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Tip revision: 2c4f19db50ed93f7edff968a97d080040ad71559 authored by Torsten Hothorn on 22 August 2011, 20:09:30 UTC
version 2.0-12
Tip revision: 2c4f19d
		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-12 (2011-08-22, r586)

  o  minor bugfixes to make mboost work with gamboostLSS

  o  replaced writeLines with packageStartupMessage in .onAttach()

  o  replaced partially matched function arguments by full arguments

  o  minor fixes in manuals

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-11 (2011-03-17, r561)

  o  fix problem in bl_lin when using dense matrices from package "Matrix"

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-10 (2011-02-20, r556)

  o  add rqss results for India childhood malnutrition data

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-9 (2010-11-19, r543)

  o  add gbm to Suggests

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-8 (2010-11-11, r542)

  o  make survival package happy again

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-7 (2010-09-28, r534)

  o  vignette "mboost" updated

  o  remove problem with R CMD check that occured on some 64bit systems

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-6 (2010-05-22, r510)

  o  no not use multicore functionality in R CMD check, really.

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-5 (2010-05-21, r507)

  o  no not use multicore functionality in R CMD check

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-4 (2010-04-15, r490)

  o  new vignette "mboost" describing 2.0-x series features

  o  fixed bug in bols(): contrast.arg was ignored if not a named list
     (which is wasn't per default)

  o  added (missing) response functions to families Weibull(),
     Loglog(), Lognormal() and NBinomial()

  o  fixed bug in family CoxPH which occured with NAs

  o  improvements and corrections in documentation

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-3 (2010-03-10, r456)

  o  glmboost(..., center = TRUE) now also centers columns of the
     design matrix corresponding to contrasts of factors
     when an intercept term is present leading to faster risk
     minimization in these cases.

  o  coef.glmboost: New argument `off2int = TRUE' adds the
     offset to the intercept. In addition, the intercept
     term is now adjusted for centered covariates.

  o  check for infinite residuals in mboost_fit(). Especially
     for family = Poisson(), something like boost_control(nu = 0.01)
     fixes this problem.

  o  "by" (in bols() and bbs()) can now handle factors with more than
     two levels

  o  improved plot.mboost() for varying coefficients

  o  minor improvements in documentation

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-2 (2010-03-04)

  o  fixed bug in helper function get_index, which caused (in some circumstances)
     wrong handling of factors in gamboost() (spotted by
     Juliane Schaefer <JSchaefer _at_>)

  o  reduce memory footprint in blackboost (requires party 0.9-9993)

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-1 (2010-03-01)

  o  fixed bug in coef( , aggregate = "cumsum"): fraction "nu" was missing

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 2.0-0 (2010-02-01)

  o  generic implementation of component-wise functional gradient
     boosting in `mboost_fit', specialized code for linear,
     additive and interaction models removed

  o  new families available for ordinal, expectile and censored regression

  o  computations potentially based on package Matrix
     (reduces memory usage)

  o  various speed improvements

  o  added interface to extract selected base-learners (selected())

  o  added interface for parallel computations in cvrisk with
     arbitrary packages (e.g. multicore, snow)

  o  added "which" argument in predict and coef functions and improved
     usability of "which" in plot-function. Users can specify "which" as
     numeric value or as a character string

  o  added function cv() to generate matrices for k-fold cross-validation,
     subsampling and bootstrap

  o  new function stabsel() for stability selection with error control

  o  added function model.weights() to extract the weights

  o  added interface to expand model by increasing mstop in

  o  alternative definition of degrees of freedom available

  o  Interface changes:

     - class definition / Family() arguments changed
     - changed behavior of subset method (model[mstop]). Object
       is directly altered and not duplicated
     - argument "center" in bols replaced with "intercept"
     - argument "z" in base-learners replaced with "by"
     - bns and bss deprecated;

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.1-4 (2009-11-18)

  o  fixed bug in prediction with varying coefficients for binary
     effect modifiers

                CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.1-3 (2009-09-21)

  o  better x-axes in plot.cvrisk and possibility to change xlab

  o  parallel cvrisk on Unix systems only (`multicore' isn't safe on windows)

  o  included new penalty for ordinal predictors (in bols())

  o  corrected bug in bspatial (centering was not used for Xna)

  o  removed output of dfbase (which is seldom used) in gamboost

  o  changed manual for coef.gamboost

  o  make sure NAs are handled correctly when center = TRUE
     in glmboost

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.1-2 (2009-07-21)

  o  better weights and boundary knots handling in bspatial

  o  cvrisk runs in parallel if package `multicore' is available

  o  errors removed and minor improvements in the manuals

  o  center = TRUE in glmboost did only apply to numeric (not integer)

  o  for safety reasons: na.action = na.omit again
     (causes slight changes in wpbc3 example)

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.1-1 (2009-04-21)

  o  new quantile regression facilities.

  o  fix problem with bbs baselearner and cvrisk

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.1-0 (2009-03-27)

  o  bbs instead of bss is the default baselearner in gamboost

  o  make sure bbs with weights and expanded observations
     returns numerically the very same results

  o  btree can now deal with multiple variables

  o  new gMDL criterion (contributed by Zhu Wang <>)

  o  make survival package happy again

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-6 (2009-01-09)

  o  bols allows to specify non-default contrasts.

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-5 (2008-12-02)

  o  remove experimental memory optimization steps

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-4 (2008-11-12)

  o  negative gradient of GaussClass() was wrong, spotted by
     Kao Lin <>

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-3 (2008-11-07)

  o  Date was malformed in DESCRIPTION

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-2 (2008-11-05)

  o  improved memory footprint in gamboost() and cvrisk()

  o  option to suppress saving of ensembless added to

  o  bbs(), bns(), bspatial(): default number of knots changed to
     a fixed value (= 20)

  o  changed default for grid (now uses all iterations) in
     cvrisk() and changed plot.cvrisk()

  o  bols: works now for factors and can be set-up
     to use Ridge-estimation. Intercept can be omitted
     now (via center = TRUE).

  o  new btree() baselearner for gamboost() available

  o  fix inconsistencies in regression tests

  o  add coef.gamboost

  o  new generic `survFit'

  o  cosmetics for trace = TRUE

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-1 (2007-12-09)

  o  inst/mboost_Bioinf.R was missing from mboost 1.0-0

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 1.0-0 (2007-11-13)

  o  documentation updates

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.9-0 (internal)

  o  tests update and release the new version on CRAN

  o  predict(..., allIterations = TRUE) returns the matrix
     of predictors for all boosting iterations

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.6-2 (internal)

  o  move `mboost' to R-forge

  o  improvements in `gamboost':
     - P-splines as base learners available
     - new formula interface for specifying the base learner
     - new plot.gamboost

  o  add the number of selected variables as degrees of freedom
     (as mentioned in the discussion of Hastie to Buehlmann & Hothorn)

  o  status information during fitting is now available via
     boost_control(trace = TRUE) but is switched off by default

  o  acknowledge constributions by Thomas Kneib and Matthias Schmid

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.6-1 (internal)

  o  gamboost() now allows for user-specified base learners
     via the formula interface

  o  gamboost.matrix(x = x, ...) requires colnames being set
     for `x'

  o  na.action = na.omit fix for g{al}mboost()

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-8 (2007-05-31)

  o  gamboost(..., weights = w) was broken

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-7 (2007-05-30)

  o  extract response correctly in fitted.blackboost

  o  hatvalues (and thus AICs) for GLMs with centering of
     covariates may have been wrong since version 0.5-0

  o  add paper examples to tests

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-6 (2007-05-07)

  o  fix Rd problems

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-5 (2007-04-25)

  o  `westbc' regenerated

  o  LazyLoad: yes (no SaveImage: yes)

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-4 (2007-04-18)

  o  plot() method for `glmboost' objects visualizing the
     coefficient path (feature request by Axel Benner <>).

  o  predict(newdata = <matrix>) was broken for gamboost(),
     thanks to Max Kuhn <> for spotting this.

