Raw File
Tip revision: d1762c78afdc22974ed755754b08fb57d8732976 authored by Andrew Scott on 12 January 2022, 18:47:32 UTC
release: cut the v13.1.2 release (#44698)
Tip revision: d1762c7
 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
import {Injector} from '../../di';
import {ErrorHandler} from '../../error_handler';
import {formatRuntimeError, RuntimeError, RuntimeErrorCode} from '../../errors';
import {DoCheck, OnChanges, OnInit} from '../../interface/lifecycle_hooks';
import {CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, SchemaMetadata} from '../../metadata/schema';
import {ViewEncapsulation} from '../../metadata/view';
import {validateAgainstEventAttributes, validateAgainstEventProperties} from '../../sanitization/sanitization';
import {Sanitizer} from '../../sanitization/sanitizer';
import {assertDefined, assertDomNode, assertEqual, assertGreaterThanOrEqual, assertIndexInRange, assertNotEqual, assertNotSame, assertSame, assertString} from '../../util/assert';
import {escapeCommentText} from '../../util/dom';
import {normalizeDebugBindingName, normalizeDebugBindingValue} from '../../util/ng_reflect';
import {stringify} from '../../util/stringify';
import {assertFirstCreatePass, assertFirstUpdatePass, assertLContainer, assertLView, assertTNodeForLView, assertTNodeForTView} from '../assert';
import {attachPatchData, readPatchedLView} from '../context_discovery';
import {getFactoryDef} from '../definition_factory';
import {diPublicInInjector, getNodeInjectable, getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode} from '../di';
import {throwMultipleComponentError} from '../errors';
import {executeCheckHooks, executeInitAndCheckHooks, incrementInitPhaseFlags} from '../hooks';
import {CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET, HAS_TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS, LContainer, MOVED_VIEWS} from '../interfaces/container';
import {ComponentDef, ComponentTemplate, DirectiveDef, DirectiveDefListOrFactory, HostBindingsFunction, PipeDefListOrFactory, RenderFlags, ViewQueriesFunction} from '../interfaces/definition';
import {NodeInjectorFactory} from '../interfaces/injector';
import {AttributeMarker, InitialInputData, InitialInputs, LocalRefExtractor, PropertyAliases, PropertyAliasValue, TAttributes, TConstantsOrFactory, TContainerNode, TDirectiveHostNode, TElementContainerNode, TElementNode, TIcuContainerNode, TNode, TNodeFlags, TNodeType, TProjectionNode} from '../interfaces/node';
import {isProceduralRenderer, Renderer3, RendererFactory3} from '../interfaces/renderer';
import {RComment, RElement, RNode, RText} from '../interfaces/renderer_dom';
import {SanitizerFn} from '../interfaces/sanitization';
import {isComponentDef, isComponentHost, isContentQueryHost, isRootView} from '../interfaces/type_checks';
import {assertPureTNodeType, assertTNodeType} from '../node_assert';
import {updateTextNode} from '../node_manipulation';
import {isInlineTemplate, isNodeMatchingSelectorList} from '../node_selector_matcher';
import {profiler, ProfilerEvent} from '../profiler';
import {enterView, getBindingsEnabled, getCurrentDirectiveIndex, getCurrentParentTNode, getCurrentTNode, getCurrentTNodePlaceholderOk, getSelectedIndex, isCurrentTNodeParent, isInCheckNoChangesMode, isInI18nBlock, leaveView, setBindingIndex, setBindingRootForHostBindings, setCurrentDirectiveIndex, setCurrentQueryIndex, setCurrentTNode, setIsInCheckNoChangesMode, setSelectedIndex} from '../state';
import {NO_CHANGE} from '../tokens';
import {isAnimationProp, mergeHostAttrs} from '../util/attrs_utils';
import {INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER} from '../util/misc_utils';
import {renderStringify, stringifyForError} from '../util/stringify_utils';
import {getFirstLContainer, getLViewParent, getNextLContainer} from '../util/view_traversal_utils';
import {getComponentLViewByIndex, getNativeByIndex, getNativeByTNode, isCreationMode, resetPreOrderHookFlags, unwrapLView, updateTransplantedViewCount, viewAttachedToChangeDetector} from '../util/view_utils';

import {selectIndexInternal} from './advance';
import {attachLContainerDebug, attachLViewDebug, cloneToLViewFromTViewBlueprint, cloneToTViewData, LCleanup, LViewBlueprint, MatchesArray, TCleanup, TNodeDebug, TNodeInitialInputs, TNodeLocalNames, TViewComponents, TViewConstructor} from './lview_debug';

 * A permanent marker promise which signifies that the current CD tree is
 * clean.
const _CLEAN_PROMISE = (() => Promise.resolve(null))();

 * Invoke `HostBindingsFunction`s for view.
 * This methods executes `TView.hostBindingOpCodes`. It is used to execute the
 * `HostBindingsFunction`s associated with the current `LView`.
 * @param tView Current `TView`.
 * @param lView Current `LView`.
export function processHostBindingOpCodes(tView: TView, lView: LView): void {
  const hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes;
  if (hostBindingOpCodes === null) return;
  try {
    for (let i = 0; i < hostBindingOpCodes.length; i++) {
      const opCode = hostBindingOpCodes[i] as number;
      if (opCode < 0) {
        // Negative numbers are element indexes.
      } else {
        // Positive numbers are NumberTuple which store bindingRootIndex and directiveIndex.
        const directiveIdx = opCode;
        const bindingRootIndx = hostBindingOpCodes[++i] as number;
        const hostBindingFn = hostBindingOpCodes[++i] as HostBindingsFunction<any>;
        setBindingRootForHostBindings(bindingRootIndx, directiveIdx);
        const context = lView[directiveIdx];
        hostBindingFn(RenderFlags.Update, context);
  } finally {

/** Refreshes all content queries declared by directives in a given view */
function refreshContentQueries(tView: TView, lView: LView): void {
  const contentQueries = tView.contentQueries;
  if (contentQueries !== null) {
    for (let i = 0; i < contentQueries.length; i += 2) {
      const queryStartIdx = contentQueries[i];
      const directiveDefIdx = contentQueries[i + 1];
      if (directiveDefIdx !== -1) {
        const directiveDef =[directiveDefIdx] as DirectiveDef<any>;
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(directiveDef, 'DirectiveDef not found.');
        ngDevMode &&
            assertDefined(directiveDef.contentQueries, 'contentQueries function should be defined');
        directiveDef.contentQueries!(RenderFlags.Update, lView[directiveDefIdx], directiveDefIdx);

/** Refreshes child components in the current view (update mode). */
function refreshChildComponents(hostLView: LView, components: number[]): void {
  for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
    refreshComponent(hostLView, components[i]);

/** Renders child components in the current view (creation mode). */
function renderChildComponents(hostLView: LView, components: number[]): void {
  for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
    renderComponent(hostLView, components[i]);

export function createLView<T>(
    parentLView: LView|null, tView: TView, context: T|null, flags: LViewFlags, host: RElement|null,
    tHostNode: TNode|null, rendererFactory: RendererFactory3|null, renderer: Renderer3|null,
    sanitizer: Sanitizer|null, injector: Injector|null): LView {
  const lView =
      ngDevMode ? cloneToLViewFromTViewBlueprint(tView) : tView.blueprint.slice() as LView;
  lView[HOST] = host;
  lView[FLAGS] = flags | LViewFlags.CreationMode | LViewFlags.Attached | LViewFlags.FirstLViewPass;
  ngDevMode && tView.declTNode && parentLView && assertTNodeForLView(tView.declTNode, parentLView);
  lView[PARENT] = lView[DECLARATION_VIEW] = parentLView;
  lView[CONTEXT] = context;
  lView[RENDERER_FACTORY] = (rendererFactory || parentLView && parentLView[RENDERER_FACTORY])!;
  ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView[RENDERER_FACTORY], 'RendererFactory is required');
  lView[RENDERER] = (renderer || parentLView && parentLView[RENDERER])!;
  ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView[RENDERER], 'Renderer is required');
  lView[SANITIZER] = sanitizer || parentLView && parentLView[SANITIZER] || null!;
  lView[INJECTOR as any] = injector || parentLView && parentLView[INJECTOR] || null;
  lView[T_HOST] = tHostNode;
  ngDevMode &&
          tView.type == TViewType.Embedded ? parentLView !== null : true, true,
          'Embedded views must have parentLView');
      tView.type == TViewType.Embedded ? parentLView![DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW] : lView;
  ngDevMode && attachLViewDebug(lView);
  return lView;

