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Tip revision: 25e890693ae17c5f1d9d1f13bae0c75302c83f2a authored by Charles Dupont on 15 September 2005, 19:47:36 UTC
version 3.0-7
Tip revision: 25e8906
\title{Miscellaneous Functions}
  This documents miscellaneous small functions in Hmisc that may be of
  interest to users.

  \code{confbar} draws multi-level confidence bars using small rectangles
  that may be of different colors.

  \code{james.stein} computes James-Stein shrunken estimates of cell
  means given a response variable (which may be binary) and a grouping

  \code{km.quick} provides a fast way to invoke \code{} in the
  \code{survival} package to get Kaplan-Meier estimates for a
  single stratum for a vector of time points (if \code{times} is given) or to
  get a vector of survival time quantiles (if \code{q} is given).

  \code{} is a fast stripped-down function for computing
  regression coefficients, residuals, \eqn{R^2}, and fitted values.  It
  uses the Fortran routines \code{dqrls}. 

  \code{matxv} multiplies a matrix by a vector, handling automatic
  addition of intercepts if the matrix does not have a column of ones.
  If the first argument is not a matrix, it will be converted to one.

  \code{nomiss} returns a data frame (if its argument is one) with rows
  corresponding to \code{NA}s removed, or it returns a matrix with rows
  with any element missing removed.

  \code{outerText} uses \code{text()} to put test strings in left or
  right margins. It temporarily sets \code{par(xpd=NA)} if using \R.

  \code{sepUnitsTrans} converts character vectors containing values such
  as \code{c("3 days","3day","4month","2 years","2weeks","7")} to
  numeric vectors 
  (here \code{c(3,3,122,730,14,7)}) in a flexible fashion.  The user can
  specify a 
  vector of units of measurements and conversion factors.  The units
  with a conversion factor of \code{1} are taken as the target units,
  and if those units are present in the character strings they are
  ignored.  The target units are added to the resulting vector as the
  \code{"units"} attribute.
  \code{trap.rule} computes the area under a curve using the trapezoidal
  rule, assuming \code{x} is sorted.

  \code{trellis.strip.blank} sets up Trellis or Lattice graphs to have a
  clear background on the strips for panel labels.
  \code{under.unix} is a scalar logical value that is \code{TRUE} if you
  are running Linux or Unix.

  \code{.R.} is a logical value set to \code{TRUE} if running \R,
  \code{FALSE} for S-Plus.

  \code{.SV4.} is a logical value set to \code{TRUE} if running version
  4 of the S language under S-Plus, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
  \code{unPaste} provides a version of the S-Plus \code{unpaste} that
  works for \R and S-Plus.

  \code{whichClosePW} is a very fast function using weighted multinomial
  sampling to determine which element of a vector is "closest" to each
  element of another vector.  \code{whichClosest} quickly finds the closest
  element without any randomness.

  \code{xless} is a function for Linux/Unix users to invoke the system
  \code{xless} command to pop up a window to display the result of
  \code{print}ing an object.
confbar(at, est, se, width, q = c(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), 
        col = if (.R.) gray(c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)) else
              if (under.unix) c(1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.065) else
              c(1, 4, 3, 2, 5),
        type = c("v", "h"), labels = TRUE, ticks = FALSE,
        cex = 0.5, side = "l", lwd = 5, clip = c(-1e+30, 1e+30),
        fun = function(x) x,
        qfun = function(x) ifelse(x == 0.5, qnorm(x),
                            ifelse(x < 0.5, qnorm(x/2),
                            qnorm((1 +  x)/2))))
james.stein(y, group)
km.quick(S, times, q), y, tolerance, intercept=TRUE, xpxi=FALSE)
matxv(a, b, kint=1)
outerText(string, y, setAside=string[1], side=4, space=1,
          adj=1, cex=par('cex'))
sepUnitsTrans(x, conversion=c(day=1, month=365.25/12, year=365.25, week=7),
              round=FALSE, digits=0)
trap.rule(x, y)
unPaste(str, sep="/", extended=FALSE)
whichClosest(x, w)
whichClosePW(x, w, f=0.2)
xless(x, \dots, title)
  \item{at}{x-coordinate for vertical confidence intervals, y-coordinate
	for horizontal}
  \item{est}{vector of point estimates for confidence limits}
  \item{se}{vector of standard errors}
  \item{width}{width of confidence rectanges in user units}
  \item{q}{vector of confidence coefficients or quantiles}
  \item{col}{vector of colors}
  \item{type}{\code{"v"} for vertical, \code{"h"} for horizontal}
  \item{labels}{set to \code{FALSE} to omit drawing confidence
  \item{ticks}{set to \code{TRUE} to draw lines between rectangles}
  \item{cex}{character expansion factor}
  \item{side}{for \code{confbar} is \code{"b","l","t","r"} for bottom,
	left, top, right.  For \code{outText} is the using integers 1-4
	corresponding to these.}
  \item{lwd}{line widths}
  \item{clip}{interval to truncate limits}
  \item{fun}{function to transform scale}
  \item{qfun}{quantiles on transformed scale}
  \item{group}{a categorical grouping variable}
  \item{S}{a \code{\link[survival]{Surv}} object}
  \item{times}{a numeric vector of times}
  \item{tolerance}{tolerance for judging singularity in matrix}
  \item{intercept}{set to \code{FALSE} to not automatically add a column
	of ones to the \code{x} matrix}
  \item{xpxi}{set to \code{TRUE} to add an element to the result
	containing the inverse of \eqn{X'X}}
  \item{a}{a numeric matrix or vector}
  \item{b}{a numeric vector}
  \item{kint}{which element of \code{b} to add to the result if \code{a}
	does not contain a column for intercepts}
  \item{string}{a character string vector}
  \item{setAside}{for \code{adj=1 side=4}, is a character string used to
	determine the space to set aside for all strings.}
  \item{space}{the number of extra characters to leave to the left of
	the string(s) (\code{adj=0}) or to the right (\code{adj=1})}
  \item{adj}{0 for left justification, 0.5 for centered, 1 for right}
  \item{conversion}{a named numeric vector}
  \item{round}{set to \code{TRUE} to round converted values}
  \item{digits}{number of digits used for \code{round}}
  \item{str}{a character string vector}
  \item{w}{a numeric vector}
  \item{x}{a numeric vector (matrix for \code{}) or data
	frame.  For \code{xless} may be any object that is sensible to
	\code{print}.  For \code{sepUnitsTrans} is a character or factor
  \item{y}{a numeric vector}
  \item{sep}{a single character string specifying the delimiter}
  \item{extended}{see \code{\link{strsplit}} in \R}
  \item{f}{a scaling constant}
  \item{title}{a character string to title a window or plot}
  \item{\dots}{arguments passed through to another function}
\author{Frank Harrell}

unPaste(c('a;b or c','ab;d','qr;s'), ';')

sepUnitsTrans(c('3 days','4 months','2 years','7'))

whichClosest(1:100, 3:5)
whichClosest(1:100, rep(3,20))

whichClosePW(1:100, rep(3,20))
whichClosePW(1:100, rep(3,20), f=.05)
whichClosePW(1:100, rep(3,20), f=1e-10)
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