Raw File
Tip revision: 5d5b51599d8b2796b2403161f2c0e46ce7bdf58e authored by Andrew Kushnir on 07 December 2022, 21:45:33 UTC
release: cut the v15.0.3 release
Tip revision: 5d5b515
 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {Compiler, inject, Injectable, Injector, NgZone, Type, ɵConsole as Console, ɵRuntimeError as RuntimeError} from '@angular/core';
import {BehaviorSubject, Observable, of, SubscriptionLike} from 'rxjs';

import {createUrlTree} from './create_url_tree';
import {RuntimeErrorCode} from './errors';
import {Event, NavigationTrigger} from './events';
import {NavigationBehaviorOptions, Routes} from './models';
import {Navigation, NavigationExtras, NavigationTransition, NavigationTransitions, RestoredState, UrlCreationOptions} from './navigation_transition';
import {TitleStrategy} from './page_title_strategy';
import {RouteReuseStrategy} from './route_reuse_strategy';
import {ErrorHandler, ExtraOptions, ROUTER_CONFIGURATION} from './router_config';
import {ROUTES} from './router_config_loader';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from './router_outlet_context';
import {createEmptyState, RouterState} from './router_state';
import {Params} from './shared';
import {UrlHandlingStrategy} from './url_handling_strategy';
import {containsTree, IsActiveMatchOptions, isUrlTree, UrlSerializer, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {flatten} from './utils/collection';
import {standardizeConfig, validateConfig} from './utils/config';

const NG_DEV_MODE = typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || !!ngDevMode;

function defaultErrorHandler(error: any): any {
  throw error;

function defaultMalformedUriErrorHandler(
    error: URIError, urlSerializer: UrlSerializer, url: string): UrlTree {
  return urlSerializer.parse('/');

 * The equivalent `IsActiveMatchOptions` options for `Router.isActive` is called with `true`
 * (exact = true).
export const exactMatchOptions: IsActiveMatchOptions = {
  paths: 'exact',
  fragment: 'ignored',
  matrixParams: 'ignored',
  queryParams: 'exact'

 * The equivalent `IsActiveMatchOptions` options for `Router.isActive` is called with `false`
 * (exact = false).
export const subsetMatchOptions: IsActiveMatchOptions = {
  paths: 'subset',
  fragment: 'ignored',
  matrixParams: 'ignored',
  queryParams: 'subset'

 * @description
 * A service that provides navigation among views and URL manipulation capabilities.
 * @see `Route`.
 * @see [Routing and Navigation Guide](guide/router).
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class Router {
   * Represents the activated `UrlTree` that the `Router` is configured to handle (through
   * `UrlHandlingStrategy`). That is, after we find the route config tree that we're going to
   * activate, run guards, and are just about to activate the route, we set the currentUrlTree.
   * This should match the `browserUrlTree` when a navigation succeeds. If the
   * `UrlHandlingStrategy.shouldProcessUrl` is `false`, only the `browserUrlTree` is updated.
   * @internal
  currentUrlTree: UrlTree;
   * Meant to represent the entire browser url after a successful navigation. In the life of a
   * navigation transition:
   * 1. The rawUrl represents the full URL that's being navigated to
   * 2. We apply redirects, which might only apply to _part_ of the URL (due to
   * `UrlHandlingStrategy`).
   * 3. Right before activation (because we assume activation will succeed), we update the
   * rawUrlTree to be a combination of the urlAfterRedirects (again, this might only apply to part
   * of the initial url) and the rawUrl of the transition (which was the original navigation url in
   * its full form).
   * @internal
   * Note that this is _only_ here to support `UrlHandlingStrategy.extract` and
   * `UrlHandlingStrategy.shouldProcessUrl`. If those didn't exist, we could get by with
   * `currentUrlTree` alone. If a new Router were to be provided (i.e. one that works with the
   * browser navigation API), we should think about whether this complexity should be carried over.
   * - extract: `rawUrlTree` is needed because `extract` may only return part
   * of the navigation URL. Thus, `currentUrlTree` may only represent _part_ of the browser URL.
   * When a navigation gets cancelled and we need to reset the URL or a new navigation occurs, we
   * need to know the _whole_ browser URL, not just the part handled by UrlHandlingStrategy.
   * - shouldProcessUrl: When this returns `false`, the router just ignores the navigation but still
   * updates the `rawUrlTree` with the assumption that the navigation was caused by the location
   * change listener due to a URL update by the AngularJS router. In this case, we still need to
   * know what the browser's URL is for future navigations.
  rawUrlTree: UrlTree;
   * Meant to represent the part of the browser url that the `Router` is set up to handle (via the
   * `UrlHandlingStrategy`). This value is updated immediately after the browser url is updated (or
   * the browser url update is skipped via `skipLocationChange`). With that, note that
   * `browserUrlTree` _may not_ reflect the actual browser URL for two reasons:
   * 1. `UrlHandlingStrategy` only handles part of the URL
   * 2. `skipLocationChange` does not update the browser url.
   * So to reiterate, `browserUrlTree` only represents the Router's internal understanding of the
   * current route, either before guards with `urlUpdateStrategy === 'eager'` or right before
   * activation with `'deferred'`.
   * This should match the `currentUrlTree` when the navigation succeeds.
   * @internal
  browserUrlTree: UrlTree;
  private disposed = false;

