Raw File
Tip revision: 683e381531c37e8e7224edd899422f119d926418 authored by Martin Schlather on 21 January 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.10
Tip revision: 683e381
### !!!!!!!!!!!! ACHTUNG !!!!!!!!!!!! TREND als cov-fct muss
### noch programmiert werden !!!

# RFsimulate:  Not implemented yet: If \code{model} is a formula or of class
#    \command{\dQuote{\link{RFformula}}},
#    the corresponding linear mixed model of the type
 #   \deqn{response = W*b + Z*u + e} is simulated

##   source("~/R/RF/RandomFields/R/MLES.R")

## Printlevels
## 0 : no message
## 1 : important error messages
## 2 : warnings
## 3 : minium debugging information
## 5 : extended debugging information

## jetzt nur noch global naturalscaling (ja / nein)
## spaeter eine unktion schreibbar, die den naturscaling umwandelt;
##   im prinzipt CMbuild, aber ruechwaers mit 1/newscale und eingefuegt
##   in eventuell schon vorhandene $ operatoren

#Beim paper lesen im Zug nach Muenchen heute morgen ist mir eine Referenz zu einem R Paket "mlegp: Maximum likelihood estimates of Gaussian processes" aufgefallen. Ist Dir aber sicher schon bekannt! 

#  stop("")
  # problem: natscale; im moment 2x implementiert, 1x mal ueber
  # scale/aniso (user) und einmal gedoppelt -- irgendwas muss raus

## LSQ variogram fuer trend = const.
## kann verbessert werden, insb. fuer fixed effects, aber auch eingeschraenkt
## fuer random effects -> BA/MA

## REML fehlt

## users.guess muss in eine List von meheren Vorschlaegen umgewandelt werden !!! Und dann muss RFfit recursiver call mit allen bisherigen Werden laufen !!

## NAs in data mit mixed model grundsaetzlich nicht kombinierbar !
## NAs in data mit trend (derzeit) nicht kombinierbar

## zentrale C -Schnittstellen
##    .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, param, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)

## bins bei Distances automatisch

## bei repet sind die Trends/fixed effects gleich, es muessen aber die
## random effects unterschiedlich sein.
## bei list(data) werden auch trend/fixed effects unterschiedlich geschaetzt.

## Erweiterungen: Emilio's Bi-MLE, Covarianz-Matrix-INversion per fft oder
## per INLA, grosse Datensaetze spalten in kleinere "unabhaengige".

## !!! Mixed Model Equations !!! ##

# load("UKFALSE.rda")
# load("UKTRUE.rda")

StandardizeData <- function(x, y, z, T, grid, data, distances, dimensions,
                            RFopt) {
  if (missing(grid)) grid <- NULL
  dist.given <- !is.null(distances)
  matrix.indep.of.x.assumed <- FALSE  
  rangex <- neu <- gridlist <- RFsp.coord <-  gridTopology <- data.RFparams <-

  if (isRFsp <- is(data, "RFsp")){ # ||(is.list(data) && is(data[[1]], "RFsp")))
    stopifnot(missing(x) || is.null(x),
              is.null(y), is.null(z), is.null(T),
    if (!is.list(data)) data <- list(data)
    sets <- length(data)
    x <- T <- gridlist <- RFsp.coord <- gridTopology <- data.RFparams <-
      vector("list", sets)

    dimdata <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {      
      gridtmp <- isGridded(data[[i]])
      compareGridBooleans(grid, gridtmp)
      data.RFparams[[i]] <- data[[i]]@.RFparams
      gridTopology[[i]] <- if (gridtmp) data[[i]]@grid else NULL
      RFsp.coord[[i]] <- if (!gridtmp) data[[i]]@coords else NULL
      dimdata <- rbind(dimdata,
                       if (gridtmp) c(data[[i]]@.RFparams$vdim,
                       else c(data[[i]]@.RFparams$vdim,
      gridlist[[i]] <- gridtmp
      tmp <- RFspDataFrame2conventional(data[[i]])
      x[[i]] <- tmp$x
      if (!is.null(tmp$T)) T[[i]] <- tmp$T
      data[[i]] <- as.matrix(tmp$data)      