 * Create and stores the TNode, and hooks it up to the tree.
 * @param tView The current `TView`.
 * @param index The index at which the TNode should be saved (null if view, since they are not
 * saved).
 * @param type The type of TNode to create
 * @param native The native element for this node, if applicable
 * @param name The tag name of the associated native element, if applicable
 * @param attrs Any attrs for the native element, if applicable
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType.Element|TNodeType.Text, name: string|null,
    attrs: TAttributes|null): TElementNode;
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType.Container, name: string|null,
    attrs: TAttributes|null): TContainerNode;
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType.Projection, name: null,
    attrs: TAttributes|null): TProjectionNode;
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType.ElementContainer, name: string|null,
    attrs: TAttributes|null): TElementContainerNode;
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType.Icu, name: null,
    attrs: TAttributes|null): TElementContainerNode;
export function getOrCreateTNode(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType, name: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null):
    TElementNode&TContainerNode&TElementContainerNode&TProjectionNode&TIcuContainerNode {
  ngDevMode && index !== 0 &&  // 0 are bogus nodes and they are OK. See `createContainerRef` in
                               // `view_engine_compatibility` for additional context.
      assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'TNodes can\'t be in the LView header.');
  // Keep this function short, so that the VM will inline it.
  ngDevMode && assertPureTNodeType(type);
  let tNode =[index] as TNode;
  if (tNode === null) {
    tNode = createTNodeAtIndex(tView, index, type, name, attrs);
    if (isInI18nBlock()) {
      // If we are in i18n block then all elements should be pre declared through `Placeholder`
      // See `TNodeType.Placeholder` and `LFrame.inI18n` for more context.
      // If the `TNode` was not pre-declared than it means it was not mentioned which means it was
      // removed, so we mark it as detached.
      tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.isDetached;
  } else if (tNode.type & TNodeType.Placeholder) {
    tNode.type = type;
    tNode.value = name;
    tNode.attrs = attrs;
    const parent = getCurrentParentTNode();
    tNode.injectorIndex = parent === null ? -1 : parent.injectorIndex;
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeForTView(tNode, tView);
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(index, tNode.index, 'Expecting same index');
  setCurrentTNode(tNode, true);
  return tNode as TElementNode & TContainerNode & TElementContainerNode & TProjectionNode &

export function createTNodeAtIndex(
    tView: TView, index: number, type: TNodeType, name: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null) {
  const currentTNode = getCurrentTNodePlaceholderOk();
  const isParent = isCurrentTNodeParent();
  const parent = isParent ? currentTNode : currentTNode && currentTNode.parent;
  // Parents cannot cross component boundaries because components will be used in multiple places.
  const tNode =[index] =
      createTNode(tView, parent as TElementNode | TContainerNode, type, index, name, attrs);
  // Assign a pointer to the first child node of a given view. The first node is not always the one
  // at index 0, in case of i18n, index 0 can be the instruction `i18nStart` and the first node has
  // the index 1 or more, so we can't just check node index.
  if (tView.firstChild === null) {
    tView.firstChild = tNode;
  if (currentTNode !== null) {
    if (isParent) {
      // FIXME(misko): This logic looks unnecessarily complicated. Could we simplify?
      if (currentTNode.child == null && tNode.parent !== null) {
        // We are in the same view, which means we are adding content node to the parent view.
        currentTNode.child = tNode;
    } else {
      if ( === null) {
        // In the case of i18n the `currentTNode` may already be linked, in which case we don't want
        // to break the links which i18n created. = tNode;
  return tNode;

 * When elements are created dynamically after a view blueprint is created (e.g. through
 * i18nApply()), we need to adjust the blueprint for future
 * template passes.
 * @param tView `TView` associated with `LView`
 * @param lView The `LView` containing the blueprint to adjust
 * @param numSlotsToAlloc The number of slots to alloc in the LView, should be >0
 * @param initialValue Initial value to store in blueprint
export function allocExpando(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, numSlotsToAlloc: number, initialValue: any): number {
  if (numSlotsToAlloc === 0) return -1;
  if (ngDevMode) {
    assertSame(tView, lView[TVIEW], '`LView` must be associated with `TView`!');
    assertEqual(, lView.length, 'Expecting LView to be same size as TView');
    assertEqual(, tView.blueprint.length, 'Expecting Blueprint to be same size as TView');
  const allocIdx = lView.length;
  for (let i = 0; i < numSlotsToAlloc; i++) {
  return allocIdx;

//// Render

 * Processes a view in the creation mode. This includes a number of steps in a specific order:
 * - creating view query functions (if any);
 * - executing a template function in the creation mode;
 * - updating static queries (if any);
 * - creating child components defined in a given view.
export function renderView<T>(tView: TView, lView: LView, context: T): void {
  ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(lView), true, 'Should be run in creation mode');
  try {
    const viewQuery = tView.viewQuery;
    if (viewQuery !== null) {
      executeViewQueryFn(RenderFlags.Create, viewQuery, context);

    // Execute a template associated with this view, if it exists. A template function might not be
    // defined for the root component views.
    const templateFn = tView.template;
    if (templateFn !== null) {
      executeTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, RenderFlags.Create, context);

    // This needs to be set before children are processed to support recursive components.
    // This must be set to false immediately after the first creation run because in an
    // ngFor loop, all the views will be created together before update mode runs and turns
    // off firstCreatePass. If we don't set it here, instances will perform directive
    // matching, etc again and again.
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
      tView.firstCreatePass = false;

    // We resolve content queries specifically marked as `static` in creation mode. Dynamic
    // content queries are resolved during change detection (i.e. update mode), after embedded
    // views are refreshed (see block above).
    if (tView.staticContentQueries) {
      refreshContentQueries(tView, lView);

    // We must materialize query results before child components are processed
    // in case a child component has projected a container. The LContainer needs
    // to exist so the embedded views are properly attached by the container.
    if (tView.staticViewQueries) {
      executeViewQueryFn(RenderFlags.Update, tView.viewQuery!, context);

    // Render child component views.
    const components = tView.components;
    if (components !== null) {
      renderChildComponents(lView, components);

  } catch (error) {
    // If we didn't manage to get past the first template pass due to
    // an error, mark the view as corrupted so we can try to recover.
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
      tView.incompleteFirstPass = true;
      tView.firstCreatePass = false;

    throw error;
  } finally {
    lView[FLAGS] &= ~LViewFlags.CreationMode;

 * Processes a view in update mode. This includes a number of steps in a specific order:
 * - executing a template function in update mode;
 * - executing hooks;
 * - refreshing queries;
 * - setting host bindings;
 * - refreshing child (embedded and component) views.
export function refreshView<T>(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, templateFn: ComponentTemplate<{}>|null, context: T) {
  ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(lView), false, 'Should be run in update mode');
  const flags = lView[FLAGS];
  if ((flags & LViewFlags.Destroyed) === LViewFlags.Destroyed) return;
  // Check no changes mode is a dev only mode used to verify that bindings have not changed
  // since they were assigned. We do not want to execute lifecycle hooks in that mode.
  const isInCheckNoChangesPass = isInCheckNoChangesMode();
  try {

    if (templateFn !== null) {
      executeTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, RenderFlags.Update, context);

    const hooksInitPhaseCompleted =
        (flags & LViewFlags.InitPhaseStateMask) === InitPhaseState.InitPhaseCompleted;

    // execute pre-order hooks (OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck)
    // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
    if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
      if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
        const preOrderCheckHooks = tView.preOrderCheckHooks;
        if (preOrderCheckHooks !== null) {
          executeCheckHooks(lView, preOrderCheckHooks, null);
      } else {
        const preOrderHooks = tView.preOrderHooks;
        if (preOrderHooks !== null) {
          executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, preOrderHooks, InitPhaseState.OnInitHooksToBeRun, null);
        incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, InitPhaseState.OnInitHooksToBeRun);

    // First mark transplanted views that are declared in this lView as needing a refresh at their
    // insertion points. This is needed to avoid the situation where the template is defined in this
    // `LView` but its declaration appears after the insertion component.

    // Content query results must be refreshed before content hooks are called.
    if (tView.contentQueries !== null) {
      refreshContentQueries(tView, lView);

    // execute content hooks (AfterContentInit, AfterContentChecked)
    // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
    if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
      if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
        const contentCheckHooks = tView.contentCheckHooks;
        if (contentCheckHooks !== null) {
          executeCheckHooks(lView, contentCheckHooks);
      } else {
        const contentHooks = tView.contentHooks;
        if (contentHooks !== null) {
              lView, contentHooks, InitPhaseState.AfterContentInitHooksToBeRun);
        incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, InitPhaseState.AfterContentInitHooksToBeRun);

    processHostBindingOpCodes(tView, lView);

    // Refresh child component views.
    const components = tView.components;
    if (components !== null) {
      refreshChildComponents(lView, components);

    // View queries must execute after refreshing child components because a template in this view
    // could be inserted in a child component. If the view query executes before child component
    // refresh, the template might not yet be inserted.
    const viewQuery = tView.viewQuery;
    if (viewQuery !== null) {
      executeViewQueryFn(RenderFlags.Update, viewQuery, context);

    // execute view hooks (AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked)
    // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
    if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
      if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
        const viewCheckHooks = tView.viewCheckHooks;
        if (viewCheckHooks !== null) {
          executeCheckHooks(lView, viewCheckHooks);
      } else {
        const viewHooks = tView.viewHooks;
        if (viewHooks !== null) {
          executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, viewHooks, InitPhaseState.AfterViewInitHooksToBeRun);
        incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, InitPhaseState.AfterViewInitHooksToBeRun);
    if (tView.firstUpdatePass === true) {
      // We need to make sure that we only flip the flag on successful `refreshView` only
      // Don't do this in `finally` block.
      // If we did this in `finally` block then an exception could block the execution of styling
      // instructions which in turn would be unable to insert themselves into the styling linked
      // list. The result of this would be that if the exception would not be throw on subsequent CD
      // the styling would be unable to process it data and reflect to the DOM.
      tView.firstUpdatePass = false;