  private locationSubscription?: SubscriptionLike;
  // TODO(b/260747083): This should not exist and navigationId should be private in
  // `NavigationTransitions`
  private get navigationId() {
    return this.navigationTransitions.navigationId;

   * The id of the currently active page in the router.
   * Updated to the transition's target id on a successful navigation.
   * This is used to track what page the router last activated. When an attempted navigation fails,
   * the router can then use this to compute how to restore the state back to the previously active
   * page.
  private currentPageId: number = 0;
   * The ɵrouterPageId of whatever page is currently active in the browser history. This is
   * important for computing the target page id for new navigations because we need to ensure each
   * page id in the browser history is 1 more than the previous entry.
  private get browserPageId(): number|undefined {
    return (this.location.getState() as RestoredState | null)?.ɵrouterPageId;
  private console = inject(Console);
  private isNgZoneEnabled: boolean = false;

   * An event stream for routing events.
  public get events(): Observable<Event> {
    // TODO(atscott): This _should_ be events.asObservable(). However, this change requires internal
    // cleanup: tests are doing `( as Subject<Event>).next(...)`. This isn't
    // allowed/supported but we still have to fix these or file bugs against the teams before making
    // the change.
   * The current state of routing in this NgModule.
  public readonly routerState: RouterState;

  private options = inject(ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, {optional: true}) || {};

   * A handler for navigation errors in this NgModule.
  errorHandler = this.options.errorHandler || defaultErrorHandler;

   * A handler for errors thrown by `Router.parseUrl(url)`
   * when `url` contains an invalid character.
   * The most common case is a `%` sign
   * that's not encoded and is not part of a percent encoded sequence.
  malformedUriErrorHandler =
      this.options.malformedUriErrorHandler || defaultMalformedUriErrorHandler;

   * True if at least one navigation event has occurred,
   * false otherwise.
  navigated: boolean = false;
  private lastSuccessfulId: number = -1;

   * Hook that enables you to pause navigation after the preactivation phase.
   * Used by `RouterModule`.
   * @internal
  afterPreactivation: () => Observable<void> = () => of(void 0);

   * A strategy for extracting and merging URLs.
   * Used for AngularJS to Angular migrations.
  urlHandlingStrategy = inject(UrlHandlingStrategy);

   * A strategy for re-using routes.
  routeReuseStrategy = inject(RouteReuseStrategy);

   * A strategy for setting the title based on the `routerState`.
  titleStrategy?: TitleStrategy = inject(TitleStrategy);

   * How to handle a navigation request to the current URL. One of:
   * - `'ignore'` :  The router ignores the request.
   * - `'reload'` : The router reloads the URL. Use to implement a "refresh" feature.
   * Note that this only configures whether the Route reprocesses the URL and triggers related
   * action and events like redirects, guards, and resolvers. By default, the router re-uses a
   * component instance when it re-navigates to the same component type without visiting a different
   * component first. This behavior is configured by the `RouteReuseStrategy`. In order to reload
   * routed components on same url navigation, you need to set `onSameUrlNavigation` to `'reload'`
   * _and_ provide a `RouteReuseStrategy` which returns `false` for `shouldReuseRoute`.
  onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload'|'ignore' = this.options.onSameUrlNavigation || 'ignore';

   * How to merge parameters, data, resolved data, and title from parent to child
   * routes. One of:
   * - `'emptyOnly'` : Inherit parent parameters, data, and resolved data
   * for path-less or component-less routes.
   * - `'always'` : Inherit parent parameters, data, and resolved data
   * for all child routes.
  paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly'|'always' =
      this.options.paramsInheritanceStrategy || 'emptyOnly';

