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Tip revision: b4fae7a102a8a67407ddf3b3ef825ed34735704b authored by Kamil Bartoń on 18 December 2019, 19:20:02 UTC
version 1.43.14
Tip revision: b4fae7a

\title{Retrieve models from selection table}

    Generate or extract a list of fitted model objects from a 
	\code{"model.selection"} table, optionally using parallel computation in a 

get.models(object, subset, cluster = NA, ...)

  \item{object}{ object returned by \code{\link{dredge}}. }
  \item{subset}{subset of models, an expression evaluated within the model
	selection table (see \sQuote{Details}).}
	\item{cluster}{ optionally, a \code{"cluster"} object. If it is a valid 
		cluster, models are evaluated using parallel computation. }
	\item{\dots}{additional arguments to update the models. For example, in
    \code{lme} one may want to use \code{method = "REML"} while using \code{"ML"}
    for model selection.}

    \code{\link{list}} of fitted model objects.

The argument \code{subset} must be explicitely provided. This is to assure that 
a potentially long list of models is not fitted unintentionally. To evaluate all
 models, set \code{subset} to \code{NA} or \code{TRUE}. 

If \code{subset} is a character vector, it is interpreted as names of rows to be



Alternatively, \code{getCall} and \code{eval} can be used to compute a model out of the 
\code{"model.selection"} table (e.g. \code{eval(getCall(<model.selection>, i))}, where 
\code{i} is the model index or name). 

Using \code{get.models} following \code{dredge} is not efficient as the requested models 
have to be fitted again. If the number of generated models is reasonable, consider using \cr
\code{lapply(dredge(..., evaluate = FALSE), eval)}, which generates a list of all model 
calls and evaluates them into a list of model objects. This avoids fitting the 
models twice.

\code{pget.models} is still available, but is deprecated.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

\code{\link{dredge}} and \code{\link{pdredge}}, \code{\link{model.avg}}

\code{\link{makeCluster}} in packages \pkg{parallel} and \pkg{snow}


# Mixed models:

\dontshow{ if(require(nlme)) \{ }
fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont,
    random = ~ 1 | Subject, method = "ML")
ms2 <- dredge(fm2)

# Get top-most models, but fitted by REML:
(confset.d4 <- get.models(ms2, subset = delta < 4, method = "REML"))

# Get the top model:
get.models(ms2, subset = 1)[[1]]

\dontshow{  \} }

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