    // Do not reset the dirty state when running in check no changes mode. We don't want components
    // to behave differently depending on whether check no changes is enabled or not. For example:
    // Marking an OnPush component as dirty from within the `ngAfterViewInit` hook in order to
    // refresh a `NgClass` binding should work. If we would reset the dirty state in the check
    // no changes cycle, the component would be not be dirty for the next update pass. This would
    // be different in production mode where the component dirty state is not reset.
    if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
      lView[FLAGS] &= ~(LViewFlags.Dirty | LViewFlags.FirstLViewPass);
    if (lView[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView) {
      lView[FLAGS] &= ~LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView;
      updateTransplantedViewCount(lView[PARENT] as LContainer, -1);
  } finally {

export function renderComponentOrTemplate<T>(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, templateFn: ComponentTemplate<{}>|null, context: T) {
  const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
  const normalExecutionPath = !isInCheckNoChangesMode();
  const creationModeIsActive = isCreationMode(lView);
  try {
    if (normalExecutionPath && !creationModeIsActive && rendererFactory.begin) {
    if (creationModeIsActive) {
      renderView(tView, lView, context);
    refreshView(tView, lView, templateFn, context);
  } finally {
    if (normalExecutionPath && !creationModeIsActive && rendererFactory.end) {

function executeTemplate<T>(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, templateFn: ComponentTemplate<T>, rf: RenderFlags, context: T) {
  const prevSelectedIndex = getSelectedIndex();
  const isUpdatePhase = rf & RenderFlags.Update;
  try {
    if (isUpdatePhase && lView.length > HEADER_OFFSET) {
      // When we're updating, inherently select 0 so we don't
      // have to generate that instruction for most update blocks.
      selectIndexInternal(tView, lView, HEADER_OFFSET, isInCheckNoChangesMode());

    const preHookType =
        isUpdatePhase ? ProfilerEvent.TemplateUpdateStart : ProfilerEvent.TemplateCreateStart;
    profiler(preHookType, context);
    templateFn(rf, context);
  } finally {

    const postHookType =
        isUpdatePhase ? ProfilerEvent.TemplateUpdateEnd : ProfilerEvent.TemplateCreateEnd;
    profiler(postHookType, context);

//// Element

export function executeContentQueries(tView: TView, tNode: TNode, lView: LView) {
  if (isContentQueryHost(tNode)) {
    const start = tNode.directiveStart;
    const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
    for (let directiveIndex = start; directiveIndex < end; directiveIndex++) {
      const def =[directiveIndex] as DirectiveDef<any>;
      if (def.contentQueries) {
        def.contentQueries(RenderFlags.Create, lView[directiveIndex], directiveIndex);

 * Creates directive instances.
export function createDirectivesInstances(tView: TView, lView: LView, tNode: TDirectiveHostNode) {
  if (!getBindingsEnabled()) return;
  instantiateAllDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView));
  if ((tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.hasHostBindings) === TNodeFlags.hasHostBindings) {
    invokeDirectivesHostBindings(tView, lView, tNode);

 * Takes a list of local names and indices and pushes the resolved local variable values
 * to LView in the same order as they are loaded in the template with load().
export function saveResolvedLocalsInData(
    viewData: LView, tNode: TDirectiveHostNode,
    localRefExtractor: LocalRefExtractor = getNativeByTNode): void {
  const localNames = tNode.localNames;
  if (localNames !== null) {
    let localIndex = tNode.index + 1;
    for (let i = 0; i < localNames.length; i += 2) {
      const index = localNames[i + 1] as number;
      const value = index === -1 ?
              tNode as TElementNode | TContainerNode | TElementContainerNode, viewData) :
      viewData[localIndex++] = value;

 * Gets TView from a template function or creates a new TView
 * if it doesn't already exist.
 * @param def ComponentDef
 * @returns TView
export function getOrCreateTComponentView(def: ComponentDef<any>): TView {
  const tView = def.tView;

  // Create a TView if there isn't one, or recreate it if the first create pass didn't
  // complete successfully since we can't know for sure whether it's in a usable shape.
  if (tView === null || tView.incompleteFirstPass) {
    // Declaration node here is null since this function is called when we dynamically create a
    // component and hence there is no declaration.
    const declTNode = null;
    return def.tView = createTView(
               TViewType.Component, declTNode, def.template, def.decls, def.vars, def.directiveDefs,
               def.pipeDefs, def.viewQuery, def.schemas, def.consts);

  return tView;

 * Creates a TView instance
 * @param type Type of `TView`.
 * @param declTNode Declaration location of this `TView`.
 * @param templateFn Template function
 * @param decls The number of nodes, local refs, and pipes in this template
 * @param directives Registry of directives for this view
 * @param pipes Registry of pipes for this view
 * @param viewQuery View queries for this view
 * @param schemas Schemas for this view
 * @param consts Constants for this view
export function createTView(
    type: TViewType, declTNode: TNode|null, templateFn: ComponentTemplate<any>|null, decls: number,
    vars: number, directives: DirectiveDefListOrFactory|null, pipes: PipeDefListOrFactory|null,
    viewQuery: ViewQueriesFunction<any>|null, schemas: SchemaMetadata[]|null,
    constsOrFactory: TConstantsOrFactory|null): TView {
  ngDevMode && ngDevMode.tView++;
  const bindingStartIndex = HEADER_OFFSET + decls;
  // This length does not yet contain host bindings from child directives because at this point,
  // we don't know which directives are active on this template. As soon as a directive is matched
  // that has a host binding, we will update the blueprint with that def's hostVars count.
  const initialViewLength = bindingStartIndex + vars;
  const blueprint = createViewBlueprint(bindingStartIndex, initialViewLength);
  const consts = typeof constsOrFactory === 'function' ? constsOrFactory() : constsOrFactory;
  const tView = blueprint[TVIEW as any] = ngDevMode ?
      new TViewConstructor(
          type,        // type: TViewType,
          blueprint,   // blueprint: LView,
          templateFn,  // template: ComponentTemplate<{}>|null,
          null,        // queries: TQueries|null
          viewQuery,   // viewQuery: ViewQueriesFunction<{}>|null,
          declTNode,   // declTNode: TNode|null,
          cloneToTViewData(blueprint).fill(null, bindingStartIndex),  // data: TData,
          bindingStartIndex,                                          // bindingStartIndex: number,
          initialViewLength,                                          // expandoStartIndex: number,
          null,                               // hostBindingOpCodes: HostBindingOpCodes,
          true,                               // firstCreatePass: boolean,
          true,                               // firstUpdatePass: boolean,
          false,                              // staticViewQueries: boolean,
          false,                              // staticContentQueries: boolean,
          null,                               // preOrderHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // preOrderCheckHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // contentHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // contentCheckHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // viewHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // viewCheckHooks: HookData|null,
          null,                               // destroyHooks: DestroyHookData|null,
          null,                               // cleanup: any[]|null,
          null,                               // contentQueries: number[]|null,
          null,                               // components: number[]|null,
          typeof directives === 'function' ?  //
              directives() :                  //
              directives,                     // directiveRegistry: DirectiveDefList|null,
          typeof pipes === 'function' ? pipes() : pipes,  // pipeRegistry: PipeDefList|null,
          null,                                           // firstChild: TNode|null,
          schemas,                                        // schemas: SchemaMetadata[]|null,
          consts,                                         // consts: TConstants|null
          false,                                          // incompleteFirstPass: boolean
          decls,                                          // ngDevMode only: decls
          vars,                                           // ngDevMode only: vars
          ) :
        type: type,
        blueprint: blueprint,
        template: templateFn,
        queries: null,
        viewQuery: viewQuery,
        declTNode: declTNode,
        data: blueprint.slice().fill(null, bindingStartIndex),
        bindingStartIndex: bindingStartIndex,
        expandoStartIndex: initialViewLength,
        hostBindingOpCodes: null,
        firstCreatePass: true,
        firstUpdatePass: true,
        staticViewQueries: false,
        staticContentQueries: false,
        preOrderHooks: null,
        preOrderCheckHooks: null,
        contentHooks: null,
        contentCheckHooks: null,
        viewHooks: null,
        viewCheckHooks: null,
        destroyHooks: null,
        cleanup: null,
        contentQueries: null,
        components: null,
        directiveRegistry: typeof directives === 'function' ? directives() : directives,
        pipeRegistry: typeof pipes === 'function' ? pipes() : pipes,
        firstChild: null,
        schemas: schemas,
        consts: consts,
        incompleteFirstPass: false
  if (ngDevMode) {
    // For performance reasons it is important that the tView retains the same shape during runtime.
    // (To make sure that all of the code is monomorphic.) For this reason we seal the object to
    // prevent class transitions.
  return tView;

function createViewBlueprint(bindingStartIndex: number, initialViewLength: number): LView {
  const blueprint = ngDevMode ? new LViewBlueprint() : [];

  for (let i = 0; i < initialViewLength; i++) {
    blueprint.push(i < bindingStartIndex ? null : NO_CHANGE);

  return blueprint as LView;

function createError(text: string, token: any) {
  return new Error(`Renderer: ${text} [${stringifyForError(token)}]`);

function assertHostNodeExists(rElement: RElement, elementOrSelector: RElement|string) {
  if (!rElement) {
    if (typeof elementOrSelector === 'string') {
      throw createError('Host node with selector not found:', elementOrSelector);
    } else {
      throw createError('Host node is required:', elementOrSelector);

