Raw File
Tip revision: b1f41d890908ef18694339d749b7e7983a3e2399 authored by Wolfgang Viechtbauer on 25 September 2016, 16:37:23 UTC
version 1.9-9
Tip revision: b1f41d8
### fixed/random/mixed-effects multivariate/multilevel model with:
###    - possibly one or multiple random intercepts (sigma2) with potentially known correlation matrices
###    - possibly correlated random effects for arms/groups/levels within studies (tau2 and rho for 1st term, gamma2 and phi for 2nd term)
### model also allows for correlated sampling errors via non-diagonal V matrix

# V      = variance-covariance matrix of the sampling errors
# sigma2 = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random intercept(s)
# tau2   = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random effects
# rho    = (preset) value(s) for the correlation(s) between random effects
# gamma2 = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random effects
# phi    = (preset) value(s) for the correlation(s) between random effects

### structures when there is a (~ inner | outer) term in the random argument:
### - CS   (compound symmetry)
### - HCS  (heteroscedastic compound symmetry)
### - UN   (general positive-definite matrix with no structure)
### - UNHO (homoscedastic general positive-definite matrix with single tau2/gamma2 value and unstructured correlation matrix)
### - AR   (AR1 structure with a single tau2/gamma2 value and autocorrelation rho/phi)
### - HAR  (heteroscedastic AR1 structure with multiple tau2/gamma2 values and autocorrelation rho/phi)
### - ID   (same as CS but with rho/phi=0)
### - DIAG (same as HCS but with rho/phi=0) <- function(yi, V, W, mods, random, struct="CS", intercept=TRUE, data, slab, subset, ### add ni as argument in the future
method="REML", test="z", level=95, digits=4, btt, R, Rscale="cor", sigma2, tau2, rho, gamma2, phi, sparse=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, control, ...) {


   ###### data setup

   ### check argument specifications

   if (!is.element(method, c("FE","ML","REML")))
      stop("Unknown 'method' specified.")

   if (any(!is.element(struct, c("CS","HCS","UN","AR","HAR","UNHO","ID","DIAG"))))
      stop("Unknown 'struct' specified.")

   if (length(struct) == 1)
      struct <- c(struct, struct)

   na.act <- getOption("na.action")

   if (!is.element(na.act, c("na.omit", "na.exclude", "", "na.pass")))
      stop("Unknown 'na.action' specified under options().")

   if (missing(random))
      random <- NULL

   if (missing(R))
      R <- NULL

   if (missing(sigma2))
      sigma2 <- NULL

   if (missing(tau2))
      tau2 <- NULL

   if (missing(rho))
      rho <- NULL

   if (missing(gamma2))
      gamma2 <- NULL

   if (missing(phi))
      phi <- NULL

   if (missing(control))
      control <- list()

   ### get ... argument

   ddd <- list(...)

   ### handle 'tdist' argument from ...

   if (is.logical(ddd$tdist) && !ddd$tdist)
      test <- "z"
   if (is.logical(ddd$tdist) && ddd$tdist)
      test <- "t"

   if (!is.element(test, c("z","t","knha","adhoc")))
      stop("Invalid option selected for 'test' argument.")

   ### deal with Rscale argument (either character, logical, or integer)

   if (is.character(Rscale))
      Rscale <- match.arg(Rscale, c("none", "cor", "cor0", "cov0"))

   if (is.logical(Rscale))
      Rscale <- ifelse(Rscale, "cor", "none")

   if (is.numeric(Rscale)) {
      Rscale <- round(Rscale)
      if (Rscale > 3 | Rscale < 0)
         stop("Unknown 'Rscale' value specified.")
      Rscale <- switch(as.character(Rscale), "0"="none", "1"="cor", "2"="cor0", "3"="cov0")


   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Extracting yi/V values ...")

   ### check if data argument has been specified

   if (missing(data))
      data <- NULL

   if (is.null(data)) {
      data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
   } else {
      if (! {
         data <- data.frame(data)

   ### extract yi, V, W, ni, slab, subset, and mods values, possibly from the data frame specified via data (arguments not specified are NULL)

   mf <-
   mf.yi     <- mf[[match("yi", names(mf))]]
   mf.V      <- mf[[match("V",  names(mf))]]
   mf.W      <- mf[[match("W",  names(mf))]]     <- mf[[match("ni", names(mf))]] ### not yet possible to specify this
   mf.slab   <- mf[[match("slab",   names(mf))]]
   mf.subset <- mf[[match("subset", names(mf))]]
   mf.mods   <- mf[[match("mods",   names(mf))]]
   yi     <- eval(mf.yi,     data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   V      <- eval(mf.V,      data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   W      <- eval(mf.W,      data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   ni     <- eval(,     data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   slab   <- eval(mf.slab,   data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   subset <- eval(mf.subset, data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this
   mods   <- eval(mf.mods,   data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent())) ### NULL if user does not specify this

   ### if yi is a formula, extract yi and X (this overrides anything specified via the mods argument further below)

   is.formula <- FALSE

   if (inherits(yi, "formula")) {
      options(na.action = "na.pass")                   ### set na.action to na.pass, so that NAs are not filtered out (we'll do that later)
      mods <- model.matrix(yi, data=data)              ### extract model matrix (now mods is no longer a formula, so part further below is skipped)
      attr(mods, "assign") <- NULL                     ### strip assign attribute (not needed at the moment)
      yi <- model.response(model.frame(yi, data=data)) ### extract dependent variable from model frame (the yi values)
      options(na.action = na.act)                      ### set na.action back to na.act
      names(yi) <- NULL                                ### strip names (1:k) from yi (so res$yi is the same whether yi is a formula or not)
      intercept <- FALSE                               ### set to FALSE since formula now controls whether the intercept is included or not
      is.formula <- TRUE                               ### note: code further below actually checks whether intercept is included or not

   ### in case user passed a matrix to yi, convert it to a vector

   if (is.matrix(yi))
      yi <- as.vector(yi)

   ### number of outcomes before subsetting

   k <- length(yi)

   ### set default measure argument

   measure <- "GEN"

   if (!is.null(attr(yi, "measure"))) ### take 'measure' from yi (if it is there)
      measure <- attr(yi, "measure")

   ### add measure attribute (back) to the yi vector

   attr(yi, "measure") <- measure

   ### some checks on V (and turn V into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector)

   if (is.null(V))
      stop("Need to specify 'V' argument.")

   if (is.list(V)) {

      rows <- sapply(V, NROW) ### use NROW/NCOL preferable here (to better deal with scalars); compare:
      cols <- sapply(V, NCOL) ### (V <- list(matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol=2), 3, c(1,4), cbind(c(2,1)))); sapply(V, NROW); sapply(V, NCOL); sapply(V, nrow); sapply(V, ncol)

      if (any(rows != cols))
         stop("List elements in 'V' must be square matrices.")

      ### need to do this first, since is.vector(V) is TRUE for lists and so that further code works

      if (sparse) {
         V <- bdiag(V)
      } else {
         V <- bldiag(V)


   ### turn V into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector
   ### note: if V is a scalar (e.g., V=0), then this will turn V into a kxk
   ### matrix with the value of V along the diagonal

   if (is.vector(V) || nrow(V) == 1L || ncol(V) == 1L)
      V <- diag(as.vector(V), nrow=k, ncol=k)

   if (
      V <- as.matrix(V)

   ### remove row and column names (important for isSymmetric() function)
   ### (but only do this if V has row/column names)

   if (!is.null(dimnames(V)))
      V <- unname(V)

   ### check whether V is square and symmetric

   if (dim(V)[1] != dim(V)[2])
      stop("'V' must be a square matrix.")

   if (!isSymmetric(V)) ### note: copy of V is made when doing this
      stop("'V' must be a symmetric matrix.")

   ### check length of yi and V

   if (dim(V)[1] != k)
      stop("Length of 'yi' and length/dimensions of 'V' are not the same.")

   ### force V to be sparse when sparse=TRUE (and V is not yet sparse)

   if (sparse && inherits(V, "matrix"))
      V <- Matrix(V, sparse=TRUE)

   ### process W if it was specified

   if (!is.null(W)) {

      ### turn W into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector
      ### in general, turn W into A (arbitrary weight matrix)

      if (is.vector(W) || nrow(W) == 1L || ncol(W) == 1L) {

         W <- as.vector(W)

         ### allow easy setting of W to a single value

         if (length(W) == 1L)
            W <- rep(W, k)

         A <- diag(W, nrow=length(W), ncol=length(W))

      } else {

         A <- W


      if (
         A <- as.matrix(A)

      ### remove row and column names (important for isSymmetric() function)
      ### (but only do this if A has row/column names)

      if (!is.null(dimnames(A)))
         A <- unname(A)

      ### check whether A is square and symmetric

      if (dim(A)[1] != dim(A)[2])
         stop("'W' must be a square matrix.")

      if (!isSymmetric(A))
         stop("'W' must be a symmetric matrix.")

      ### check length of yi and A

      if (dim(A)[1] != k)
         stop("Length of 'yi' and length/dimensions of 'W' are not the same.")

      ### force A to be sparse when sparse=TRUE (and A is not yet sparse)

      if (sparse && inherits(A, "matrix"))
         A <- Matrix(A, sparse=TRUE)

   } else {

      A <- NULL


   ### if ni has not been specified (and hence is NULL) but is an attribute of yi, get it
   ### note: currently ni argument removed, so this is the only way to pass ni to the function

   if (is.null(ni) && !is.null(attr(yi, "ni")))
      ni <- attr(yi, "ni")

   ### check length of yi and ni
   ### if there is a mismatch, then ni cannot be trusted, so set it to NULL

   if (!is.null(ni) && length(ni) != k)
      ni <- NULL
      #stop("Length of 'yi' and 'ni' vectors are not the same.")

   ### if ni is now available, add it (back) as an attribute to yi
   ### this is currently pointless, but may be useful if function has an ni argument

   #if (!is.null(ni))
   #   attr(yi, "ni") <- ni


   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Creating model matrix ...")

   ### convert mods formula to X matrix and set intercept equal to FALSE
   ### skipped if formula has already been specified via yi argument, since mods is then no longer a formula

   if (inherits(mods, "formula")) {
      options(na.action = "na.pass")        ### set na.action to na.pass, so that NAs are not filtered out (we'll do that later)
      mods <- model.matrix(mods, data=data) ### extract model matrix
      attr(mods, "assign") <- NULL          ### strip assign attribute (not needed at the moment)
      options(na.action = na.act)           ### set na.action back to na.act
      intercept <- FALSE                    ### set to FALSE since formula now controls whether the intercept is included or not
      is.formula <- TRUE                    ### note: code below actually checks whether intercept is included or not

   ### turn a row vector for mods into a column vector

   if (is.vector(mods))
      mods <- cbind(mods)

   ### turn a mods data frame into a matrix

   if (
      mods <- as.matrix(mods)

   ### check if model matrix contains character variables

   if (is.character(mods))
      stop("Model matrix contains character variables.")

   ### check if mods matrix has the right number of rows

   if (!is.null(mods) && (nrow(mods) != k))
      stop("Number of rows of the model matrix does not match length of the outcome vector.")


   ### process random argument

   if (method != "FE" && !is.null(random)) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message("Processing 'random' argument ...")

