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Tip revision: 8f0083c101114457cf9f9a00dc7cd8420b4c89a2 authored by Martin Maechler on 11 January 2024, 17:50:15 UTC
version 1.6-5
Tip revision: 8f0083c
\title{Extract bands of a matrix}
  Return the matrix obtained by setting to zero elements below a diagonal
  (\code{triu}), above a diagonal (\code{tril}), or outside of a general
  band (\code{band}).
band(x, k1, k2, \dots)
triu(x, k = 0L, \dots)
tril(x, k = 0L, \dots)
  \item{x}{a matrix-like object}
  \item{k,k1,k2}{integers specifying the diagonals that are not set to
    zero, \code{k1 <= k2}.  These are interpreted relative to the main
    diagonal, which is \code{k = 0}.
    Positive and negative values of \code{k} indicate
    diagonals above and below the main diagonal, respectively.}
  \item{\dots}{optional arguments passed to methods, currently unused
    by package \pkg{Matrix}.}
  \code{triu(x, k)} is equivalent to \code{band(x, k, dim(x)[2])}.
  \code{tril(x, k)} is equivalent to \code{band(x, -dim(x)[1], k)}.
  An object of a suitable matrix class, inheriting from
  \code{\linkS4class{triangularMatrix}} where appropriate.
  It inherits from \code{\linkS4class{sparseMatrix}} if
  and only if \code{x} does.
    \item{x = "CsparseMatrix"}{method for compressed, sparse,
      column-oriented matrices.}
    \item{x = "RsparseMatrix"}{method for compressed, sparse,
      row-oriented matrices.}
    \item{x = "TsparseMatrix"}{method for sparse matrices in
      triplet format.}
    \item{x = "diagonalMatrix"}{method for diagonal matrices.}
    \item{x = "denseMatrix"}{method for dense matrices in
      packed or unpacked format.}
    \item{x = "matrix"}{method for traditional matrices
      of implicit class \code{\link{matrix}}.}
  \code{\link{bandSparse}} for the \emph{construction} of a
  banded sparse matrix directly from its non-zero diagonals.
\dontshow{ % for R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL
library(stats, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
## A random sparse matrix :
m <- matrix(0, 5, 5)
m[sample(length(m), size = 14)] <- rep(1:9, length=14)
(mm <- as(m, "CsparseMatrix"))

tril(mm)        # lower triangle
tril(mm, -1)    # strict lower triangle
triu(mm,  1)    # strict upper triangle
band(mm, -1, 2) # general band
(m5 <- Matrix(rnorm(25), ncol = 5))
tril(m5)        # lower triangle
tril(m5, -1)    # strict lower triangle
triu(m5, 1)     # strict upper triangle
band(m5, -1, 2) # general band
(m65 <- Matrix(rnorm(30), ncol = 5))  # not square
triu(m65)       # result not "dtrMatrix" unless square
(sm5 <- crossprod(m65)) # symmetric
   band(sm5, -1, 1)# "dsyMatrix": symmetric band preserves symmetry property
as(band(sm5, -1, 1), "sparseMatrix")# often preferable
(sm <- round(crossprod(triu(mm/2)))) # sparse symmetric ("dsC*")
band(sm, -1,1) # remains "dsC", *however*
band(sm, -2,1) # -> "dgC"
%% Problem is the underlying  cholmod_band()  which really does symmetric
%% banding *only* *if* the matrix is cholmod-symmetric i.e. 'stype != 0'
\dontshow{ ## this uses special methods
(x.x <- crossprod(mm))
xx <- tril(x.x) + triu(x.x, 1) ## the same as x.x (but stored differently):
txx <- t(as(xx, "symmetricMatrix"))
stopifnot(identical(triu(x.x), t(tril(x.x))),
	  identical(class(x.x), class(txx)),
	  identical(as(x.x, "generalMatrix"), as(txx, "generalMatrix")))
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