 * Locates the host native element, used for bootstrapping existing nodes into rendering pipeline.
 * @param rendererFactory Factory function to create renderer instance.
 * @param elementOrSelector Render element or CSS selector to locate the element.
 * @param encapsulation View Encapsulation defined for component that requests host element.
export function locateHostElement(
    renderer: Renderer3, elementOrSelector: RElement|string,
    encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation): RElement {
  if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
    // When using native Shadow DOM, do not clear host element to allow native slot projection
    const preserveContent = encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom;
    return renderer.selectRootElement(elementOrSelector, preserveContent);

  let rElement = typeof elementOrSelector === 'string' ?
      renderer.querySelector(elementOrSelector)! :
  ngDevMode && assertHostNodeExists(rElement, elementOrSelector);

  // Always clear host element's content when Renderer3 is in use. For procedural renderer case we
  // make it depend on whether ShadowDom encapsulation is used (in which case the content should be
  // preserved to allow native slot projection). ShadowDom encapsulation requires procedural
  // renderer, and procedural renderer case is handled above.
  rElement.textContent = '';

  return rElement;

 * Saves context for this cleanup function in LView.cleanupInstances.
 * On the first template pass, saves in TView:
 * - Cleanup function
 * - Index of context we just saved in LView.cleanupInstances
 * This function can also be used to store instance specific cleanup fns. In that case the `context`
 * is `null` and the function is store in `LView` (rather than it `TView`).
export function storeCleanupWithContext(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, context: any, cleanupFn: Function): void {
  const lCleanup = getOrCreateLViewCleanup(lView);
  if (context === null) {
    // If context is null that this is instance specific callback. These callbacks can only be
    // inserted after template shared instances. For this reason in ngDevMode we freeze the TView.
    if (ngDevMode) {
  } else {

    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
      getOrCreateTViewCleanup(tView).push(cleanupFn, lCleanup.length - 1);

 * Constructs a TNode object from the arguments.
 * @param tView `TView` to which this `TNode` belongs (used only in `ngDevMode`)
 * @param tParent Parent `TNode`
 * @param type The type of the node
 * @param index The index of the TNode in, adjusted for HEADER_OFFSET
 * @param tagName The tag name of the node
 * @param attrs The attributes defined on this node
 * @param tViews Any TViews attached to this node
 * @returns the TNode object
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType.Container,
    index: number, tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TContainerNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType.Element|TNodeType.Text,
    index: number, tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TElementNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType.ElementContainer,
    index: number, tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TElementContainerNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType.Icu, index: number,
    tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TIcuContainerNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType.Projection,
    index: number, tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TProjectionNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType, index: number,
    tagName: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TNode;
export function createTNode(
    tView: TView, tParent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null, type: TNodeType, index: number,
    value: string|null, attrs: TAttributes|null): TNode {
  ngDevMode && index !== 0 &&  // 0 are bogus nodes and they are OK. See `createContainerRef` in
                               // `view_engine_compatibility` for additional context.
      assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'TNodes can\'t be in the LView header.');
  ngDevMode && assertNotSame(attrs, undefined, '\'undefined\' is not valid value for \'attrs\'');
  ngDevMode && ngDevMode.tNode++;
  ngDevMode && tParent && assertTNodeForTView(tParent, tView);
  let injectorIndex = tParent ? tParent.injectorIndex : -1;
  const tNode = ngDevMode ?
      new TNodeDebug(
          tView,          // tView_: TView
          type,           // type: TNodeType
          index,          // index: number
          null,           // insertBeforeIndex: null|-1|number|number[]
          injectorIndex,  // injectorIndex: number
          -1,             // directiveStart: number
          -1,             // directiveEnd: number
          -1,             // directiveStylingLast: number
          null,           // propertyBindings: number[]|null
          0,              // flags: TNodeFlags
          0,              // providerIndexes: TNodeProviderIndexes
          value,          // value: string|null
          attrs,          // attrs: (string|AttributeMarker|(string|SelectorFlags)[])[]|null
          null,           // mergedAttrs
          null,           // localNames: (string|number)[]|null
          undefined,      // initialInputs: (string[]|null)[]|null|undefined
          null,           // inputs: PropertyAliases|null
          null,           // outputs: PropertyAliases|null
          null,           // tViews: ITView|ITView[]|null
          null,           // next: ITNode|null
          null,           // projectionNext: ITNode|null
          null,           // child: ITNode|null
          tParent,        // parent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null
          null,           // projection: number|(ITNode|RNode[])[]|null
          null,           // styles: string|null
          null,           // stylesWithoutHost: string|null
          undefined,      // residualStyles: string|null
          null,           // classes: string|null
          null,           // classesWithoutHost: string|null
          undefined,      // residualClasses: string|null
          0 as any,       // classBindings: TStylingRange;
          0 as any,       // styleBindings: TStylingRange;
          ) :
        insertBeforeIndex: null,
        directiveStart: -1,
        directiveEnd: -1,
        directiveStylingLast: -1,
        propertyBindings: null,
        flags: 0,
        providerIndexes: 0,
        value: value,
        attrs: attrs,
        mergedAttrs: null,
        localNames: null,
        initialInputs: undefined,
        inputs: null,
        outputs: null,
        tViews: null,
        next: null,
        projectionNext: null,
        child: null,
        parent: tParent,
        projection: null,
        styles: null,
        stylesWithoutHost: null,
        residualStyles: undefined,
        classes: null,
        classesWithoutHost: null,
        residualClasses: undefined,
        classBindings: 0 as any,
        styleBindings: 0 as any,
  if (ngDevMode) {
    // For performance reasons it is important that the tNode retains the same shape during runtime.
    // (To make sure that all of the code is monomorphic.) For this reason we seal the object to
    // prevent class transitions.
  return tNode;

function generatePropertyAliases(
    inputAliasMap: {[publicName: string]: string}, directiveDefIdx: number,
    propStore: PropertyAliases|null): PropertyAliases|null {
  for (let publicName in inputAliasMap) {
    if (inputAliasMap.hasOwnProperty(publicName)) {
      propStore = propStore === null ? {} : propStore;
      const internalName = inputAliasMap[publicName];

      if (propStore.hasOwnProperty(publicName)) {
        propStore[publicName].push(directiveDefIdx, internalName);
      } else {
        (propStore[publicName] = [directiveDefIdx, internalName]);
  return propStore;

 * Initializes data structures required to work with directive inputs and outputs.
 * Initialization is done for all directives matched on a given TNode.
function initializeInputAndOutputAliases(tView: TView, tNode: TNode): void {
  ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);

  const start = tNode.directiveStart;
  const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
  const tViewData =;

  const tNodeAttrs = tNode.attrs;
  const inputsFromAttrs: InitialInputData = ngDevMode ? new TNodeInitialInputs() : [];
  let inputsStore: PropertyAliases|null = null;
  let outputsStore: PropertyAliases|null = null;
  for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
    const directiveDef = tViewData[i] as DirectiveDef<any>;
    const directiveInputs = directiveDef.inputs;
    // Do not use unbound attributes as inputs to structural directives, since structural
    // directive inputs can only be set using microsyntax (e.g. `<div *dir="exp">`).
    // TODO(FW-1930): microsyntax expressions may also contain unbound/static attributes, which
    // should be set for inline templates.
    const initialInputs = (tNodeAttrs !== null && !isInlineTemplate(tNode)) ?
        generateInitialInputs(directiveInputs, tNodeAttrs) :
    inputsStore = generatePropertyAliases(directiveInputs, i, inputsStore);
    outputsStore = generatePropertyAliases(directiveDef.outputs, i, outputsStore);

  if (inputsStore !== null) {
    if (inputsStore.hasOwnProperty('class')) {
      tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.hasClassInput;
    if (inputsStore.hasOwnProperty('style')) {
      tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.hasStyleInput;

  tNode.initialInputs = inputsFromAttrs;
  tNode.inputs = inputsStore;
  tNode.outputs = outputsStore;