      ### make sure random argument is always a list (so lapply() below works)

      if (!is.list(random))
         random <- list(random)

      ### figure out if a formulas has a slash (as in ~ 1 | study/id)

      has.slash <- sapply(random, function(f) grepl("/", paste0(f, collapse="")))

      ### substitute + for | in all formulas (so that model.frame() below works) <- lapply(random, function(f) formula(sub("\\|", "+", paste0(f, collapse=""))))

      ### get all model frames corresponding to the formulas in the random argument
      ### note: get_all_vars() does not carry out any functions calls within the formula
      #mf.r <- lapply(random, get_all_vars, data=data)
      ### note: this works now and allows for things like 'random = ~ factor(arm) | study'
      ### note: need to use na.pass so that NAs are passed through and not omitted (check for NAs is done below)

      mf.r <- lapply(, model.frame, data=data, na.action=na.pass)

      ### count number of columns in each model frame

      mf.r.ncols <- sapply(mf.r, ncol)

      ### for formulas with slashes, create interaction terms

      for (j in 1:length(has.slash)) {

         if (!has.slash[j])

         ### need to go backwards; otherwise, with 3 or more terms (e.g., ~ 1 | var1/var2/var3), the third term would be an
         ### interaction between var1, var1:var2, and var3; by going backwards, we get var1, var1:var2, and var1:var2:var3

         for (p in mf.r.ncols[j]:1) {
            mf.r[[j]][,p] <- interaction(mf.r[[j]][1:p], drop=TRUE)
            colnames(mf.r[[j]])[p] <- paste(colnames(mf.r[[j]])[1:p], collapse="/")


      ### create list where model frames with multiple columns based on slashes are flattened out

      if (any(has.slash)) {


         if (length(mf.r) == 1) {

            ### if formula only has one element of the form ~ 1 | var1/var2/..., create a list of the data frames (each with one column)

            mf.r <- lapply(seq(ncol(mf.r[[1]])), function(x) mf.r[[1]][x])

         } else {

            ### if there are non-slash elements, then this flattens things out

            mf.r <- unlist(mapply(function(mf, sl) if (sl) lapply(seq(mf), function(x) mf[x]) else list(mf), mf.r, has.slash), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)


         ### recount number of columns in each model frame

         mf.r.ncols <- sapply(mf.r, ncol)


      ### make sure that each model frame has no more than 2 columns

      if (any(mf.r.ncols > 2))
         stop("No more than two elements allowed in each formula of the 'random' argument.")

      ### make sure that there are only up to 2 model frames with 2 columns

      if (sum(mf.r.ncols == 2) > 2)
         stop("Only up to two formulas with two elements allowed in the 'random' argument.")

      ### separate mf.r into mf.s (~ 1 | id), mf.g (~ inner | outer), and mf.h (~ inner | outer) parts

      mf.s <- mf.r[which(mf.r.ncols == 1)]      ### if there is no (~ 1 | factor) term, this is list() ([] so that we get a list of data frames)
      mf.g <- mf.r[[which(mf.r.ncols == 2)[1]]] ### if there is no 1st (~ inner | outer) terms, this is NULL ([[]] so that we get a data frame, not a list)
      mf.h <- mf.r[[which(mf.r.ncols == 2)[2]]] ### if there is no 2nd (~ inner | outer) terms, this is NULL ([[]] so that we get a data frame, not a list)

      ### if there is no (~ 1 | factor) term, then mf.s is list(), so turn that into NULL

      if (length(mf.s) == 0)
         mf.s <- NULL

      ### does the random argument include at least one (~ 1 | id) term?

      withS <- !is.null(mf.s)

      ### does the random argument include (~ inner | outer) terms?

      withG <- !is.null(mf.g)
      withH <- !is.null(mf.h)

      ### count number of rows in each model frame

      mf.r.nrows <- sapply(mf.r, nrow)

      ### make sure that rows in each model frame match the length of the data

      if (any(mf.r.nrows != k))
         stop("Length of variables specified via the 'random' argument does not match length of the data.")

      ### need this for profile(); with things like 'random = ~ factor(arm) | study', 'mf.r' contains variables 'factor(arm)' and 'study'
      ### but the former won't work when using the same formula for the refitting (same when using interaction() in the random formula)
      ### careful: with ~ 1 | interaction(var1, var2), mf.r will have 2 columns, but is actually a 'one variable' term
      ###      and with ~ interaction(var1, var2) | var3, mf.r will have 3 columns, but is actually a 'two variable' term
      ### mf.r.ncols above is correct even in these cases (since it is based on the model.frame() results), but need
      ### to be careful that this doesn't screw up anything in other functions

      mf.r <- lapply(, get_all_vars, data=data)

   } else {

      ### set defaults for some elements when method="FE"

      mf.s  <- NULL
      mf.g  <- NULL
      mf.h  <- NULL
      mf.r  <- NULL
      withS <- FALSE
      withG <- FALSE
      withH <- FALSE



   #return(list(mf.s, mf.g, mf.h, mf.r))

   ### note: checks on NAs in mf.s, mf.g, and mf.h after subsetting (since NAs may be removed by subsetting)


   ### study ids (1:k sequence before subsetting)

   ids <- seq_len(k)

   ### generate study labels if none are specified (or none can be found in yi argument)

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Generating/extracting study labels ...")

   ### if slab has not been specified but is an attribute of yi, get it

   if (is.null(slab)) {

      if (!is.null(attr(yi, "slab")))
         slab <- attr(yi, "slab")

      ### check length of yi and slab (only if slab is not NULL)
      ### if there is a mismatch, then slab cannot be trusted, so set it to NULL

      if (is.null(slab) && length(slab) != k)
         slab <- NULL


   if (is.null(slab)) {

      slab.null <- TRUE
      slab      <- ids

   } else {

      if (anyNA(slab))
         stop("NAs in study labels.")

      if (length(slab) != k)
         stop("Study labels not of same length as data.")

      slab.null <- FALSE


   ### if a subset of studies is specified

   if (!is.null(subset)) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message("Subsetting ...")

      yi   <- yi[subset]
      V    <- V[subset,subset,drop=FALSE]
      A    <- A[subset,subset,drop=FALSE]
      ni   <- ni[subset]
      mods <- mods[subset,,drop=FALSE]
      slab <- slab[subset]
      mf.s <- lapply(mf.s, function(x) x[subset,,drop=FALSE])
      mf.g <- mf.g[subset,,drop=FALSE]
      mf.h <- mf.h[subset,,drop=FALSE]
      mf.r <- lapply(mf.r, function(x) x[subset,,drop=FALSE])
      ids  <- ids[subset]
      k    <- length(yi)

      attr(yi, "measure") <- measure ### add measure attribute back
      attr(yi, "ni")      <- ni      ### add ni attribute back


   ### check if study labels are unique; if not, make them unique

   if (anyDuplicated(slab))
      slab <- make.unique(as.character(slab)) ### make.unique() only works with character vectors

   ### add slab attribute back

   attr(yi, "slab") <- slab

   ### get the sampling variances from the diagonal of V

   vi <- diag(V)

   ### check for non-positive sampling variances (and set negative values to 0)

   if (any(vi <= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      allvipos <- FALSE
      warning("There are outcomes with non-positive sampling variances.")
      vi.neg <- vi < 0
      if (any(vi.neg, na.rm=TRUE)) {
         V[vi.neg,] <- 0 ### note: entire row set to 0 (so covariances are also 0)
         V[,vi.neg] <- 0 ### note: entire col set to 0 (so covariances are also 0)
         vi[vi.neg] <- 0
         warning("Negative sampling variances constrained to zero.")
   } else {
      allvipos <- TRUE

   ### save full data (including potential NAs in yi/V and/or mods)

   yi.f    <- yi
   vi.f    <- vi
   V.f     <- V
   W.f     <- A
   ni.f    <- ni
   mods.f  <- mods
   mf.g.f  <- mf.g ### needed for predict()
   mf.h.f  <- mf.h ### needed for predict()
   #mf.s.f <- mf.s (at the moment, this is not used further below, so skipped)
   #mf.r.f <- mf.r (at the moment, this is not used further below, so skipped)

   k.f <- k ### total number of observed outcomes including all NAs (on yi/V and/or mods)


   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting

   if (withS) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message(paste0("Processing '", paste(as.character(random[mf.r.ncols == 1]), collapse=", "), "' term(s) ..."))

      ### get variables names in mf.s

      s.names <- sapply(mf.s, names) ### one name per term

      ### turn each variable in mf.s.f into a factor (at the moment, this is not used further below, so skipped)

      #mf.s.f <- lapply(mf.s.f, function(x) factor(x[[1]]))

      ### turn each variable in mf.s into a factor (and turn each column vector into just a vector)
      ### if a variable was a factor to begin with, this drops any unused levels, but order of existing levels is preserved

      mf.s <- lapply(mf.s, function(x) factor(x[[1]]))

      ### check if there are any NAs anywhere in mf.s

      if (any(sapply(lapply(mf.s,, any)))
         stop("No NAs allowed in variables specified in the 'random' argument.")

      ### how many (~ 1 | id) terms does the random argument include? (0 if none, but if withS is TRUE, must be at least 1)

      sigma2s <- length(mf.s)

      ### set default value(s) for sigma2 argument if it is unspecified

      if (is.null(sigma2))
         sigma2 <- rep(NA_real_, sigma2s)

      ### allow quickly setting all sigma2 values to a fixed value

      if (length(sigma2) == 1)
         sigma2 <- rep(sigma2, sigma2s)

      ### check if sigma2 is of the correct length

      if (length(sigma2) != sigma2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'sigma2' argument (", length(sigma2), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", sigma2s, ").", sep=""))

      ### checks on any fixed values of sigma2 argument

      if (any(sigma2 < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
         stop("Specified value(s) of 'sigma2' must be non-negative.")

      ### get number of levels of each variable in mf.s (vector with one value per term)

      s.nlevels <- sapply(mf.s, nlevels)

      ### get levels of each variable in mf.s (list with levels for each variable)

      s.levels <- lapply(mf.s, levels)

      ### checks on R (note: do this after subsetting, so user can filter out ids with no info in R)

      if (is.null(R)) {

         withR <- FALSE
         Rfix  <- rep(FALSE, sigma2s)

      } else {

         if (verbose > 1)
            message("Processing 'R' argument ...")

         withR <- TRUE

         ### make sure R is always a list (so lapply() below works)

         if ( || !is.list(R))
            R <- list(R)

         ### check if R list has no names at all or some names are missing
         ### (if only some elements of R have names, then names(R) is "" for the unnamed elements, so use nchar()==0 to check for that)

         if (is.null(names(R)) || any(nchar(names(R)) == 0))
            stop("Argument 'R' must be a *named* list.")

