Raw File
Tip revision: b4fae7a102a8a67407ddf3b3ef825ed34735704b authored by Kamil BartoĊ„ on 18 December 2019, 19:20:02 UTC
version 1.43.14
Tip revision: b4fae7a
fixLogLik <-
function(ll, object) {
	if(is.null(attr(ll, "nall")) && is.null(attr(ll, "nobs")))
		attr(ll, "nobs") <- nobs(object)

`.getLik` <-
function(x) {
    if(isGEE(x)) {
		list(logLik = quasiLik, name = "qLik")
	} else {
		list(logLik = logLik, name = "logLik")

`.getRank` <-
function(rank = NULL, rank.args = NULL, object = NULL, ...) {
	rank.args <- c(rank.args, list(...))

	if(is.null(rank)) {
		x <- NULL # just not to annoy R check
		IC <- as.function(c(alist(x =,"AICc", list(x)))))
		attr(IC, "call") <- call("AICc","x"))
		class(IC) <- c("function", "rankFunction")
	} else if(inherits(rank, "rankFunction") && length(rank.args) == 0L) {

	srank <- substitute(rank, parent.frame())
	if(srank == "rank") srank <- substitute(rank)

	rank <-
	ICName <- switch(mode(srank), call ="IC"), character =, name=, srank)
	ICarg <- c(list("x")), rank.args)
	ICCall <-, ICarg))
	IC <- as.function(c(alist(x =), list(substitute("rank", ICarg),
		list(ICarg = ICarg)))))

	if(!is.null(object)) {
		test <- IC(object)
		if (!is.numeric(test) || length(test) != 1L)
			stop("'rank' should return numeric vector of length 1")

	attr(IC, "call") <- ICCall
	class(IC) <- c("function", "rankFunction")

# sorts alphabetically interaction components in model term names
# if 'peel', tries to remove coefficients wrapped into function-like syntax
# (this is meant mainly for 'unmarkedFit' models with names such as "psi(a:b:c)")
# FIXME: this function is ugly
`fixCoefNames` <-
function(x, peel = TRUE) {
	if(!length(x)) return(x)
	ox <- x
	ia <- grep(":", x, fixed = TRUE)
	if(!length(ia)) return(structure(x, order =, length(x))))
	x <- ret <- x[ia]
	if(peel) {
		# case of pscl::hurdle, cf are prefixed with count_|zero_
		if(all(substr(x, 1L, pos <- regexpr("_", x, fixed = TRUE)) %in%
			c("count_", "zero_"))) {
				ret <- substr(ret, pos + 1L, 256L)
				k <- TRUE
				suffix <- ""
		} else { # unmarkedFit with its phi(...), lambda(...) etc...
			k <- grepl("^\\w+\\(.+\\)$", x, perl = TRUE)
			fname <- substring(x[k], 1L, attr(regexpr("^\\w+(?=\\()", x[k],
				perl = TRUE),"match.length"))

			# do not peel off if a function
			k[k] <- !vapply(fname, exists, FALSE, mode = "function", envir = .GlobalEnv)
			if(any(k)) {
				pos <- vapply(x[k], function(z) {
					parens <- lapply(lapply(c("(", ")"),
						function(s) gregexpr(s, z, fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]),
							function(y) y[y > 0L])
					parseq <- unlist(parens, use.names = FALSE)
					p <- cumsum(rep(c(1L, -1L), sapply(parens, length))[order(parseq)])
					if(any(p[-length(p)] == 0L)) -1L else parseq[1L]
				}, 1L, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
				k[k] <- pos != -1L
				pos <- pos[pos != -1]
				if(any(k)) ret[k] <- substring(x[k], pos + 1L, nchar(x[k]) - 1L)
			suffix <- ")"
	} else	k <- FALSE

	## prepare = replace multiple ':' to avoid splitting by '::' and ':::'
	spl <- expr.split(ret, ":", prepare = function(x) gsub("((?<=:):|:(?=:))", "_", x, perl = TRUE))
	ret <- vapply(lapply(spl, base::sort), paste0, "", collapse = ":")
	if(peel && any(k))
		ret[k] <- paste0(substring(x[k], 1L, pos), ret[k], suffix)
	ox[ia] <- ret
	ord <-, length(ox))
	ord[ia] <- sapply(spl, length)
	structure(ox, order = ord)

