Raw File
Tip revision: d69ef721d43ec62ea901cfb90d9c4e5252066f72 authored by Pawel Kozlowski on 15 February 2023, 17:30:33 UTC
release: cut the v15.1.5 release
Tip revision: d69ef72
 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

!function() {
  'use strict';
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
  var ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorStatus, ViewEncapsulation;
  ChangeDetectionStrategy || (ChangeDetectionStrategy = {});
  ChangeDetectorStatus || (ChangeDetectorStatus = {});
   * @license
   * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
   * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   * found in the LICENSE file at
  ViewEncapsulation || (ViewEncapsulation = {});
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   * @license
   * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
   * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   * found in the LICENSE file at
   */ 'undefined' != typeof window && window,
      'undefined' != typeof self && 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope &&
      self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self,
      'undefined' != typeof global && global;
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
  var __window$1 = 'undefined' != typeof window && window,
      __self$1 = 'undefined' != typeof self && 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope &&
      self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self,
      __global$1 = 'undefined' != typeof global && global,
      _root = __window$1 || __global$1 || __self$1;
  !function() {
    if (!_root) throw new Error('RxJS could not find any global context (window, self, global)');
  !function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  var RendererStyleFlags2, Symbol$1 = _root.Symbol;
  'function' == typeof Symbol$1 && 'function' == typeof Symbol$1.for &&
      function() {
        Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  !function(context) {
    var $$observable, Symbol = _root.Symbol;
    if ('function' == typeof Symbol)
      if (Symbol.observable)
        $$observable = Symbol.observable;
      else {
        $$observable = Symbol('observable');
        Symbol.observable = $$observable;
      $$observable = '@@observable';
  (function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
      function() {
        Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  !function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  (function(root) {
    var Symbol = root.Symbol;
    if ('function' == typeof Symbol) {
      Symbol.iterator || (Symbol.iterator = Symbol('iterator polyfill'));
      return Symbol.iterator;
    var Set_1 = root.Set;
    if (Set_1 && 'function' == typeof new Set_1()['@@iterator']) return '@@iterator';
    var Map_1 = root.Map;
    if (Map_1)
      for (var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Map_1.prototype), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
        var key = keys[i];
        if ('entries' !== key && 'size' !== key && Map_1.prototype[key] === Map_1.prototype.entries)
          return key;
      function() {
        Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  (function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
      function() {
        Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  !function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  Error, function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  }(), function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  }(), function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  !function() {
    Object.setPrototypeOf || Array;
  RendererStyleFlags2 || (RendererStyleFlags2 = {});
  var RendererStyleFlags3, _renderCompCount = 0;
  function executeHooks(data, allHooks, checkHooks, creationMode) {
    var hooksToCall = creationMode ? allHooks : checkHooks;
    null != hooksToCall &&
        function(data, arr) {
          for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) arr[1 | i].call(data[arr[i]]);
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
        (data, hooksToCall);
  RendererStyleFlags3 || (RendererStyleFlags3 = {});
  var domRendererFactory3 = {
    createRenderer: function(hostElement, rendererType) {
      return document;
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   * @license
   * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
   * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   * found in the LICENSE file at
  function getNextLNodeWithProjection(node) {
    var pNextOrParent = node.pNextOrParent;
    return pNextOrParent ? 1 == (3 & pNextOrParent.flags) ? null : pNextOrParent :;
  function getNextOrParentSiblingNode(initialNode, rootNode) {
    for (var node = initialNode, nextNode = getNextLNodeWithProjection(node); node && !nextNode;) {
      if ((node = node.pNextOrParent || node.parent) === rootNode) return null;
      nextNode = node && getNextLNodeWithProjection(node);
    return nextNode;
  function findFirstRNode(rootNode) {
    for (var node = rootNode; node;) {
      var type = 3 & node.flags, nextNode = null;
      if (3 === type) return node.native;
      if (0 === type) {
        var childContainerData =;
        nextNode = childContainerData.views.length ? childContainerData.views[0].child : null;
      } else
        nextNode = 1 === type ? : node.child;