    if (all(dimdata[, 1] == 1))
      dimdata <- dimdata[, -1, drop=FALSE]
    if (all(dimdata[, ncol(dimdata)] == 1))
      dimdata <- dimdata[, -ncol(dimdata), drop=FALSE]
    distances <- NULL
  } else {
    ## dimdata wird spaeter bestimmt
    if (dist.given) {
      stopifnot(missing(x) || is.null(x), is.null(y), is.null(z))
      if (!is.list(distances)) {
        distances <- list(distances)
        if (is.list(data))
          stop("if list of data is given then also for distances ")
        data <- list(as.matrix(data))
      } else if (!is.list(data)) {
        stop("if list of distances is given then also for data ")
        if (length(data) != length(distances))
          stop("length of distances does not match length of data")
      for (i in 1:length(distances)) {
        if (any(
          stop("missing data are not allowed if distances are used.")
      spdim <- tsdim <- as.integer(dimensions)
      stopifnot(missing(T)  || is.null(T))
      lcc <- sapply(distances, function(x) 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(x))) )
      lc <- as.integer(lcc)
      if (any(lc != lcc)) stop("number of distances not of form k(k-1)/2")
      coord <- distances
      coord.units <- RFopt$general$coord_units
    } else { ## distances not given
      distances <- NULL
      if (missing(x)){ ## dec 2012: matrix.indep.of.x.assumed
        matrix.indep.of.x.assumed <- TRUE
        x <- 1:nrow(as.matrix(data))
        x[1] <- 0 ## so no grid !
      } #else {
      if ( x <- as.matrix(x)
      if ( || is.vector(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
      if (is.list(x)) {
        if (!is.null(y) & !is.list(y) |
            !is.null(z) & !is.list(z) |
            !is.null(T) & !is.list(T) |
            !is.list(data)) {
          stop("either all coordinates and data must be given by a list or none.")
      } else {
        x <- list(x)
        if (!is.null(y)) {
          y <- list(y)
        if (!is.null(z)) {
          z <- list(z)
        if (!is.null(T)) {
          T <- list(T)
        data <- list(as.matrix(data))
    sets <- length(data)
    dimdata <- matrix(nrow=sets, ncol=length(dim(data[[1]])))
    gridlist <- rep(list(grid), sets)
   if (!dist.given) { ##   x coordinates, not distances
     coord <- neu <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      neu[[i]] <- CheckXT(x[[i]], y[[i]], z[[i]], T[[i]],
                       grid = gridlist[[i]],
                       printlevel = 0)
      if (i==1) {
        spdim <- as.integer(neu[[i]]$spacedim)
        tsdim <- as.integer(spdim + !is.null(T[[i]]))
        if (!missing(dimensions) && !is.null(dimensions)) {
          stop("dim should be given only when 'distances' are given")
         rangex <- as.matrix(apply(neu[[i]]$x, 2, range))       
      } else if (spdim != neu[[i]]$spacedim |
                 tsdim != as.integer(spdim + !is.null(T[[i]])))
        stop("dimensions of all sets must be the same")

      coord[[i]] <- neu[[i]]$x # stehend
      if (neu[[i]]$grid) {
        ## note: checkxt returns always gridtriple format !
        coord[[i]] <- apply(coord[[i]], 2, function(z) z[1] +  z[2] * (1:z[3]))
        args <- lapply(if (is.list(coord[[i]])) coord[[i]] else
                      apply(coord[[i]], 2, list),
                      function(z) c(z, recursive=TRUE))
        coord[[i]] <- as.matrix("expand.grid", args=args))
      if (!is.null(T[[i]])) {
        tt <- T[[i]][1] + T[[i]][2] * (1:T[[i]][3])
        coord[[i]] <- cbind(coord[[i]][rep(1:nrow(coord[[i]]), length(tt)), ],
                        rep(tt, each=nrow(coord[[i]])))
      coord[[i]] <- t(coord[[i]]) ## liegend
    # x <- y <- z <- T <- NULL    
    lc <- sapply(coord, ncol)    
    coord.units <- neu[[1]]$coord_units
  storage.mode(tsdim) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(spdim) <- "integer"
  return(list(coord=coord, data=data, dimdata=dimdata, isRFsp = isRFsp,
              RFsp.coord = RFsp.coord,
              distances = distances,
              neu = neu,
              gridTopology = gridTopology,
              data.RFparams = data.RFparams,
              lc=lc, spdim=spdim, tsdim=tsdim,
              rangex = rangex, coord.units=coord.units,
              matrix.indep.of.x.assumed = matrix.indep.of.x.assumed))


GetLowerUpper <- function(lower, upper, trafo, optim_var_estim,
                          sillbounded, var.idx, nugget.idx, sill,
                          nonugget, vardata) {
  low <- trafo(lower)
  up <- trafo(upper)
  if (optim_var_estim == "yes") {
    if (sillbounded) {
      low[c(var.idx, nugget.idx)] <- 0
      up[c(var.idx, nugget.idx)] <- sill
    } else {
      if (length(var.idx) == 1) {
        if (length(nugget.idx) == 1) {
          low[c(var.idx, nugget.idx)] <- 0
          up[c(var.idx, nugget.idx)] <- vardata
        } else {
          if (nonugget) {
            low[var.idx] <- 0
            up[var.idx] <- vardata
  return(list(lower=low, upper=up))

vary.variables <- function(variab, lower, upper) {
  n.var <- length(lower)
  w.value <- runif(n.var, 3-0.5, 3+0.5) # weight
  n.modivar <- 5