   * Determines when the router updates the browser URL.
   * By default (`"deferred"`), updates the browser URL after navigation has finished.
   * Set to `'eager'` to update the browser URL at the beginning of navigation.
   * You can choose to update early so that, if navigation fails,
   * you can show an error message with the URL that failed.
  urlUpdateStrategy: 'deferred'|'eager' = this.options.urlUpdateStrategy || 'deferred';

   * Configures how the Router attempts to restore state when a navigation is cancelled.
   * 'replace' - Always uses `location.replaceState` to set the browser state to the state of the
   * router before the navigation started. This means that if the URL of the browser is updated
   * _before_ the navigation is canceled, the Router will simply replace the item in history rather
   * than trying to restore to the previous location in the session history. This happens most
   * frequently with `urlUpdateStrategy: 'eager'` and navigations with the browser back/forward
   * buttons.
   * 'computed' - Will attempt to return to the same index in the session history that corresponds
   * to the Angular route when the navigation gets cancelled. For example, if the browser back
   * button is clicked and the navigation is cancelled, the Router will trigger a forward navigation
   * and vice versa.
   * Note: the 'computed' option is incompatible with any `UrlHandlingStrategy` which only
   * handles a portion of the URL because the history restoration navigates to the previous place in
   * the browser history rather than simply resetting a portion of the URL.
   * The default value is `replace`.
  canceledNavigationResolution: 'replace'|'computed' =
      this.options.canceledNavigationResolution || 'replace';

  config: Routes = flatten(inject(ROUTES, {optional: true}) ?? []);

  private readonly navigationTransitions = inject(NavigationTransitions);
  private readonly urlSerializer = inject(UrlSerializer);
  private readonly location = inject(Location);

  /** @internal */
  rootComponentType: Type<any>|null = null;

  constructor() {
    this.isNgZoneEnabled = inject(NgZone) instanceof NgZone && NgZone.isInAngularZone();

    this.currentUrlTree = new UrlTree();
    this.rawUrlTree = this.currentUrlTree;
    this.browserUrlTree = this.currentUrlTree;

    this.routerState = createEmptyState(this.currentUrlTree, this.rootComponentType);

        t => {
          this.lastSuccessfulId =;
          this.currentPageId = t.targetPageId;
        e => {
          this.console.warn(`Unhandled Navigation Error: ${e}`);

  /** @internal */
  resetRootComponentType(rootComponentType: Type<any>): void {
    this.rootComponentType = rootComponentType;
    // TODO: vsavkin router 4.0 should make the root component set to null
    // this will simplify the lifecycle of the router.
    this.routerState.root.component = this.rootComponentType;

   * Sets up the location change listener and performs the initial navigation.
  initialNavigation(): void {
    if (!this.navigationTransitions.hasRequestedNavigation) {
      this.navigateByUrl(this.location.path(true), {replaceUrl: true});

   * Sets up the location change listener. This listener detects navigations triggered from outside
   * the Router (the browser back/forward buttons, for example) and schedules a corresponding Router
   * navigation so that the correct events, guards, etc. are triggered.
  setUpLocationChangeListener(): void {
    // Don't need to use Zone.wrap any more, because zone.js
    // already patch onPopState, so location change callback will
    // run into ngZone
    if (!this.locationSubscription) {
      this.locationSubscription = this.location.subscribe(event => {
        const source = event['type'] === 'popstate' ? 'popstate' : 'hashchange';
        if (source === 'popstate') {
          // The `setTimeout` was added in #12160 and is likely to support Angular/AngularJS
          // hybrid apps.
          setTimeout(() => {
            const extras: NavigationExtras = {replaceUrl: true};

            // TODO: restoredState should always include the entire state, regardless
            // of navigationId. This requires a breaking change to update the type on
            // NavigationStart’s restoredState, which currently requires navigationId
            // to always be present. The Router used to only restore history state if
            // a navigationId was present.