## like 'strsplit', but ignores split characters within quotes and matched
## parentheses
expr.split <-
function(x, split = ":", = c("(", "[", "{"), paren.close = c(")", "]", "}"),
	quotes = c("\"", "'", "`"), esc = "\\",
	prepare = NULL) {

	## error checking:
	#if(length( != length(paren.close))
	#	stop("'' and 'paren.close' are not of the same length")
	#if(any(test <- vapply(c('', 'paren.close', 'quotes', 'esc', 'split'), function(x, frame) {
	#	any(nchar(get(x, frame, inherits = FALSE)) != 1L)
	#}, FALSE, frame = sys.frame()))) {
	#	stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(test), "argument %s is not single character",
	#		"arguments %s are not single character") , prettyEnumStr(names(test)[test])),
	#		 domain = "R-MuMIn")

	x0 <- x
	if(is.function(prepare)) x <- prepare(x)
	m <- length(x)
	n <- nchar(x)
	res <- vector("list", m)
	for(k in 1L:m) {
		pos <- integer(0L)
		inquote <- ch <- ""
		inparen <- integer(3L)
		for(i in[k])) {
			chprv <- ch
			ch <- substr(x[k], i, i)
			if(inquote != "") { # in quotes
				if(chprv == esc && ch == esc) ch <- " " else
					if(chprv != esc && ch == inquote)	inquote <- ""
			} else {
				inparen[j] <- inparen[j <- (inparen != 0L) & (ch == paren.close)] - 1L
				if(ch %in% quotes)
					inquote <- ch else if (any(j <- (ch ==
					inparen[j] <- inparen[j] + 1L else if (all(inparen == 0L) && ch == split)
					pos <- c(pos, i)
		res[[k]] <- substring(x0[k], c(1L, pos + 1L), c(pos - 1L, n[k]))

getResponseFormula <-
function(f) {
	f <- if(!is.null(tf <- attr(f, "terms"))) {
	} else formula(f)
	if((length(f) == 2L) || ([[2L]]) && f[[2L]][[1L]] == "~"))
		0 else f[[2L]]

#Tries to find out whether the models are fitted to the same data
checkIsModelDataIdentical <-
function(models, error = TRUE) {

	cl <-
	err <-  if (error) 	function(x) stop(simpleError(x, cl))
		else function(x) warning(simpleWarning(x, cl))
	res <- TRUE

	responses <- lapply(models, function(x) getResponseFormula(formula(x)))

 	if(!all(vapply(responses[-1L], "==", FALSE, responses[[1L]]))) {
		err("response differs between models")
		res <- FALSE

	#datas <- lapply(models, function(x) get_call(x)$data)
	# XXX: need to compare deparse'd 'datas' due to ..1 bug(?) in which dotted
	#  arguments (..1 etc) passed by lapply are not "identical"
	datas <- vapply(lapply(models, function(x) get_call(x)$data), asChar, "")

	# XXX: when using only 'nobs' - seems to be evaluated first outside of MuMIn
	# namespace which e.g. gives an error in glmmML - the glmmML::nobs method
	# is faulty.
	nresid <- vapply(models, function(x) nobs(x), 1) # , nall=TRUE

	if(!all(sapply(datas[-1L], identical, datas[[1L]])) ||
		!all(nresid == nresid[[1L]])) { # better than 'nresid[-1L] == nresid[[1L]]'
		# XXX: na.action checking here
		err("models are not all fitted to the same data")
		res <- FALSE

.checkNaAction <-
function(x, cl = get_call(x),
		 naomi = c("na.omit", "na.exclude"), what = "model") {
	naact <- NA_character_
	msg <- NA_character_