  idx <- lower <= 0
  modilow <- modiupp <- numeric(n.var)
  modilow[idx] <- (lower[idx] + w.value[idx] * variab[idx]) / (w.value[idx] + 1)
  modilow[!idx] <-(lower[!idx]*variab[!idx]^w.value[!idx])^(1/(w.value[!idx]+1))
  modiupp[idx] <- (upper[idx] + w.value[idx] * variab[idx]) / (w.value[idx] + 1)
  modiupp[!idx] <-(upper[!idx]*variab[!idx]^w.value[!idx])^(1/(w.value[!idx]+1))
  modivar <- matrix(nrow=n.var, ncol=n.modivar)
  for (i in 1:n.var) {
    modivar[i,] <- seq(modilow[i], modiupp[i], length=n.modivar)

vary.x <- function(rangex) {
  ## letzter Eintrag ist 0
  npt <- 5
  totdim <- ncol(rangex)
  x <- matrix(0,ncol=npt+1, nrow=totdim)
  for (i in 1:totdim) {
    x[i, 1:npt] <- runif(npt, rangex[1, i], rangex[2, i])

GetTrend <- function(coord, idx, model, vdim, param) {
  ## param from modelnfo !!
  ## coord hat Sequenz stehender Vektoren
  lc <- ncol(coord)
  if (!missing(param) &&
      all(names(param) %in% c("mean", "plane"))) {
    ret <- NULL
    if (length(param$mean)>0) {
      ret <- matrix(0, nrow=length(idx), ncol=vdim)
      cum <- 0
      for (v in 1:vdim) {
        current <- length(idx <= lc)
        ret[cum + (1:current), v] <- 1
        idx <- idx[!current] - lc
        cum <- cum + current

    if (length(param$plane)>0) {
      ## Dimensionen passen hier nicht ! db muss length(idx) x (vdim * xdimOZ)
      ## sein, oae. Sonst passt es nicht mit coord[, idxLlx] zusammen.
      stop("plane not programmed yet")
      dB <- matrix(0, nrow=length(idx), ncol=vdim)
      cum <- 0
      for (v in 1:vdim) {
        idxLlc <- idx <= lc
        current <- length(idxLlc)
        dB[cum + (1:current), v] <- t(coord[, idxLlc, drop=FALSE])
        idx <- idx[!current] - lc
        cum <- cum + current
      ret <- cbind(ret, dB)
  } else {
    if (length(param$polydeg) > 0)
      stop("poly not programmed yet")
    if (length(param$arbitraryfct)>0)
      stop("arbitrary fct not programmed yet")
    stop("unknown parameter choice for trend")

#    trendModel <-
 #     rfSplitTrendAndCov(model=model, xdimOZ????,
  #                       cathegories=list(det=c(FixedTrendEffect,
  #                                          FixedEffect)))
   # trendinfo <- .Ca ll("SetAndG ?? etModelInfo", model, dimXXXX,
    #                   dimXXX, as.integer(short), FALSE, HilfsReg, TRUE,
     #                  PACKAGE="RandomFields")


GetValuesAtNA <- function(NAmodel, valuemodel, spdim, Time, shortnamelength,
                          skipchecks) {

  spdim <- as.integer(spdim)
  Time <- as.logical(Time)
  skipchecks <- as.logical(skipchecks)
  shortnamelength <- as.integer(shortnamelength)
  reg <- MODEL.SPLIT

  info <- neu <- list()
  models <- list(NAmodel, valuemodel)
  for (m in 1:length(models)) {
    info[[m]] <- .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", reg, list("Cov", models[[m]]),
                  spdim, FALSE, # distances
                  TRUE, # in case it is a non-trans.inv model
                  Time, spdim,
                  FALSE, # allowforinteger
                  TRUE,  # excludetrend
    neu[[m]] <- GetModel(register=reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
 # Print(neu)

  NAs <- nrow(info[[1]]$minmax)
  ret <- .Call("Take2ndAtNaOf1st", reg, list("Cov", neu[[1]]),
               list("Cov", neu[[2]]), spdim, Time, spdim, 
               NAs, skipchecks, PACKAGE="RandomFields")

ModelSplitXT <- function(Reg, info.cov, trafo, variab,
                         lower, upper, rangex, modelinfo, model,
                         p.proj=1:length(variab), v.proj=1) {
  vdim <- modelinfo$vdim
  tsdim <- modelinfo$tsdim
  ts.xdim <- modelinfo$ts.xdim
  xdimOZ <- modelinfo$xdimOZ
  is.dist.vector <- modelinfo$is.dist.vector

  if (ts.xdim == 1) return(list(p.proj=p.proj,
        x.proj = if (tsdim==1) as.integer(1) else TRUE,
  lp <- length(variab[p.proj]) # not length(p.proj) sicherheitshalber
  statiso <- info.cov$trans.inv && info.cov$isotropic
  abs.tol <- 0

  truely.dep <- dep <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=lp, ncol=ts.xdim)
  varyx <- vary.x(rangex=rangex)
  varyy <- vary.x(rangex=rangex)

  modivar <- vary.variables(variab=variab, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  for (d in 1:ts.xdim) {
    x <- varyx
    x[-d, ] <- 0
    if (is.dist.vector) y <- NULL
    else {
      y <- varyy
      y[-d, ] <- 0

