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Tip revision: cffaee83f2132e70d363589d8be217ce70ea1e3a authored by J. O. Ramsay on 02 March 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.1.2
Tip revision: cffaee8
### Ramsay, Hooker & Graves (2009)
### Functional Data Analysis with R and Matlab (Springer)
### ch. 6.  Descriptions of Functional Data


## Section 6.1 Some Functional Descriptive Statistics

#  using 'logprec.fd' computed in fdarm-ch05.R as follows:
logprecav = CanadianWeather$dailyAv[
                dayOfYearShifted, , 'log10precip']
dayrange  = c(0,365)
daybasis  = create.fourier.basis(dayrange, 365)

Lcoef        = c(0,(2*pi/diff(dayrange))^2,0)
harmaccelLfd = vec2Lfd(Lcoef, dayrange)

lambda      = 1e6
fdParobj    = fdPar(daybasis, harmaccelLfd, lambda) = smooth.basis(day.5, logprecav, fdParobj)
logprec.fd  =$fd

meanlogprec   = mean(logprec.fd)
stddevlogprec = std.fd(logprec.fd)

# Section 6.1.1 The Bivariate Covariance Function v(s; t)

logprecvar.bifd = var.fd(logprec.fd)

weektime        = seq(0,365,length=53)
logprecvar_mat  = eval.bifd(weektime, weektime,

# Figure 6.1

persp(weektime, weektime, logprecvar_mat,
      theta=-45, phi=25, r=3, expand = 0.5,
      xlab="Day (July 1 to June 30)",
      ylab="Day (July 1 to June 30)",
      zlab="variance(log10 precip)")

contour(weektime, weektime, logprecvar_mat)

# Figure 6.2

day5time = seq(0,365,5)
logprec.varmat = eval.bifd(day5time, day5time,
contour(day5time, day5time, logprec.varmat,
        xlab="Day (July 1 to June 30)",
        ylab="Day (July 1 to June 30)", lwd=2,

## Section 6.2 The Residual Variance-Covariance Matrix Se
#  (no computations in this section)

## Section 6.3 Functional Probes rho[xi]

# xifd, xfd = ??? ... need an example

probeval = inprod(xifd, xfd)
# see section 6.5 below?

## Section 6.4 Phase-plane Plots of Periodic Effects
goodsbasis  = create.bspline.basis(rangeval=c(1919,2000),
                                   nbasis=979, norder=8)
LfdobjNonDur= int2Lfd(4)
logNondurSm = smooth.basisPar(argvals=index(nondurables),
                y=log10(coredata(nondurables)), fdobj=goodsbasis,
                Lfdobj=LfdobjNonDur, lambda=1e-11)

# Fig. 6.3 The log nondurable goods index for 1964 to 1967

sel64.67 = ((1964<=index(nondurables)) &
             (index(nondurables)<=1967) )
     log10(nondurables[sel64.67]), xlab='Year',
     ylab='Log10 Nondurable Goods Index', las=1)
abline(v=1965:1966, lty='dashed')

t64.67 = seq(1964, 1967, len=601)
lines(t64.67, predict(logNondurSm, t64.67))

# Section 6.4.1.  Phase-plane Plots Show Energy Transfer
# Figure 6.4.  Phase-plane plot for a simple harmonic function

sin.   = expression(sin(2*pi*x))
D.sin  = D(sin.,  "x")
D2.sin = D(D.sin, "x")

with(data.frame(x=seq(0, 1, length=46)),
     plot(eval(D.sin), eval(D2.sin), type="l",
          xlim=c(-10, 10), ylim=c(-50, 50),
          xlab="Velocity", ylab="Acceleration"), las=1 )
pi.2  = (2*pi)
#lines(x=c(-pi.2,pi.2), y=c(0,0), lty=3)
pi.2.2= pi.2^2
lines(x=c(0,0), y=c(-pi.2.2, pi.2.2), lty="dashed")
lines(x=c(-pi.2, pi.2), y=c(0,0), lty="dashed")
text(c(0,0), c(-47, 47), rep("Max. potential energy", 2))
text(c(-8.5,8.5), c(0,0), rep("Max\nkinetic\nenergy", 2))

