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Tip revision: 81f811ef57e8b0f723a4270c46d22b4e74445816 authored by jlr on 23 December 2014, 16:10:32 UTC
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Tip revision: 81f811e
// -*- mode: c++ -*-

#include "Word.h"

#include "rules/BRuleC2f.h"
#include "rules/URuleC2f.h"
#include "rules/LexicalRuleC2f.h"
#include "grammars/AnnotatedLabelsInfo.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

using std::function;

   \class PCKYAllCell
   \brief represents a cell in the chart for the 2 stage parser
   \note maybe fusion with PCKYBestCell
template<class Types>
class PCKYAllCell {

  typedef typename Types::Edge Edge;
  typedef typename Types::Cell Cell;
  typedef typename Types::BRule BinaryRule;
  typedef typename Types::URule UnaryRule;
  typedef typename Types::LRule LexicalRule;
  typedef typename Types::UnaryDaughter UnaryDaughter;
  typedef typename Types::BinaryDaughter BinaryDaughter;
  typedef typename Types::LexicalDaughter LexicalDaughter;


     \brief Simple constructor
     \note this cell is not initialised: trying
     to use the created cell will result in segfault !
     You have to call init first
  PCKYAllCell(const PCKYAllCell<Types> &);

     \brief destructor

     \brief initialise the cell
     \param cl true if closed
  void init(bool cl, unsigned begin, unsigned end, Edge * first_edge, bool top);
  void reinit(bool cl);

   * @brief reserve space for binary daughters
   * @param  a vector of int : number of binary daughters to allocate for each edge
   * @return void
  void reserve_binary_daughters(const std::vector<int> &);

     \brief insert a candidate edge in the cell from application of a binary rule
  void process_candidate(Edge & left, Edge & right, const BinaryRule*, double LR_inside);

     \brief insert a candidate edge in the cell from application of a unary rule
  void process_candidate(const UnaryRule *, double);

     \brief test if there's an edge of given lhs in the cell
     \param label a lhs label
     \return true if label is in the cell
  bool exists_edge(int label) const;

     \brief test if there's an edge in the cell
     \return false if there exists at least an edge in the cell
  bool is_empty() const;

     \brief access an edge by its lhs
     \param i the label of the edge
     \return the edge with i as lhs
  Edge * get_edge_ptr(unsigned i);

     \brief access an edge by its lhs
     \param i the label of the edge
     \return the edge with i as lhs
  const Edge& get_edge(int i) const;
  Edge& get_edge(int i);

     \brief access
     \return true if the cell is closed
  bool is_closed() const;

  inline bool get_top() const { return top; }
  inline unsigned get_begin() const { return begin; }
  inline unsigned get_end() const { return end; }

     \brief Output operator
     \param out the ostream to write on
     \param cell the cell object to write
     \return the used ostream
  template<class O>
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PCKYAllCell<O>& cell);

    \brief reset probabilities of all the edges in the cell to 0.0
    \note reset to a value passed as a parameter
  void reset_probabilities();

  void compute_inside_probabilities();
  void compute_outside_probabilities();
  void adjust_inside_probability();

  void add_word(const Word & word);

  void beam(const std::vector<double>& priors, double threshold);
  void beam(double threshold);
  void beam(double threshold, double sent_prob);
  void beam_huang(double threshold, double sent_prob);

  static void set_max_size(unsigned size);

  void clean();

  void clear();

  void change_rules_resize(const AnnotatedLabelsInfo& next_annotations, const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > >& annot_descendants_current);
  void change_rules_resize(unsigned new_size, unsigned fienr_idx);

  void update_relaxations(bool simplify, const MAP<int,double>& u,
                          const std::unordered_map<int,int>& simple_map);

   * \brief apply a list of functions on each edge of this cell
  template<typename... Function>
  void apply_on_edges(Function&&... args) {
    for(unsigned i=0; i<get_max_size(); ++i) {/*std::cout << "edge " << i << std::endl ;*/
      if(exists_edge(i)) get_edge(i).apply(args...);

  template<typename... Function>
  void apply_on_all_edges(Function&&... args) {
    for(unsigned i=0; i<get_max_size(); ++i) {/*std::cout << "edge " << i << std::endl ;*/

  inline static unsigned get_max_size() { return max_size; }

  Edge * edges;
  bool closed;
  unsigned begin;
  unsigned end;
  bool top;

  static unsigned max_size;

template<class Edge>
Edge * begin(Edge e[]) { return e; }

template<class Edge>
Edge * end(Edge e[]) { return (e+Edge::Cell::get_max_size()); }

template<class Types>
bool PCKYAllCell<Types>::exists_edge(int label) const
  // std::cout << SymbolTable::instance_nt().get_label_string(label)
  //           << " " << label
  //           << " " << max_size
  //           << std::endl;

  assert(label >= 0);
  assert(label < (int) max_size);
  return (not edges[label].is_closed());

template<class Types>
bool PCKYAllCell<Types>::is_empty() const
    return true;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_size; ++i)
      if(not edges[i].is_closed())
        return false;
  return true;

template<class Types>
void PCKYAllCell<Types>::init(bool cl, unsigned b, unsigned e, typename Types::Edge * first_edge, bool t)
  begin = b; end = e; top = t; closed = cl; edges = first_edge;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < max_size; ++i)


template<class Types>
void PCKYAllCell<Types>::reinit(bool cl)
  if(!(closed = cl)) {

template<class Types>
bool PCKYAllCell<Types>::is_closed() const
{ return closed; }

template<class Types>
typename Types::Edge * PCKYAllCell<Types>::get_edge_ptr(unsigned i)
  return edges[i];

template<class Types>
const typename Types::Edge& PCKYAllCell<Types>::get_edge(int i) const
  //assert( i < (int) max_size);
  assert(i>=0 && i < (int) max_size);

  return edges[i];

template<class Types>
typename Types::Edge& PCKYAllCell<Types>::get_edge(int i)
  //assert( i < (int) max_size);
  assert(i>=0 && i < (int) max_size);

  return edges[i];

template<class Types>
void PCKYAllCell<Types>::set_max_size(unsigned size)
  max_size =  size;
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