         ### if list has no names, give default names
         #if (is.null(names(R)))
         #   R.names <- 1:length(R)

         ### remove elements in R that are NULL (not sure why this is needed; why would anybody ever do this?)
         ### maybe this had something to do with functions that repeatedly call; so leave this be for now

         R <- R[!sapply(R, is.null)]

         ### turn all elements in R into matrices (this would fail with a NULL element)

         R <- lapply(R, as.matrix)

         ### match up R matrices based on the s.names (and correct names of R)
         ### so if a particular ~ 1 | id term has a matching id=R element, the corresponding R element is that R matrix
         ###    if a particular ~ 1 | id term does not have a matching id=R element, the corresponding R element is NULL

         R <- R[s.names]

         ### NULL elements in R would have no name, so this makes sure that all R elements have the correct s.names

         names(R) <- s.names

         ### check if R is of the correct length

         #if (length(R) != sigma2s)
         #   stop(paste("Length of 'R' argument (", length(R), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", sigma2s, ").", sep=""))

         ### check for which components an R matrix has been specified

         Rfix <- !sapply(R, is.null)

         ### Rfix could be all FALSE (if user has used id names in R that are not actually in 'random')
         ### so only do the rest below if that is *not* the case

         if (any(Rfix)) {

            ### check if given R matrices are square and symmetric

            if (any(sapply(R[Rfix], function(x) dim(x)[1] != dim(x)[2])))
               stop("Elements of 'R' must be square matrices.")
            if (any(sapply(R[Rfix], function(x) !isSymmetric(unname(x)))))
               stop("Elements of 'R' must be symmetric matrices.")

            for (j in 1:length(R)) { ### not sure how this can be done with lapply (i.e., without looping)

               if (!Rfix[j])

               ### if rownames are missing, copy colnames to rownames and vice-versa

               if (is.null(rownames(R[[j]])))
                  rownames(R[[j]]) <- colnames(R[[j]])
               if (is.null(colnames(R[[j]])))
                  colnames(R[[j]]) <- rownames(R[[j]])

               ### if colnames are still missing at this point, R element did not have dimension names to begin with

               if (is.null(colnames(R[[j]])))
                  stop("Elements of 'R' must have dimension names.")


            ### if user specifies the entire (k x k) correlation matrix, this removes the duplicate rows/columns

            #R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], unique, MARGIN=1)
            #R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], unique, MARGIN=2)

            ### no, the user can specify an entire (k x k) matrix; the problem is repeated dimension names
            ### so let's filter out rows/columns with the same dimension names

            R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], function(x) x[!duplicated(colnames(x)), !duplicated(colnames(x)), drop=FALSE])

            ### after the two commands above, this should always be FALSE, but leave for now just in case

            if (any(sapply(R[Rfix], function(x) length(colnames(x)) != length(unique(colnames(x))))))
               stop("Each element of 'R' must have unique dimension names.")

            ### force each element of R to be a correlation matrix (moved below, plus more options)

            #R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], cov2cor)

            ### check for R being positive definite
            ### skipped: even if R is not positive definite, the marginal var-cov matrix can still be; so just check that marginal matrix during the optimization

            #if (any(sapply(R[Rfix], function(x) any(eigen(x, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= .Machine$double.eps)))) ### any eigenvalue below double.eps is essentially 0
            #   stop("Matrix in R is not positive definite.")

            for (j in 1:length(R)) { ### not sure how this can be done with lapply (i.e., without looping)

               if (!Rfix[j])

               ### check if there are NAs in a matrix specified via R

               if (anyNA(R[[j]]))
                  stop("No missing values allowed in matrix specified via 'R'.")

               ### check if there are levels in s.levels which are not in R (if yes, issue an error and stop)
               ### -> could consider later to filter out those rows; see rma.phylo() for some code that may work here

               if (any(!is.element(s.levels[[j]], colnames(R[[j]]))))
                  stop(paste0("There are levels in '", s.names[j], "' for which there are no rows/columns in the corresponding 'R' matrix."))

               ### check if there are levels in R which are not in s.levels (if yes, issue a warning)

               if (any(!is.element(colnames(R[[j]]), s.levels[[j]])))
                  warning(paste0("There are rows/columns in the 'R' matrix for '", s.names[j], "' for which there are no data."))


         } else {

            warning("Argument 'R' specified, but list name(s) not in 'random'.")

            withR <- FALSE
            Rfix  <- rep(FALSE, sigma2s)
            R     <- NULL



   } else {

      ### need one fixed sigma2 value for optimization function

      sigma2s <- 1
      sigma2  <- 0

      ### need Z.S to exist further below and for optimization function

      #Z.S <- NULL ### creation of Z.S moved further below
      s.nlevels <- NULL
      s.levels  <- NULL

      s.names <- NULL

      withR   <- FALSE
      Rfix    <- FALSE
      R       <- NULL



   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting

   if (withG) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message(paste0("Processing '", as.character(random[mf.r.ncols == 2][1]), "' term ..."))

      ### get variables names in mf.g

      g.names <- names(mf.g) ### two names for inner and outer factor

      if (is.element(struct[1], c("CS","HCS","UN","ID","DIAG","UNHO")) && !is.factor(mf.g.f[[1]]) && !is.character(mf.g.f[[1]]))
         stop("Inner variable in (~ inner | outer) must be a factor or character variable.")

      ### turn each variable in mf.g.f and mf.g into a factor (and turn the list into a data frame with 2 columns)
      ### if a variable was a factor to begin with, this drops any unused levels, but order of existing levels is preserved

      mf.g.f <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.g.f[[1]]), outer=factor(mf.g.f[[2]]))
      mf.g   <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.g[[1]]),   outer=factor(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### check if there are any NAs anywhere in mf.g

      #if (any(sapply(lapply(mf.g,, any))) ### this seems totally unncessary ...
      if (anyNA(mf.g))
         stop("No NAs allowed in variables specified in the 'random' argument.")

      ### get number of levels of each variable in mf.g (vector with two values, for the inner and outer factor)

      g.nlevels <- c(nlevels(mf.g[[1]]), nlevels(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### get levels of each variable in mf.g

      g.levels <- list(levels(mf.g[[1]]), levels(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### determine appropriate number of tau2 and rho values (care: this is done *after* subsetting)
      ### care: if g.nlevels[1] is 1, then technically there is no correlation, but we need one rho
      ### for the optimization function (this rho is fixed further below to 0 then)

      if (struct[1] == "CS" || struct[1] == "ID") {
         tau2s <- 1
         rhos  <- 1
      if (struct[1] == "HCS" || struct[1] == "DIAG") {
         tau2s <- g.nlevels[1]
         rhos  <- 1
      if (struct[1] == "UN") {
         tau2s <- g.nlevels[1]
         rhos  <- ifelse(g.nlevels[1] > 1, g.nlevels[1]*(g.nlevels[1]-1)/2, 1)
      if (struct[1] == "AR") {
         tau2s <- 1
         rhos  <- 1
      if (struct[1] == "HAR") {
         tau2s <- g.nlevels[1]
         rhos  <- 1
      if (struct[1] == "UNHO") {
         tau2s <- 1
         rhos  <- ifelse(g.nlevels[1] > 1, g.nlevels[1]*(g.nlevels[1]-1)/2, 1)

      ### set default value(s) for tau2 if it is unspecified

      if (is.null(tau2))
         tau2 <- rep(NA_real_, tau2s)

      ### set default value(s) for rho argument if it is unspecified

      if (is.null(rho))
         rho <- rep(NA_real_, rhos)

      ### allow quickly setting all tau2 values to a fixed value

      if (length(tau2) == 1)
         tau2 <- rep(tau2, tau2s)

      ### allow quickly setting all rho values to a fixed value

      if (length(rho) == 1)
         rho <- rep(rho, rhos)

      ### check if tau2 and rho are of correct length

      if (length(tau2) != tau2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'tau2' argument (", length(tau2), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", tau2s, ").", sep=""))
      if (length(rho) != rhos)
         stop(paste("Length of 'rho' argument (", length(rho), ") does not match actual number of correlations (", rhos, ").", sep=""))

      ### checks on any fixed values of tau2 and rho arguments

      if (any(tau2 < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
         stop("Specified value(s) of 'tau2' must be non-negative.")
      if (any(rho > 1 | rho < -1, na.rm=TRUE))
         stop("Specified value(s) of 'rho' must be in [-1,1].")

      ### create model matrix for inner and outer factors of mf.g

      if (g.nlevels[1] == 1) {
         Z.G1 <- cbind(rep(1,k))
      } else {
         if (sparse) {
            #Z.G1 <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ mf.g[[1]] - 1), sparse=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, NULL))
            Z.G1 <- sparse.model.matrix(~ mf.g[[1]] - 1)
         } else {
            Z.G1 <- model.matrix(~ mf.g[[1]] - 1)
      if (g.nlevels[2] == 1) {
         Z.G2 <- cbind(rep(1,k))
      } else {
         if (sparse) {
            #Z.G2 <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ mf.g[[2]] - 1), sparse=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, NULL))
            Z.G2 <- sparse.model.matrix(~ mf.g[[2]] - 1)
         } else {
            Z.G2 <- model.matrix(~ mf.g[[2]] - 1)

   } else {

      ### need one fixed tau2 and rho value for optimization function

      tau2s <- 1
      rhos  <- 1
      tau2  <- 0
      rho   <- 0

      ### need Z.G1 and Z.G2 to exist further below and for optimization function

      Z.G1 <- NULL
      Z.G2 <- NULL
      g.nlevels <- NULL
      g.levels  <- NULL

      g.names <- NULL



   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting

   if (withH) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message(paste0("Processing '", as.character(random[mf.r.ncols == 2][2]), "' term ..."))

      ### get variables names in mf.h

      h.names <- names(mf.h) ### two names for inner and outer factor

      if (is.element(struct[2], c("CS","HCS","UN","ID","DIAG","UNHO")) && !is.factor(mf.h.f[[1]]) && !is.character(mf.h.f[[1]]))
         stop("Inner variable in (~ inner | outer) must be a factor or character variable.")

      ### turn each variable in mf.h.f and mf.h into a factor (and turn the list into a data frame with 2 columns)
      ### if a variable was a factor to begin with, this drops any unused levels, but order of existing levels is preserved

      mf.h.f <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.h.f[[1]]), outer=factor(mf.h.f[[2]]))
      mf.h   <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.h[[1]]),   outer=factor(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### check if there are any NAs anywhere in mf.h

      #if (any(sapply(lapply(mf.h,, any)))
      if (anyNA(mf.h))
         stop("No NAs allowed in variables specified in the 'random' argument.")