	# handles strings, symbols and calls (let's naively assume no one tries to pass
	# anything else here)
	.getNAActionString <- function(x) {
		if(is.symbol(x)) {
			x <- as.character(x)
		} else if( {
			x <- eval.parent(x, 2L)
			if(is.symbol(x)) x <- as.character(x)
	# TEST:
	#.checkNaAction(list(call =, na.action = getOption("na.action", default =
	#.checkNaAction(list(call =, na.action =
	#.checkNaAction(list(call =, na.action = na.omit))))

	if (!is.null(cl$na.action)) {
		naact <- .getNAActionString(cl$na.action)
		if (naact %in% naomi)
			msg <- sprintf("%s uses 'na.action' = \"%s\"", what, naact)
	} else {
		naact <- formals(eval(cl[[1L]]))$na.action
		if (missing(naact)) {
			naact <- getOption("na.action")
			if(is.function(naact)) {
				statsNs <- getNamespace("stats")
				for(i in naomi) if(identical(get(i, envir = statsNs), naact,
					ignore.environment = TRUE)) {
					naact <- i

			naact <- .getNAActionString(naact)
			if (is.character(naact) && (naact %in% naomi))
				msg <- sprintf("%s's 'na.action' argument is not set and options('na.action') is \"%s\"",
					what, naact)
		} else if (!is.null(naact)) {
			naact <- .getNAActionString(naact)
			if (naact %in% naomi)
				msg <- sprintf("%s uses the default 'na.action' = \"%s\"", what, naact)
	res <-
	attr(res, "na.action") <- naact
	attr(res, "message") <- msg

`abbreviateTerms` <-
function(x, minlength = 4, minwordlen = 1,
	capwords = FALSE, deflate = FALSE) {
	if(!length(x)) return(x)
	if(deflate) dx <-
		#gsub("([\\(,]) *\\w+ *= *(~ *(1 *[\\+\\|]?)?)? *", "\\1", x, perl = TRUE)
		gsub("([,\\(\\[]|^)( *~ *)(1 *([\\|\\+] *)?)?", "\\1",
			gsub("([\\(,]) *\\w+ *= *", "\\1", x, perl = TRUE), perl = TRUE)
		else dx <- x

	s <- strsplit(dx, "(?=[\\W_])", perl = TRUE)
	# remove I(...):
	s <- lapply(s, function(z) {
		z <- if((n <- length(z)) > 3L && all(z[c(1L, 2L, n)] == c("I", "(", ")")))
			z[3L:(n - 1L)] else z
		z[z != " "]
	v <- unique(unlist(s, use.names = FALSE))
	i <- grep("[[:alpha:]]", v, perl = FALSE)
	av <- v
	if(length(i)) {
		tb <- rbindDataFrameList(lapply(s, function(x)
		tb[] <- 0L

		if(length(v) > length(i)) minlength <-
			minlength - max(c(0L, apply(tb[, v[-i], drop = FALSE], 1L,
			"*", nchar(colnames(tb[, v[-i], drop = FALSE])))))
		n <- min(minlength / rowSums(tb[, v[i], drop = FALSE]))
		if(deflate) {
			repl1 <- c("TRUE" = "T", "FALSE" = "F", "NULL" = "")
			for(j in seq_along(repl1)) av[av == names(repl1)[j]] <- repl1[j]
		av[i] <- abbreviate(av[i], max(n, minwordlen))
		if(capwords) av[i] <- paste0(toupper(substring(av[i], 1L, 1L)),
				tolower(substring(av[i], 2L)))
	for(j in seq_along(s)) s[[j]] <- paste(av[match(s[[j]], v)], collapse = "")
	names(av) <- v
	structure(unlist(s), names = x, variables = av[i])