 * Mapping between attributes names that don't correspond to their element property names.
 * Performance note: this function is written as a series of if checks (instead of, say, a property
 * object lookup) for performance reasons - the series of `if` checks seems to be the fastest way of
 * mapping property names. Do NOT change without benchmarking.
 * Note: this mapping has to be kept in sync with the equally named mapping in the template
 * type-checking machinery of ngtsc.
function mapPropName(name: string): string {
  if (name === 'class') return 'className';
  if (name === 'for') return 'htmlFor';
  if (name === 'formaction') return 'formAction';
  if (name === 'innerHtml') return 'innerHTML';
  if (name === 'readonly') return 'readOnly';
  if (name === 'tabindex') return 'tabIndex';
  return name;

export function elementPropertyInternal<T>(
    tView: TView, tNode: TNode, lView: LView, propName: string, value: T, renderer: Renderer3,
    sanitizer: SanitizerFn|null|undefined, nativeOnly: boolean): void {
  ngDevMode && assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE as any, 'Incoming value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
  const element = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView) as RElement | RComment;
  let inputData = tNode.inputs;
  let dataValue: PropertyAliasValue|undefined;
  if (!nativeOnly && inputData != null && (dataValue = inputData[propName])) {
    setInputsForProperty(tView, lView, dataValue, propName, value);
    if (isComponentHost(tNode)) markDirtyIfOnPush(lView, tNode.index);
    if (ngDevMode) {
      setNgReflectProperties(lView, element, tNode.type, dataValue, value);
  } else if (tNode.type & TNodeType.AnyRNode) {
    propName = mapPropName(propName);

    if (ngDevMode) {
      if (!validateProperty(tView, element, propName, tNode)) {
        // Return here since we only log warnings for unknown properties.
        logUnknownPropertyError(propName, tNode);

    // It is assumed that the sanitizer is only added when the compiler determines that the
    // property is risky, so sanitization can be done without further checks.
    value = sanitizer != null ? (sanitizer(value, tNode.value || '', propName) as any) : value;
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
      renderer.setProperty(element as RElement, propName, value);
    } else if (!isAnimationProp(propName)) {
      (element as RElement).setProperty ? (element as any).setProperty(propName, value) :
                                          (element as any)[propName] = value;
  } else if (tNode.type & TNodeType.AnyContainer) {
    // If the node is a container and the property didn't
    // match any of the inputs or schemas we should throw.
    if (ngDevMode && !matchingSchemas(tView, tNode.value)) {
      logUnknownPropertyError(propName, tNode);

/** If node is an OnPush component, marks its LView dirty. */
function markDirtyIfOnPush(lView: LView, viewIndex: number): void {
  ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
  const childComponentLView = getComponentLViewByIndex(viewIndex, lView);
  if (!(childComponentLView[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.CheckAlways)) {
    childComponentLView[FLAGS] |= LViewFlags.Dirty;

function setNgReflectProperty(
    lView: LView, element: RElement|RComment, type: TNodeType, attrName: string, value: any) {
  const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
  attrName = normalizeDebugBindingName(attrName);
  const debugValue = normalizeDebugBindingValue(value);
  if (type & TNodeType.AnyRNode) {
    if (value == null) {
      isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.removeAttribute((element as RElement), attrName) :
                                       (element as RElement).removeAttribute(attrName);
    } else {
      isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ?
          renderer.setAttribute((element as RElement), attrName, debugValue) :
          (element as RElement).setAttribute(attrName, debugValue);
  } else {
    const textContent =
        escapeCommentText(`bindings=${JSON.stringify({[attrName]: debugValue}, null, 2)}`);
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
      renderer.setValue((element as RComment), textContent);
    } else {
      (element as RComment).textContent = textContent;

export function setNgReflectProperties(
    lView: LView, element: RElement|RComment, type: TNodeType, dataValue: PropertyAliasValue,
    value: any) {
  if (type & (TNodeType.AnyRNode | TNodeType.Container)) {
     * dataValue is an array containing runtime input or output names for the directives:
     * i+0: directive instance index
     * i+1: privateName
     * e.g. [0, 'change', 'change-minified']
     * we want to set the reflected property with the privateName: dataValue[i+1]
    for (let i = 0; i < dataValue.length; i += 2) {
      setNgReflectProperty(lView, element, type, dataValue[i + 1] as string, value);

function validateProperty(
    tView: TView, element: RElement|RComment, propName: string, tNode: TNode): boolean {
  // If `schemas` is set to `null`, that's an indication that this Component was compiled in AOT
  // mode where this check happens at compile time. In JIT mode, `schemas` is always present and
  // defined as an array (as an empty array in case `schemas` field is not defined) and we should
  // execute the check below.
  if (tView.schemas === null) return true;

  // The property is considered valid if the element matches the schema, it exists on the element
  // or it is synthetic, and we are in a browser context (web worker nodes should be skipped).
  if (matchingSchemas(tView, tNode.value) || propName in element || isAnimationProp(propName)) {
    return true;

  // Note: `typeof Node` returns 'function' in most browsers, but on IE it is 'object' so we
  // need to account for both here, while being careful for `typeof null` also returning 'object'.
  return typeof Node === 'undefined' || Node === null || !(element instanceof Node);

export function matchingSchemas(tView: TView, tagName: string|null): boolean {
  const schemas = tView.schemas;

  if (schemas !== null) {
    for (let i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
      const schema = schemas[i];
      if (schema === NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA ||
          schema === CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA && tagName && tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
        return true;

  return false;

 * Logs an error that a property is not supported on an element.
 * @param propName Name of the invalid property.
 * @param tNode Node on which we encountered the property.
function logUnknownPropertyError(propName: string, tNode: TNode): void {
  let message = `Can't bind to '${propName}' since it isn't a known property of '${tNode.value}'.`;
  console.error(formatRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorCode.UNKNOWN_BINDING, message));

 * Instantiate a root component.
export function instantiateRootComponent<T>(tView: TView, lView: LView, def: ComponentDef<T>): T {
  const rootTNode = getCurrentTNode()!;
  if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
    if (def.providersResolver) def.providersResolver(def);
    const directiveIndex = allocExpando(tView, lView, 1, null);
    ngDevMode &&
            directiveIndex, rootTNode.directiveStart,
            'Because this is a root component the allocated expando should match the TNode component.');
    configureViewWithDirective(tView, rootTNode, lView, directiveIndex, def);
  const directive =
      getNodeInjectable(lView, tView, rootTNode.directiveStart, rootTNode as TElementNode);
  attachPatchData(directive, lView);
  const native = getNativeByTNode(rootTNode, lView);
  if (native) {
    attachPatchData(native, lView);
  return directive;

 * Resolve the matched directives on a node.
export function resolveDirectives(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, tNode: TElementNode|TContainerNode|TElementContainerNode,
    localRefs: string[]|null): boolean {
  // Please make sure to have explicit type for `exportsMap`. Inferred type triggers bug in
  // tsickle.
  ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);

  let hasDirectives = false;
  if (getBindingsEnabled()) {
    const directiveDefs: DirectiveDef<any>[]|null = findDirectiveDefMatches(tView, lView, tNode);
    const exportsMap: ({[key: string]: number}|null) = localRefs === null ? null : {'': -1};

    if (directiveDefs !== null) {
      hasDirectives = true;
      initTNodeFlags(tNode,, directiveDefs.length);
      // When the same token is provided by several directives on the same node, some rules apply in
      // the viewEngine:
      // - viewProviders have priority over providers
      // - the last directive in NgModule.declarations has priority over the previous one
      // So to match these rules, the order in which providers are added in the arrays is very
      // important.
      for (let i = 0; i < directiveDefs.length; i++) {
        const def = directiveDefs[i];
        if (def.providersResolver) def.providersResolver(def);
      let preOrderHooksFound = false;
      let preOrderCheckHooksFound = false;
      let directiveIdx = allocExpando(tView, lView, directiveDefs.length, null);
      ngDevMode &&
              directiveIdx, tNode.directiveStart,
              'TNode.directiveStart should point to just allocated space');

      for (let i = 0; i < directiveDefs.length; i++) {
        const def = directiveDefs[i];
        // Merge the attrs in the order of matches. This assumes that the first directive is the
        // component itself, so that the component has the least priority.
        tNode.mergedAttrs = mergeHostAttrs(tNode.mergedAttrs, def.hostAttrs);

        configureViewWithDirective(tView, tNode, lView, directiveIdx, def);
        saveNameToExportMap(directiveIdx, def, exportsMap);

        if (def.contentQueries !== null) tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.hasContentQuery;
        if (def.hostBindings !== null || def.hostAttrs !== null || def.hostVars !== 0)
          tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.hasHostBindings;

        const lifeCycleHooks: OnChanges&OnInit&DoCheck = def.type.prototype;
        // Only push a node index into the preOrderHooks array if this is the first
        // pre-order hook found on this node.
        if (!preOrderHooksFound &&
            (lifeCycleHooks.ngOnChanges || lifeCycleHooks.ngOnInit || lifeCycleHooks.ngDoCheck)) {
          // We will push the actual hook function into this array later during dir instantiation.
          // We cannot do it now because we must ensure hooks are registered in the same
          // order that directives are created (i.e. injection order).
          (tView.preOrderHooks || (tView.preOrderHooks = [])).push(tNode.index);
          preOrderHooksFound = true;

        if (!preOrderCheckHooksFound && (lifeCycleHooks.ngOnChanges || lifeCycleHooks.ngDoCheck)) {
          (tView.preOrderCheckHooks || (tView.preOrderCheckHooks = [])).push(tNode.index);
          preOrderCheckHooksFound = true;


      initializeInputAndOutputAliases(tView, tNode);
    if (exportsMap) cacheMatchingLocalNames(tNode, localRefs, exportsMap);
  // Merge the template attrs last so that they have the highest priority.
  tNode.mergedAttrs = mergeHostAttrs(tNode.mergedAttrs, tNode.attrs);
  return hasDirectives;