            // The stored navigationId is used by the RouterScroller to retrieve the scroll
            // position for the page.
            const restoredState = event.state?.navigationId ? event.state : null;

            // Separate to NavigationStart.restoredState, we must also restore the state to
            // history.state and generate a new navigationId, since it will be overwritten
            if (event.state) {
              const stateCopy = {...event.state} as Partial<RestoredState>;
              delete stateCopy.navigationId;
              delete stateCopy.ɵrouterPageId;
              if (Object.keys(stateCopy).length !== 0) {
                extras.state = stateCopy;

            const urlTree = this.parseUrl(event['url']!);
            this.scheduleNavigation(urlTree, source, restoredState, extras);
          }, 0);

  /** The current URL. */
  get url(): string {
    return this.serializeUrl(this.currentUrlTree);

   * Returns the current `Navigation` object when the router is navigating,
   * and `null` when idle.
  getCurrentNavigation(): Navigation|null {
    return this.navigationTransitions.currentNavigation;

   * Resets the route configuration used for navigation and generating links.
   * @param config The route array for the new configuration.
   * @usageNotes
   * ```
   * router.resetConfig([
   *  { path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
   *    { path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp },
   *    { path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }
   *  ]}
   * ]);
   * ```
  resetConfig(config: Routes): void {
    NG_DEV_MODE && validateConfig(config);
    this.config =;
    this.navigated = false;
    this.lastSuccessfulId = -1;

  /** @nodoc */
  ngOnDestroy(): void {

  /** Disposes of the router. */
  dispose(): void {
    if (this.locationSubscription) {
      this.locationSubscription = undefined;
    this.disposed = true;

   * Appends URL segments to the current URL tree to create a new URL tree.
   * @param commands An array of URL fragments with which to construct the new URL tree.
   * If the path is static, can be the literal URL string. For a dynamic path, pass an array of path
   * segments, followed by the parameters for each segment.
   * The fragments are applied to the current URL tree or the one provided  in the `relativeTo`
   * property of the options object, if supplied.
   * @param navigationExtras Options that control the navigation strategy.
   * @returns The new URL tree.
   * @usageNotes
   * ```
   * // create /team/33/user/11
   * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, 'user', 11]);
   * // create /team/33;expand=true/user/11
   * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {expand: true}, 'user', 11]);
   * // you can collapse static segments like this (this works only with the first passed-in value):
   * router.createUrlTree(['/team/33/user', userId]);
   * // If the first segment can contain slashes, and you do not want the router to split it,
   * // you can do the following:
   * router.createUrlTree([{segmentPath: '/one/two'}]);
   * // create /team/33/(user/11//right:chat)
   * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right: 'chat'}}]);
   * // remove the right secondary node
   * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right: null}}]);
   * // assuming the current url is `/team/33/user/11` and the route points to `user/11`
   * // navigate to /team/33/user/11/details
   * router.createUrlTree(['details'], {relativeTo: route});
   * // navigate to /team/33/user/22
   * router.createUrlTree(['../22'], {relativeTo: route});
   * // navigate to /team/44/user/22
   * router.createUrlTree(['../../team/44/user/22'], {relativeTo: route});
   * Note that a value of `null` or `undefined` for `relativeTo` indicates that the
   * tree should be created relative to the root.
   * ```
  createUrlTree(commands: any[], navigationExtras: UrlCreationOptions = {}): UrlTree {
    const {relativeTo, queryParams, fragment, queryParamsHandling, preserveFragment} =
    const a = relativeTo || this.routerState.root;
    const f = preserveFragment ? this.currentUrlTree.fragment : fragment;
    let q: Params|null = null;
    switch (queryParamsHandling) {
      case 'merge':
        q = {...this.currentUrlTree.queryParams, ...queryParams};
      case 'preserve':
        q = this.currentUrlTree.queryParams;
        q = queryParams || null;
    if (q !== null) {
      q = this.removeEmptyProps(q);
    return createUrlTree(a, this.currentUrlTree, commands, q, f ?? null);

   * Navigates to a view using an absolute route path.
   * @param url An absolute path for a defined route. The function does not apply any delta to the
   *     current URL.
   * @param extras An object containing properties that modify the navigation strategy.
   * @returns A Promise that resolves to 'true' when navigation succeeds,
   * to 'false' when navigation fails, or is rejected on error.
   * @usageNotes
   * The following calls request navigation to an absolute path.
   * ```
   * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11");
   * // Navigate without updating the URL
   * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11", { skipLocationChange: true });
   * ```
   * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router)
  navigateByUrl(url: string|UrlTree, extras: NavigationBehaviorOptions = {
    skipLocationChange: false
  }): Promise<boolean> {
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' ||
        ngDevMode && this.isNgZoneEnabled && !NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
          `Navigation triggered outside Angular zone, did you forget to call ''?`);

    const urlTree = isUrlTree(url) ? url : this.parseUrl(url);
    const mergedTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(urlTree, this.rawUrlTree);

    return this.scheduleNavigation(mergedTree, 'imperative', null, extras);