      ### get number of levels of each variable in mf.h (vector with two values, for the inner and outer factor)

      h.nlevels <- c(nlevels(mf.h[[1]]), nlevels(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### get levels of each variable in mf.h

      h.levels <- list(levels(mf.h[[1]]), levels(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### determine appropriate number of gamma2 and phi values (care: this is done *after* subsetting)
      ### care: if h.nlevels[1] is 1, then technically there is no correlation, but we need one phi
      ### for the optimization function (this phi is fixed further below to 0 then)

      if (struct[2] == "CS" || struct[2] == "ID") {
         gamma2s <- 1
         phis    <- 1
      if (struct[2] == "HCS" || struct[2] == "DIAG") {
         gamma2s <- h.nlevels[1]
         phis    <- 1
      if (struct[2] == "UN") {
         gamma2s <- h.nlevels[1]
         phis    <- ifelse(h.nlevels[1] > 1, h.nlevels[1]*(h.nlevels[1]-1)/2, 1)
      if (struct[2] == "AR") {
         gamma2s <- 1
         phis    <- 1
      if (struct[2] == "HAR") {
         gamma2s <- h.nlevels[1]
         phis    <- 1
      if (struct[2] == "UNHO") {
         gamma2s <- 1
         phis    <- ifelse(h.nlevels[1] > 1, h.nlevels[1]*(h.nlevels[1]-1)/2, 1)

      ### set default value(s) for gamma2 if it is unspecified

      if (is.null(gamma2))
         gamma2 <- rep(NA_real_, gamma2s)

      ### set default value(s) for phi argument if it is unspecified

      if (is.null(phi))
         phi <- rep(NA_real_, phis)

      ### allow quickly setting all gamma2 values to a fixed value

      if (length(gamma2) == 1)
         gamma2 <- rep(gamma2, gamma2s)

      ### allow quickly setting all phi values to a fixed value

      if (length(phi) == 1)
         phi <- rep(phi, phis)

      ### check if gamma2 and phi are of correct length

      if (length(gamma2) != gamma2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'gamma2' argument (", length(gamma2), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", gamma2s, ").", sep=""))
      if (length(phi) != phis)
         stop(paste("Length of 'phi' argument (", length(phi), ") does not match actual number of correlations (", phis, ").", sep=""))

      ### checks on any fixed values of gamma2 and phi arguments

      if (any(gamma2 < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
         stop("Specified value(s) of 'gamma2' must be non-negative.")
      if (any(phi > 1 | phi < -1, na.rm=TRUE))
         stop("Specified value(s) of 'phi' must be in [-1,1].")

      ### create model matrix for inner and outer factors of mf.h

      if (h.nlevels[1] == 1) {
         Z.H1 <- cbind(rep(1,k))
      } else {
         if (sparse) {
            #Z.H1 <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ mf.h[[1]] - 1), sparse=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, NULL))
            Z.H1 <- sparse.model.matrix(~ mf.h[[1]] - 1)
         } else {
            Z.H1 <- model.matrix(~ mf.h[[1]] - 1)
      if (h.nlevels[2] == 1) {
         Z.H2 <- cbind(rep(1,k))
      } else {
         if (sparse) {
            #Z.H2 <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ mf.h[[2]] - 1), sparse=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, NULL))
            Z.H2 <- sparse.model.matrix(~ mf.h[[2]] - 1)
         } else {
            Z.H2 <- model.matrix(~ mf.h[[2]] - 1)

   } else {

      ### need one fixed gamma2 and phi value for optimization function

      gamma2s <- 1
      phis    <- 1
      gamma2  <- 0
      phi     <- 0

      ### need Z.H1 and Z.H2 to exist further below and for optimization function

      Z.H1 <- NULL
      Z.H2 <- NULL
      h.nlevels <- NULL
      h.levels  <- NULL

      h.names <- NULL



   ### check for NAs and act accordingly

   ### should only check the lower.tri part of V:
   ### if Vi = matrix(c(1,NA,NA,NA), nrow=2, ncol=2), then only row/col 2 needs to be removed
   ### but when checking for NAs in the entire V matrix, rows/cols 1 and 2 would be removed <- | (if (is.null(mods)) FALSE else apply(, 1, any)) | .anyNAlt(V) | (if (is.null(A)) FALSE else apply(, 1, any))

   if (any( {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message("Handling NAs ...") <- !

      if (na.act == "na.omit" || na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {

         yi   <- yi[]
         V    <- V[,,drop=FALSE]
         A    <- A[,,drop=FALSE]
         vi   <- vi[]
         ni   <- ni[]
         mods <- mods[,,drop=FALSE]
         mf.s <- lapply(mf.s, function(x) x[])
         mf.g <- mf.g[,,drop=FALSE]
         mf.h <- mf.h[,,drop=FALSE]
         mf.r <- lapply(mf.r, function(x) x[,,drop=FALSE])
         #Z.S  <- lapply(Z.S, function(x) x[,,drop=FALSE])
         Z.G1 <- Z.G1[,,drop=FALSE]
         Z.G2 <- Z.G2[,,drop=FALSE]
         Z.H1 <- Z.H1[,,drop=FALSE]
         Z.H2 <- Z.H2[,,drop=FALSE]
         k    <- length(yi)
         warning("Rows with NAs omitted from model fitting.")

         attr(yi, "measure") <- measure ### add measure attribute back
         attr(yi, "ni")      <- ni      ### add ni attribute back

         ### note: slab is always of the same length as the full yi vector (after subsetting), so missings are not removed and slab is not added back to yi


      if (na.act == "")
         stop("Missing values in data.")

   } else { <- rep(TRUE, k)

   ### more than one study left?

   if (k <= 1)
      stop("Processing terminated since k <= 1.")

   ### check for V being positive definite (this should also cover non-positive variances)
   ### skipped: even if V is not positive definite, the marginal var-cov matrix can still be; so just check the marginal matrix during the optimization
   ### but at least issue a warning, since a fixed-effects model can then not be fitted and there is otherwise no indication why

   if (any(eigen(V, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= .Machine$double.eps)) ### any eigenvalue below double.eps is essentially 0
      warning("'V' appears to be not positive definite.")

   ### make sure that there is at least one column in X

   if (is.null(mods) && !intercept) {
      warning("Must either include an intercept and/or moderators in model.\n  Coerced intercept into the model.")
      intercept <- TRUE

   ### add vector of 1s to the X matrix for the intercept (if intercept=TRUE)

   if (intercept) {
      X   <- cbind(intrcpt=rep(1,k), mods)
      X.f <- cbind(intrcpt=rep(1,k.f), mods.f)
   } else {
      X   <- mods
      X.f <- mods.f

   ### drop redundant predictors
   ### note: need to save for functions that modify the data/model and then refit the model (regtest() and the
   ### various function that leave out an observation); so we can check if there are redundant/dropped predictors then

   tmp <- lm(yi ~ X - 1) <-
   if (any( {
      warning("Redundant predictors dropped from the model.")
      X   <- X[,!,drop=FALSE]
      X.f <- X.f[,!,drop=FALSE]

   ### check whether intercept is included and if yes, move it to the first column (NAs already removed, so na.rm=TRUE for any() not necessary) <- apply(X, 2,
   if (any( {
      int.incl <- TRUE
      int.indx <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE)
      X        <- cbind(intrcpt=1,   X[,-int.indx, drop=FALSE]) ### this removes any duplicate intercepts
      X.f      <- cbind(intrcpt=1, X.f[,-int.indx, drop=FALSE]) ### this removes any duplicate intercepts
      if (is.formula)
         intercept <- TRUE ### set intercept appropriately so that the predict() function works
   } else {
      int.incl <- FALSE

   p <- NCOL(X) ### number of columns in X (including the intercept if it is included)

   ### check whether this is an intercept-only model

   if ((p == 1L) && (all(sapply(X, identical, 1)))) {
      int.only <- TRUE
   } else {
      int.only <- FALSE

   ### check if there are too many parameters for given k (currently skipped)

   ### set/check 'btt' argument

   btt <- .set.btt(btt, p, int.incl)
   m <- length(btt) ### number of betas to test (m = p if all betas are tested)


   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting and filtering out NAs

   if (withS) {

      #s.nlevels.f <- s.nlevels ### not needed at the moment, so skipped
      #s.levels.f  <- s.levels  ### not needed at the moment, so skipped

      ### redo: turn each variable in mf.s into a factor (reevaluates the levels present, but order of existing levels is preserved)

      mf.s <- lapply(mf.s, factor)

      ### redo: get number of levels of each variable in mf.s (vector with one value per term)

      s.nlevels <- sapply(mf.s, nlevels)

      ### redo: get levels of each variable in mf.s

      s.levels <- lapply(mf.s, levels)

      ### for any single-level factor with unfixed sigma2, fix the sigma2 value to 0

      if (any( & s.nlevels == 1)) {
         sigma2[ & s.nlevels == 1] <- 0
         warning("Single-level factor(s) found in 'random' argument. Corresponding 'sigma2' value(s) fixed to 0.")

      ### create model matrix for each element in mf.s

      Z.S <- vector(mode="list", length=sigma2s)
      for (j in 1:sigma2s) {
         if (s.nlevels[j] == 1) {
            Z.S[[j]] <- cbind(rep(1,k))
         } else {
            if (sparse) {
               #Z.S[[j]] <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ mf.s[[j]] - 1), sparse=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, NULL)) ### cannot use this for factors with a single level
               Z.S[[j]] <- sparse.model.matrix(~ mf.s[[j]] - 1)
            } else {
               Z.S[[j]] <- model.matrix(~ mf.s[[j]] - 1) ### cannot use this for factors with a single level

   } else {

      Z.S <- NULL



   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting and filtering out NAs

   if (withR) {

      ### R may contain levels that are not in ids (that's fine; just filter them out)
      ### also, R may not be in the order that Z.S is in, so this fixes that up

      for (j in 1:length(R)) { ### not sure how this can be done with lapply (i.e., without looping)
         if (!Rfix[j])
         R[[j]] <- R[[j]][s.levels[[j]], s.levels[[j]]]

      ### TODO: allow Rscale to be a vector so that different Rs can be scaled differently

      ### force each element of R to be a correlation matrix

      if (Rscale=="cor" || Rscale=="cor0")
         R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], cov2cor)

      ### rescale R so that entries are 0 to (max(R) - min(R)) / (1 - min(R))
      ### this preserves the ultrametric properties of R and makes levels split at the root uncorrelated

      if (Rscale=="cor0")
         R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], function(x) (x - min(x)) / (1 - min(x)))

      ### rescale R so that min(R) is zero (this is for the case that R is covariance matrix)

      if (Rscale=="cov0")
         R[Rfix] <- lapply(R[Rfix], function(x) (x - min(x)))



   ### create (kxk) indicator/correlation matrices for random intercepts

   if (withS) {

      D.S <- vector(mode="list", length=sigma2s)

      for (j in seq_len(sigma2s)) {
         if (Rfix[j]) {
            if (sparse) {
               D.S[[j]] <- Z.S[[j]] %*% Matrix(R[[j]], sparse=TRUE) %*% t(Z.S[[j]])
            } else {
               D.S[[j]] <- Z.S[[j]] %*% R[[j]] %*% t(Z.S[[j]])
            # D.S[[j]] <- as.matrix(nearPD(D.S[[j]])$mat)
            ### this avoids that the full matrix becomes non-positive definite but adding
            ### a tiny amount to the diagonal of D.S[[j]] is easier and works just as well
            ### TODO: consider doing something like this by default
         } else {
            D.S[[j]] <- tcrossprod(Z.S[[j]])

   } else {

      D.S <- NULL



   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting and filtering out NAs

   if (withG) {

      ### save the full results (note: g.nlevels and g.levels contain results after subsetting)

      g.nlevels.f <- g.nlevels
      g.levels.f  <- g.levels

      ### redo: turn each variable in mf.g into a factor (reevaluates the levels present, but order of existing levels is preserved)

      mf.g <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.g[[1]]), outer=factor(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### redo: get number of levels of each variable in mf.g (vector with two values, for the inner and outer factor)

      g.nlevels <- c(nlevels(mf.g[[1]]), nlevels(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### redo: get levels of each variable in mf.g

      g.levels <- list(levels(mf.g[[1]]), levels(mf.g[[2]]))

      ### determine which levels of the inner factor were removed

      g.levels.r <- !is.element(g.levels.f[[1]], g.levels[[1]])

      ### warn if any levels were removed

      if (any(g.levels.r))
         warning("One or more levels of inner factor removed due to NAs.")