      node = null === nextNode ? getNextOrParentSiblingNode(node, rootNode) : nextNode;
    return null;
  function canInsertNativeNode(parent, view) {
    return 3 == (3 & parent.flags) && (parent.view !== view || null ===;
  function stringify$1(value) {
    return 'function' == typeof value ? || value :
        'string' == typeof value ? value : null == value ? '' : '' + value;
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
  var renderer, rendererFactory, previousOrParentNode, isParent, tData, currentView, currentQueries,
      creationMode, data, bindingIndex;
  currentView = createLView(null, null, createTView());
  function enterView(newView, host) {
    var oldView = currentView;
    data =;
    bindingIndex = newView.bindingStartIndex || 0;
    tData =;
    creationMode = newView.creationMode;
    renderer = newView.renderer;
    if (null != host) {
      previousOrParentNode = host;
      isParent = !0;
    currentView = newView;
    currentQueries = newView.queries;
    return oldView;
  function leaveView(newView) {
    executeHooks(, currentView.tView.viewHooks, currentView.tView.viewCheckHooks,
    currentView.creationMode = !1;
    currentView.lifecycleStage = 1;
    currentView.tView.firstCreatePass = !1;
    enterView(newView, null);
  function createLView(viewId, renderer, tView, template, context) {
    void 0 === template && (template = null);
    void 0 === context && (context = null);
    return {
      parent: currentView,
      id: viewId,
      node: null,
      data: [],
      tView: tView,
      cleanup: null,
      renderer: renderer,
      child: null,
      tail: null,
      next: null,
      bindingStartIndex: null,
      creationMode: !0,
      template: template,
      context: context,
      dynamicViewCount: 0,
      lifecycleStage: 1,
      queries: null
  function createLNode(index, type, native, state) {
    var parent =
            isParent ? previousOrParentNode : previousOrParentNode && previousOrParentNode.parent,
        queries =
            (isParent ? currentQueries : previousOrParentNode && previousOrParentNode.queries) ||
        parent && parent.queries && parent.queries.child(),
        isState = null != state, node = {
          flags: type,
          native: native,
          view: currentView,
          parent: parent,
          child: null,
          next: null,
          nodeInjector: parent ? parent.nodeInjector : null,
          data: isState ? state : null,
          queries: queries,
          tNode: null,
          pNextOrParent: null
    2 == (2 & type) && isState && (state.node = node);
    if (null != index) {
      data[index] = node;
      index >= tData.length ? tData[index] = null : node.tNode = tData[index];
      if (isParent) {
        currentQueries = null;
        previousOrParentNode.view !== currentView && 2 != (3 & previousOrParentNode.flags) ||
            (previousOrParentNode.child = node);
      } else
        previousOrParentNode && ( = node);
    previousOrParentNode = node;
    isParent = !0;
    return node;
  function renderEmbeddedTemplate(viewNode, template, context, renderer) {
    var _isParent = isParent, _previousOrParentNode = previousOrParentNode;
    try {
      isParent = !0;
      previousOrParentNode = null;
      var cm = !1;
      if (null == viewNode) {
        viewNode =
            createLNode(null, 2, null, createLView(-1, renderer, createTView(), template, context));
        cm = !0;
      enterView(, viewNode);
      template(context, cm);
    } finally {
      isParent = _isParent;
      previousOrParentNode = _previousOrParentNode;
    return viewNode;
  function renderComponentOrTemplate(node, hostView, componentOrContext, template) {
    var oldView = enterView(hostView, node);
    try {
      rendererFactory.begin && rendererFactory.begin();
      template ?
          template(componentOrContext, creationMode) :
          function(directiveIndex, elementIndex) {
            !function(currentView, tView, creationMode) {
              if (1 === currentView.lifecycleStage) {
                executeHooks(, tView.initHooks, tView.checkHooks, creationMode);
                currentView.lifecycleStage = 2;
            }(currentView, currentView.tView, creationMode);
            !function(currentView, tView, creationMode) {
              if (currentView.lifecycleStage < 3) {
          , tView.contentHooks, tView.contentCheckHooks, creationMode);
                currentView.lifecycleStage = 3;
            }(currentView, currentView.tView, creationMode);
            var template = tData[1].template;
            if (null != template) {
              var element = data[0], directive = getDirectiveInstance(data[1]),
                  oldView = enterView(, element);
              try {
                template(directive, creationMode);
              } finally {
    } finally {
      rendererFactory.end && rendererFactory.end();
  function createTView() {
    return {
      data: [],
      firstCreatePass: !0,
      initHooks: null,
      checkHooks: null,
      contentHooks: null,
      contentCheckHooks: null,
      viewHooks: null,
      viewCheckHooks: null,
      destroyHooks: null,
      objectLiterals: null
  function locateHostElement(factory, elementOrSelector) {
    rendererFactory = factory;
    var defaultRenderer = factory.createRenderer(null, null);
    return 'string' == typeof elementOrSelector ?
