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Tip revision: e1a6a649dce47d08f3757b2e2cb6e3cdd7a6e591 authored by Bettina Gruen on 24 September 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.3-12
Tip revision: e1a6a64
@STRING{csda	= {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis} }
@STRING{jasa	= {Journal of the American Statistical Association} }
@STRING{jcgs	= {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics} }
@STRING{jrssa	= {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A} }
@STRING{jrssb	= {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B} }

@Article{	  mixtures:aitkin:1999,
  author =	 {Murray Aitkin},
  title =	 {A General Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Variance
                  Components in Generalized Linear Models},
  journal =	 {Biometrics},
  year =	 1999,
  volume =	 55,
  pages =	 {117--128}

@Article{	  mixtures:aitkin:1999a,
  author =	 {Murray Aitkin},
  title =	 {Meta-Analysis by Random Effect Modelling in
                  Generalized Linear Models},
  journal =	 {Statistics in Medicine},
  year =	 1999,
  volume =	 18,
  number =	 {17--18},
  month =	 {September},
  pages =	 {2343--2351}

@Article{	  mixtures:biernacki+celeux+govaert:2000,
  author =	 {Christophe Biernacki and Gilles Celeux and
                  G{\'e}rard Govaert},
  title =	 {Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the
                  Integrated Completed Likelihood},
  journal =	 {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
  year =	 2000,
  volume =	 22,
  number =	 7,
  pages =	 {719--725},
  month =	 {July}

@Article{	  mixtures:biernacki+celeux+govaert:2003,
  author =	 {Christophe Biernacki and Gilles Celeux and
                  G{\'e}rard Govaert},
  title =	 {Choosing Starting Values for the {EM} Algorithm for
                  Getting the Highest Likelihood in Multivariate
                  {G}aussian Mixture Models},
  journal =	 csda,
  year =	 2003,
  volume =	 41,
  pages =	 {561--575}

@Article{	  mixtures:boehning+dietz+schlattmann:1999,
  author =	 {Dankmar B{\"o}hning and Ekkehart Dietz and Peter
                  Schlattmann and Lisette Mendon{\c c}a and Ursula
  title =	 {The Zero-Inflated {P}oisson Model and the Decayed,
                  Missing and Filled Teeth Index in Dental
  journal =	 jrssa,
  year =	 1999,
  volume =	 162,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 {195--209},
  month =	 {August}

@Book{		  mixtures:boehning:1999,
  author =	 {Dankmar B{\"o}hning},
  title =	 {Computer Assisted Analysis of Mixtures and
                  Applications: Meta-Analysis, Disease Mapping, and
  publisher =	 {Chapman \& Hall/CRC},
  year =	 1999,
  volume =	 81,
  series =	 {Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability},
  address =	 {London}

@Manual{          mixtures:canty+ripley:2010,
  title =	 {boot: Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions},
  author =	 {Angelo Canty and Brian Ripley},
  year =	 2010,
  note =	 {R package version 1.2-43},
  url =		 {}

@TechReport{	  mixtures:celeux+diebolt:1988,
  author =	 {Gilles Celeux and Jean Diebolt},
  title =	 {A Random Imputation Principle: The Stochastic {EM}
  institution =	 {INRIA},
  year =	 1988,
  type =	 {Rapports de Recherche},
  number =	 901,
  month =	 {September}

@Article{	  mixtures:celeux+govaert:1992,
  author =	 {Gilles Celeux and G{\'e}rard Govaert},
  title =	 {A {C}lassification {EM} Algorithm for Clustering and
                  Two Stochastic Versions},
  journal =	 {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},
  year =	 1992,
  volume =	 14,
  number =	 3,
  pages =	 {315--332},
  month =	 {October}

@Book{		  mixtures:chambers:1998,
  author =	 {John M. Chambers},
  title =	 {Programming with Data},
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  year =	 1998,
  address =	 {New York},
  isbn =	 {0-387-98503-4}

