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Tip revision: 07565ee5e1bca951c576b4ced02f3c459885bba2 authored by Dylan Beaudette on 06 September 2023, 21:32:38 UTC
version 2.0.1
Tip revision: 07565ee
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% Please edit documentation in R/split.R
\title{Split a SoilProfileCollection object into a list of SoilProfileCollection objects.}
\S4method{split}{SoilProfileCollection}(x, f, drop = TRUE, ...)
\item{x}{\code{SoilProfileCollection} object}

\item{f}{character vector naming a single site-level attribute that defines groups, a ‘factor’ in the sense that \code{as.factor(f)} defines the grouping, or a list of such factors in which case their interaction is used for the grouping.}

\item{drop}{logical indicating if levels that do not occur should be dropped (if f is a factor or a list). When \code{drop=FALSE} and \code{f} contains missing values an additional group "missing" is returned.}

\item{...}{additional arguments are ignored}
A list of \code{SoilProfileCollection} or \code{NULL} for empty result.
This function splits a \code{SoilProfileCollection} into a list of \code{SoilProfileCollection} objects using a site-level attribute to define groups or profile ID (\code{idname(x)}).
As of aqp 1.25, omission of \code{f} argument is no longer possible, as the base R generic is overloaded by this \code{SoilProfileCollection} method. This used to result in an "identity" split, according to \code{idname(x)}, e.g. a list as long as \code{length(x)}, with a single-profile \code{SoilProfileCollection} per list element. Replicate this behavior using \code{f = idname(x)} or \code{f = profile_id(x)}.

depths(sp2) <- id ~ top + bottom

# add a more interesting site-level attribute
site(sp2) <- ~ surface

# using identity site-level attribute (profile ID)
p1 <- split(sp2, f = idname(sp2))

# using vector equal in length to number of profiles (profile ID, again)
p2 <- split(sp2, f = profile_id(sp2))

# which are both equivalent to setting `f` to NULL
p3 <- split(sp2, f = NULL)

# split on surface (age) site-level var
p4 <- split(sp2, f = "surface")
length(p4) # 5 unique "surfaces", 5 SPCs in result list

D.E. Beaudette and A.G. Brown
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