Raw File
Tip revision: f8469f452d8a1be30d399d978de9550b4632bb51 authored by Kamil BartoĊ„ on 31 January 2012, 16:44:51 UTC
version 1.7.2
Tip revision: f8469f4
# test for marginality constraints
`formulaAllowed` <-
function(frm, except = NULL) {
	if(isTRUE(except)) return(TRUE)
	factors <- attr(terms(frm), "factors")
	if(length(factors) == 0L) return(TRUE)
	ex <- rownames(factors)[apply(factors, 1L, function(x) any(x > 1L))]
		factors <- factors[!(rownames(factors) %in% except), ]
	ret <- all(factors < 2L)
	attr(ret, "marg.ex") <- ex

# Hidden functions
`.getLogLik` <- function()
	if ("stats4" %in% loadedNamespaces())
        stats4:::logLik else

`.getCall` <- function(x) {
	if(isS4(x)) {
		if ("call" %in% slotNames(x)) slot(x, "call") else
	} else {
		if(!is.null(x$call)) {
		} else if(!is.null(attr(x, "call"))) {
			attr(x, "call")
		} else

`.isREMLFit` <- function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "mer")) return (x@dims[["REML"]] != 0)
	if (inherits(x, c("lme", "gls", "gam")) && !is.null(x$method))
		return(x$method %in% c("lme.REML", "REML"))
	if (any(inherits(x, c("lmer", "glmer"))))
		return(x@status["REML"] != 0)

`.getRank` <- function(rank = NULL, rank.args = NULL, object = NULL, ...) {
	rank.args <- c(rank.args, list(...))

	if(is.null(rank)) {
		IC <- as.function(c(alist(x=,"AICc", list(x)))))
		x <- NULL # just not to annoy R check
		as.function(c(alist(x=,"AICc", list(x)))))
		attr(IC, "call") <- call("AICc","x"))
		class(IC) <- c("function", "ICWithCall")
	} else if(inherits(rank, "ICWithCall") && length(rank.args) == 0L) {

	srank <- substitute(rank, parent.frame())
	if(srank == "rank") srank <- substitute(rank)

	rank <-
	ICName <- switch(mode(srank),"IC"),, name=, srank)
	ICarg <- c(list("x")), rank.args)
	ICCall <-, ICarg))
	IC <- as.function(c(alist(x=), list(substitute("rank", ICarg), list(ICarg=ICarg)))))

	if(!is.null(object)) {
		test <- IC(object)
		if (!is.numeric(test) || length(test) != 1L)
			stop("'rank' should return numeric vector of length 1")

	attr(IC, "call") <- ICCall
	class(IC) <- c("function", "ICWithCall")

`matchCoef` <- function(m1, m2,
	all.terms = getAllTerms(m2, intercept = TRUE),
	beta = FALSE,
	terms1 = getAllTerms(m1, intercept = TRUE),
	coef1 = if (beta) beta.weights(m1)[, 3L] else coeffs(m1),
	allCoef = FALSE
	) {
	if(any((terms1 %in% all.terms) == FALSE)) stop("'m1' is not nested within 'm2")
	row <- structure(rep(NA, length(all.terms)), names = all.terms)

	fxdCoefNames <- fixCoefNames(names(coef1))
	row[terms1] <- NaN
	pos <- match(terms1, fxdCoefNames, nomatch = 0L)
	row[fxdCoefNames[pos]] <- coef1[pos]
	if(allCoef) {
		ct <- coefTable(m1)
		rownames(ct)[match(names(coef1), rownames(ct))] <- fxdCoefNames
		#rownames(ct) <- fxdCoefNames
		attr(row, "coefTable") <- ct