`modelDescr` <-
function(models, withModel = FALSE, withFamily = TRUE,
	withArguments = TRUE, remove.cols = c("formula", "random", "fixed", "model",
	"data", "family", "cluster", "model.parameters")) {

	if(withModel) {
		allTermsList <- lapply(models, function(x) {
			tt <- getAllTerms(x)
			rtt <- attr(tt, "random.terms")
			c(tt, if(!is.null(rtt)) paste0("(", rtt, ")") else NULL)
		allTerms <- unique(unlist(allTermsList))
		abvtt <- abbreviateTerms(allTerms)
		variables <- attr(abvtt, "variables")
		abvtt <- gsub("\\(1 \\| (\\S+)(?: %in%.*)?\\)", "(\\1)", abvtt, perl = TRUE)
		abvtt <- sapply(allTermsList, function(x) paste(abvtt[match(x, allTerms)],
			collapse = "+"))
	} else abvtt <- variables <- NULL

	if(withFamily) {
		fam <- sapply(models, function(x) tryCatch(unlist(family(x)[c("family",
			"link")]), error = function(e) character(2L)))

		f <- fam[1L, ]
		f[] <- ""
		#f <- vapply(strsplit(f, "(", fixed = TRUE), "[", "", 1L)
		#f[f == "Negative Binomial"] <- "negative.binomial"
		#fam <- cbind(fam, unlist(MASS::negative.binomial(1.345)[c("family", "link")]))
	    f <- sub("(?:\\((.*)\\))?$", "(\\1", f)
		f <- paste0(f, ifelse(substring(f, nchar(f)) == "(", "", ","), fam[2, ], ")")
		fam <- f		
		#fam[2L, fam[2L, ] ==
				#function(x) {
					#rval <- if( NA_character_ else formals(get(x))$link[1L]
					#if(!is.character(rval)) NA_character_ else rval
					#}, FUN.VALUE = "")[f]] <- NA_character_
		#j <- ![2L,])
		#fnm <- fam[1L, j]
		#fnm <- ifelse(substring(fnm, nchar(fnm)) != ")",
		#paste0(fnm, "("), paste0(substring(fnm, 1, nchar(fnm) - 1),
				#", "))
		#fam[1L, j] <- paste0(fnm, fam[2L, j], ")")

	if(withArguments) {
		cl <- lapply(models, get_call)
		haveNoCall <-  vapply(cl, is.null, FALSE)
		cl[haveNoCall] <- lapply(cl[haveNoCall], function(x) call("none", formula = NA))
 		arg <- lapply(cl, function(x) sapply(x[-1L], function(argval)
			switch(mode(argval), character = , logical = argval,
			numeric = signif(argval, 3L), asChar(argval))))
		arg <- rbindDataFrameList(lapply(lapply(arg, t),
		arg <- cbind(class = as.factor(sapply(lapply(models, class), "[", 1L)),
			arg[, !(colnames(arg) %in% remove.cols), drop = FALSE])
		reml <-	rep(NA, length(models))
		if(!is.null(arg$method)) {
			reml <- ((arg$class == "lme" &$method)) | arg$method == "REML")
			arg$method  <- NULL
		if(!is.null(arg$REML)) reml <- ifelse($REML), reml, arg$REML == "TRUE")
		arg$REML <- as.factor(reml)

		arg <- as.matrix(arg)
		arg[ | arg == "NULL"] <- ""
		arg <- arg[, apply(arg, 2L, function(x) length(unique(x))) != 1L, drop = FALSE]
		if(ncol(arg)) arg <- gsub("([\"'\\s]+|\\w+ *=)","", arg, perl = TRUE)
	ret <- = abvtt, family = if(withFamily) fam else NULL,
		arg, deparse.level = 0L))
	attr(ret, "variables") <- variables

family2char <-
function(x, fam = x$family, link = x$link) {
	if(nchar(fam) > 17L && (substr(fam, 1L, 17) == "Negative Binomial")) {
		theta <- as.numeric(strsplit(fam, "[\\(\\)]")[[1L]][2L])
		paste0("negative.binomial", "(", theta, ",", link, ")")
	} else {
		paste0(fam, "(", link, ")")