      ### for "ID" and "DIAG", fix rho to 0

      if (is.element(struct[1], c("ID","DIAG")))
         rho <- 0

      ### if there is only a single arm for "CS","HCS","AR","HAR" (either to begin with or after removing NAs), then fix rho to 0

      if (g.nlevels[1] == 1 && is.element(struct[1], c("CS","HCS","AR","HAR")) && {
         rho <- 0
         warning("Inner factor has only a single level, so fixed value of 'rho' to 0.")

      ### k per level of the inner factor

      g.levels.k <- table(factor(mf.g[[1]], levels=g.levels.f[[1]]))

      ### for "HCS","UN","DIAG","HAR": if a particular level of the inner factor only occurs once, then set corresponding tau2 value to 0 (if not already fixed)
      ### note: no longer done; variance component should still be (weakly) identifiable

      #if (is.element(struct[1], c("HCS","UN","DIAG","HAR"))) {
      #   if (any( & g.levels.k == 1)) {
      #      tau2[ & g.levels.k == 1] <- 0
      #      warning("Inner factor has k=1 for one or more levels. Corresponding 'tau2' value(s) fixed to 0.")
      #   }

      ### create matrix where each row (= study) indicates how often each arm occurred
      ### then turn this into a list (with each element equal to a row (= study))

      g.levels.comb.k <- crossprod(Z.G2, Z.G1)
      g.levels.comb.k <- split(g.levels.comb.k, 1:nrow(g.levels.comb.k))

      ### check if each study has only a single arm (could be different arms!)
      ### for "CS","HCS","AR","HAR", if yes, then must fix rho to 0 (if not already fixed)

      if (all(unlist(lapply(g.levels.comb.k, sum)) == 1)) {
         if (is.element(struct[1], c("CS","HCS","AR","HAR")) && {
            rho <- 0
            warning("Each level of the outer factor contains only a single level of the inner factor, so fixed value of 'rho' to 0.")

      ### create matrix for each element (= study) that indicates which combinations occurred
      ### sum up all matrices (numbers indicate in how many studies each combination occurred)
      ### take upper triangle part that corresponds to the arm combinations (in order of rho)

      g.levels.comb.k <- lapply(g.levels.comb.k, function(x) outer(x,x, FUN="&"))
      g.levels.comb.k <- lapply(g.levels.comb.k, function(x) ifelse(x, 1, 0)) ### turns TRUE/FALSE into 1/0
      g.levels.comb.k <- Reduce("+", g.levels.comb.k)
      g.levels.comb.k <- g.levels.comb.k[upper.tri(g.levels.comb.k)]

      ### UN/UNHO: if a particular combination of arms never occurs in any of the studies, then must fix the corresponding rho to 0 (if not already fixed)
      ### this also takes care of the case where each study has only a single arm

      if (is.element(struct[1], c("UN","UNHO")) && any(g.levels.comb.k == 0 & {
         rho[g.levels.comb.k == 0] <- 0
         warning("Some combinations of the levels of the inner factor never occurred. Corresponding 'rho' value(s) fixed to 0.")

      ### if there was only a single arm for "UN/UNHO" to begin with, then fix rho to 0
      ### (technically there is then no rho at all to begin with, but rhos was still set to 1 earlier for the optimization routine)
      ### (if there is a single arm after removing NAs, then this is dealt with below by setting tau2 and rho values to 0)

      if (is.element(struct[1], c("UN","UNHO")) && g.nlevels.f[1] == 1 && {
         rho <- 0
         warning("Inner factor has only a single level, so fixed value of 'rho' to 0.")

      ### construct G matrix for the various structures

      if (struct[1] == "CS") {
         G <- matrix(rho*tau2, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- tau2

      if (struct[1] == "HCS") {
         G <- matrix(rho, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- 1
         G <- diag(sqrt(tau2), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1]) %*% G %*% diag(sqrt(tau2), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- tau2

      if (struct[1] == "UN") {
         G <- .con.vcov.UN(tau2, rho)

      if (struct[1] == "ID" || struct[1] == "DIAG" ) {
         G <- diag(tau2, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])

      if (struct[1] == "UNHO") {
         G <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         G[upper.tri(G)] <- rho
         G[lower.tri(G)] <- t(G)[lower.tri(G)]
         diag(G) <- 1
         G <- diag(sqrt(rep(tau2, g.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1]) %*% G %*% diag(sqrt(rep(tau2, g.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- tau2

      if (struct[1] == "AR") {
         if ( {
            G <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         } else {
            ### is g.nlevels.f[1] == 1 even possible here?
            if (g.nlevels.f[1] > 1) {
               G <- toeplitz(ARMAacf(ar=rho, lag.max=g.nlevels.f[1]-1))
            } else {
               G <- diag(1)
         G <- diag(sqrt(rep(tau2, g.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1]) %*% G %*% diag(sqrt(rep(tau2, g.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- tau2

      if (struct[1] == "HAR") {
         if ( {
            G <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         } else {
            ### is g.nlevels.f[1] == 1 even possible here?
            if (g.nlevels.f[1] > 1) {
               G <- toeplitz(ARMAacf(ar=rho, lag.max=g.nlevels.f[1]-1))
            } else {
               G <- diag(1)
         G <- diag(sqrt(tau2), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1]) %*% G %*% diag(sqrt(tau2), nrow=g.nlevels.f[1], ncol=g.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(G) <- tau2

      ### for "CS","AR","ID" set tau2 value to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(g.levels.r) && is.element(struct[1], c("CS","AR","ID"))) {
         G[g.levels.r,] <- 0
         G[,g.levels.r] <- 0

      ### for "HCS","HAR","DIAG" set tau2 value(s) to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(g.levels.r) && is.element(struct[1], c("HCS","HAR","DIAG"))) {
         G[g.levels.r,] <- 0
         G[,g.levels.r] <- 0
         tau2[g.levels.r] <- 0
         warning("Fixed 'tau2' to 0 for removed level(s).")

      ### for "UN", set tau2 value(s) and corresponding rho(s) to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(g.levels.r) && struct[1] == "UN") {
         G[g.levels.r,] <- 0
         G[,g.levels.r] <- 0
         tau2[g.levels.r] <- 0
         rho <- G[upper.tri(G)]
         warning("Fixed 'tau2' and corresponding 'rho' value(s) to 0 for removed level(s).")

      ### for "UNHO", set rho(s) to 0 corresponding to any levels that were removed

      if (any(g.levels.r) && struct[1] == "UNHO") {
         G[g.levels.r,] <- 0
         G[,g.levels.r] <- 0
         diag(G) <- tau2 ### don't really need this
         rho <- G[upper.tri(G)]
         warning("Fixed 'rho' value(s) to 0 corresponding to removed level(s).")

      ### special handling for the bivariate model:
      ### if tau2 (for "CS","AR","UNHO") or either tau2.1 or tau2.2 (for "HCS","UN","HAR") is fixed to 0, then rho must be fixed to 0

      if (g.nlevels.f[1] == 2) {
         if (is.element(struct[1], c("CS","AR","UNHO")) && ! && tau2 == 0)
            rho <- 0
         if (is.element(struct[1], c("HCS","UN","HAR")) && ((![1]) && tau2[1] == 0) || (![2]) && tau2[2] == 0)))
            rho <- 0

      #return(list(G=G, tau2=tau2, rho=rho, Z.G1=Z.G1, Z.G2=Z.G2))

   } else {

      G <- NULL
      g.levels.f <- NULL
      g.levels.r <- NULL
      g.levels.k <- NULL
      g.levels.comb.k <- NULL
      g.nlevels.f <- NULL



   ### stuff that need to be done after subsetting and filtering out NAs

   if (withH) {

      ### save the full results (note: h.nlevels and h.levels contain results after subsetting)

      h.nlevels.f <- h.nlevels
      h.levels.f  <- h.levels

      ### redo: turn each variable in mf.h into a factor (reevaluates the levels present, but order of existing levels is preserved)

      mf.h <- data.frame(inner=factor(mf.h[[1]]), outer=factor(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### redo: get number of levels of each variable in mf.h (vector with two values, for the inner and outer factor)

      h.nlevels <- c(nlevels(mf.h[[1]]), nlevels(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### redo: get levels of each variable in mf.h

      h.levels <- list(levels(mf.h[[1]]), levels(mf.h[[2]]))

      ### determine which levels of the inner factor were removed

      h.levels.r <- !is.element(h.levels.f[[1]], h.levels[[1]])

      ### warn if any levels were removed

      if (any(h.levels.r))
         warning("One or more levels of inner factor removed due to NAs.")

      ### for "ID" and "DIAG", fix phi to 0

      if (is.element(struct[2], c("ID","DIAG")))
         phi <- 0

      ### if there is only a single arm for "CS","HCS","AR","HAR" (either to begin with or after removing NAs), then fix phi to 0

      if (h.nlevels[1] == 1 && is.element(struct[2], c("CS","HCS","AR","HAR")) && {
         phi <- 0
         warning("Inner factor has only a single level, so fixed value of 'phi' to 0.")

      ### k per level of the inner factor

      h.levels.k <- table(factor(mf.h[[1]], levels=h.levels.f[[1]]))

      ### for "HCS","UN","DIAG","HAR": if a particular level of the inner factor only occurs once, then set corresponding gamma2 value to 0 (if not already fixed)
      ### note: no longer done; variance component should still be (weakly) identifiable

      #if (is.element(struct[2], c("HCS","UN","DIAG","HAR"))) {
      #   if (any( & h.levels.k == 1)) {
      #      gamma2[ & h.levels.k == 1] <- 0
      #      warning("Inner factor has k=1 for one or more levels. Corresponding 'gamma2' value(s) fixed to 0.")
      #   }

      ### create matrix where each row (= study) indicates how often each arm occurred
      ### then turn this into a list (with each element equal to a row (= study))

      h.levels.comb.k <- crossprod(Z.H2, Z.H1)
      h.levels.comb.k <- split(h.levels.comb.k, 1:nrow(h.levels.comb.k))

      ### check if each study has only a single arm (could be different arms!)
      ### for "CS","HCS","AR","HAR", if yes, then must fix phi to 0 (if not already fixed)

      if (all(unlist(lapply(h.levels.comb.k, sum)) == 1)) {
         if (is.element(struct[2], c("CS","HCS","AR","HAR")) && {
            phi <- 0
            warning("Each level of the outer factor contains only a single level of the inner factor, so fixed value of 'phi' to 0.")

      ### create matrix for each element (= study) that indicates which combinations occurred
      ### sum up all matrices (numbers indicate in how many studies each combination occurred)
      ### take upper triangle part that corresponds to the arm combinations (in order of phi)

      h.levels.comb.k <- lapply(h.levels.comb.k, function(x) outer(x,x, FUN="&"))
      h.levels.comb.k <- lapply(h.levels.comb.k, function(x) ifelse(x, 1, 0)) ### turns TRUE/FALSE into 1/0
      h.levels.comb.k <- Reduce("+", h.levels.comb.k)
      h.levels.comb.k <- h.levels.comb.k[upper.tri(h.levels.comb.k)]

      ### UN/UNHO: if a particular combination of arms never occurs in any of the studies, then must fix the corresponding phi to 0 (if not already fixed)
      ### this also takes care of the case where each study has only a single arm

      if (is.element(struct[2], c("UN","UNHO")) && any(h.levels.comb.k == 0 & {
         phi[h.levels.comb.k == 0] <- 0
         warning("Some combinations of the levels of the inner factor never occurred. Corresponding 'phi' value(s) fixed to 0.")