@Article{	  mixtures:dasgupta+raftery:1998,
  author =	 {Abhijit Dasgupta and Adrian E. Raftery},
  title =	 {Detecting Features in Spatial Point Processes with
                  Clutter Via Model-Based Clustering},
  journal =	 jasa,
  year =	 1998,
  volume =	 93,
  number =	 441,
  pages =	 {294--302},
  month =	 {March}

  author =	 {A. C. Davison and D. V. Hinkley},
  title =	 {Bootstrap Methods and Their Application},
  publisher =	 {Cambridge University Press},
  address =	 {Cambridge, UK},
  year =	 1997,
  isbn =	 {0-521-57391-2 (hardcover), 0-521-57471-4
  series =	 {Cambridge Series on Statistical and Probabilistic

@Article{	  mixtures:dayton+macready:1988,
  author =	 {C. Mitchell Dayton and George B. Macready},
  title =	 {Concomitant-Variable Latent-Class Models},
  journal =	 jasa,
  year =	 1988,
  volume =	 83,
  number =	 401,
  pages =	 {173--178},
  month =	 {March}

@Article{	  mixtures:dempster+laird+rubin:1977,
  author =	 {A. P. Dempster and N. M. Laird and D. B. Rubin},
  title =	 {Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the
  journal =	 jrssb,
  volume =	 39,
  pages =	 {1--38},
  year =	 1977

@InCollection{	  mixtures:diebolt+ip:1996,
  author =	 {Jean Diebolt and Eddie H. S. Ip},
  editor =	 {W. R. Gilks and S. Richardson and
                  D. J. Spiegelhalter},
  booktitle =	 {Markov Chain {M}onte {C}arlo in Practice},
  title =	 {Stochastic {EM}: Method and Application},
  publisher =	 {Chapman and Hall},
  year =	 1996,
  pages =	 {259--273}

@Book{		  mixtures:everitt+hand:1981,
  author =	 {B. S. Everitt and D. J. Hand},
  title =	 {Finite Mixture Distributions},
  publisher =	 {Chapman and Hall},
  address =	 {London},
  year =	 1981

@Article{	  mixtures:follmann+lambert:1989,
  author =	 {Dean A. Follmann and Diane Lambert},
  title =	 {Generalizing Logistic Regression by Non-Parametric
  journal =	 jasa,
  volume =	 84,
  number =	 405,
  month =	 {March},
  pages =	 {295--300},
  year =	 1989

@Article{	  mixtures:follmann+lambert:1991,
  author =	 {Dean A. Follmann and Diane Lambert},
  title =	 {Identifiability of Finite Mixtures of Logistic
                  Regression Models},
  journal =	 {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
  volume =	 27,
  number =	 3,
  month =	 {March},
  pages =	 {375--381},
  year =	 1991

@Book{		  mixtures:fowler:2004,
  author =	 {Martin Fowler},
  title =	 {{UML} Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard
                  Object Modeling Language},
  publisher =	 {Addison-Wesley Professional},
  year =	 2004,
  edition =	 {3rd}

@Book{		  mixtures:fruehwirth-schnatter:2006,
  author =	 {Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter},
  title =	 {Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models},
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  address =	 {New York},
  series =	 {Springer-Verlag Series in Statistics},
  isbn =	 {0-387-32909-9},
  year =	 2006

@Article{	  mixtures:gentleman+ihaka:2000,
  author =	 {Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka},
  title =	 {Lexical Scope and Statistical Computing},
  journal =	 jcgs,
  year =	 2000,
  volume =	 9,
  number =	 3,
  pages =	 {491--508}

@InProceedings{	  mixtures:gruen+leisch:2004,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Bootstrapping Finite Mixture Models},
  booktitle =	 {COMPSTAT 2004 -- Proceedings in Computational
  year =	 2004,
  editor =	 {Jaromir Antoch},
  publisher =	 {Physica Verlag, Heidelberg},
  isbn =	 {3-7908-1554-3},
  pages =	 {1115--1122}

@InProceedings{	  mixtures:gruen+leisch:2006,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Fitting Finite Mixtures of Linear Regression Models
                  with Varying \& Fixed Effects in \proglang{R}},
  booktitle =	 {COMPSTAT 2006 -- Proceedings in Computational
  pages =	 {853--860},
  editor =	 {Alfredo Rizzi and Maurizio Vichi},
  publisher =	 {Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany},
  isbn =	 {3-7908-1708-2},
  year =	 2006