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-3 (2007-03-23)

  o  predict() for gamboost(..., dfbase = 1) was not working correctly

  o  small performance and memory improvements for glmboost()

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-2 (2007-02-28)

  o  some performance improvements for `glmboost()'

  o  blackboost() is now generic with formula and x, y interface

  o  plot() method for cvrisk() and AIC() output now allows for ylim
     specification without troubles

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-1 (2007-02-02)

  o  depends party 0.9-9

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.5-0 (2007-01-30)

  o  new `baselearner' argument to `gamboost' allowing to
     specify difference component-wise base-learners to
     be used. Currently implemented: "ssp" for smoothing splines
     (default), "bsp" for B-splines and "ols" for linear models.
     The latter two haven't been tested yet.

  o  The `dfbase' arguments now applies to each covariate and
     no longer to each column of the design matrix.

  o  cvrisk() for blackboost() was broken, totally :-(

  o  centered covariates were returned by glmboost() and gamboost()

  o  Poisson() used an incorrect offset

  o  check for y being positive counts when family = "Poisson()"[B

  o  checks for Poisson() logLik() and AIC() methods

  o  fire a warning when all u > 0 or u < 0

  o  update vignette `mboost_illustrations'

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-17 (2007-01-15)

  o  fix problem with `dfbase' in `gamboost', spotted by
     Karin Eckel <>

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-16 (2007-01-12)

  o  work around stats4:::AIC

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-15 (2006-12-06)

  o  fix plot problems in plot.cvrisk

  o  allow for centering of the numerical covariates in glmboost and

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-14 (2006-10-27)

  o  AIC(..., "classical") is now faster for non-gaussian families

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-13 (2006-10-04)

  o  predict(..., newdata) can take a matrix now

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-12 (2006-09-13)

  o  predict(<blackboost-object>, type = "response") did not return
     factors when the response was actually a factor

  o  report offset in print methods

  o  add offset attribute to coef.glmboost

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-11 (2006-09-07)

  o  add `contrasts.arg' argument to `glmboost.formula'

  o  more meaningful default for `grid' in `cvrisk'

  o  R-2.4.0 fixes

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-10 (2006-08-30)

  o  add checks for CoxPH (against coefficients and logLik of coxph)

  o  add weights to CoxPH

  o  the ngradient function in Family objects needs to implement
     arguments (y, f, w), not just (y, f)

  o  check for meaningful class of the response for some families

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-9 (2006-07-17)

  o  some small speed improvements in `gamboost'

  o  handle factors in `gamboost' properly (via a linear model)

  o  the dfbase argument can take a vector now (in `gamboost')

  o  update and improve entries in DESCRIPTION

  o  documentation updates

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-8 (2006-07-05)

  o  Huber() is `Huber Error', not `Huber Absolute Error'

  o  added `CoxPH' family object for fitting Cox models

  o  remove inst/LaTeX

  o  use NROW / NCOL more often (now that `y' may be a `Surv' object)

  o  implement `cvrisk', a general cross-validation function for the
     empirical risk and a corresponding plot method

  o  unify risk computations in all three fitting functions

  o  unify names for `gb' objects

  o  allow for out-of-bag risk computations

  o  some cosmetics

  o  update keywords in Rd-files

  o  risk was always 0 in Huber()@risk when d was choosen adaptively

  o  pData(westbc)$nodal.y has levels `negative' and `positive'
     (lymph node status)

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-7 (2006-06-19)

  o  add src/Makevars (required for Windows builds)

  o  make sure objects that are modified at C-level get _copied_ in

		CHANGES in `mboost' VERSION 0.4-6 (2006-06-14)

  o  some minor `codetools' fixes: removed unused variables
     and an out-dated function

  o  add `codetools' checks to regression tests

  o  fix xlab in plot.gbAIC


	`mboost' version 0.4-5 published on CRAN 2006-06-13
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