# Section 6.4.2 The Nondurable Goods Cycles
# Figure 6.5

phaseplanePlot(1964, logNondurSm$fd)

# sec. 6.4.3.  Phase-Plane Plotting the Growth of Girls

gr.basis = create.bspline.basis(norder=6, breaks=growth$age)
children = 1:10
ncasef   = length(children)
cvecf           = matrix(0, gr.basis$nbasis, ncasef)
dimnames(cvecf) = list(gr.basis$names,

gr.fd0      = fd(cvecf, gr.basis)
gr.fdPar1.5 = fdPar(gr.fd0, Lfdobj=3, lambda=10^(-1.5))
hgtfmonfd   = with(growth, smooth.monotone(age, hgtf[,children],
                                           gr.fdPar1.5) )
agefine = seq(1,18,len=101)
(i11.7  = which(abs(agefine-11.7) == min(abs(agefine-11.7)))[1])

velffine = predict(hgtfmonfd, agefine, 1);
accffine = predict(hgtfmonfd, agefine, 2);

# Figure 1.15

plot(velffine, accffine, type='n', xlim=c(0, 12), ylim=c(-5, 2),
     xlab='Velocity (cm/yr)', ylab=expression(Acceleration (cm/yr^2)),
for(i in 1:10){
  lines(velffine[, i], accffine[, i])
  points(velffine[i11.7, i], accffine[i11.7, i])
abline(h=0, lty='dotted')

## Section 6.5 Confidence Intervals for Curves and their Derivatives

# sec. 6.5.1.  Two Linear mappings Defining a Probe Value
dayvec  = seq(0,365,len=101)
xivec   = exp(20*cos(2*pi*(dayvec-197)/365))
xibasis = create.bspline.basis(c(0,365),13)
xifd    = smooth.basis(dayvec, xivec, xibasis)$fd

tempbasis = create.fourier.basis(c(0,365),65)
precbasis = create.fourier.basis(c(0,365),365)

tempLmat = inprod(tempbasis, xifd)
precLmat = inprod(precbasis, xifd)

# sec. 6.5.3.  Confidence Limits for Prince Rupert's Log Precipitation
logprecav = CanadianWeather$dailyAv[
         dayOfYearShifted, , 'log10precip']

# as in section 5.3

dayrange  = c(0,365)
daybasis  = create.fourier.basis(dayrange, 365)
Lcoef        = c(0,(2*pi/diff(dayrange))^2,0)
harmaccelLfd = vec2Lfd(Lcoef, dayrange)

lambda     = 1e6
fdParobj   = fdPar(daybasis, harmaccelLfd, lambda)
logprecList= smooth.basis(day.5, logprecav, fdParobj)
logprec.fd = logprecList$fd
fdnames    = list("Day (July 1 to June 30)",
               "Weather Station" = CanadianWeather$place,
               "Log10 Precipitation (mm)")
logprec.fd$fdnames = fdnames

logprecmat  = eval.fd(day.5, logprec.fd)
logprecres  = logprecav - logprecmat
logprecvar  = apply(logprecres^2, 1, sum)/(35-1)
lambda      = 1e8
resfdParobj = fdPar(daybasis, harmaccelLfd, lambda)  = smooth.basis(day.5, log(logprecvar),
logvar.fd   =$fd
varvec      = exp(eval.fd(day.5, logvar.fd))
SigmaE      = diag(as.vector(varvec))

y2cMap        = logprecList$y2cMap
c2rMap        = eval.basis(day.5, daybasis)
Sigmayhat     = c2rMap %*% y2cMap %*% SigmaE %*%
                t(y2cMap) %*% t(c2rMap)
logprec.stderr= sqrt(diag(Sigmayhat))
logprec29     = eval.fd(day.5, logprec.fd[29])
plot(logprec.fd[29], lwd=2, ylim=c(0.2, 1.3))
lines(day.5, logprec29 + 2*logprec.stderr,
        lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(day.5, logprec29 - 2*logprec.stderr,
        lty=2, lwd=2)
points(day.5, logprecav[,29])

## Section 6.6 Some Things to Try
# (exercises for the reader)
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