   * Navigate based on the provided array of commands and a starting point.
   * If no starting route is provided, the navigation is absolute.
   * @param commands An array of URL fragments with which to construct the target URL.
   * If the path is static, can be the literal URL string. For a dynamic path, pass an array of path
   * segments, followed by the parameters for each segment.
   * The fragments are applied to the current URL or the one provided  in the `relativeTo` property
   * of the options object, if supplied.
   * @param extras An options object that determines how the URL should be constructed or
   *     interpreted.
   * @returns A Promise that resolves to `true` when navigation succeeds, to `false` when navigation
   *     fails,
   * or is rejected on error.
   * @usageNotes
   * The following calls request navigation to a dynamic route path relative to the current URL.
   * ```
   * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route});
   * // Navigate without updating the URL, overriding the default behavior
   * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route, skipLocationChange: true});
   * ```
   * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router)
  navigate(commands: any[], extras: NavigationExtras = {skipLocationChange: false}):
      Promise<boolean> {
    return this.navigateByUrl(this.createUrlTree(commands, extras), extras);

  /** Serializes a `UrlTree` into a string */
  serializeUrl(url: UrlTree): string {
    return this.urlSerializer.serialize(url);

  /** Parses a string into a `UrlTree` */
  parseUrl(url: string): UrlTree {
    let urlTree: UrlTree;
    try {
      urlTree = this.urlSerializer.parse(url);
    } catch (e) {
      urlTree = this.malformedUriErrorHandler(e as URIError, this.urlSerializer, url);
    return urlTree;

   * Returns whether the url is activated.
   * @deprecated
   * Use `IsActiveMatchOptions` instead.
   * - The equivalent `IsActiveMatchOptions` for `true` is
   * `{paths: 'exact', queryParams: 'exact', fragment: 'ignored', matrixParams: 'ignored'}`.
   * - The equivalent for `false` is
   * `{paths: 'subset', queryParams: 'subset', fragment: 'ignored', matrixParams: 'ignored'}`.
  isActive(url: string|UrlTree, exact: boolean): boolean;
   * Returns whether the url is activated.
  isActive(url: string|UrlTree, matchOptions: IsActiveMatchOptions): boolean;
  /** @internal */
  isActive(url: string|UrlTree, matchOptions: boolean|IsActiveMatchOptions): boolean;
  isActive(url: string|UrlTree, matchOptions: boolean|IsActiveMatchOptions): boolean {
    let options: IsActiveMatchOptions;
    if (matchOptions === true) {
      options = {...exactMatchOptions};
    } else if (matchOptions === false) {
      options = {...subsetMatchOptions};
    } else {
      options = matchOptions;
    if (isUrlTree(url)) {
      return containsTree(this.currentUrlTree, url, options);

    const urlTree = this.parseUrl(url);
    return containsTree(this.currentUrlTree, urlTree, options);

  private removeEmptyProps(params: Params): Params {
    return Object.keys(params).reduce((result: Params, key: string) => {
      const value: any = params[key];
      if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
        result[key] = value;
      return result;
    }, {});

  /** @internal */
      rawUrl: UrlTree, source: NavigationTrigger, restoredState: RestoredState|null,
      extras: NavigationExtras,
      priorPromise?: {resolve: any, reject: any, promise: Promise<boolean>}): Promise<boolean> {
    if (this.disposed) {
      return Promise.resolve(false);

    let resolve: any;
    let reject: any;
    let promise: Promise<boolean>;
    if (priorPromise) {
      resolve = priorPromise.resolve;
      reject = priorPromise.reject;
      promise = priorPromise.promise;
    } else {
      promise = new Promise<boolean>((res, rej) => {
        resolve = res;
        reject = rej;