    S <- double(ncol(x) * vdim^2)
    for (i in 1:lp) {

      for (m0 in 1:ncol(modivar)) {
        var <- modivar[, m0]
        for (m1 in 1:ncol(modivar)) {
          var[p.proj[i]] <- modivar[i, m1]

          .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, trafo(var), PACKAGE="RandomFields",DUP=FALSE)
          .Call("CovLoc", Reg, x, y, xdimOZ, ncol(x), S,
          dim(S) <- c(ncol(x), vdim, vdim)          
          if (any(
            stop("Model too complex to split it. Please set split=FALSE")

          ## Bei x_j=0, j!=i, gibt es Auswirkungen hinsichtlich
          ## des Parameters auf die Kov-Fkt?
          ## d.h. aendern sich die kov-Werte bei variablem Parameter,
          ## obwohl die x_j = 0 sind?
          if (m1==1) Sstore <- S[, v.proj, v.proj, drop=FALSE]
          else {
            difference <- S[,v.proj, v.proj, drop=FALSE] - Sstore
            if (any(abs(difference) > abs.tol)) {
              dep[i, d] <- TRUE

              ## ist die Kovarianzfunktion der Bauart C_1(x_1) + v C_2(x_2),
              ## und d=1, so bildet v eine Konstante bzg. C_1(x_1)        

              ## i.e.,
              ## note: s_1 C_1(x) + s_2 C_2(t)
              ## then s_2 dep(ends) on x, but not truely
              truely.dep[i, d] <- truely.dep[i, d] || 
                 !(all(apply(difference, 2:3, function(x) all(diff(x) == 0))))

  modelsplit <- NULL
  untreated_x <- rep(TRUE, ts.xdim)
  untrtd_p <- rep(TRUE, lp)
  for (d in 1:ts.xdim) {
    if (!untreated_x[d]) next
    rd <- dep[, d]
    if (!any(rd)) next
    same.class <- which(apply(dep == rd, 2, all))
    untreated_x[same.class] <- FALSE

    ## untreated_x wird false falls rd und der Rest keine Abhaengigkeiten
    ## mehr gemein haben
    untreated_x[d] <- !all(!rd | !dep[, -same.class, drop=FALSE])
    ## falls es Parameter gibt, die nur zur Koordinate d gehoeren,
    ## werden diese geschaetzt, zusammen mit allen anderen Paremetern,
    ## die zur Koordinate d (und zu anderen Koordinaten) gehoeren 
    trtd <- apply(rd & !dep[, -same.class, drop=FALSE], 1, all)
    if (any(trtd)) {
     untrtd_p <- untrtd_p & !trtd
     modelsplit[[length(modelsplit) + 1]] <-
        list(p.proj = p.proj[dep[, d]], 
             v.proj = v.proj, x.proj=as.integer(same.class))
  # !truely.dep, die moegicherweise rausgeflogen waren
  nontruely <- apply(!truely.dep & dep, 1, any)

  if (any(nontruely)) {
    if (sum(nontruely) > 1) stop("more than 1 parameter is detected that is not truly dependent -- please use split=FALSE")
      ## Problem ist hier die nicht Eindeutigkeit bei
    ## C = v_1 C_1(x_1) + v_2 C_2(X_2) + v_2 C_3(x_3)
    ## da nun v_2 und v_3 als nontruely auftauchen und somit
    ## dass auf x_1 projezierte Modell nicht mehr identifizierbar ist.
    ## Letztendlich muessen die beiden (oder mehrere) zusammengefasst werden
    ## und in recursive.estimation, adaequat beruecksichtigt
    ## werden 
    l <- length(modelsplit)
    modelsplit[[l + 1]] <- list([nontruely])
    modelsplit[[l + 2]] <-
      list(p.proj = p.proj[nontruely], v.proj = v.proj,
           x.proj=which(apply(nontruely & dep, 2, any)))
    untrtd_p <- untrtd_p & !nontruely

  ## Parameter die verwoben sind:
  if (any(untrtd_p & !nontruely)) {
    l <- length(modelsplit)
    modelsplit[[l + 1]] <- list( = which(untrtd_p))
    modelsplit[[l + 2]] <- list(p.proj=which(untrtd_p), v.proj=v.proj,
                                x.proj=which(apply(untrtd_p & dep, 2, any))

  ## komplett, falls notwendig
  if ((any(nontruely) || any(untrtd_p)) && !all(untrtd_p) && !all(nontruely)) {
    l <- length(modelsplit)
    modelsplit[[l + 1]] <- list(
    modelsplit[[l + 2]] <- list(p.proj=p.proj, x.proj=1:ts.xdim, v.proj=v.proj)