 * Add `hostBindings` to the `TView.hostBindingOpCodes`.
 * @param tView `TView` to which the `hostBindings` should be added.
 * @param tNode `TNode` the element which contains the directive
 * @param lView `LView` current `LView`
 * @param directiveIdx Directive index in view.
 * @param directiveVarsIdx Where will the directive's vars be stored
 * @param def `ComponentDef`/`DirectiveDef`, which contains the `hostVars`/`hostBindings` to add.
export function registerHostBindingOpCodes(
    tView: TView, tNode: TNode, lView: LView, directiveIdx: number, directiveVarsIdx: number,
    def: ComponentDef<any>|DirectiveDef<any>): void {
  ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);

  const hostBindings = def.hostBindings;
  if (hostBindings) {
    let hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes;
    if (hostBindingOpCodes === null) {
      hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes = [] as any as HostBindingOpCodes;
    const elementIndx = ~tNode.index;
    if (lastSelectedElementIdx(hostBindingOpCodes) != elementIndx) {
      // Conditionally add select element so that we are more efficient in execution.
      // NOTE: this is strictly not necessary and it trades code size for runtime perf.
      // (We could just always add it.)
    hostBindingOpCodes.push(directiveIdx, directiveVarsIdx, hostBindings);

 * Returns the last selected element index in the `HostBindingOpCodes`
 * For perf reasons we don't need to update the selected element index in `HostBindingOpCodes` only
 * if it changes. This method returns the last index (or '0' if not found.)
 * Selected element index are only the ones which are negative.
function lastSelectedElementIdx(hostBindingOpCodes: HostBindingOpCodes): number {
  let i = hostBindingOpCodes.length;
  while (i > 0) {
    const value = hostBindingOpCodes[--i];
    if (typeof value === 'number' && value < 0) {
      return value;
  return 0;

 * Instantiate all the directives that were previously resolved on the current node.
function instantiateAllDirectives(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, tNode: TDirectiveHostNode, native: RNode) {
  const start = tNode.directiveStart;
  const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
  if (!tView.firstCreatePass) {
    getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, lView);

  attachPatchData(native, lView);

  const initialInputs = tNode.initialInputs;
  for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
    const def =[i] as DirectiveDef<any>;
    const isComponent = isComponentDef(def);

    if (isComponent) {
      ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, TNodeType.AnyRNode);
      addComponentLogic(lView, tNode as TElementNode, def as ComponentDef<any>);

    const directive = getNodeInjectable(lView, tView, i, tNode);
    attachPatchData(directive, lView);

    if (initialInputs !== null) {
      setInputsFromAttrs(lView, i - start, directive, def, tNode, initialInputs!);

    if (isComponent) {
      const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView);
      componentView[CONTEXT] = directive;

function invokeDirectivesHostBindings(tView: TView, lView: LView, tNode: TNode) {
  const start = tNode.directiveStart;
  const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
  const firstCreatePass = tView.firstCreatePass;
  const elementIndex = tNode.index;
  const currentDirectiveIndex = getCurrentDirectiveIndex();
  try {
    for (let dirIndex = start; dirIndex < end; dirIndex++) {
      const def =[dirIndex] as DirectiveDef<unknown>;
      const directive = lView[dirIndex];
      if (def.hostBindings !== null || def.hostVars !== 0 || def.hostAttrs !== null) {
        invokeHostBindingsInCreationMode(def, directive);
  } finally {

 * Invoke the host bindings in creation mode.
 * @param def `DirectiveDef` which may contain the `hostBindings` function.
 * @param directive Instance of directive.
export function invokeHostBindingsInCreationMode(def: DirectiveDef<any>, directive: any) {
  if (def.hostBindings !== null) {
    def.hostBindings!(RenderFlags.Create, directive);

 * Matches the current node against all available selectors.
 * If a component is matched (at most one), it is returned in first position in the array.
function findDirectiveDefMatches(
    tView: TView, viewData: LView,
    tNode: TElementNode|TContainerNode|TElementContainerNode): DirectiveDef<any>[]|null {
  ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
  ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, TNodeType.AnyRNode | TNodeType.AnyContainer);

  const registry = tView.directiveRegistry;
  let matches: any[]|null = null;
  if (registry) {
    for (let i = 0; i < registry.length; i++) {
      const def = registry[i] as ComponentDef<any>| DirectiveDef<any>;
      if (isNodeMatchingSelectorList(tNode, def.selectors!, /* isProjectionMode */ false)) {
        matches || (matches = ngDevMode ? new MatchesArray() : []);
        diPublicInInjector(getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, viewData), tView, def.type);

        if (isComponentDef(def)) {
          if (ngDevMode) {
                tNode, TNodeType.Element,
                `"${tNode.value}" tags cannot be used as component hosts. ` +
                    `Please use a different tag to activate the ${stringify(def.type)} component.`);

            if (tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.isComponentHost) throwMultipleComponentError(tNode);
          markAsComponentHost(tView, tNode);
          // The component is always stored first with directives after.
        } else {
  return matches;

 * Marks a given TNode as a component's host. This consists of:
 * - setting appropriate TNode flags;
 * - storing index of component's host element so it will be queued for view refresh during CD.
export function markAsComponentHost(tView: TView, hostTNode: TNode): void {
  ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
  hostTNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.isComponentHost;
  (tView.components || (tView.components = ngDevMode ? new TViewComponents() : []))

/** Caches local names and their matching directive indices for query and template lookups. */
function cacheMatchingLocalNames(
    tNode: TNode, localRefs: string[]|null, exportsMap: {[key: string]: number}): void {
  if (localRefs) {
    const localNames: (string|number)[] = tNode.localNames = ngDevMode ? new TNodeLocalNames() : [];

    // Local names must be stored in tNode in the same order that localRefs are defined
    // in the template to ensure the data is loaded in the same slots as their refs
    // in the template (for template queries).
    for (let i = 0; i < localRefs.length; i += 2) {
      const index = exportsMap[localRefs[i + 1]];
      if (index == null)
        throw new RuntimeError(
            RuntimeErrorCode.EXPORT_NOT_FOUND, `Export of name '${localRefs[i + 1]}' not found!`);
      localNames.push(localRefs[i], index);

 * Builds up an export map as directives are created, so local refs can be quickly mapped
 * to their directive instances.
function saveNameToExportMap(
    directiveIdx: number, def: DirectiveDef<any>|ComponentDef<any>,
    exportsMap: {[key: string]: number}|null) {
  if (exportsMap) {
    if (def.exportAs) {
      for (let i = 0; i < def.exportAs.length; i++) {
        exportsMap[def.exportAs[i]] = directiveIdx;
    if (isComponentDef(def)) exportsMap[''] = directiveIdx;

 * Initializes the flags on the current node, setting all indices to the initial index,
 * the directive count to 0, and adding the isComponent flag.
 * @param index the initial index
export function initTNodeFlags(tNode: TNode, index: number, numberOfDirectives: number) {
  ngDevMode &&
          numberOfDirectives, tNode.directiveEnd - tNode.directiveStart,
          'Reached the max number of directives');
  tNode.flags |= TNodeFlags.isDirectiveHost;
  // When the first directive is created on a node, save the index
  tNode.directiveStart = index;
  tNode.directiveEnd = index + numberOfDirectives;
  tNode.providerIndexes = index;

 * Setup directive for instantiation.
 * We need to create a `NodeInjectorFactory` which is then inserted in both the `Blueprint` as well
 * as `LView`. `TView` gets the `DirectiveDef`.
 * @param tView `TView`
 * @param tNode `TNode`
 * @param lView `LView`
 * @param directiveIndex Index where the directive will be stored in the Expando.
 * @param def `DirectiveDef`
function configureViewWithDirective<T>(
    tView: TView, tNode: TNode, lView: LView, directiveIndex: number, def: DirectiveDef<T>): void {
  ngDevMode &&
      assertGreaterThanOrEqual(directiveIndex, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Must be in Expando section');[directiveIndex] = def;
  const directiveFactory =
      def.factory || ((def as {factory: Function}).factory = getFactoryDef(def.type, true));
  const nodeInjectorFactory = new NodeInjectorFactory(directiveFactory, isComponentDef(def), null);
  tView.blueprint[directiveIndex] = nodeInjectorFactory;
  lView[directiveIndex] = nodeInjectorFactory;

      tView, tNode, lView, directiveIndex, allocExpando(tView, lView, def.hostVars, NO_CHANGE),

function addComponentLogic<T>(lView: LView, hostTNode: TElementNode, def: ComponentDef<T>): void {
  const native = getNativeByTNode(hostTNode, lView) as RElement;
  const tView = getOrCreateTComponentView(def);

  // Only component views should be added to the view tree directly. Embedded views are
  // accessed through their containers because they may be removed / re-added later.
  const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
  const componentView = addToViewTree(
          lView, tView, null, def.onPush ? LViewFlags.Dirty : LViewFlags.CheckAlways, native,
          hostTNode as TElementNode, rendererFactory, rendererFactory.createRenderer(native, def),
          null, null));