# sorts alphabetically interaction components in model term names
# if 'peel', tries to remove coefficients wrapped into function-like syntax
# (this is meant mainly for 'unmarkedFit' models with names such as "psi(a:b:c)")
# TODO: this function is ugly, do something with it.
`fixCoefNames` <- function(x, sort = FALSE, peel = TRUE) {
	if(!length(x)) return(x)
	ox <- x
	ia <- grep(":", x, fixed = TRUE)
	if(!length(ia)) return(structure(x, order =, length(x))))
	x <- ret <- x[ia]
	if(peel) {
		# case of pscl::hurdle, cf are prefixed with count_|zero_
		if(all(substr(x, 1L, pos <- regexpr("_", x, fixed = TRUE)) %in%
			c("count_", "zero_"))) {
				ret <- substr(ret, pos + 1L, 256L)
				k <- TRUE
				suffix <- ""
		} else { # unmarkedFit with its phi(...), lambda(...) etc...
			k <- grepl("^\\w+\\(.+\\)$", x, perl = TRUE)
			fname <- substring(x[k], 1L, attr(regexpr("^\\w+(?=\\()", x[k],
				perl = TRUE),"match.length"))
			# exclude common transformations
			k[k] <- !(fname %in% c("log", "I", "exp", "s", "te"))
			if(any(k)) {
				pos <- vapply(x[k], function(z) {
					parens <- lapply(lapply(c("(", ")"),
						function(s) gregexpr(s, z, fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]),
							function(y) y[y > 0L])
					parseq <- unlist(parens, use.names = FALSE)
					p <- cumsum(rep(c(1L, -1L), sapply(parens, length))[order(parseq)])
					if(any(p[-length(p)] == 0L)) -1 else parseq[1L]
				}, numeric(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
				k[k] <- pos != -1
				pos <- pos[pos != -1]
				if(any(k)) ret[k] <- substring(x[k], pos + 1L, nchar(x[k]) - 1L)
			suffix <- ")"
	} else	k <- FALSE
	ret <- vapply(lapply(spl <- strsplit(ret, ":"), base::sort), paste, "",
		collapse = ":")
	if(peel && any(k))
		ret[k] <- paste(substring(x[k], 1L, pos), ret[k], suffix, sep = "")
	ox[ia] <- ret
	ord <-, length(ox))
	ord[ia] <- sapply(spl, length)
	structure(ox, order = ord)

#Tries to find out whether the models are fitted to the same data
.checkModels <- function(models, error = TRUE) {
	cl <-
	err <-  if (error) 	function(x) stop(simpleError(x, cl))
		else function(x) warning(simpleWarning(x, cl))
	res <- TRUE

	responses <- lapply(models, function(x) {
	  f <- formula(x)
	  if((length(f) == 2L) || ([[2L]]) && f[[2L]][[1L]] == "~")) 0 else f[[2L]]

 	if(!all(vapply(responses[-1L], "==", logical(1), responses[[1L]]))) {
		err("response differs between models")
		res <- FALSE

	datas <- lapply(models, function(x) .getCall(x)$data)
	# when using only 'nobs' - seems to be evaluated first outside of MuMIn namespace
	# which e.g. gives an error in glmmML - the glmmML::nobs method is faulty.
	nresid <- vapply(models, function(x) nobs(x), numeric(1L)) # , nall=TRUE

	if(!all(datas[-1L] == datas[[1]]) || !all(nresid[-1L] == nresid[[1L]])) {
		err("models are not all fitted to the same data")
		res <- FALSE

#system.time(for(i in 1:1000) abbreviateTerms(x))

`abbreviateTerms` <- function(x, n = 1L, capwords = FALSE, deflate = FALSE) {
	if(deflate) dx <-
		gsub("([\\(,]) *\\w+ *= *(~ *(1 *[\\+\\|]?)?)? *", "\\1", x, perl = TRUE)
		else dx <- x
	s <- strsplit(dx, "(?=[\\W_])", perl = TRUE)
	# remove I(...):
	s <- lapply(s, function(z) {
		z <- if((n <- length(z)) > 3L && all(z[c(1L, 2L, n)] == c("I", "(", ")")))
			z[3L:(n - 1L)] else z
		z[z != " "]
	v <- unique(unlist(s))
	i <- grep("[[:alpha:]]", v, perl = FALSE)
	av <- v
	if(deflate) {
		repl1 <- c("TRUE" = "T", "FALSE" = "F", "NULL" = "")
		for(j in seq_along(repl1)) av[av == names(repl1)[j]] <- repl1[j]
	av[i] <- abbreviate(av[i], n)
	if(capwords) av[i] <- paste(toupper(substring(av[i], 1L, 1L)),
			tolower(substring(av[i], 2L)), sep = "")
	for(j in seq_along(s)) s[[j]] <- paste(av[match(s[[j]], v)], collapse = "")
	names(av) <- v
	structure(unlist(s), names = x, variables = av[i])