        defaultRenderer.selectRootElement ? defaultRenderer.selectRootElement(elementOrSelector) :
                                            defaultRenderer.querySelector(elementOrSelector) :
  function refreshDynamicChildren() {
    for (var current = currentView.child; null !== current; current =
      if (0 !== current.dynamicViewCount && current.views)
        for (var container_1 = current, i = 0; i < container_1.views.length; i++) {
          var view = container_1.views[i];
          renderEmbeddedTemplate(view,,, renderer);
  var NO_CHANGE = {};
  function getDirectiveInstance(instanceOrArray) {
    return Array.isArray(instanceOrArray) ? instanceOrArray[0] : instanceOrArray;
  var EMPTY$1 = {};
  function noop$2() {}
  function invertObject(obj) {
    if (null == obj) return EMPTY$1;
    var newObj = {};
    for (var minifiedKey in obj) newObj[obj[minifiedKey]] = minifiedKey;
    return newObj;
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   *Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   *Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   *found in the LICENSE file at
   * @license
   * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
   * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   * found in the LICENSE file at
   * @license
   * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
   * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
   * found in the LICENSE file at
       * @license
       * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
       * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
       * found in the LICENSE file at
      function(componentType, opts) {
        void 0 === opts && (opts = {});
        var component, rendererFactory = opts.rendererFactory || domRendererFactory3,
                       componentDef = componentType.ɵcmp;
        componentDef.type != componentType && (componentDef.type = componentType);
        var hostNode = locateHostElement(rendererFactory, || componentDef.tag),
            oldView = enterView(
                    -1, rendererFactory.createRenderer(hostNode, componentDef.rendererType),
        try {
          !function(rNode, def) {
            !function() {
              isParent = !1;
              previousOrParentNode = null;
            createLNode(0, 3, rNode, createLView(-1, renderer, function(template) {
                          return template.ngPrivateData || (template.ngPrivateData = createTView());
          }(hostNode, componentDef);
          component = getDirectiveInstance(function(index, directive, directiveDef, queryName) {
            var instance, flags = previousOrParentNode.flags;
            0 == (4092 & flags) ? flags = 4100 | 3 & flags : flags += 4;
            previousOrParentNode.flags = flags;
                directive, '__ngHostLNode__', {enumerable: !1, value: previousOrParentNode});
            data[1] = instance = directive;
            if (1 >= tData.length) {
              tData[1] = directiveDef;
            var diPublic = directiveDef.diPublic;
            diPublic && diPublic(directiveDef);
            var tNode = previousOrParentNode.tNode;
            tNode && tNode.attrs && function(instance, inputs, tNode) {
              var directiveIndex = ((4092 & previousOrParentNode.flags) >> 2) - 1,
                  initialInputData = tNode.initialInputs;
              (void 0 === initialInputData || directiveIndex >= initialInputData.length) &&
                  (initialInputData = function(directiveIndex, inputs, tNode) {
                    var initialInputData = tNode.initialInputs || (tNode.initialInputs = []);
                    initialInputData[directiveIndex] = null;
                    for (var attrs = tNode.attrs, i = 0; i < attrs.length; i += 2) {
                      var minifiedInputName = inputs[attrs[i]];
                      void 0 !== minifiedInputName &&
                          (initialInputData[directiveIndex] ||
                           (initialInputData[directiveIndex] = []))
                              .push(minifiedInputName, attrs[1 | i]);
                    return initialInputData;
                  }(directiveIndex, directiveDef.inputs, tNode));
              var initialInputs = initialInputData[directiveIndex];
              if (initialInputs)
                for (var i = 0; i < initialInputs.length; i += 2)
                  instance[initialInputs[i]] = initialInputs[1 | i];
            }(instance, 0, tNode);
                 * @license
                 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
                 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
                 * found in the LICENSE file at
                function(index, onInit, doCheck, tView) {
                  if (!0 === tView.firstCreatePass) {
                    null != onInit && (tView.initHooks || (tView.initHooks = [])).push(1, onInit);
                    if (null != doCheck) {
                      (tView.initHooks || (tView.initHooks = [])).push(1, doCheck);
                      (tView.checkHooks || (tView.checkHooks = [])).push(1, doCheck);
                }(0, directiveDef.onInit, directiveDef.doCheck, currentView.tView);
            return instance;
          }(0, componentDef.n(), componentDef));
        } finally {
        opts.features && opts.features.forEach(function(feature) {
          return feature(component, componentDef);
        !function(component) {
          var hostNode = component.__ngHostLNode__;
          renderComponentOrTemplate(hostNode, hostNode.view, component);
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
         * @license
         * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
         * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
         * found in the LICENSE file at
      }(function() {
        function HelloWorld() {
 = 'World';
        HelloWorld.ɵcmp = function(componentDefinition) {
          var type = componentDefinition.type, def = {
            type: type,
            diPublic: null,
            n: componentDefinition.factory,
            tag: componentDefinition.tag || null,
            template: componentDefinition.template || null,
            h: componentDefinition.hostBindings || noop$2,
            inputs: invertObject(componentDefinition.inputs),
            outputs: invertObject(componentDefinition.outputs),
            methods: invertObject(componentDefinition.methods),
            rendererType: function(type) {
              if (type && '$$undefined' === {
                var isFilled =
                    null != type.encapsulation && type.encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.None ||
                    type.styles.length || Object.keys(;
       = isFilled ? 'c' + _renderCompCount++ : '$$empty';
              type && '$$empty' === && (type = null);
              return type || null;
            }(componentDefinition.rendererType) ||
            exportAs: componentDefinition.exportAs,
            onInit: type.prototype.ngOnInit || null,
            doCheck: type.prototype.ngDoCheck || null,
            afterContentInit: type.prototype.ngAfterContentInit || null,
            afterContentChecked: type.prototype.ngAfterContentChecked || null,
            afterViewInit: type.prototype.ngAfterViewInit || null,
            afterViewChecked: type.prototype.ngAfterViewChecked || null,
            onDestroy: type.prototype.ngOnDestroy || null
              feature = componentDefinition.features;
          feature && feature.forEach(function(fn) {
            return fn(def);
          return def;
          type: HelloWorld,
          tag: 'hello-world',
          factory: function() {
            return new HelloWorld();
          template: function(ctx, cm) {
            cm && function(index, value) {
              createLNode(0, 3, null);
              isParent = !1;
            !function(index, value) {
              var existingNode = data[0];
              if (existingNode.native)
                value !== NO_CHANGE &&
                    (renderer.setValue ?
                         renderer.setValue(existingNode.native, stringify$1(value)) :
                         existingNode.native.textContent = stringify$1(value));
              else {
                existingNode.native = renderer.createText ?
                    renderer.createText(stringify$1(value)) :
                !function(node, currentView) {
                  var parent = node.parent;
                  if (canInsertNativeNode(parent, currentView)) {
                    var nativeSibling = function(node, stopNode) {
                      for (var currentNode = node; currentNode && null !== currentNode;) {
                        var pNextOrParent = currentNode.pNextOrParent;
                        if (pNextOrParent) {
                          for (var pNextOrParentType = 3 & pNextOrParent.flags;
                               1 !== pNextOrParentType;) {
                            if (nativeNode = findFirstRNode(pNextOrParent)) return nativeNode;
                            pNextOrParent = pNextOrParent.pNextOrParent;
                          currentNode = pNextOrParent;
                        } else {
                          for (var currentSibling =; currentSibling;) {
                            var nativeNode;
                            if (nativeNode = findFirstRNode(currentSibling)) return nativeNode;
                            currentSibling =;
                          var parentNode = currentNode.parent;
                          currentNode = null;
                          if (parentNode) {
                            var parentType = 3 & parentNode.flags;
                            0 !== parentType && 2 !== parentType || (currentNode = parentNode);
                      return null;
                    }(node), renderer = currentView.renderer;
                    renderer.listen ?
                        renderer.insertBefore(parent.native, node.native, nativeSibling) :
                        parent.native.insertBefore(node.native, nativeSibling, !1);
                 * @license
                 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
                 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
                 * found in the LICENSE file at
                 * @license
                 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
                 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
                 * found in the LICENSE file at
                (existingNode, currentView);
            }(0, function(prefix, value, suffix) {
              return function(value) {
                if (creationMode) {
                  !function() {
                    null == currentView.bindingStartIndex &&
                        (bindingIndex = currentView.bindingStartIndex = data.length);
                  return data[bindingIndex++] = value;
                var changed = value !== NO_CHANGE && function(a, b) {
                  return !(a != a && value != value) && a !== value;
                changed && (data[bindingIndex] = value);
                return changed ? value : NO_CHANGE;
              }(value) === NO_CHANGE ?
                  NO_CHANGE :
                  'Hello ' + stringify$1(value) + '!';
        return HelloWorld;
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