ModelSplit <- function(Reg, info.cov, trafo, variab,
                       lower, upper, rangex, modelinfo, model) {
  vdim <- modelinfo$vdim
  tsdim <- modelinfo$tsdim
  ts.xdim <- modelinfo$ts.xdim
  is.dist.vector <- modelinfo$is.dist.vector
  xdimOZ <- modelinfo$xdimOZ

  abs.tol <- 0
  restrictive <- FALSE

  lp <- length(variab)
  statiso <- info.cov$trans.inv && info.cov$isotropic
 # if (xor(is.dist, statiso)) stop("mismatch in ModelSplit -- contact author")

  if (vdim == 1) {
    if (statiso) return(NULL)
    return(ModelSplitXT(Reg=Reg, info.cov=info.cov, trafo=trafo,
                        variab=variab, lower=lower, upper=upper, rangex=rangex,
                        modelinfo=modelinfo, model=model))
  overlap <- dep <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=lp, ncol=vdim)

  x <- vary.x(rangex=rangex)
  S <- double(ncol(x) * vdim^2)
  if (!is.dist.vector) y <- vary.x(rangex=rangex)

  modivar <- vary.variables(variab=variab, lower=lower, upper=upper)

  for (i in 1:lp) {

    for (m0 in 1:ncol(modivar)) {
      var <- modivar[, m0]
      for (m1 in 1:ncol(modivar)) {
        var[i] <- modivar[i, m1]

        .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, trafo(var),
           PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)

        .Call("CovLoc", Reg, x, if (is.dist.vector) NULL else y,
              xdimOZ, ncol(x), S, PACKAGE="RandomFields")
        dim(S) <- c(ncol(x), vdim, vdim)
        if (any(
          stop("model too complex to split it. Please set split=FALSE")

         if (m1==1) Sstore <- S
        else {
          for (n in 1:vdim)
            dep[i, n] <-
              dep[i, n] | any(abs(S[,n,n] - Sstore[,n,n]) > abs.tol)

  modelsplit <- list()
  untreated_v <- logical(vdim)
  for (v in 1:vdim) {
    d1 <- dep[, v]
    if (!any(d1)) next
    overlap[, v] <- apply(dep[, -v, drop=FALSE] & d1, 1, any)
    untreated_v[v] <- if (restrictive) !any(overlap[, v])
             else (sum(overlap[, v]) < sum(d1))
    if (untreated_v[v]) 
      modelsplit[[length(modelsplit) +1]] <-
        ModelSplitXT(Reg=Reg, info.cov=info.cov, trafo=trafo, variab=variab,
                     lower=lower, upper=upper, rangex=rangex,
                     modelinfo=modelinfo, model=model,
                     p.proj=which(d1), v.proj = v)
  ## bislang oben nur auf univariat heruntergebrochen
  ## man koennte noch auf bivariate runterbrechen
  ## dies aber erst irgendwann

  if (any(untreated_v)) {
    notok <- which(!apply(dep[, untreated_v, drop=FALSE], 1, any) |
                   apply(overlap[, untreated_v, drop=FALSE], 1, any))
    if (length(notok) > 0) {
      modelsplit[[length(modelsplit) + 1]] <-
        ModelSplitXT(Reg=Reg, info.cov=info.cov, trafo=trafo, variab=variab,
                     lower=lower, upper=upper, rangex=rangex,
                     modelinfo=modelinfo, model=model,
                     p.proj = notok, v.proj = 1:vdim)

    l <- length(modelsplit)
    modelsplit[[l+1]] <- list(
    modelsplit[[l+2]] <- list(p.proj=1:lp,
                              x.proj=if (ts.xdim==1 && tsdim > 1) TRUE else 1:ts.xdim,

  return(modelsplit) ## return(NULL) # 11.9.12

recurs.estim <- function(split, level, Reg, vdim, lc,
                                 model, x, T, 
                                 data= data,

  w <- 0.5
  dist.given <- missing(x) || is.null(x)
  new.lower <- lower
  new.upper <- upper
  sets <- length(data)