`commonCallStr` <-
function(models, calls = lapply(models, get_call)) {
	x <- lapply(calls, as.list)
	alln <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, names)))
	uniq <- vector("list", length(alln))
	names(uniq) <- alln
	uniq[[1L]] <- lapply(x, "[[", 1L)
	for(i in alln[-1]) uniq[[i]] <- lapply(x, "[[", i)
	uniq <- rapply(uniq, classes = "formula", function(x) {
		environment(x)  <- .GlobalEnv
	}, how = "replace")
	uniq <- lapply(uniq, unique)
	nu <- sapply(uniq, length)
	strvarious <- "<*>"
	rval <- lapply(uniq, '[[', 1L)
	j <- sapply(rval, inherits, "formula") & nu > 1L
	for(i in which(j)) {
		response <- getResponseFormula(rval[[i]])
		rval[[i]] <- if(identical(response, 0))
			call("~","__%d-rhsform__", nu[i]))) else
			call("~", getResponseFormula(rval[[i]]),"__%d-rhsform__", nu[i])))
	notj <- !j & nu > 1
	rval[notj] <- paste0("<", nu[notj], " unique values>")
	if(nu[1L] > 1) rval[[1L]] <- paste(sapply(uniq[[1L]], asChar), collapse = "|")
	rval <- paste(deparse(rval[[1L]], control = NULL),
		"(", paste(names(rval[-1L]), "=", rval[-1L], collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
	rval <- gsub("`__(\\d+)-rhsform__`", "<\\1 unique rhs>", rval, perl = TRUE)

updateDeps <-
function(expr, deps) {
	ret <- list()
	env <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
	expr <- exprapply0(expr, "dc", function(z) {
		v <- vapply(as.list(z[-1L]), asChar, "")
		n <- length(v)
		k <- match(v, colnames(deps))
		for(i in 2L:n) deps[k[1L:(i - 1L)], k[i]] <- TRUE
		assign("deps", deps, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
	list(deps = deps, expr = expr)

# tests if smooth terms for variables in gam/gamm models have the same 'k'
testSmoothKConsistency <-
function(models) {

	# method 2: guess from coefficient names:
	if(inherits(models, "model.selection")) {

		x <- lapply(attr(models, "coefTables"), rownames)
		# XXX: add label 'te(x1,x2)'

		res <- unlist(unname(lapply(x, function(x) {
			s <- grep("^(s|t[ei2])\\(.+\\)\\.\\d+$", x, perl = TRUE)
			if(length(s) != 0L) {
				m <- regexpr("^(?:s|t[ei2])\\((.+)\\)\\.\\d+$",  x[s], perl = TRUE)
				cst <- attr(m, "capture.start")[, 1L]
				y <- substring(x[s], cst, cst + attr(m, "capture.length")[, 1L] - 1L)
				tapply(y, y, length)
			} else NULL
		})), recursive = FALSE)
		names(res) <- sapply(lapply(expr.split(names(res), ","), sort),
			paste0, collapse = ",")
	} else {
		# use information stored in gam objects:
		.getSmoothK <-
		function(x) {
			if(inherits(x, "gamm") || (is.list(x) &&
				(length(x) >= 2L) && identical(names(x)[2L], "gam"))) {
				x <- x[[2L]]
			} else if(!inherits(x, "gam")) return(NULL)
			n <- length(x$smooth)
			rval <- vector("list", n)
			nmv <- character(n)
			for(i in seq_len(n)) {
				y <- x$smooth[[i]]
				if(is.null(y$margin)) {
					nmv[i] <- y$term
					rval[[i]] <- y$bs.dim
				} else {
					nm1 <- vapply(y$margin, `[[`, "", "term")
					o <- order(nm1)
					nmv[i] <- paste0(nm1[o], collapse = ",")
					rval[[i]] <- sapply(y$margin, `[[`, "bs.dim")[o]
				nmv[i] <- paste0(sub("\\(.*", "", y$label), "(", nmv[i], ")")
			names(rval) <- nmv
		res <- unlist(unname(lapply(models, .getSmoothK)), recursive = FALSE)

	if(!is.null(res)) {
		res <- vapply(split(res, names(res)), function(x) {
			k1 <- x[[1L]]
			for(i in 1L:length(x)) if(!identical(x[[i]], k1)) return(TRUE)
		}, FALSE)

			warning("smooth term dimensions differ between models for variables ",
				prettyEnumStr(names(res)[res], quote = "'"),
				". Related coefficients are incomparable."
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