  // Component view will always be created before any injected LContainers,
  // so this is a regular element, wrap it with the component view
  lView[hostTNode.index] = componentView;

export function elementAttributeInternal(
    tNode: TNode, lView: LView, name: string, value: any, sanitizer: SanitizerFn|null|undefined,
    namespace: string|null|undefined) {
  if (ngDevMode) {
    assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE as any, 'Incoming value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
        tNode, TNodeType.Element,
        `Attempted to set attribute \`${name}\` on a container node. ` +
            `Host bindings are not valid on ng-container or ng-template.`);
  const element = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView) as RElement;
  setElementAttribute(lView[RENDERER], element, namespace, tNode.value, name, value, sanitizer);

export function setElementAttribute(
    renderer: Renderer3, element: RElement, namespace: string|null|undefined, tagName: string|null,
    name: string, value: any, sanitizer: SanitizerFn|null|undefined) {
  if (value == null) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererRemoveAttribute++;
    isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.removeAttribute(element, name, namespace) :
  } else {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetAttribute++;
    const strValue =
        sanitizer == null ? renderStringify(value) : sanitizer(value, tagName || '', name);

    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
      renderer.setAttribute(element, name, strValue, namespace);
    } else {
      namespace ? element.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, strValue) :
                  element.setAttribute(name, strValue);

 * Sets initial input properties on directive instances from attribute data
 * @param lView Current LView that is being processed.
 * @param directiveIndex Index of the directive in directives array
 * @param instance Instance of the directive on which to set the initial inputs
 * @param def The directive def that contains the list of inputs
 * @param tNode The static data for this node
function setInputsFromAttrs<T>(
    lView: LView, directiveIndex: number, instance: T, def: DirectiveDef<T>, tNode: TNode,
    initialInputData: InitialInputData): void {
  const initialInputs: InitialInputs|null = initialInputData![directiveIndex];
  if (initialInputs !== null) {
    const setInput = def.setInput;
    for (let i = 0; i < initialInputs.length;) {
      const publicName = initialInputs[i++];
      const privateName = initialInputs[i++];
      const value = initialInputs[i++];
      if (setInput !== null) {
        def.setInput!(instance, value, publicName, privateName);
      } else {
        (instance as any)[privateName] = value;
      if (ngDevMode) {
        const nativeElement = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView) as RElement;
        setNgReflectProperty(lView, nativeElement, tNode.type, privateName, value);

 * Generates initialInputData for a node and stores it in the template's static storage
 * so subsequent template invocations don't have to recalculate it.
 * initialInputData is an array containing values that need to be set as input properties
 * for directives on this node, but only once on creation. We need this array to support
 * the case where you set an @Input property of a directive using attribute-like syntax.
 * e.g. if you have a `name` @Input, you can set it once like this:
 * <my-component name="Bess"></my-component>
 * @param inputs The list of inputs from the directive def
 * @param attrs The static attrs on this node
function generateInitialInputs(inputs: {[key: string]: string}, attrs: TAttributes): InitialInputs|
    null {
  let inputsToStore: InitialInputs|null = null;
  let i = 0;
  while (i < attrs.length) {
    const attrName = attrs[i];
    if (attrName === AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI) {
      // We do not allow inputs on namespaced attributes.
      i += 4;
    } else if (attrName === AttributeMarker.ProjectAs) {
      // Skip over the `ngProjectAs` value.
      i += 2;

    // If we hit any other attribute markers, we're done anyway. None of those are valid inputs.
    if (typeof attrName === 'number') break;

    if (inputs.hasOwnProperty(attrName as string)) {
      if (inputsToStore === null) inputsToStore = [];
      inputsToStore.push(attrName as string, inputs[attrName as string], attrs[i + 1] as string);

    i += 2;
  return inputsToStore;

//// ViewContainer & View

// Not sure why I need to do `any` here but TS complains later.
const LContainerArray: any = class LContainer extends Array {};

 * Creates a LContainer, either from a container instruction, or for a ViewContainerRef.
 * @param hostNative The host element for the LContainer
 * @param hostTNode The host TNode for the LContainer
 * @param currentView The parent view of the LContainer
 * @param native The native comment element
 * @param isForViewContainerRef Optional a flag indicating the ViewContainerRef case
 * @returns LContainer
export function createLContainer(
    hostNative: RElement|RComment|LView, currentView: LView, native: RComment,
    tNode: TNode): LContainer {
  ngDevMode && assertLView(currentView);
  ngDevMode && !isProceduralRenderer(currentView[RENDERER]) && assertDomNode(native);
  const lContainer: LContainer = new (ngDevMode ? LContainerArray : Array)(
      hostNative,   // host native
      true,         // Boolean `true` in this position signifies that this is an `LContainer`
      false,        // has transplanted views
      currentView,  // parent
      null,         // next
      0,            // transplanted views to refresh count
      tNode,        // t_host
      native,       // native,
      null,         // view refs
      null,         // moved views
  ngDevMode &&
          lContainer.length, CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET,
          'Should allocate correct number of slots for LContainer header.');
  ngDevMode && attachLContainerDebug(lContainer);
  return lContainer;

 * Goes over embedded views (ones created through ViewContainerRef APIs) and refreshes
 * them by executing an associated template function.
function refreshEmbeddedViews(lView: LView) {
  for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null;
       lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
    for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
      const embeddedLView = lContainer[i];
      const embeddedTView = embeddedLView[TVIEW];
      ngDevMode && assertDefined(embeddedTView, 'TView must be allocated');
      if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(embeddedLView)) {
        refreshView(embeddedTView, embeddedLView, embeddedTView.template, embeddedLView[CONTEXT]!);

 * Mark transplanted views as needing to be refreshed at their insertion points.
 * @param lView The `LView` that may have transplanted views.
function markTransplantedViewsForRefresh(lView: LView) {
  for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null;
       lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
    if (!lContainer[HAS_TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS]) continue;

    const movedViews = lContainer[MOVED_VIEWS]!;
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(movedViews, 'Transplanted View flags set but missing MOVED_VIEWS');
    for (let i = 0; i < movedViews.length; i++) {
      const movedLView = movedViews[i]!;
      const insertionLContainer = movedLView[PARENT] as LContainer;
      ngDevMode && assertLContainer(insertionLContainer);
      // We don't want to increment the counter if the moved LView was already marked for
      // refresh.
      if ((movedLView[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView) === 0) {
        updateTransplantedViewCount(insertionLContainer, 1);
      // Note, it is possible that the `movedViews` is tracking views that are transplanted *and*
      // those that aren't (declaration component === insertion component). In the latter case,
      // it's fine to add the flag, as we will clear it immediately in
      // `refreshEmbeddedViews` for the view currently being refreshed.
      movedLView[FLAGS] |= LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView;


 * Refreshes components by entering the component view and processing its bindings, queries, etc.
 * @param componentHostIdx  Element index in LView[] (adjusted for HEADER_OFFSET)
function refreshComponent(hostLView: LView, componentHostIdx: number): void {
  ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(hostLView), false, 'Should be run in update mode');
  const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(componentHostIdx, hostLView);
  // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed
  if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(componentView)) {
    const tView = componentView[TVIEW];
    if (componentView[FLAGS] & (LViewFlags.CheckAlways | LViewFlags.Dirty)) {
      refreshView(tView, componentView, tView.template, componentView[CONTEXT]);
    } else if (componentView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {
      // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed

 * Refreshes all transplanted views marked with `LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView` that are
 * children or descendants of the given lView.
 * @param lView The lView which contains descendant transplanted views that need to be refreshed.
function refreshContainsDirtyView(lView: LView) {
  for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null;
       lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
    for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
      const embeddedLView = lContainer[i];
      if (embeddedLView[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView) {
        const embeddedTView = embeddedLView[TVIEW];
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(embeddedTView, 'TView must be allocated');
        refreshView(embeddedTView, embeddedLView, embeddedTView.template, embeddedLView[CONTEXT]!);
      } else if (embeddedLView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {

  const tView = lView[TVIEW];
  // Refresh child component views.
  const components = tView.components;
  if (components !== null) {
    for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
      const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(components[i], lView);
      // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed
      if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(componentView) &&
          componentView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {

function renderComponent(hostLView: LView, componentHostIdx: number) {
  ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(hostLView), true, 'Should be run in creation mode');
  const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(componentHostIdx, hostLView);
  const componentTView = componentView[TVIEW];
  syncViewWithBlueprint(componentTView, componentView);
  renderView(componentTView, componentView, componentView[CONTEXT]);

 * Syncs an LView instance with its blueprint if they have gotten out of sync.
 * Typically, blueprints and their view instances should always be in sync, so the loop here
 * will be skipped. However, consider this case of two components side-by-side:
 * App template:
 * ```
 * <comp></comp>
 * <comp></comp>
 * ```
 * The following will happen:
 * 1. App template begins processing.
 * 2. First <comp> is matched as a component and its LView is created.
 * 3. Second <comp> is matched as a component and its LView is created.
 * 4. App template completes processing, so it's time to check child templates.
 * 5. First <comp> template is checked. It has a directive, so its def is pushed to blueprint.
 * 6. Second <comp> template is checked. Its blueprint has been updated by the first
 * <comp> template, but its LView was created before this update, so it is out of sync.
 * Note that embedded views inside ngFor loops will never be out of sync because these views
 * are processed as soon as they are created.
 * @param tView The `TView` that contains the blueprint for syncing
 * @param lView The view to sync
function syncViewWithBlueprint(tView: TView, lView: LView) {
  for (let i = lView.length; i < tView.blueprint.length; i++) {