  if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.DETAILS) Print(split) #

  for (s in 1:length(split)) {  
    sp <- split[[s]]
    if (!is.null(p <- sp$ {
      if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) {
        cat("    calculating new lower and upper bounds for the parameters ",
            paste(p, collapse=", "), sep="")
     #         Print(new.lower, new.upper)
      stopifnot(all(new.lower[p] <= new.upper[p]))
      lower[p] <- new.lower[p] <- w * new.lower[p] + (1-w) * lower[p]
      upper[p] <- new.upper[p] <- w * new.upper[p] + (1-w) * upper[p]
    if (is.list(sp[[1]])) {
      res <- recurs.estim(split=sp, level=level+1, Reg=Reg,
                                  vdim=vdim, lc=lc,
                                  model=model, x=x, T=T, 
                                  data= data,
                                  lower=lower, upper=upper,
                                  guess= guess,  
                                  spConform = spConform,
                                  practicalrange = practicalrange,
    } else {      
      if (printlevel>=PL.RECURSIVE.CALL) {
        cat("splitting (",
            paste(rep(". ", level), collapse=""), format(s, width=2),
            ") : x-coord=", paste(sp$x, collapse=","),
            "; compon.=", paste(sp$v, collapse=","), sep="")
        if (printlevel>=PL.RECURSIVE.DETAILS)
          cat( "; parameters=", paste(sp$p, collapse=", "), sep="")
        cat(" ")

      if (!all(guess >= lower & lower>users.lower &
               guess <= upper & upper<users.upper)) {
        lower <- pmin(lower, guess)
        upper <- pmax(upper, guess)
        lower <- pmax(lower, users.lower)
        upper <- pmin(upper, users.upper)
        guess <- pmax(lower, pmin(upper, guess))

     # Print(guess, lower, users.lower, upper, users.upper)
      stopifnot(all(guess >= lower & lower>users.lower &
               guess <= upper & upper<users.upper) &&
                length(lower) == length(users.lower))
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg,  trafo(guess),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
      old.model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE , do.notreturnparam=TRUE)

      guess[sp$p.proj] <- NA
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, trafo(guess),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
      new.model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, trafo(lower),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
      lower.model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg,  trafo(upper),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
      upper.model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,

      if ((new.vdim <- length(sp$v.proj)) < vdim) {
        M <- matrix(0, nrow=new.vdim, ncol=vdim)
        for (j in 1:new.vdim) M[j, sp$v.proj[j]] <- 1
        new.model   <- list("M", M=M, new.model)
        lower.model <- list("M", M=M, lower.model)
        upper.model <- list("M", M=M, upper.model)
        old.model   <- list("M", M=M, old.model) <- list()
        for (i in 1:sets) {
[[i]] <- data[[i]][ , sp$v.proj, , drop=FALSE]
      } else { <- data
        vlen <- length(sp$v.proj)
        for (i in 1:length( {
          dim([[i]]) <-
            c(lc[i], vlen, length([[i]]) / (lc[i] * vlen))

      x.proj <- sp$x.proj
      ignored.x <- if (is.logical(x.proj)) integer(0) else (1:tsdim)[-x.proj]
      if (time <- !is.null(T[[1]])) {
        ignore.T <- all(x.proj != tsdim)
        x.proj <- x.proj[x.proj != tsdim]
        ignored.x <- ignored.x[ignored.x != tsdim]
        lenT <- sapply(T, function(x) x[3])
      } else {
        lenT <- rep(1, length(
      if (!dist.given && !is.logical(sp$x.proj) && length(sp$x.proj) < tsdim)  {
        if (grid) {
          new.x <- x
          for (i in 1:length( {
            len <- new.x[[i]][3, ]

            stopifnot(prod(len) == lc[i])
            d <- dim([[i]])
            new.d <-  c(len, d[-1])
            dim([[i]]) <- new.d
  [[i]] <-
              aperm([[i]], c(x.proj, length(new.d) + (-1:0), ignored.x))
            repet <- d[3] * prod(len[ignored.x]) ## = repet * ignored
            dim([[i]]) <- c(prod(len[x.proj]), d[2], repet)
            new.x[[i]][, ignored.x] <- c(0, 0, 1)
        } else { ## not grid
          dummy <-
          new.x <- <- list()
          xlen <- sapply(x, function(y) nrow(y))
          for (i in 1:length(dummy)) {
            d <- dim(dummy[[i]])
            dim(dummy[[i]]) <-
              c(xlen[i], lenT[i], length(dummy[[i]]) / (xlen[i] * lenT[i])) 
            xyz <- x[[i]]
            while(length(dummy[[i]]) > 0) {
              slot <- xyz[1, ignored.x]
              idx <- apply(t(xyz) == slot, 2, all)
              last <- length(new.x) + 1
              new.x[[last]] <- xyz[idx, , drop=FALSE]
              new.x[[last]][, ignored.x] <- 0
    [[last]] <- dummy[[i]][idx, , ,drop=FALSE]
              dummy[[i]] <- dummy[[i]][-idx, , , drop=FALSE]
              xyz <- xyz[-idx, , drop=FALSE]
      } else {
        new.x <- x

