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Tip revision: c2253fa6c82ae95ce6bda1f37924f30a55e96f13 authored by Dylan Beaudette on 26 February 2013, 22:10:34 UTC
version 1.5
Tip revision: c2253fa

\title{Simulate Soil Profiles}
	Simulate a collection of soil profiles based on the horizonation of a single soil profile.
	sim(x, n=1, iterations=25,, min.thick=2)

	\item{x}{a SoilProfileCollection object containing a single profile from which to draw simulated data}
	 \item{n}{the number of requested simulations}
	 \item{iterations}{sampling iterations used to determine each horizon thickness}
	 \item{}{standard deviation used to simulate horizon thickness, can be a vector but must divide evenly into the number of horizons found in \code{x}}
	 \item{min.thick}{minumum horizon thickness allowed in simulation results}

	A SoilProfileCollection object with \code{n} simulated profiles, each containing the same number of horizons and same data as \code{x}.
This function generates a collection of simulated soil profiles based on the horizon thickness data associated with a single "template" profile. Simulation is based on sampling from a family of gaussian distribution with means defined by the "template" profile and standard deviation defined by the user.

\author{D. E. Beaudette}
# load sample data and convert into SoilProfileCollection
depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom

# select a profile to use as the basis for simulation
s <- sp3[3, ]

# reset horizon names
s$name <- paste('H', seq_along(s$name), sep='')

# simulate 25 new profiles, using 's' and function defaults
sim.1 <- sim(s, n=25)

# simulate 25 new profiles using 's' and variable SD for each horizon
sim.2 <- sim(s, n=25,, 2, 5, 5, 5, 10, 2))

# plot
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
mtext('SD = 2', side=2, line=-1.5, font=2, cex=0.75)
mtext('SD = c(1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 10, 2)', side=2, line=-1.5, font=2, cex=0.75)

# aggregate horizonation of simulated data
# note: set class_prob_mode=2 as profiles were not defined to a constant depth
sim.2$name <- factor(sim.2$name)
a <- slab(sim.2, ~ name, class_prob_mode=2)

# convert to long format for plotting simplicity
a.long <- melt(a, id.vars=c('top','bottom'), measure.vars=levels(sim.2$name))

# plot horizon probabilities derived from simulated data
# dashed lines are the original horizon boundaries
xyplot(top ~ value, groups=variable, data=a.long, subset=value > 0,
ylim=c(100, -5), type=c('l','g'), asp=1.5,
ylab='Depth (cm)', xlab='Probability', 
auto.key=list(columns=4, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE),
panel=function(...) {
panel.abline(h=s$top, lty=2, lwd=2)

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