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Tip revision: 798bc7e8e0cd94461885e8180bfe899f8c1c78b9 authored by Adrian Baddeley on 31 March 2006, 05:34:29 UTC
version 1.8-8
Tip revision: 798bc7e
\title{Reduced Second Moment Measure}
Estimates the reduced second moment measure \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa} 
from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.
  Kmeasure(X, sigma, edge=TRUE)
  \item{X}{The observed point pattern, 
    from which an estimate of \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa} will be computed.
    An object of class \code{"ppp"}, or data
    in any format acceptable to \code{\link{as.ppp}()}.
      standard deviation \eqn{\sigma}{sigma} of the Gaussian
      smoothing kernel.
      logical value indicating whether an edge correction
      should be applied.
  A real-valued pixel image (an object of class \code{"im"},
  see \code{\link{im.object}}) whose pixel values are estimates
  of the value of the reduced second moment measure for each pixel
  (i.e. estimates of the integral of the second moment density
  over each pixel).
  The reduced second moment measure \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa}
  of a stationary point process \eqn{X} is defined so that,
  for a `typical' point \eqn{x} of the process, 
  the expected number of other points \eqn{y} of the process
  such that the vector \eqn{y - x} lies in a region \eqn{A},
  equals \eqn{\lambda \kappa(A)}{lambda Kappa(A)}.
  Here \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}
  is the intensity of the process,
  i.e. the expected number of points of \eqn{X} per unit area.

  The more familiar
  K-function \eqn{K(t)} is just the value of the reduced second moment measure
  for each disc centred at the origin; that is,
  \eqn{K(t) = \kappa(b(0,t))}{K(t) = Kappa(b(0,t))}.

  An estimate of \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa} derived from a spatial point
  pattern dataset can be useful in exploratory data analysis.
  Its advantage over the K-function is that it is also sensitive
  to anisotropy and directional effects. 

  This function computes an estimate of \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa}
  from a point pattern dataset \code{X},
  which is assumed to be a realisation of a stationary point process,
  observed inside a known, bounded window. Marks are ignored.

  The algorithm approximates the point pattern and its window by binary pixel
  images, introduces an isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel
  and uses the Fast Fourier Transform \code{\link{fft}}
  to form a density estimate of \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa}. The calculation
  corresponds to the edge correction known as the ``translation

  The density estimate of \eqn{\kappa}{Kappa}
  is returned in the form of a real-valued pixel image.
  Pixel values are estimates of the
  integral of the second moment density over the pixel.
  (The uniform Poisson process would have values identically equal to
  \eqn{a} where \eqn{a} is the area of a pixel.)
  Sums of pixel values over a desired region \eqn{A} are estimates of the
  value of \eqn{\kappa(A)}{Kappa(A)}. The image \code{x} and \code{y}
  coordinates are on the same scale as vector displacements in the
  original point pattern window. The point \code{x=0, y=0} corresponds
  to the `typical point'.
  A peak in the image near \code{(0,0)} suggests clustering;
  a dip in the image near \code{(0,0)} suggests inhibition;
  peaks or dips at other positions suggest possible periodicity.
  Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995)
  \emph{Stochastic geometry and its applications}.
  2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

  Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994)
  Fractals, random shapes and point fields:
  methods of geometrical statistics.
  John Wiley and Sons.
 image(Kmeasure(cells, 0.05))
 # shows pronounced dip around origin consistent with strong inhibition
 image(Kmeasure(redwood, 0.03), col=grey(seq(1,0,length=32)))
 # shows peaks at several places, reflecting clustering and ?periodicity
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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