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Tip revision: 8f0083c101114457cf9f9a00dc7cd8420b4c89a2 authored by Martin Maechler on 11 January 2024, 17:50:15 UTC
version 1.6-5
Tip revision: 8f0083c
\title{Sparse "pattern" Matrices}
% nsparse
% ngC
% ngR
% ngT
% ntC
% ntR
% ntT
% nsC
% nsR
% nsT
\description{The \code{nsparseMatrix} class is a virtual class of sparse
  \emph{\dQuote{pattern}} matrices, i.e., binary matrices conceptually
  with \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE} entries.  Only the positions of the
  elements that are \code{TRUE} are stored.

  These can be stored in the \dQuote{triplet} form
  (\code{\linkS4class{TsparseMatrix}}, subclasses \code{ngTMatrix},
  \code{nsTMatrix}, and \code{ntTMatrix} which really contain pairs, not
  triplets) or in compressed column-oriented form (class
  \code{\linkS4class{CsparseMatrix}}, subclasses \code{ngCMatrix},
  \code{nsCMatrix}, and \code{ntCMatrix}) or--\emph{rarely}--in
  compressed row-oriented form (class \code{\linkS4class{RsparseMatrix}},
  subclasses \code{ngRMatrix}, \code{nsRMatrix}, and \code{ntRMatrix}).
  The second letter in the name of these non-virtual classes indicates
  \code{g}eneral, \code{s}ymmetric, or \code{t}riangular.

\section{Objects from the Class}{
  Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("ngCMatrix",
    ...)} and so on.  More frequently objects are created by coercion of
  a numeric sparse matrix to the pattern form for use in
  the symbolic analysis phase
  of an algorithm involving sparse matrices.  Such algorithms often
  involve two phases: a symbolic phase wherein the positions of the
  non-zeros in the result are determined and a numeric phase wherein the
  actual results are calculated.  During the symbolic phase only the
  positions of the non-zero elements in any operands are of interest,
  hence numeric sparse matrices can be treated as sparse pattern
    \item{\code{uplo}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. Must be
      either "U", for upper triangular, and "L", for lower
      triangular. Present in the triangular and symmetric classes but not
      in the general class.}
    \item{\code{diag}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. Must be
      either \code{"U"}, for unit triangular (diagonal is all ones), or
      \code{"N"} for non-unit.  The implicit diagonal elements are not
      explicitly stored when \code{diag} is \code{"U"}.  Present in the
      triangular classes only.}
    \item{\code{p}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of pointers, one
      for each column (row), to the initial (zero-based) index of elements in
      the column.  Present in compressed column-oriented and compressed
      row-oriented forms only.}
    \item{\code{i}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length nnzero
      (number of non-zero elements).  These are the row numbers for
      each TRUE element in the matrix.  All other elements are FALSE.
      Present in triplet and compressed column-oriented forms only.}
    \item{\code{j}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length nnzero
      (number of non-zero elements).  These are the column numbers for
      each TRUE element in the matrix.  All other elements are FALSE.
      Present in triplet and compressed row-oriented forms only.}
    \item{\code{Dim}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} - the dimensions
      of the matrix.}
    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "dgCMatrix", to =
	"ngCMatrix")}, and many similar ones; typically you should
      coerce to \code{"nsparseMatrix"} (or \code{"nMatrix"}).  Note that
      coercion to a sparse pattern matrix records all the potential
      non-zero entries, i.e., explicit (\dQuote{non-structural}) zeroes
      are coerced to \code{TRUE}, not \code{FALSE}, see the example.
    \item{t}{\code{signature(x = "ngCMatrix")}: returns the transpose
      of \code{x}}

    \item{which}{\code{signature(x = "lsparseMatrix")}, semantically
      equivalent to \pkg{base} function \code{\link{which}(x, arr.ind)};
      for details, see the \code{\linkS4class{lMatrix}} class documentation.}
  the class \code{\linkS4class{dgCMatrix}}
\dontshow{ % for R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL
library(utils, pos = "package:base", verbose = FALSE)
(m <- Matrix(c(0,0,2:0), 3,5, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3],NULL)))
## ``extract the nonzero-pattern of (m) into an nMatrix'':
nm <- as(m, "nsparseMatrix") ## -> will be a "ngCMatrix"
str(nm) # no 'x' slot
nnm <- !nm # no longer sparse
## consistency check:
stopifnot(xor(as( nm, "matrix"),
              as(nnm, "matrix")))

## low-level way of adding "non-structural zeros" :
nnm <- as(nnm, "lsparseMatrix") # "lgCMatrix"
nnm@x[2:4] <- c(FALSE, NA, NA)
as(nnm, "nMatrix") # NAs *and* non-structural 0  |--->  'TRUE'

data(KNex, package = "Matrix")
nmm <- as(KNex $ mm, "nMatrix")
str(xlx <- crossprod(nmm))# "nsCMatrix"
image(xlx, main=paste("crossprod(nmm) : Sparse", class(xlx)))
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