      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        isna <-[[2]](guess))
        idx <- transform[[1]][isna]
        stopifnot(max(sp$p.proj) <= length(guess))
        f <- function(p) {
          q <- guess
          q[sp$p.proj] <- p
          z <- (transform[[2]](q))[isna]
        new.transform <- list(idx, f)
      } else new.transform <- NULL
      res <- rffit.gauss(model=new.model,
                         T=if (time && !ignore.T) T else NULL,
                         distances=if (dist.given) distances,
                         dimensions = if (dist.given) tsdim,
                         recall = TRUE,
                         fit.split = FALSE,
                         general.practicalrange = practicalrange,
                         general.spConform =
                         if (s<length(split)) FALSE else spConform

      if (s==length(split)) return(res)
    } # else, (is.list(sp[[1]])) 
    parameters <- res$table[1:length(sp$p.proj), , drop=FALSE]
    lastparam <- max(which(apply(is.finite(parameters), 2, all))) ## (mle)
    new.param <- parameters[ , lastparam]
    guess[sp$p.proj] <- new.param
    new.lower[sp$p.proj] <- pmin(new.lower[sp$p.proj], new.param)
    new.upper[sp$p.proj] <- pmax(new.upper[sp$p.proj], new.param)
  } # for s in split
} # fit$split


rffit.gauss <-
  function(model, x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL, grid, data, 
           lower=NULL, upper=NULL,
           bc_lambda, ## if missing then no BoxCox-Trafo
           mle.methods=c("ml"), # "reml", "rml1"),
           lsq.methods=if (variogram.known) LsqMethods else NULL,
           ## "internal" : name should not be changed; should always be last
           ##              method!
           dimensions, ## space time dim -- later a vector of grouped dimensions
           ##type = c("Gauss", "BrownResnick", "Smith", "Schlather",
           ##             "Poisson"),
           recall = FALSE, ...) {
  ##         BoxCox ((x+c)^l - 1) / l; log(x+c); with c==1
  ##         bc_lambda : NA / value
  ##         bc_c: nur value
  ##       cross.methods=NULL,
  ##      cross.methods=c("cross.sq", "cross.abs", "cross.ign", "cross.crps"),

  ## ACHTUNG: durch rffit.gauss werden neu gesetzt:
  ##    practicalrange, optim_var_estimation

  RFoptOld <- internal.rfoptions(...)
  RFopt <- RFoptOld[[2]]

  if (RFopt$general$modus_operandi == "normal" && RFopt$warn$normal_mode) {
    RFoptions(normal_mode = FALSE)
    message("The modus_operandi='normal' is save, but slow. If you like the MLE running \nmuch faster (at the price of being slightly less save) choose mode='easygoing'\n or even mode='sloppy'.")
  LsqMethods <- c("self", "plain", "", "sd.inv", "internal") 

  cross.methods <- NULL <- "X" <- "T"
 # orig.lower <- lower
 # orig.upper <- upper
  no.warning <- -1
  no.warning <- 2
#  i <- as.integer(.Machine$integer.max / spam.n[length(spam.n)])
#  if (i %% 2 == 0) i <- i-1
#  repeat {
#    if (any(i %% (3: as.integer(sqrt(i))) == 0))
#      cat(i, "not a prime\n") else { cat(i, "prime\n"); break;}
#    i <- i - 2
#  }

###                      Preludium                               ###

  save.options <- options()
  on.exit(options(save.options), add=TRUE)
   general <- RFopt$general
  pch <- general$pch
  printlevel <- general$printlevel
  fit <- RFopt$fit
  sill <- fit$sill
  optim_var_estim <- orig.optim_var_estim <- fit$optim_var_estim
  solvesigma <- fit$solvesigma ## ?? noch was zu tun ? NA?
  bins <- fit$bins
  nphi <- fit$nphi
  ntheta <- fit$ntheta
  ntime <- fit$ntime
  use_spam <- fit$use_spam
  optimiser <- fit$optimiser

#  if (length(cross.methods) > 0) {
#    stop("not programmed yet")
#    if ( optim_var_estim <- FALSE
#    else if (!optim_var_estim)
#      stop("if cross.methods then optim_var_estim may not be used")
#  }

  ##  library(RandomFields, lib="~/TMP")
  if (general$practicalrange && fit$use_naturalscaling)
    stop("practicalrange must be FALSE if fit$use_naturalscaling=TRUE")
  if (fit$use_naturalscaling) RFoptions(general.practicalrange = 3)
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nfunction defintions...\n")

  ##all the following save.* are used for debugging only
  silent <- printlevel <  PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE   # optimize
  show.error.message <- TRUE # options

  detailpch <- if (pch=="") "" else '+'
  nuggetrange <- 1e-15 + 2 * RFopt$nugget$tol

### definitions from 

  EffectName <- c("DetTr", "Determ", "FixTr", "FixEff", "RanEff", "RanEff",
                  "XRnEff", "XRnEff", "SpcEff")

  Reg <- MODEL.MLE # GetModelRegister(if (fit$split) "mle" else "mlesplit") 
  TrendReg <- GetModelRegister("mletrend")
  spam.min.n <- as.integer(400) # 400
  spam.tol <- 1e-8
  spam.min.p <- 0.8 # 0.8
  spam.n <- as.integer(1:500)
  spam.factor <- as.integer(4294967)# prime, so that n * factor is still integer
  ## Note: upper case variables are global variables !!