@Article{	  mixtures:gruen+leisch:2007a,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Fitting Finite Mixtures of Generalized Linear
                  Regressions in \proglang{R}},
  journal =	 csda,
  year =	 2007,
  volume =	 51,
  number =	 11,
  month =	 {July},
  pages =	 {5247--5252}

@Article{	  mixtures:gruen+leisch:2008,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr\"un and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Identifiability of Finite Mixtures of Multinomial
                  Logit Models with Varying and Fixed Effects},
  journal =	 {Journal of Classification},
  year =	 2008,
  note =	 {Accepted for publication on 2008-03-28}

@Article{	  mixtures:gruen+leisch:2008a,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr\"un and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {{F}lex{M}ix Version 2: Finite Mixtures with
                  Concomitant Variables and Varying and Constant
  journal =	 {Journal of Statistical Software},
  year =	 2008,
  volume =	 28,
  number =	 4,
  pages =	 {1--35},
  url =		 {}

  author =	 {Bettina Gr\"un and Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Finite Mixture Model Diagnostics Using Resampling
  note =	 {Unpublished manuscript},
  year =	 2010,

@PhDThesis{	  mixtures:gruen:2006,
  author =	 {Bettina Gr{\"u}n},
  title =	 {Identification and Estimation of Finite Mixture
  school =	 {Institut f{\"u}r Statistik und
                  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Technische
                  Universit{\"a}t Wien},
  year =	 2006,
  month =	 {September},
  note =	 {{Friedrich Leisch, advisor}}

@Book{		  mixtures:harrell:2001,
  author =	 {Frank E. Harrell},
  title =	 {Regression Modeling Strategies},
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  address =	 {New York},
  year =	 2001

@Article{	  mixtures:hastie+tibshirani:1993,
  author =	 {Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani},
  title =	 {Varying-Coefficient Models},
  journal =	 jrssb,
  year =	 1993,
  volume =	 55,
  number =	 4,
  pages =	 {757--796}

  author =	 {Christian Hennig},
  title =	 {Identifiability of Models for Clusterwise Linear
  journal =	 {Journal of Classification},
  volume =	 17,
  number =	 2,
  month =	 {July},
  pages =	 {273--296},
  year =	 2000

@Article{	  mixtures:karlis+xekalaki:2003,
  author =	 {Dimitris Karlis and Evdokia Xekalaki},
  title =	 {Choosing Initial Values for the {EM} Algorithm for
                  Finite Mixtures},
  journal =	 csda,
  year =	 2003,
  volume =	 41,
  pages =	 {577--590}

@InProceedings{	  mixtures:leisch:2002,
  author =	 {Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Sweave: Dynamic Generation of Statistical Reports
                  Using Literate Data Analysis},
  booktitle =	 {COMPSTAT 2002 -- Proceedings in Computational
  pages =	 {575--580},
  year =	 2002,
  editor =	 {Wolfgang H{\"a}rdle and Bernd R{\"o}nz},
  publisher =	 {Physica Verlag, Heidelberg},
  note =	 {ISBN 3-7908-1517-9}

@Article{	  mixtures:leisch:2003,
  author =	 {Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Sweave, Part {II}: Package Vignettes},
  journal =	 {\proglang{R} News},
  year =	 2003,
  volume =	 3,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 {21--24},
  month =	 {October},
  url =		 {}

@Article{	  mixtures:leisch:2004,
  author =	 {Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {\pkg{FlexMix}: A General Framework for Finite
                  Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in
  journal =	 {Journal of Statistical Software},
  year =	 2004,
  volume =	 11,
  number =	 8,
  pages =	 {1--18},
  url =		 {}

@InProceedings{	  mixtures:leisch:2004a,
  author =	 {Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Exploring the Structure of Mixture Model Components},
  booktitle =	 {COMPSTAT 2004 -- Proceedings in Computational
  year =	 2004,
  editor =	 {Jaromir Antoch},
  publisher =	 {Physica Verlag, Heidelberg},
  isbn =	 {3-7908-1554-3},
  pages =	 {1405--1412}