 * Adds LView or LContainer to the end of the current view tree.
 * This structure will be used to traverse through nested views to remove listeners
 * and call onDestroy callbacks.
 * @param lView The view where LView or LContainer should be added
 * @param adjustedHostIndex Index of the view's host node in LView[], adjusted for header
 * @param lViewOrLContainer The LView or LContainer to add to the view tree
 * @returns The state passed in
export function addToViewTree<T extends LView|LContainer>(lView: LView, lViewOrLContainer: T): T {
  // TODO(benlesh/misko): This implementation is incorrect, because it always adds the LContainer
  // to the end of the queue, which means if the developer retrieves the LContainers from RNodes out
  // of order, the change detection will run out of order, as the act of retrieving the the
  // LContainer from the RNode is what adds it to the queue.
  if (lView[CHILD_HEAD]) {
    lView[CHILD_TAIL]![NEXT] = lViewOrLContainer;
  } else {
    lView[CHILD_HEAD] = lViewOrLContainer;
  lView[CHILD_TAIL] = lViewOrLContainer;
  return lViewOrLContainer;

//// Change detection

 * Marks current view and all ancestors dirty.
 * Returns the root view because it is found as a byproduct of marking the view tree
 * dirty, and can be used by methods that consume markViewDirty() to easily schedule
 * change detection. Otherwise, such methods would need to traverse up the view tree
 * an additional time to get the root view and schedule a tick on it.
 * @param lView The starting LView to mark dirty
 * @returns the root LView
export function markViewDirty(lView: LView): LView|null {
  while (lView) {
    lView[FLAGS] |= LViewFlags.Dirty;
    const parent = getLViewParent(lView);
    // Stop traversing up as soon as you find a root view that wasn't attached to any container
    if (isRootView(lView) && !parent) {
      return lView;
    // continue otherwise
    lView = parent!;
  return null;

 * Used to schedule change detection on the whole application.
 * Unlike `tick`, `scheduleTick` coalesces multiple calls into one change detection run.
 * It is usually called indirectly by calling `markDirty` when the view needs to be
 * re-rendered.
 * Typically `scheduleTick` uses `requestAnimationFrame` to coalesce multiple
 * `scheduleTick` requests. The scheduling function can be overridden in
 * `renderComponent`'s `scheduler` option.
export function scheduleTick(rootContext: RootContext, flags: RootContextFlags) {
  const nothingScheduled = rootContext.flags === RootContextFlags.Empty;
  if (nothingScheduled && rootContext.clean == _CLEAN_PROMISE) {
    // should only attach the flags when really scheduling a tick
    rootContext.flags |= flags;
    let res: null|((val: null) => void);
    rootContext.clean = new Promise<null>((r) => res = r);
    rootContext.scheduler(() => {
      if (rootContext.flags & RootContextFlags.DetectChanges) {
        rootContext.flags &= ~RootContextFlags.DetectChanges;

      if (rootContext.flags & RootContextFlags.FlushPlayers) {
        rootContext.flags &= ~RootContextFlags.FlushPlayers;
        const playerHandler = rootContext.playerHandler;
        if (playerHandler) {

      rootContext.clean = _CLEAN_PROMISE;

export function tickRootContext(rootContext: RootContext) {
  for (let i = 0; i < rootContext.components.length; i++) {
    const rootComponent = rootContext.components[i];
    const lView = readPatchedLView(rootComponent)!;
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    renderComponentOrTemplate(tView, lView, tView.template, rootComponent);

export function detectChangesInternal<T>(tView: TView, lView: LView, context: T) {
  const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
  if (rendererFactory.begin) rendererFactory.begin();
  try {
    refreshView(tView, lView, tView.template, context);
  } catch (error) {
    handleError(lView, error);
    throw error;
  } finally {
    if (rendererFactory.end) rendererFactory.end();

 * Synchronously perform change detection on a root view and its components.
 * @param lView The view which the change detection should be performed on.
export function detectChangesInRootView(lView: LView): void {
  tickRootContext(lView[CONTEXT] as RootContext);

export function checkNoChangesInternal<T>(tView: TView, view: LView, context: T) {
  try {
    detectChangesInternal(tView, view, context);
  } finally {

 * Checks the change detector on a root view and its components, and throws if any changes are
 * detected.
 * This is used in development mode to verify that running change detection doesn't
 * introduce other changes.
 * @param lView The view which the change detection should be checked on.
export function checkNoChangesInRootView(lView: LView): void {
  try {
  } finally {

function executeViewQueryFn<T>(
    flags: RenderFlags, viewQueryFn: ViewQueriesFunction<{}>, component: T): void {
  ngDevMode && assertDefined(viewQueryFn, 'View queries function to execute must be defined.');
  viewQueryFn(flags, component);

//// Bindings & interpolations

 * Stores meta-data for a property binding to be used by TestBed's ``.
 * In order to support TestBed's `` we need to save, for each binding:
 * - a bound property name;
 * - a static parts of interpolated strings;
 * A given property metadata is saved at the binding's index in the `` (in other words, a
 * property binding metadata will be stored in `` at the same index as a bound value in
 * `LView`). Metadata are represented as `INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER`-delimited string with the
 * following format:
 * - `propertyName` for bound properties;
 * - `propertyName�prefix�interpolation_static_part1�..interpolation_static_partN�suffix` for
 * interpolated properties.
 * @param tData `TData` where meta-data will be saved;
 * @param tNode `TNode` that is a target of the binding;
 * @param propertyName bound property name;
 * @param bindingIndex binding index in `LView`
 * @param interpolationParts static interpolation parts (for property interpolations)
export function storePropertyBindingMetadata(
    tData: TData, tNode: TNode, propertyName: string, bindingIndex: number,
    ...interpolationParts: string[]) {
  // Binding meta-data are stored only the first time a given property instruction is processed.
  // Since we don't have a concept of the "first update pass" we need to check for presence of the
  // binding meta-data to decide if one should be stored (or if was stored already).
  if (tData[bindingIndex] === null) {
    if (tNode.inputs == null || !tNode.inputs[propertyName]) {
      const propBindingIdxs = tNode.propertyBindings || (tNode.propertyBindings = []);
      let bindingMetadata = propertyName;
      if (interpolationParts.length > 0) {
        bindingMetadata +=
      tData[bindingIndex] = bindingMetadata;


export function getOrCreateLViewCleanup(view: LView): any[] {
  // top level variables should not be exported for performance reasons (
  return view[CLEANUP] || (view[CLEANUP] = ngDevMode ? new LCleanup() : []);

export function getOrCreateTViewCleanup(tView: TView): any[] {
  return tView.cleanup || (tView.cleanup = ngDevMode ? new TCleanup() : []);

 * There are cases where the sub component's renderer needs to be included
 * instead of the current renderer (see the componentSyntheticHost* instructions).
export function loadComponentRenderer(
    currentDef: DirectiveDef<any>|null, tNode: TNode, lView: LView): Renderer3 {
  // TODO(FW-2043): the `currentDef` is null when host bindings are invoked while creating root
  // component (see packages/core/src/render3/component.ts). This is not consistent with the process
  // of creating inner components, when current directive index is available in the state. In order
  // to avoid relying on current def being `null` (thus special-casing root component creation), the
  // process of creating root component should be unified with the process of creating inner
  // components.
  if (currentDef === null || isComponentDef(currentDef)) {
    lView = unwrapLView(lView[tNode.index])!;
  return lView[RENDERER];

/** Handles an error thrown in an LView. */
export function handleError(lView: LView, error: any): void {
  const injector = lView[INJECTOR];
  const errorHandler = injector ? injector.get(ErrorHandler, null) : null;
  errorHandler && errorHandler.handleError(error);

 * Set the inputs of directives at the current node to corresponding value.
 * @param tView The current TView
 * @param lView the `LView` which contains the directives.
 * @param inputs mapping between the public "input" name and privately-known,
 *        possibly minified, property names to write to.
 * @param value Value to set.
export function setInputsForProperty(
    tView: TView, lView: LView, inputs: PropertyAliasValue, publicName: string, value: any): void {
  for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length;) {
    const index = inputs[i++] as number;
    const privateName = inputs[i++] as string;
    const instance = lView[index];
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
    const def =[index] as DirectiveDef<any>;
    if (def.setInput !== null) {
      def.setInput!(instance, value, publicName, privateName);
    } else {
      instance[privateName] = value;

 * Updates a text binding at a given index in a given LView.
export function textBindingInternal(lView: LView, index: number, value: string): void {
  ngDevMode && assertString(value, 'Value should be a string');
  ngDevMode && assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE as any, 'value should not be NO_CHANGE');
  ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
  const element = getNativeByIndex(index, lView) as any as RText;
  ngDevMode && assertDefined(element, 'native element should exist');
  updateTextNode(lView[RENDERER], element, value);
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