check} is \code{TRUE} or greater than one, \code{pdredge} will
	compare the \code{global.model} updated at the cluster nodes with the one
	given as argument.


 See \code{\link{dredge}}.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

    \code{makeCluster} and other cluster related functions in packages
    \pkg{parallel} or \pkg{snow}.


# Normally this should be simply "require(parallel) || require(snow)",
# but here we resort to an (ugly) trick to avoid MuMIn's dependency on one of
# these packages and still pass R-check:
if(MuMIn:::.parallelPkgCheck(quiet = TRUE)) \{

# One of these packages is required:
\dontrun{require(parallel) || require(snow)}

# From example(Beetle)

Beetle100 <- Beetle[sample(nrow(Beetle), 100, replace = TRUE),]

fm1 <- glm(Prop ~ dose + I(dose^2) + log(dose) + I(log(dose)^2),
    data = Beetle100, family = binomial, na.action =

msubset <- expression(xor(dose, `log(dose)`) & (dose | !`I(dose^2)`)
    & (`log(dose)` | !`I(log(dose)^2)`)) <- list(family = alist(logit = binomial("logit"),
    probit = binomial("probit"), cloglog = binomial("cloglog") ))

# Set up the cluster
clusterType <- if(length(find.package("snow", quiet = TRUE))) "SOCK" else "PSOCK"
clust <- try(makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 2), type = clusterType))
\dontshow{if(inherits(clust, "cluster")) \{ }
clusterExport(clust, "Beetle100")

# noticeable gain only when data has about 3000 rows (Windows 2-core machine)
print(system.time(dredge(fm1, subset = msubset, varying =
print(system.time(pdredge(fm1, cluster = FALSE, subset = msubset,
    varying =
print(system.time(pdd <- pdredge(fm1, cluster = clust, subset = msubset,
    varying =


# Time consuming example with 'unmarked' model, based on example(pcount).
# Having enough patience you can run this with 'demo(pdredge.pcount)'.
mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs =,
    obsCovs = mallard.obs)
(ufm.mallard <- pcount(~ ivel + date + I(date^2) ~ length + elev + forest,
    mallardUMF, K = 30))
clusterEvalQ(clust, library(unmarked))
clusterExport(clust, "mallardUMF")

# 'stats4' is needed for AIC to work with unmarkedFit objects but is not
# loaded automatically with 'unmarked'.
invisible(clusterCall(clust, "library", "stats4", character.only = TRUE))

#system.time(print(pdd1 <- pdredge(ufm.mallard,
#   subset = `p(date)` | !`p(I(date^2))`, rank = AIC)))

system.time(print(pdd2 <- pdredge(ufm.mallard, clust,
    subset = `p(date)` | !`p(I(date^2))`, rank = AIC, extra = "adjR^2")))

# best models and null model
subset(pdd2, delta < 2 | df == min(df))

# Compare with the model selection table from unmarked
# the statistics should be identical:
models <- get.models(pdd2, delta < 2 | df == min(df), cluster = clust)

modSel(fitList(fits = structure(models, names = model.names(models,
    labels = getAllTerms(ufm.mallard)))), nullmod = "(Null)")

\} else # if(! inherits(clust, "cluster"))
message("Could not set up the cluster")


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