    let targetPageId: number;
    if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
      const isInitialPage = this.currentPageId === 0;
      if (isInitialPage) {
        restoredState = this.location.getState() as RestoredState | null;
      // If the `ɵrouterPageId` exist in the state then `targetpageId` should have the value of
      // `ɵrouterPageId`. This is the case for something like a page refresh where we assign the
      // target id to the previously set value for that page.
      if (restoredState && restoredState.ɵrouterPageId) {
        targetPageId = restoredState.ɵrouterPageId;
      } else {
        // If we're replacing the URL or doing a silent navigation, we do not want to increment the
        // page id because we aren't pushing a new entry to history.
        if (extras.replaceUrl || extras.skipLocationChange) {
          targetPageId = this.browserPageId ?? 0;
        } else {
          targetPageId = (this.browserPageId ?? 0) + 1;
    } else {
      // This is unused when `canceledNavigationResolution` is not computed.
      targetPageId = 0;

      currentUrlTree: this.currentUrlTree,
      currentRawUrl: this.currentUrlTree,
      currentSnapshot: this.routerState.snapshot,
      currentRouterState: this.routerState

    // Make sure that the error is propagated even though `processNavigations` catch
    // handler does not rethrow
    return promise.catch((e: any) => {
      return Promise.reject(e);

  /** @internal */
  setBrowserUrl(url: UrlTree, transition: NavigationTransition) {
    const path = this.urlSerializer.serialize(url);
    const state = {
      ...this.generateNgRouterState(, transition.targetPageId)
    if (this.location.isCurrentPathEqualTo(path) || !!transition.extras.replaceUrl) {
      this.location.replaceState(path, '', state);
    } else {
      this.location.go(path, '', state);

   * Performs the necessary rollback action to restore the browser URL to the
   * state before the transition.
   * @internal
  restoreHistory(transition: NavigationTransition, restoringFromCaughtError = false) {
    if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
      const targetPagePosition = this.currentPageId - transition.targetPageId;
      // The navigator change the location before triggered the browser event,
      // so we need to go back to the current url if the navigation is canceled.
      // Also, when navigation gets cancelled while using url update strategy eager, then we need to
      // go back. Because, when `urlUpdateStrategy` is `eager`; `setBrowserUrl` method is called
      // before any verification.
      const browserUrlUpdateOccurred =
          (transition.source === 'popstate' || this.urlUpdateStrategy === 'eager' ||
           this.currentUrlTree === this.getCurrentNavigation()?.finalUrl);
      if (browserUrlUpdateOccurred && targetPagePosition !== 0) {
      } else if (
          this.currentUrlTree === this.getCurrentNavigation()?.finalUrl &&
          targetPagePosition === 0) {
        // We got to the activation stage (where currentUrlTree is set to the navigation's
        // finalUrl), but we weren't moving anywhere in history (skipLocationChange or replaceUrl).
        // We still need to reset the router state back to what it was when the navigation started.
        // TODO(atscott): resetting the `browserUrlTree` should really be done in `resetState`.
        // Investigate if this can be done by running TGP.
        this.browserUrlTree = transition.currentUrlTree;
      } else {
        // The browser URL and router state was not updated before the navigation cancelled so
        // there's no restoration needed.
    } else if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'replace') {
      // TODO(atscott): It seems like we should _always_ reset the state here. It would be a no-op
      // for `deferred` navigations that haven't change the internal state yet because guards
      // reject. For 'eager' navigations, it seems like we also really should reset the state
      // because the navigation was cancelled. Investigate if this can be done by running TGP.
      if (restoringFromCaughtError) {

  private resetState(t: NavigationTransition): void {
    (this as {routerState: RouterState}).routerState = t.currentRouterState;
    this.currentUrlTree = t.currentUrlTree;
    // Note here that we use the urlHandlingStrategy to get the reset `rawUrlTree` because it may be
    // configured to handle only part of the navigation URL. This means we would only want to reset
    // the part of the navigation handled by the Angular router rather than the whole URL. In
    // addition, the URLHandlingStrategy may be configured to specifically preserve parts of the URL
    // when merging, such as the query params so they are not lost on a refresh.
    this.rawUrlTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(this.currentUrlTree, t.rawUrl);

  private resetUrlToCurrentUrlTree(): void {
        this.urlSerializer.serialize(this.rawUrlTree), '',
        this.generateNgRouterState(this.lastSuccessfulId, this.currentPageId));

  private generateNgRouterState(navigationId: number, routerPageId?: number) {
    if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
      return {navigationId, ɵrouterPageId: routerPageId};
    return {navigationId};

function validateCommands(commands: string[]): void {
  for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
    const cmd = commands[i];
    if (cmd == null) {
      throw new RuntimeError(
          NG_DEV_MODE && `The requested path contains ${cmd} segment at index ${i}`);
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