@InProceedings{	  mixtures:leisch:2008,
  author =	 {Friedrich Leisch},
  title =	 {Modelling Background Noise in Finite Mixtures of
                  Generalized Linear Regression Models},
  booktitle =	 {COMPSTAT 2008 -- Proceedings in Computational
  volume =	 {I},
  pages =	 {385-396},
  editor =	 {Paula Brito},
  publisher =	 {Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany},
  isbn =	 {978-3-7908-2083-6},
  year =	 2008

@Article{	  mixtures:long:1990,
  author =	 {J. Scott Long},
  title =	 {The Origins of Sex Differences in Science},
  journal =	 {Social Forces},
  year =	 1990,
  volume =	 68,
  number =	 4,
  pages =	 {1297--1315},
  month =	 {June}

@Book{		  mixtures:mccullagh+nelder:1989,
  author =	 {Peter McCullagh and John A. Nelder},
  title =	 {Generalized Linear Models},
  edition =	 {2nd},
  publisher =	 {Chapman and Hall},
  year =	 1989,
  location =	 {London}

@Book{		  mixtures:mclachlan+basford:1988,
  author =	 {Geoffrey J. McLachlan and Kaye E. Basford},
  title =	 {Mixture Models: Inference and Applications to
  publisher =	 {Marcel Dekker},
  year =	 1988,
  address =	 {New York}

@Book{		  mixtures:mclachlan+peel:2000,
  author =	 {Geoffrey J. McLachlan and David Peel},
  title =	 {Finite Mixture Models},
  publisher =	 {John Wiley \& Sons},
  year =	 2000

@Book{		  mixtures:pinheiro+bates:2000,
  author =	 {Jose C. Pinheiro and Douglas M. Bates},
  title =	 {Mixed-Effects Models in \proglang{S} and
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  year =	 2000,
  isbn =	 {0-387-98957-0}

@Book{	  mixtures:sarkar:2008,
  title =	 {\pkg{lattice}: Multivariate Data Visualization with
  author =	 {Deepayan Sarkar},
  year =	 2008,
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  address =	 {New York},
  isbn =	 {978-0-387-75968-5}

@Book{		  mixtures:titterington+smith+makov:1985,
  author =	 {D. M. Titterington and A. F. M. Smith and
                  U. E. Makov},
  title =	 {Statistical Analysis of Finite Mixture
  publisher =	 {John Wiley \& Sons},
  year =	 1985

@Book{		  mixtures:venables+ripley:2002,
  title =	 {Modern Applied Statistics with \proglang{S}},
  author =	 {William N. Venables and Brian D. Ripley},
  publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
  edition =	 {4th},
  address =	 {New York},
  year =	 2002,
  isbn =	 {0-387-95457-0}

@Article{	  mixtures:wang+puterman+cockburn:1996,
  author =	 {Peiming Wang and Martin L. Puterman and Iain
                  M. Cockburn and Nhu D. Le},
  title =	 {Mixed {P}oisson Regression Models with Covariate
                  Dependent Rates},
  journal =	 {Biometrics},
  year =	 1996,
  volume =	 52,
  pages =	 {381--400}

@Article{	  mixtures:wedel+desarbo:1995,
  author =	 {Michel Wedel and Wagner S. DeSarbo},
  title =	 {A Mixture Likelihood Approach for Generalized Linear
  journal =	 {Journal of Classification},
  year =	 1995,
  volume =	 12,
  number =	 1,
  month =	 {March},
  pages =	 {21--55}

@Article{	  mixtures:wehrens+buydens+fraley:2004,
  author =	 {Ron Wehrens and Lutgarde M.C. Buydens and Chris
                  Fraley and Adrian E. Raftery},
  title =	 {Model-Based Clustering for Image Segmentation and
                  Large Datasets Via Sampling},
  journal =	 {Journal of Classification},
  year =	 2004,
  volume =	 21,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 {231--253}
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