      ### if there was only a single arm for "UN/UNHO" to begin with, then fix phi to 0
      ### (technically there is then no phi at all to begin with, but phis was still set to 1 earlier for the optimization routine)
      ### (if there is a single arm after removing NAs, then this is dealt with below by setting gamma2 and phi values to 0)

      if (is.element(struct[2], c("UN","UNHO")) && h.nlevels.f[1] == 1 && {
         phi <- 0
         warning("Inner factor has only a single level, so fixed value of 'phi' to 0.")

      ### construct H matrix for the various structures

      if (struct[2] == "CS") {
         H <- matrix(phi*gamma2, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- gamma2

      if (struct[2] == "HCS") {
         H <- matrix(phi, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- 1
         H <- diag(sqrt(gamma2), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1]) %*% H %*% diag(sqrt(gamma2), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- gamma2

      if (struct[2] == "UN") {
         H <- .con.vcov.UN(gamma2, phi)

      if (struct[2] == "ID" || struct[2] == "DIAG") {
         H <- diag(gamma2, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])

      if (struct[2] == "UNHO") {
         H <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         H[upper.tri(H)] <- phi
         H[lower.tri(H)] <- t(H)[lower.tri(H)]
         diag(H) <- 1
         H <- diag(sqrt(rep(gamma2, h.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1]) %*% H %*% diag(sqrt(rep(gamma2, h.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- gamma2

      if (struct[2] == "AR") {
         if ( {
            H <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         } else {
            ### is h.nlevels.f[1] == 1 even possible here?
            if (h.nlevels.f[1] > 1) {
               H <- toeplitz(ARMAacf(ar=phi, lag.max=h.nlevels.f[1]-1))
            } else {
               H <- diag(1)
         H <- diag(sqrt(rep(gamma2, h.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1]) %*% H %*% diag(sqrt(rep(gamma2, h.nlevels.f[1])), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- gamma2

      if (struct[2] == "HAR") {
         if ( {
            H <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         } else {
            ### is h.nlevels.f[1] == 1 even possible here?
            if (h.nlevels.f[1] > 1) {
               H <- toeplitz(ARMAacf(ar=phi, lag.max=h.nlevels.f[1]-1))
            } else {
               H <- diag(1)
         H <- diag(sqrt(gamma2), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1]) %*% H %*% diag(sqrt(gamma2), nrow=h.nlevels.f[1], ncol=h.nlevels.f[1])
         diag(H) <- gamma2

      ### for "CS","AR","ID", set gamma2 value to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(h.levels.r) && is.element(struct[2], c("CS","AR","ID"))) {
         H[h.levels.r,] <- 0
         H[,h.levels.r] <- 0

      ### for "HCS","HAR","DIAG" set gamma2 value(s) to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(h.levels.r) && is.element(struct[2], c("HCS","HAR","DIAG"))) {
         H[h.levels.r,] <- 0
         H[,h.levels.r] <- 0
         gamma2[h.levels.r] <- 0
         warning("Fixed 'gamma2' to 0 for removed level(s).")

      ### for "UN", set gamma2 value(s) and corresponding phi(s) to 0 for any levels that were removed

      if (any(h.levels.r) && struct[2] == "UN") {
         H[h.levels.r,] <- 0
         H[,h.levels.r] <- 0
         gamma2[h.levels.r] <- 0
         phi <- H[upper.tri(H)]
         warning("Fixed 'gamma2' and corresponding 'phi' value(s) to 0 for removed level(s).")

      ### for "UNHO", set phi(s) to 0 corresponding to any levels that were removed

      if (any(h.levels.r) && struct[2] == "UNHO") {
         H[h.levels.r,] <- 0
         H[,h.levels.r] <- 0
         diag(H) <- gamma2 ### don't really need this
         phi <- H[upper.tri(H)]
         warning("Fixed 'phi' value(s) to 0 corresponding to removed level(s).")

      ### special provision for the bivariate model:
      ### if gamma2 (for "CS","AR","UNHO") or either gamma2.1 or gamma2.2 (for "HCS","UN","HAR") is fixed to 0, then phi must be fixed to 0

      if (h.nlevels.f[1] == 2) {
         if (is.element(struct[2], c("CS","AR","UNHO")) && ! && gamma2 == 0)
            phi <- 0
         if (is.element(struct[2], c("HCS","UN","HAR")) && ((![1]) && gamma2[1] == 0) || (![2]) && gamma2[2] == 0)))
            phi <- 0

      #return(list(H=H, gamma2=gamma2, phi=phi, Z.H1=Z.H1, Z.H2=Z.H2))

   } else {

      H <- NULL
      h.levels.f <- NULL
      h.levels.r <- NULL
      h.levels.k <- NULL
      h.levels.comb.k <- NULL
      h.nlevels.f <- NULL



   #return(list(Z.S=Z.S, sigma2=sigma2, Z.G1=Z.G1, Z.G2=Z.G2, tau2=tau2, rho=rho, G=G, Z.H1=Z.H1, Z.H2=Z.H2, gamma2=gamma2, phi=phi, H=H, Rfix=Rfix, R=R))


   Y <- as.matrix(yi)

   ### initial values for variance components (need to do something better here in the future; see rma.mv2() and for some general ideas; leave for now)

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Extracting/computing initial values ...")

   if (verbose > 1) {
      U <- try(chol(chol2inv(chol(V))), silent=FALSE)
   } else {
      U <- try(suppressWarnings(chol(chol2inv(chol(V)))), silent=TRUE)

   if (inherits(U, "try-error")) {

      sigma2.init <- rep(.001, sigma2s)
      tau2.init   <- rep(.001, tau2s)
      rho.init    <- rep(.50,  rhos)
      gamma2.init <- rep(.001, gamma2s)
      phi.init    <- rep(.50,  rhos)

      QE <- NA
      QEp <- NA

   } else {

      sX <- U %*% X
      sY <- U %*% Y
      b.FE <- solve(crossprod(sX), crossprod(sX, sY))
      ### TODO: consider a better way to set initial values
      #total      <- max(.001*(sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), var(c(Y - X %*% res.FE$b)) - 1/mean(1/diag(V)))
      #total      <- max(.001*(sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), var(as.vector(sY - sX %*% b)) - 1/mean(1/diag(V)))
      total       <- max(.001*(sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), var(as.vector(Y) - as.vector(X %*% b.FE)) - 1/mean(1/diag(V)))
      sigma2.init <- rep(total / (sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), sigma2s)
      tau2.init   <- rep(total / (sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), tau2s)
      gamma2.init <- rep(total / (sigma2s + tau2s + gamma2s), gamma2s)
      rho.init    <- rep(.50, rhos)
      phi.init    <- rep(.50, phis)

      QE <- sum(as.vector(sY - sX %*% b.FE)^2)

      ### QEp calculated below



   ### set default control parameters

   con <- list(verbose = FALSE,
               optimizer = "nlminb",      # optimizer to use ("optim", "nlminb", "uobyqa", "newuoa", "bobyqa", "nloptr", "nlm", "hjk", "nmk", "ucminf")
               optmethod = "BFGS",        # argument 'method' for optim() ("Nelder-Mead" and "BFGS" are sensible options)
               sigma2.init = sigma2.init, # initial value(s) for sigma2
               tau2.init = tau2.init,     # initial value(s) for tau2
               rho.init = rho.init,       # initial value(s) for rho
               gamma2.init = gamma2.init, # initial value(s) for gamma2
               phi.init = phi.init,       # initial value(s) for phi
               REMLf = TRUE,              # full REML likelihood (including all constants)
               tol = 1e-07,               # lower bound for eigenvalues to determine if var-cov matrix is positive definite
               cholesky = ifelse(struct=="UN", TRUE, FALSE), # by default, use Cholesky factorization for G and H matrix when struct="UN" (struct has 2 elements)
               posdefify = FALSE,         # to force G and H matrix to become positive definite
               hessian = FALSE,           # to compute Hessian
               hessianCtrl=list(r=8),     # arguments passed on to 'method.args' of hessian()
               vctransf = FALSE)          # if FALSE, Hessian is computed for untransformed (raw) variance components
                                          # if TRUE,  Hessian is computed for transformed components (log and r-to-z space)

   ### replace defaults with any user-defined values

   con.pos <- pmatch(names(control), names(con))
   con[c(na.omit(con.pos))] <- control[!]

   if (verbose)
      con$verbose <- verbose

   verbose <- con$verbose

   ### checks on initial values set by the user (the initial values computed by the function are replaced by the user defined ones at this point)

   if (withS && any(con$sigma2.init <= 0))
      stop("Values of 'sigma2.init' must be positive.")
   if (withG && any(con$tau2.init <= 0))
      stop("Values of 'tau2.init' must be positive.")
   if (withG && any(con$rho.init <= -1 | con$rho.init >= 1))
      stop("Values of 'rho.init' must be in (-1,1).")
   if (withH && any(con$gamma2.init <= 0))
      stop("Values of 'gamma2.init' must be positive.")
   if (withH && any(con$phi.init <= -1 | con$phi.init >= 1))
      stop("Values of 'phi.init' must be in (-1,1).")

