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Tip revision: c8b4ce88e9ef2c3fad8c9f5c436287cfc104f48c authored by Kamil Bartoń on 22 November 2012, 10:19:05 UTC
version 1.8.0
Tip revision: c8b4ce8

\title{Subsetting model selection table}
\description{Return subsets of a model selection table returned by
	\code{dredge} or \code{model.sel}.

\method{subset}{model.selection}(x, subset, select, recalc.weights = TRUE, ...)
\method{[}{model.selection}(x, i, j, recalc.weights = TRUE, ...)

  \item{x}{a \code{model.selection} object to be subsetted.}
  \item{subset,select}{logical expressions indicating columns and rows to keep.
	See \code{\link{subset}}. }
  \item{i,j}{indices specifying elements to extract. }
  \item{recalc.weights}{logical value specyfying whether Akaike weights should
	be normalized across the new set of models to sum to one.
  \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to  \code{\link{[.data.frame}}. }

A \code{model.selection} object containing only the selected models (rows).
When columns are selected (arguments \code{select} or \code{j} are provided), a
plain \code{data.frame} is returned.

Unlike the method for \code{data.frame}, extracting with only one index
(i.e. \code{x[i]}) will select rows rather than columns.

To select rows according to presence or absence of the variables (rather than
their value), a pseudo-function \code{has} may be used, e.g.
\code{subset(x, has(a, !b))}
will select rows  with \emph{a} \bold{and} without \emph{b} (this is
equivalent to \code{! &}). \code{has} can take any number of
arguments. Importantly, the \code{has()} notation cannot be used in the
\code{subset} argument for \code{dredge}, where the variable names should be
given directly, with the same effect.
%\code{subset = has(a, !b)}

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

\code{\link{dredge}}, \code{\link{subset}} and \code{\link{[.data.frame}} for
subsetting and extracting from \code{data.frame}s.

fm1 <- lm(formula = y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, data = Cement)

# generate models where each variable is included only if the previous
# are included too, e.g. X2 only if X1 is there, and X3 only if X2 and X1
dredge(fm1, subset = (!X2 | X1) & (!X3 | X2) & (!X4 | X3))

# alternatively, generate "all possible" combinations
ms0 <- dredge(fm1)
# ...and afterwards select the subset of models
subset(ms0, (has(!X2) | has(X1)) & (has(!X3) | has(X2)) & (has(!X4) | has(X3)))
# this way the expression may be more clear
subset(ms0, has(X1, X2, X3, X4) | has(X1, X2, X3) | has(X1, X2) | has(X1)
    | (df == 2))

# Different ways of finding a confidence set of models:
# delta(AIC) cutoff
subset(ms0, delta <= 4, recalc.weights = FALSE)
# cumulative sum of Akaike weights
subset(ms0, cumsum(weight) <= .95, recalc.weights = FALSE)
# relative likelihood
subset(ms0, (weight / weight[1]) > (1/8), recalc.weights = FALSE)

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