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Tip revision: c8b4ce88e9ef2c3fad8c9f5c436287cfc104f48c authored by Kamil Bartoń on 22 November 2012, 10:19:05 UTC
version 1.8.0
Tip revision: c8b4ce8

\title{Automated model selection}
Generate a set of models with combinations (subsets) of the terms in the global
model, with optional rules for model inclusion.

dredge(global.model, beta = FALSE, evaluate = TRUE, rank = "AICc", 
    fixed = NULL, m.max = NA, m.min = 0, subset, marg.ex = NULL, 
    trace = FALSE, varying, extra, ct.args = NULL, ...)

\method{print}{model.selection}(x, abbrev.names = TRUE, warnings = getOption("warn") != -1L, ...)


	\item{global.model}{a fitted \sQuote{global} model object. See
	\sQuote{Details} for a list of supported types. }

	\item{beta}{logical, should standardized coefficients be returned? }

	\item{evaluate}{whether to evaluate and rank the models. If \code{FALSE}, a
	list of model \code{call}s is returned. }

	\item{rank}{optional custom rank function (information criterion) to be used
	instead \code{AICc}, e.g. \code{AIC}, \code{QAIC} or \code{BIC}.
	See \sQuote{Details}. }

	\item{fixed}{optional, either a single sided formula or a character vector
	giving names of terms to be included in all models. }

	\item{m.max, m.min}{optionally the maximum and minimum number of terms in a
	single model (excluding the intercept), \code{m.max} defaults to the number
	of terms in \code{global.model}. }

	\item{subset}{ logical expression describing models to keep in the resulting
		set. See \sQuote{Details}. }

	\item{marg.ex}{a character vector specifying names of variables for which
	NOT to check for marginality restrictions when generating model formulas. If
	this argument is set to \code{TRUE}, all combinations of terms are used
	(i.e. no checking). If \code{NA} or missing, the exceptions will be found
	based on the terms of \code{global.model}. See \sQuote{Details}.  }

	\item{trace}{if \code{TRUE}, all calls to the fitting function (i.e. updated
	\code{global.model} calls) are printed before actual fitting takes place. }

	\item{varying}{ optionally, a named list describing the additional arguments
	to vary between the generated models. Names are the names of the arguments,
	and each item provides a list of choices. Complex items in the choice list
	(such as \code{family} objects) should be either named (uniquely) or quoted
	(unevaluated, e.g. using \code{\link{alist}}, see \code{\link{quote}}),
	otherwise it may produce rather unpleasant effects. See example in
	\code{\link{Beetle}}. }

	\item{extra}{ optional additional statistics to include in the result,
	provided as functions, function names or a list of such (best if named
	or quoted). Similarly as in \code{rank} argument, each function must accept
	fitted model object as an argument and return a (value coercible to a)
	numeric vector.
	These can be e.g. additional information criterions or goodness-of-fit
	statistics. The character strings "R^2" and "adjR^2" are treated in a
	special way, and will add a likelihood-ratio based \eqn{R^{^2}}{R^2} and
	modified-\eqn{R^{^2}}{R^2} respectively to the result (this is more
	efficient than using \code{\link{r.squaredLR}} directly).

    a \code{model.selection} object, returned by \code{dredge}. }

  \item{abbrev.names}{ should printed variable names be abbreviated?
	(useful with many variables). }

  \item{warnings}{ if \code{TRUE}, errors and warnings issued during the model
	fitting are printed below the table (currently, only with \code{pdredge}).
	To permanently remove the warnings, set the object's attribute "warnings" to
	\code{NULL}. }
  \item{ct.args}{ optional list of arguments to be passed to
	\code{\link{coefTable}} (e.g. \code{dispersion} parameter for \code{glm}
		affecting standard errors used in subsequent 
		\code{\link[=model.avg]{model averaging}}).}

  \item{\dots}{ optional arguments for the \code{rank} function. Any can be
    an expression (of mode \code{call}), in which case any \code{x} within it
    will be substituted with a current model. }


Models are fitted one by one through repeated evaluation of modified calls to
the \code{global.model} (in a similar fashion as with \code{update}). This
approach, while robust in that it can be applied to a variety of different model
object types is not very efficient and may be time-intensive.

Note that the number of combinations grows exponentially with number of
predictor variables (\ifelse{latex}{\eqn{2^{N}}}{2^N}, less when interactions
are present, see below). As there can be potentially a large number of models to
evaluate, to avoid memory overflow the fitted model objects are not stored in
the result. To get (a subset of) the models, use \code{\link{get.models}} on the
object returned by \code{dredge}.

For a list of model types that can be used as a \code{global.model} see
\link[=MuMIn-models]{list of supported models}. \code{gamm} and \code{gamm4}
should be evaluated \emph{via} the wrapper \code{MuMIn::\link[MuMIn]{gamm}}.

\subsection{Information criterion}{
\code{rank} is found by a call to \code{} and may be specified as a
function or a symbol (e.g. a back-quoted name) or a character string specifying
a function to be searched for from the environment of the call to \code{dredge}.
The function \code{rank} must accept model object as its first argument and 
always return a scalar. Typical choice for \code{rank} would be "AIC", "BIC", or

\code{dredge} by default respects marginality
constraints, so \dQuote{all possible combinations} do not include models
containing interactions without their respective main effects. This behaviour
can be altered by \code{marg.ex} argument, which can be used to allow for simple
nested designs. For example, with global model of form \code{a / (x + z)}, one
would use \code{marg.ex = "a"} and \code{fixed = "a"}. If \code{global.model}
uses such a formula and \code{marg.ex} is missing or \code{NA}, it will be
adjusted automatically.