   ### in case user manually sets con$cholesky and specifies only a single value

   if (length(con$cholesky) == 1)
      con$cholesky <- rep(con$cholesky, 2)

   ### use of Cholesky factorization only applicable for models with "UN" structure ("UNHO" may also be possible, but that still requires a fix; see below)

   if (!withG) ### in case user sets cholesky=TRUE and struct="UN" even though there is no 1st 'inner | outer' term
      con$cholesky[1] <- FALSE

   if (con$cholesky[1] && struct[1] != "UN")
      con$cholesky[1] <- FALSE

   if (!withH) ### in case user sets cholesky=TRUE and struct="UN" even though there is no 2nd 'inner | outer' term
      con$cholesky[2] <- FALSE

   if (con$cholesky[2] && struct[2] != "UN")
      con$cholesky[2] <- FALSE

   ### copy initial values back (in case they were replaced by user-defined values); those values are
   ### then shown in the 'Variance Components in Model' table that is given when verbose=TRUE; cannot
   ### replace any fixed values, since that can lead to -Inf/+Inf below when transforming the initial
   ### values and then optim() throws an error and chol(G) and/or chol(H) is then likely to fail

   #sigma2.init <- ifelse(, con$sigma2.init, sigma2)
   #tau2.init   <- ifelse(, con$tau2.init, tau2)
   #rho.init    <- ifelse(, con$rho.init, rho)
   sigma2.init <- con$sigma2.init
   tau2.init   <- con$tau2.init
   rho.init    <- con$rho.init
   gamma2.init <- con$gamma2.init
   phi.init    <- con$phi.init

   ### plug in fixed values for sigma2, tau2, rho, gamma2, and phi and transform initial values

   con$sigma2.init <- log(sigma2.init)

   if (con$cholesky[1]) {
      G <- .con.vcov.UN(tau2.init, rho.init)
      G <- try(chol(G), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(G, "try-error"))
         stop("Cannot take Choleski decomposition of initial 'G' matrix.")
      con$tau2.init <- diag(G)        ### note: con$tau2.init and con$rho.init are the 'choled' values of the initial G matrix, so con$rho.init really
      con$rho.init <- G[upper.tri(G)] ### contains the 'choled' covariances; and these values are also passed on the as the initial values
   } else {
      con$tau2.init <- log(tau2.init)
      con$rho.init  <- transf.rtoz(rho.init)

   if (con$cholesky[2]) {
      H <- .con.vcov.UN(gamma2.init, phi.init)
      H <- try(chol(H), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(H, "try-error"))
         stop("Cannot take Choleski decomposition of initial 'H' matrix.")
      con$gamma2.init <- diag(H)      ### note: con$gamma2.init and con$phi.init are the 'choled' values of the initial H matrix, so con$phi.init really
      con$phi.init <- H[upper.tri(H)] ### contains the 'choled' covariances; and these values are also passed on the as the initial values
   } else {
      con$gamma2.init <- log(gamma2.init)
      con$phi.init  <- transf.rtoz(phi.init)

   optimizer  <- match.arg(con$optimizer, c("optim","nlminb","uobyqa","newuoa","bobyqa","nloptr","nlm","hjk","nmk","ucminf"))
   optmethod  <- con$optmethod
   tol        <- con$tol
   posdefify  <- con$posdefify
   cholesky   <- con$cholesky
   optcontrol <- control[] ### get arguments that are control arguments for optimizer

   if (length(optcontrol) == 0)
      optcontrol <- list()

   ### set NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA as the default algorithm for nloptr optimizer
   ### and by default use a relative convergence criterion of 1e-8 on the function value

   if (optimizer=="nloptr" && !is.element("algorithm", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA"

   if (optimizer=="nloptr" && !is.element("ftol_rel", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$ftol_rel <- 1e-8

   #return(list(con=con, optimizer=optimizer, optmethod=optmethod, tol=tol, posdefify=posdefify, optcontrol=optcontrol))

   reml <- ifelse(method=="REML", TRUE, FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("uobyqa","newuoa","bobyqa"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace("minqa", quietly=TRUE))
         stop("Please install the 'minqa' package to use this optimizer.")

   if (optimizer == "nloptr") {
      if (!requireNamespace("nloptr", quietly=TRUE))
         stop("Please install the 'nloptr' package to use this optimizer.")

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("hjk","nmk"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace("dfoptim", quietly=TRUE))
         stop("Please install the 'dfoptim' package to use this optimizer.")

   if (optimizer == "ucminf") {
      if (!requireNamespace("ucminf", quietly=TRUE))
         stop("Please install the 'ucminf' package to use this optimizer.")

   ### check if length of sigma2.init, tau2.init, rho.init, gamma2.init, and phi.init matches number of variance components
   ### note: if a particular component is not included, reset (transformed) initial values (in case the user still specifies multiple initial values)

   if (withS) {
      if (length(con$sigma2.init) != sigma2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'sigma2.init' argument (", length(con$sigma2.init), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", sigma2s, ").", sep=""))
   } else {
      con$sigma2.init <- 0

   if (withG) {
      if (length(con$tau2.init) != tau2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'tau2.init' argument (", length(con$tau2.init), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", tau2s, ").", sep=""))
   } else {
      con$tau2.init <- 0

   if (withG) {
      if (length(con$rho.init) != rhos)
         stop(paste("Length of 'rho.init' argument (", length(con$rho.init), ") does not match actual number of correlations (", rhos, ").", sep=""))
   } else {
      con$rho.init <- 0

   if (withH) {
      if (length(con$gamma2.init) != gamma2s)
         stop(paste("Length of 'gamma2.init' argument (", length(con$gamma2.init), ") does not match actual number of variance components (", gamma2s, ").", sep=""))
   } else {
      con$gamma2.init <- 0

   if (withH) {
      if (length(con$phi.init) != phis)
         stop(paste("Length of 'phi.init' argument (", length(con$phi.init), ") does not match actual number of correlations (", phis, ").", sep=""))
   } else {
      con$phi.init <- 0


   ### check whether model matrix is of full rank

   if (any(eigen(crossprod(X), symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= tol))
      stop("Model matrix not of full rank. Cannot fit model.")

   ### which variance components are fixed? (TRUE/FALSE or NA if not applicable = not included)

   if (withS) {
      sigma2.fix <- !
   } else {
      sigma2.fix <- NA
   if (withG) {
      tau2.fix <- !
      rho.fix  <- !
   } else {
      tau2.fix <- NA
      rho.fix  <- NA
   if (withH) {
      gamma2.fix <- !
      phi.fix    <- !
   } else {
      gamma2.fix <- NA
      phi.fix    <- NA

   vc.fix <- list(sigma2=sigma2.fix, tau2=tau2.fix, rho=rho.fix, gamma2=gamma2.fix, phi=phi.fix)

   ### show which variance components are included in the model, their initial value, and their specified value (NA if not specified)

   if (verbose) {
      cat("\nVariance Components in Model:")
      if (!withS && !withG && !withH) {
         cat(" none\n\n")
      } else {
         vcs <- rbind(c("sigma2" = if (withS) round(sigma2.init, digits=digits) else NA,
                        "tau2"   = if (withG) round(tau2.init, digits=digits) else NA,
                        "rho"    = if (withG) round(rho.init, digits=digits) else NA,
                        "gamma2" = if (withH) round(gamma2.init, digits=digits) else NA,
                        "phi"    = if (withH) round(phi.init, digits=digits) else NA),
                        round(c(   if (withS) sigma2 else NA,
                                   if (withG) tau2 else NA,
                                   if (withG) rho else NA,
                                   if (withH) gamma2 else NA,
                                   if (withH) phi else NA), digits=digits))
         vcs <- data.frame(vcs)
         rownames(vcs) <- c("initial", "specified")
         vcs <- rbind(included=ifelse(c(rep(withS, sigma2s), rep(withG, tau2s), rep(withG, rhos), rep(withH, gamma2s), rep(withH, phis)), "Yes", "No"), fixed=unlist(vc.fix), vcs)
         print(vcs, na.print="")

   alpha <- ifelse(level > 1, (100-level)/100, 1-level)

   #return(list(sigma2s, tau2s, rhos, gamma2s, phis))


   ###### model fitting, test statistics, and confidence intervals

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Model fitting ...")

   ### estimate sigma2, tau2, rho, gamma2, and phi as needed

   if (optimizer=="optim") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"
   if (optimizer=="nlminb") {
      par.arg <- "start"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"
   if (is.element(optimizer, c("uobyqa","newuoa","bobyqa"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0("minqa::", optimizer) ### need to use this since loading nloptr masks bobyqa() and newuoa() functions
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"
   if (optimizer=="nloptr") {
      par.arg <- "x0"
      optimizer <- paste0("nloptr::nloptr") ### need to use this due to requireNamespace()
      ctrl.arg <- ", opts=optcontrol"
   if (optimizer=="nlm") {
      par.arg <- "p" ### because of this, must use argument name pX for p (number of columns in X matrix)
      ctrl.arg <- paste(names(optcontrol), unlist(optcontrol), sep="=", collapse=", ")
      if (nchar(ctrl.arg) != 0)
         ctrl.arg <- paste0(", ", ctrl.arg)
   if (is.element(optimizer, c("hjk","nmk"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0("dfoptim::", optimizer) ### need to use this so that the optimizers can be found
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"
   if (optimizer=="ucminf") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0("ucminf::ucminf") ### need to use this due to requireNamespace()
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (method != "FE" && !is.null(random)) {

      optcall <- paste(optimizer, "(", par.arg, "=c(con$sigma2.init, con$tau2.init, con$rho.init, con$gamma2.init, con$phi.init),, reml=reml, ", ifelse(optimizer=="optim", "method=optmethod, ", ""), "Y=Y, M=V, A=NULL,, k=k, pX=p,
         D.S=D.S, Z.G1=Z.G1, Z.G2=Z.G2, Z.H1=Z.H1, Z.H2=Z.H2,
         sigma2.val=sigma2, tau2.val=tau2, rho.val=rho, gamma2.val=gamma2, phi.val=phi,
         sigma2s=sigma2s, tau2s=tau2s, rhos=rhos, gamma2s=gamma2s, phis=phis,
         withS=withS, withG=withG, withH=withH,
         struct=struct, g.levels.r=g.levels.r, h.levels.r=h.levels.r,
         sparse=sparse, cholesky=cholesky, posdefify=posdefify, vctransf=TRUE,
         verbose=verbose, digits=digits, REMLf=con$REMLf", ctrl.arg, ")\n", sep="")

      opt.res <- try(eval(parse(text=optcall)), silent=!verbose)

      if (inherits(opt.res, "try-error"))
         stop("Error during optimization.")

      ### convergence checks

      if (is.element(optimizer, c("optim","nlminb","dfoptim::hjk","dfoptim::nmk")) && opt.res$convergence != 0)
         stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (convergence = ", opt.res$convergence, ")."))

      if (is.element(optimizer, c("minqa::uobyqa","minqa::newuoa","minqa::bobyqa")) && opt.res$ierr != 0)
         stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (ierr = ", opt.res$ierr, ")."))

      if (optimizer=="nloptr::nloptr" && !(opt.res$status >= 1 && opt.res$status <= 4))
         stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (status = ", opt.res$status, ")."))

      if (optimizer=="ucminf::ucminf" && !(opt.res$convergence == 1 || opt.res$convergence == 2))
         stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (convergence = ", opt.res$convergence, ")."))

      if (verbose > 1) {

      ### copy estimated values to 'par' so code below works

      if (optimizer=="nloptr::nloptr")
         opt.res$par <- opt.res$solution
      if (optimizer=="nlm")
         opt.res$par <- opt.res$estimate

      if (p == k) {

         ### when fitting a saturated model (with REML estimation), estimated values of variance components can remain stuck
         ### at their initial values; this ensures that the values are fixed to zero (unless values were fixed by the user)

         sigma2[] <- 0
         tau2[]     <- 0
         rho[]       <- 0
         gamma2[] <- 0
         phi[]       <- 0


      ### save these for Hessian computation

      sigma2.val <- sigma2
      tau2.val   <- tau2
      rho.val    <- rho
      gamma2.val <- gamma2
      phi.val    <- phi

   } else {

      opt.res <- list(par=c(0,0,0,0,0))



   ### do the final model fit with estimated variance components

   fitcall <-$par, reml=reml, Y=Y, M=V, A=A,, k=k, pX=p,
      D.S=D.S, Z.G1=Z.G1, Z.G2=Z.G2, Z.H1=Z.H1, Z.H2=Z.H2,
      sigma2.val=sigma2, tau2.val=tau2, rho.val=rho, gamma2.val=gamma2, phi.val=phi,
      sigma2s=sigma2s, tau2s=tau2s, rhos=rhos, gamma2s=gamma2s, phis=phis,
      withS=withS, withG=withG, withH=withH,
      struct=struct, g.levels.r=g.levels.r, h.levels.r=h.levels.r,
      sparse=sparse, cholesky=cholesky, posdefify=posdefify, vctransf=TRUE,
      verbose=FALSE, digits=digits, REMLf=con$REMLf, dofit=TRUE)

