Raw File
Tip revision: f68e51c050f9ec5cc674d158fc58a0835198d441 authored by Emmanuel Paradis on 19 December 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.8
Tip revision: f68e51c
\title{Write Tree File in Parenthetic Format}
write.tree(phy, file = "", append = FALSE, format = "Newick",
           multi.line = TRUE, digits = 10)
  \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.}
  \item{file}{a file name specified by either a variable of mode character,
    or a double-quoted string; if \code{file = ""} (the default) then the
    tree is written on the standard output connection (i.e. the console).}
  \item{append}{a logical, if \code{TRUE} the tree is appended to the file
    without erasing the data possibly existing in the file, otherwise
    the file (if it exists) is overwritten (\code{FALSE} the default).}
  \item{format}{a character giving the format of the tree file; by
    default \code{"Newick"}. Currently only \code{"Newick"} is
  \item{multi.line}{a logical, if \code{TRUE} (the default) line breaks
    are introduced in the tree in parenthetic form.}
  \item{digits}{a numeric giving the number of digits used for printing
    branch lengths.}
  This function writes in a file a tree in parenthetic format using the
  Newick (also known as New Hampshire) format.
  a vector of mode character if \code{file = ""}, none (invisible
  `NULL') otherwise.
  The node labels and the root edge length, if available, are written in
  the file.
  Felsenstein, J. The Newick tree format.

  Olsen, G. Interpretation of the "Newick's 8:45" tree format standard.

\author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{}}
  \code{\link{read.tree}}, \code{\link{}},
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