There are three ways to constrain the resulting set of models: setting limits to the
number of terms in a model with \code{m.max} and \code{m.min}, 
binding term(s) to all models with \code{fixed}, and more complex rules can be
applied using argument \code{subset}.

\code{subset} can take either a form of an expression or a matrix. The latter
should be a lower triangular matrix with logical values, where columns and rows
correspond to \code{global.model} terms. Value \code{subset["a", "b"] == FALSE} will
exclude any model containing both "a" and "b". Values other than 
\code{FALSE} (or \code{0}) are taken as \code{TRUE}.

In the form of \code{expression}, the argument \code{subset} acts in a similar 
fashion to that in the function \code{subset} for \code{data.frames}: model 
terms can be referred to by name as variables in the expression, with the difference 
being that they are always logical (i.e. \code{TRUE} if a term exists in the model). 
The expression can contain any of the \code{global.model} terms (use 
\code{getAllTerms(global.model)} to list them). It can have a form of an unevaluated 
\code{call}, \code{expression} object, or a one sided \code{formula}. 
See \sQuote{Examples}.
Compound model terms (such as \sQuote{as-is} expressions within \code{I()} or
smooths in \code{gam}) should be treated as non-syntactic names and enclosed in
back-ticks (e.g. \code{subset = `s(x, k = 2)` || `I(log(x))`}, see
\link[base]{Quotes}). Mind the spacing, names must match exactly the term names
in model's formula. To simply keep certain terms in all models, use of argument
\code{fixed} is
more efficient.

\subsection{Missing values}{
Use of \code{na.action = na.omit} (\R's default) in \code{global.model} should
be avoided, as it results with sub-models fitted to different data sets, if
there are missing values. Warning is given if it is detected.

There are \code{\link[=subset.model.selection]{subset}} and \code{plot} methods,
the latter produces a graphical representation of model weights and variable
relative importance.
Coefficients can be extracted with \code{coef} or \code{\link{coefTable}}.


\code{dredge} returns an object of class \code{model.selection}, being a
\code{data.frame} with models' coefficients (or presence/\code{NA} for factors),
	\emph{df} - number of parameters, log-likelihood, the information criterion
	value, delta-IC and \emph{Akaike weight}. Models are ordered by the value of
	the information criterion specified by \code{rank} (lowest on top).

The attribute \code{"calls"} is a list containing the model calls used (arranged
in the same order as the models).
Other attributes:
\code{"global"} - the \code{global.model} object,
\code{"rank"} - the \code{rank} function used, \code{"call"} - the matched
call, and
\code{"warnings"} - list of errors and warnings given by the modelling function
	during the fitting, with model number appended to each. The associated model
	call can be found with \code{attr(*, "calls")[["i"]]}, where \var{i} is the
	model number.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

Users should keep in mind the hazards that a \dQuote{thoughtless approach}
of evaluating all possible models poses. Although this procedure is in certain
cases useful and justified, it may result in selecting a spurious \dQuote{best}
model, due to the model selection bias.

\emph{\dQuote{Let the computer find out} is a poor strategy and usually reflects
the fact that the researcher did not bother to think clearly about the problem
of interest and its scientific setting} (Burnham and Anderson, 2002).



\code{\link{pdredge}} is a parallelized version of this function, which may be
	faster if execution of \code{\link{dredge}} takes very long.

\code{\link{get.models}}, \code{\link{model.avg}}.

Possible alternatives: \code{\link[glmulti]{glmulti}} in package \pkg{glmulti}
and \code{\link[bestglm]{bestglm}} (\pkg{bestglm}),
or \code{\link[AICcmodavg]{aictab}} (\pkg{AICcmodavg}) and
\code{\link[bbmle]{ICtab}} (\pkg{bbmle}) for "hand-picked" model selection tables.

\code{\link[leaps]{regsubsets}} in package \pkg{leaps} also performs all-subsets

# Example from Burnham and Anderson (2002), page 100:
fm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement)
dd <- dredge(fm1)
subset(dd, delta < 4)

# Visualize the model selection table:

# Model average models with delta AICc < 4
model.avg(dd, subset = delta < 4)

#or as a 95\% confidence set:
model.avg(dd, subset = cumsum(weight) <= .95) # get averaged coefficients

#'Best' model
summary(get.models(dd, 1))[[1]]

# Examples of using 'subset':
# keep only models containing X3
dredge(fm1, subset = ~ X3) # subset as a formula
dredge(fm1, subset = expression(X3)) # subset as expression object
# the same, but more effective:
dredge(fm1, fixed = "X3")
# exclude models containing both X1 and X2
dredge(fm1, subset = !(X1 & X2))
# keep only models containing either X1 or X2 (but not both), inclusion of X4 
# is conditional upon the presence of X1
dredge(fm1, subset = xor(X1, X2) & (X1 | !X4))

#Reduce the number of generated models, by including only those with
# up to 2 terms (and intercept)
dredge(fm1, m.max = 2)

# Add R^2 and F-statistics, use the 'extra' argument
dredge(fm1, m.max = 1, extra = c("R^2", F = function(x)

# with summary statistics:
dredge(fm1, m.max = 1, extra = list(
    "R^2", "*" = function(x) {
        s <- summary(x)
        c(Rsq = s$r.squared, adjRsq = s$adj.r.squared,
            F = s$fstatistic[[1]])

# with other information criterions:
# there is no BIC in R < 2.13.0, so need to add it:
if(!exists("BIC", mode = "function"))
    BIC <- function(object, ...)
        AIC(object, k = log(length(resid(object))))
dredge(fm1, m.max = 1, extra = alist(AIC, BIC, ICOMP, Cp))


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