`model.names` <- function(object, ..., labels = NULL) {
	if (missing(object) && length(models <- list(...)) > 0L) {
		object <- models[[1L]]
	} else if (inherits(object, "list")) {
		if(length(object) ==  0L) stop("at least one model must be given")
		models <- object
		object <- models[[1L]]
	} else models <- list(object, ...)
	if(length(models) == 0L) stop("at least one model must be given")
	.modelNames(models = models, uqTerms = labels)

`.modelNames` <- function(models = NULL, allTerms, uqTerms, ...) {
	if(missing(allTerms)) 	allTerms <- lapply(models, getAllTerms)
	if(missing(uqTerms) || is.null(uqTerms))
		uqTerms <- unique(unlist(allTerms, use.names = FALSE))

	ret <- sapply(allTerms, function(x) paste(sort(match(x, uqTerms)),
		collapse = ""))

	dup <- table(ret)
	dup <- dup[dup > 1L]

	if(length(dup) > 0L) {
		idup <- which(ret %in% names(dup))
		ret[idup] <- sapply(idup, function(i) paste(ret[i],
			letters[sum(ret[] == ret[i])], sep=""))
	ret[ret == ""] <- "(Null)"
	attr(ret, "variables") <- structure(seq_along(uqTerms), names = uqTerms)

`modelDescr` <- function(models, withModel = FALSE, withFamily = TRUE,
	withArguments = TRUE, remove.cols = c("formula", "random", "fixed", "model",
	"data", "family", "cluster")) {

	if(withModel) {
		allTermsList <- lapply(models, function(x) {
			tt <- getAllTerms(x)
			rtt <- attr(tt, "random.terms")
			c(tt, if(!is.null(rtt)) paste("(", rtt, ")", sep = "") else NULL)
		allTerms <- unique(unlist(allTermsList))
		abvtt <- abbreviateTerms(allTerms)
		variables <- attr(abvtt, "variables")
		abvtt <- gsub("\\(1 \\| (\\S+)(?: %in%.*)?\\)", "(\\1)", abvtt, perl = TRUE)
		abvtt <- sapply(allTermsList, function(x) paste(abvtt[match(x, allTerms)],
			collapse = "+"))
	} else abvtt <- variables <- NULL

	if(withFamily) {
		fam <- sapply(models, function(x) {
					tryCatch(unlist(family(x)[c("family", "link")]),
						error = function(e) c("", ""))
		# remove default links
		fam[2L, fam[2L, ] == sapply(unique(fam[1L, ]), function(x)
			formals(get(x))$link)[fam[1L, ]]] <- NA
		j <- ![2L,])
		v <- fam[1L, ]
		v[j] <- paste(fam[1L, j], "(", fam[2L, j], ")", sep="")
		fam <- v
	if(withArguments) {
		cl <- lapply(models, .getCall)
		arg <- lapply(cl, function(x) sapply(x[-1L], function(argval)
			switch(mode(argval), character = , logical = argval,
			numeric = signif(argval, 3L), deparse(argval, nlines = 1L))))
		arg <- rbindDataFrameList(lapply(lapply(arg, t),
		arg <- cbind(class = as.factor(sapply(lapply(models, class), "[", 1L)),
			arg[, !(colnames(arg) %in% remove.cols), drop = FALSE])
		reml <-	rep(NA, length(models))
		if(!is.null(arg$method)) {
			reml <- ((arg$class == "lme" &$method)) | arg$method == "REML")
			arg$method  <- NULL
		if(!is.null(arg$REML)) reml <- ifelse($REML), reml, arg$REML == "TRUE")
		arg$REML <- as.factor(reml)

		arg <- as.matrix(arg)
		arg[ | arg == "NULL"] <- ""
		arg <- arg[, apply(arg, 2L, function(x) length(unique(x))) != 1L, drop = FALSE]
		if(ncol(arg)) arg <- gsub("([\"'\\s]+|\\w+ *=)","", arg, perl = TRUE)
	ret <- = abvtt, family = fam, arg, deparse.level = 0L))
	attr(ret, "variables") <- variables
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