   ### extract elements

   b  <- as.matrix(fitcall$b)
   vb <- as.matrix(fitcall$vb)

   if (withS)
      sigma2 <- fitcall$sigma2

   if (withG) {
      G <- as.matrix(fitcall$G)
      colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- g.levels.f[[1]]
      tau2 <- fitcall$tau2
      rho  <- fitcall$rho

   if (withH) {
      H <- as.matrix(fitcall$H)
      colnames(H) <- rownames(H) <- h.levels.f[[1]]
      gamma2 <- fitcall$gamma2
      phi    <- fitcall$phi

   M <- fitcall$M

   ### remove row and column names of M
   ### (but only do this if M has row/column names)

   if (!is.null(dimnames(M)))
      M <- unname(M)


   ### QM calculation

   QM <- try(as.vector(t(b)[btt] %*% chol2inv(chol(vb[btt,btt])) %*% b[btt]), silent=TRUE)

   if (inherits(QM, "try-error"))
      QM <- NA

   rownames(b) <- rownames(vb) <- colnames(vb) <- colnames(X)

   se <- sqrt(diag(vb))
   names(se) <- NULL
   zval <- c(b/se)

   if (is.element(test, c("t"))) {
      dfs <- k-p
      QM  <- QM / m
      if (dfs > 0) {
         QMp  <- pf(QM, df1=m, df2=dfs, lower.tail=FALSE)
         pval <- 2*pt(abs(zval), df=dfs, lower.tail=FALSE)
         crit <- qt(alpha/2, df=dfs, lower.tail=FALSE)
      } else {
         QMp  <- NaN
         pval <- NaN
         crit <- NaN
   } else {
      dfs  <- NA
      QMp  <- pchisq(QM, df=m, lower.tail=FALSE)
      pval <- 2*pnorm(abs(zval), lower.tail=FALSE)
      crit <- qnorm(alpha/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
   } <- c(b - crit * se)
   ci.ub <- c(b + crit * se)


   ### heterogeneity test (Wald-type test of the extra coefficients in the saturated model)

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Heterogeneity testing ...")

   QE.df <- k-p

   if (QE.df > 0L) {

      if (! {

         ### if V is not positive definite, FE model fit will fail; then QE is NA
         ### otherwise compute the RSS (which is equal to the Q/QE-test statistic)

         QEp <- pchisq(QE, df=QE.df, lower.tail=FALSE)


   } else {

      ### if the user fits a saturated model, then fit must be perfect and QE = 0 and QEp = 1

      QE  <- 0
      QEp <- 1


   ### log-likelihood under a saturated model with ML estimation

   ll.QE <- -1/2 * (k) * log(2*base::pi) - 1/2 * determinant(V, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus


   ###### compute Hessian

   if (con$hessian) {

      if (verbose > 1)
         message("Computing Hessian ...")

      if (!requireNamespace("numDeriv", quietly=TRUE))
         stop("Please install the 'numDeriv' package for Hessian computation.")

      hessian <- try(numDeriv::hessian(, x = if (con$vctransf) opt.res$par else c(sigma2, tau2, rho, gamma2, phi), method.args=con$hessianCtrl, reml=reml, Y=Y, M=V, A=NULL,, k=k, pX=p,
         D.S=D.S, Z.G1=Z.G1, Z.G2=Z.G2, Z.H1=Z.H1, Z.H2=Z.H2,
         sigma2.val=sigma2.val, tau2.val=tau2.val, rho.val=rho.val, gamma2.val=gamma2.val, phi.val=phi.val,
         sigma2s=sigma2s, tau2s=tau2s, rhos=rhos, gamma2s=gamma2s, phis=phis,
         withS=withS, withG=withG, withH=withH,
         struct=struct, g.levels.r=g.levels.r, h.levels.r=h.levels.r,
         sparse=sparse, cholesky=ifelse(c(con$vctransf,con$vctransf) & cholesky, TRUE, FALSE), posdefify=posdefify, vctransf=con$vctransf,
         verbose=verbose, digits=digits, REMLf=con$REMLf), silent=TRUE) # , method.args=list(r=6)

      if (inherits(hessian, "try-error"))
         warning("Error when trying to compute Hessian.")

      ### row/column names

      colnames(hessian) <- 1:ncol(hessian) ### need to do this, so the subsetting of colnames below works

      if (sigma2s == 1) {
         colnames(hessian)[1] <- "sigma^2"
      } else {
         colnames(hessian)[1:sigma2s] <- paste("sigma^2.", 1:sigma2s, sep="")
      if (tau2s == 1) {
         colnames(hessian)[sigma2s+1] <- "tau^2"
      } else {
         colnames(hessian)[(sigma2s+1):(sigma2s+tau2s)] <- paste("tau^2.", 1:tau2s, sep="")
      if (rhos == 1) {
         colnames(hessian)[sigma2s+tau2s+1] <- "rho"
      } else {
         colnames(hessian)[(sigma2s+tau2s+1):(sigma2s+tau2s+rhos)] <- paste("rho.", outer(1:g.nlevels.f[1], 1:g.nlevels.f, paste, sep=".")[upper.tri(matrix(NA,nrow=g.nlevels.f,ncol=g.nlevels.f))], sep="")
      if (gamma2s == 1) {
         colnames(hessian)[sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+1] <- "gamma^2"
      } else {
         colnames(hessian)[(sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+1):(sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+gamma2s)] <- paste("gamma^2.", 1:gamma2s, sep="")
      if (phis == 1) {
         colnames(hessian)[sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+gamma2s+1] <- "phi"
      } else {
         colnames(hessian)[(sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+gamma2s+1):(sigma2s+tau2s+rhos+gamma2s+phis)] <- paste("phi.", outer(1:h.nlevels.f[1], 1:h.nlevels.f, paste, sep=".")[upper.tri(matrix(NA,nrow=h.nlevels.f,ncol=h.nlevels.f))], sep="")

      rownames(hessian) <- colnames(hessian)

      ### select correct rows/columns from Hessian depending on components in the model

      #if (withS && withG && withH)
         #hessian <- hessian[1:nrow(hessian),1:ncol(hessian), drop=FALSE]
      if (withS && withG && !withH)
         hessian <- hessian[1:(nrow(hessian)-2),1:(ncol(hessian)-2), drop=FALSE]
      if (withS && !withG && !withH)
         hessian <- hessian[1:(nrow(hessian)-4),1:(ncol(hessian)-4), drop=FALSE]
      if (!withS && withG && withH)
         hessian <- hessian[2:nrow(hessian),2:ncol(hessian), drop=FALSE]
      if (!withS && withG && !withH)
         hessian <- hessian[2:(nrow(hessian)-2),2:(ncol(hessian)-2), drop=FALSE]
      if (!withS && !withG && !withH)
         hessian <- NA

   } else {

      hessian <- NA



   ###### fit statistics

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Computing fit statistics and log likelihood ...")

   ### note: this only counts *estimated* variance components and correlations for the total number of parameters

   parms <- p + ifelse(withS, sum(ifelse(sigma2.fix,0,1)), 0) +
                ifelse(withG, sum(ifelse(tau2.fix,0,1)), 0) +
                ifelse(withG, sum(ifelse(rho.fix,0,1)), 0) +
                ifelse(withH, sum(ifelse(gamma2.fix,0,1)), 0) +
                ifelse(withH, sum(ifelse(phi.fix,0,1)), 0)

   ### note: this counts all variance components and correlations for the total number of parameters, even if they were fixed by the user or function
   #parms <- p + ifelse(withS, sigma2s, 0) + ifelse(withG, tau2s, 0) + ifelse(withG, rhos, 0) + ifelse(withH, gamma2s, 0) + ifelse(withH, phis, 0)

   ll.ML   <- fitcall$llvals[1]
   ll.REML <- fitcall$llvals[2]

   dev.ML    <- -2 * (ll.ML - ll.QE)
   AIC.ML    <- -2 * ll.ML   + 2*parms
   BIC.ML    <- -2 * ll.ML   +   parms * log(k)
   AICc.ML   <- -2 * ll.ML   + 2*parms * max(k, parms+2) / (max(k, parms+2) - parms - 1)
   dev.REML  <- -2 * (ll.REML - 0) ### saturated model has ll = 0 when using the full REML likelihood
   AIC.REML  <- -2 * ll.REML + 2*parms
   BIC.REML  <- -2 * ll.REML +   parms * log(k-p)
   AICc.REML <- -2 * ll.REML + 2*parms * max(k-p, parms+2) / (max(k-p, parms+2) - parms - 1)

   fit.stats <- matrix(c(ll.ML, dev.ML, AIC.ML, BIC.ML, AICc.ML, ll.REML, dev.REML, AIC.REML, BIC.REML, AICc.REML), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
   dimnames(fit.stats) <- list(c("ll","dev","AIC","BIC","AICc"), c("ML","REML"))
   fit.stats <- data.frame(fit.stats)


   ###### prepare output

   if (verbose > 1)
      message("Preparing output ...")

   p.eff <- p
   k.eff <- k

   weighted <- TRUE

   res <- list(b=b, se=se, zval=zval, pval=pval,, ci.ub=ci.ub, vb=vb,
               sigma2=sigma2, tau2=tau2, rho=rho, gamma2=gamma2, phi=phi,
               k=k, k.f=k.f, k.eff=k.eff, p=p, p.eff=p.eff, parms=parms, m=m,
               QE=QE, QEp=QEp, QM=QM, QMp=QMp,
               int.only=int.only, int.incl=int.incl, allvipos=allvipos,,
               yi=yi, vi=vi, V=V, W=A, X=X, yi.f=yi.f, vi.f=vi.f, V.f=V.f, X.f=X.f, W.f=W.f, ni=ni, ni.f=ni.f, M=M, G=G, H=H, hessian=hessian,
               ids=ids,, subset=subset, slab=slab, slab.null=slab.null,
               measure=measure, method=method, weighted=weighted, test=test, dfs=dfs, btt=btt, intercept=intercept, digits=digits, level=level, sparse=sparse, control=control,
               withS=withS, withG=withG, withH=withH, withR=withR,
               sigma2s=sigma2s, tau2s=tau2s, rhos=rhos, gamma2s=gamma2s, phis=phis,
               s.names=s.names, g.names=g.names, h.names=h.names,
               s.nlevels=s.nlevels, g.nlevels.f=g.nlevels.f, g.nlevels=g.nlevels,
                                    h.nlevels.f=h.nlevels.f, h.nlevels=h.nlevels,
               g.levels.f=g.levels.f, g.levels.k=g.levels.k, g.levels.comb.k=g.levels.comb.k,
               h.levels.f=h.levels.f, h.levels.k=h.levels.k, h.levels.comb.k=h.levels.comb.k,
               struct=struct, Rfix=Rfix, R=R, Rscale=Rscale, mf.r=mf.r, mf.g.f=mf.g.f, mf.h.f=mf.h.f, random=random, version=packageVersion("metafor"), call=mf)

   class(res) <- c("", "rma")

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