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Tip revision: 162fdbd4bc36e851c7abd22dd9b35cd24527f8e0 authored by J. O. Ramsay on 03 November 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.3.2
Tip revision: 162fdbd
  Variance, Covariance, and Correlation Surfaces for
  Functional Data Object(s)   
  Compute variance, covariance, and / or correlation functions for
  functional data.  

  These are two-argument functions and therefore define surfaces. If
  only one functional data object is supplied, its variance or
  correlation function is computed.  If two are supplied, the covariance
  or correlation function between them is 
var.fd(fdobj1, fdobj2=fdobj1)
  \item{fdobj1, fdobj2}{
    a functional data object.
  a two-argument or bivariate functional data object representing the
  variance, covariance or correlation surface for a single functional
  data object or the covariance between two functional data objects or
  between different variables in a multivariate functional data object.
  An list object of class \code{bifd} with the following components:
    the coefficient array with dimensions fdobj1[["basis"]][["nbasis"]]
    by fdobj2[["basis"]][["nbasis"]] giving the coefficients of the 
    covariance matrix in terms of the bases used by fdobj1 and
    dimnames list for a 4-dimensional 'coefs' array.  If
    length(dim(coefs)) is only 2 or 3, the last 2 or 1 component of
    bifdnames is not used with dimnames(coefs).  

  Examples below illustrate this structure in simple
## Example with 2 different bases 
daybasis3 <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365))
daybasis5 <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), 5)
tempfd3 <- with(CanadianWeather, smooth.basis(day.5, 
       daybasis3, fdnames=list("Day", "Station", "Deg C"))$fd )
precfd5 <- with(CanadianWeather, smooth.basis(day.5, 
       daybasis5, fdnames=list("Day", "Station", "Deg C"))$fd )

# Compare with structure described above under 'value':
str(tempPrecVar3.5 <- var.fd(tempfd3, precfd5))

## Example with 2 variables, same bases
gaitbasis3 <- create.fourier.basis(nbasis=3)
str(gaitfd3 <- Data2fd(gait, basisobj=gaitbasis3))
str(gaitVar.fd3 <- var.fd(gaitfd3))

# Check the answers with manual computations 
all.equal(var(t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,1])), gaitVar.fd3$coefs[,,,1])
all.equal(var(t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,2])), gaitVar.fd3$coefs[,,,3])
all.equal(var(t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,2]), t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,1])),

# [1] Hip-Hip
# [2] Knee-Hip 
# [3] Knee-Knee
# If [2] were "Hip-Knee", then
# gaitVar.fd3$coefs[,,,2] would match 
#var(t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,1]), t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,2]))
# *** It does NOT.  Instead, it matches:  
#var(t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,2]), t(gaitfd3$coefs[,,1])),

## The following produces contour and perspective plots
# Evaluate at a 53 by 53 grid for plotting

daybasis65 <- create.fourier.basis(rangeval=c(0, 365), nbasis=65)

daytempfd <- with(CanadianWeather, smooth.basis(day.5, 
       daybasis65, fdnames=list("Day", "Station", "Deg C"))$fd )
str(tempvarbifd <- var.fd(daytempfd))

str(tempvarmat  <- eval.bifd(weeks,weeks,tempvarbifd))
# dim(tempvarmat)= c(53, 53)

op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), pty="s")
#contour(tempvarmat, xlab="Days", ylab="Days")
contour(weeks, weeks, tempvarmat, 
        xlab="Daily Average Temperature",
        ylab="Daily Average Temperature",
        main=paste("Variance function across locations\n",
          "for Canadian Anual Temperature Cycle"),
        cex.main=0.8, axes=FALSE)
axisIntervals(1, atTick1=seq(0, 365, length=5), atTick2=NA, 
            atLabels=seq(1/8, 1, 1/4)*365,
            labels=paste("Q", 1:4) )
axisIntervals(2, atTick1=seq(0, 365, length=5), atTick2=NA, 
            atLabels=seq(1/8, 1, 1/4)*365,
            labels=paste("Q", 1:4) )
persp(weeks, weeks, tempvarmat,
      xlab="Days", ylab="Days", zlab="Covariance")
mtext("Temperature Covariance", line=-4, outer=TRUE)

% docclass is function
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