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Tip revision: 162fdbd4bc36e851c7abd22dd9b35cd24527f8e0 authored by J. O. Ramsay on 03 November 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.3.2
Tip revision: 162fdbd
  Plot a Functional Data Object
  Functional data observations, or a derivative of them, are plotted.
  These may be either plotted simultaneously, as \code{matplot} does for
  multivariate data, or one by one with a mouse click to move from one
  plot to another.  The function also accepts the other plot
  specification arguments that the regular \code{plot} does.  Calling
  \code{plot} with an \code{fdSmooth} or an \code{fdPar}
  object plots its \code{fd} component.
\method{plot}{fd}(x, y, Lfdobj=0, href=TRUE, titles=NULL,
                    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL,
                    ylab=NULL, ask=FALSE, nx=NULL, axes=NULL, ...)
\method{plot}{fdPar}(x, y, Lfdobj=0, href=TRUE, titles=NULL,
                    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL,
                    ylab=NULL, ask=FALSE, nx=NULL, axes=NULL, ...)
\method{plot}{fdSmooth}(x, y, Lfdobj=0, href=TRUE, titles=NULL,
                    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL,
                    ylab=NULL, ask=FALSE, nx=NULL, axes=NULL, ...)
%plot.fd(x, y, Lfdobj=0, href=TRUE, titles=NULL, xlim=rangex, ylim=rangey,
%        xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, ask=FALSE, nx=201, ...)
    functional data object(s) to be plotted.
    sequence of points at which to evaluate the functions 'x' and plot
    on the horizontal axis.  Defaults to seq(rangex[1], rangex[2],
    length = nx).

    NOTE:  This will be the values on the horizontal axis, NOT the
    vertical axis.
    either a nonnegative integer or a linear differential operator
    object. If present, the derivative or the value of applying the
    operator is plotted rather than the functions themselves.
    a logical variable:  If \code{TRUE}, add a horizontal reference line
    at 0.
    a vector of strings for identifying curves
    a label for the horizontal axis.
    a label for the vertical axis.
    a vector of length 2 containing axis limits for the horizontal axis.
    a vector of length 2 containing axis limits for the vertical axis.
    a logical value:  If \code{TRUE}, each curve is shown separately, and
    the plot advances with a mouse click
    the number of points to use to define the plot.  The default is
    usually enough, but for a highly variable function more may be
    Either a logical or a list or \code{NULL}.

	whether axes should be drawn on the plot
	a list used to create custom \code{axes} used to create axes via
	\code{$axes[[1]], x$axes[-1])}.  The primary example of
	this uses \code{list("axesIntervals", ...)}, e.g., with
	\code{Fourier} bases to create \code{CanadianWeather} plots
  \item{\dots }{
    additional plotting arguments that can be used with function
  Note that for multivariate data, a suitable array must first be
  defined using the \code{par} function.
  % This used to return 'invisible(NULL)'.
  % However, with R 2.7.0 under XEmacs with ESS,
  % it sometimes failed to plot.  I changed the return value,
  % and the problem disappeared.
\section{Side Effects}{
  a plot of the functional observations
  \code{\link{lines.fd}}, \code{\link{plotfit.fd}}
## plot.fd
%#daytime   <- (1:365)-0.5
%#dayrange  <- c(0,365)
%#dayperiod <- 365
%#nbasis     <- 65
%#dayrange  <- c(0,365)

daybasis65 <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), 65,
harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0,(2*pi/365)^2,0), c(0, 365))

harmfdPar     <- fdPar(daybasis65, harmaccelLfd, lambda=1e5)

daytempfd <- with(CanadianWeather, Data2fd(day.5,
        dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"], daybasis65))

#  plot all the temperature functions for the monthly weather data
plot(daytempfd, main="Temperature Functions")

# To plot one at a time:
# The following pauses to request page changes.
# (Without 'dontrun', the package build process
# might encounter problems with the par(ask=TRUE)
# feature.)
plot(daytempfd, ask=TRUE)

## plot.fdSmooth
b3.4 <- create.bspline.basis(norder=3, breaks=c(0, .5, 1))
# 4 bases, order 3 = degree 2 =
# continuous, bounded, locally quadratic
fdPar3 <- fdPar(b3.4, lambda=1)
%# constant 0 because fdPar3$coefs = c(0,0,0,0)

# Penalize excessive slope Lfdobj=1;
# (Can not smooth on second derivative Lfdobj=2 at it is discontinuous.)
fd3.4s0 <- smooth.basis(0:1, 0:1, fdPar3)

# using plot.fd directly

# same plot via plot.fdSmooth
## with Date and POSIXct argvals
# Date
invasion1 <- as.Date('1775-09-04')
invasion2 <- as.Date('1812-07-12')
earlyUS.Canada <- c(invasion1, invasion2)
BspInvasion <- create.bspline.basis(earlyUS.Canada)

earlyUSyears <- seq(invasion1, invasion2, length.out=7)
(earlyUScubic <- (as.numeric(earlyUSyears-invasion1)/365.24)^3)
fitCubic <- smooth.basis(earlyUSyears, earlyUScubic, BspInvasion)

AmRev.ct <- as.POSIXct1970(c('1776-07-04', '1789-04-30'))
BspRev.ct <- create.bspline.basis(AmRev.ct)
AmRevYrs.ct <- seq(AmRev.ct[1], AmRev.ct[2], length.out=14)
(AmRevLin.ct <- as.numeric(AmRevYrs.ct-AmRev.ct[2]))
fitLin.ct <- smooth.basis(AmRevYrs.ct, AmRevLin.ct, BspRev.ct)

% docclass is function
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