###                function definitions                            ###

  # Rcpp need gradient
  nloptr <- NULL ## just to avoid the warning of R CMD check
  if (optimiser != "optim") {
    stopifnot("require", list(optimiser, quietly=silent)))
  } <- optimiser
  if ( == "minqa") <- "bobyqa"
  else if ( =="pso") <- "psoptim" <- get(
  ## optim : standard
  ## optimx: slower, but better 
  ## soma  : extremely slow; sometimes better, sometimes worse
  ## nloptr: viele algorithmen, z.T. gut
  ## GenSA : extrem langsam
  ## minqa : gut, langsamer
  ## pso   : exxtrem langsam
  ## DEoptim: langsam, aber interessant; leider Dauerausgabe
  if ( || use_spam) {
    if (!"require",
                 list("spam", quietly=silent, warn.conflicts = FALSE))) {
      if (use_spam) stop("package 'spam' could not be loaded")
      use_spam <- FALSE

  OPTIM <- function(par, fn, lower, upper, control, optimiser, silent) {
               "optim" = {
               if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
     , fn=fn, lower=lower, upper=upper,
                          control=control, method ="L-BFGS-B")
               "optimx" = {
                 if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
       , fn=fn, lower=lower, upper=upper,
                            control=control, method ="L-BFGS-B")
               "soma" = {
        - fn(...),
                            bounds=list(min=lower, max=upper),
                            options=list(), strategy="all2one")
               "nloptr" = {
                 if (length(control$xtol_rel) == 0) control$xtol_rel <- 1e-4
       , eval_f=fn, lb=lower, ub=upper,
                            opts= control[-pmatch(c("parscale", "fnscale"),
                              names(control))] )
               "GenSA" = {
                 if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
       , fn=function(...) -fn(...),
                            lower=lower, upper=upper,
                            control=control[-pmatch(c("parscale", "fnscale"),
               "minqa" =  {
                 if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
       , fn=function(...) -fn(...),
                            lower=lower, upper=upper,
                            control=control[-pmatch(c("parscale", "fnscale"),
               "pso" = {
                 if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
       , fn=fn, lower=lower, upper=upper,
               "DEoptim" = {
                 if (length(idx <- which("algorithm" == names(control))) > 0)
                   control <- control[-idx];
                 control <- control[-pmatch(c("parscale", "fnscale"),
                 if (length(control)==0)
         , lower=lower,upper=upper)
         , lower=lower,upper=upper, control=control)
               }), silent=silent)

  BoxCox <- function(x, lambda)
     if (abs(lambda) < 10^-20) log(x) else (x^lambda - 1) / lambda

  Solve <- function(S, halt=TRUE, LINPACK=FALSE, usespam=use_spam) {    
    n <- dim(S)[1]
    if ( {
     usespam <-
        (n > spam.min.n &&
         mean(S[(spam.n * spam.factor) %% (n^2)] < spam.tol) >= spam.min.p)
    oldwarn <- options()$warn

    if (usespam) S <-"as.spam", list(S))
    res <- try(chol(S, silent=silent))
    if (class(res) == "try-error") {      
     #      Print(log(S), ssm, NUGGETVAR);
      #Print(minmax, minmax[,1], model) ## S tandardSimpleModel abaendern !!!!
     # xxxx
      #      Print(res, S, eigen(S)$value); xxxx

      if (halt) stop("matrix does not have full rank")
      else return(res)
    if (usespam) rm("S")
    dg <- as.numeric(determinant(res, logarithm=TRUE))[1]
    res <- if (usespam)"solve.spam", list(res))
           else chol2inv(res) #,LINPACK=LINPACK)
    assign("LOGDET", 2 * dg, envir=ENVIR)

  LogDet <- function(S, usespam=use_spam) {
    n <- dim(S)[1]
    if ( {
      usespam <-
        (n > spam.min.n &&
         mean(S[(spam.n * spam.factor) %% (n^2)] < spam.tol) >= spam.min.p)
    if (usespam) S <-"as.spam", list(S))
    logdet <- 2 * as.numeric(determinant(chol(S, silent=silent)))
    if (usespam) rm("S")   

  show <- function(nr, M, OPT, PARAM)
    cat("\n ", M, ", ", switch(nr, "start", "grid ", "re-do"), ": value=",
        format(OPT, dig=6), ", param=", format(PARAM, dig=2), sep="")

##used for trend functions
  formulaToMatrix <- function(formula, coord,"X","T") {
    l <- NULL ## otherwise check will give a warning
    coord <- as.matrix(coord)
    if (is.null( co <- "<-NULL"
    else co <- paste(,"=coord[nrow(coord),]")
    for (i in 1:(nrow(coord)-!is.null(
      co <- paste(co, ",",, i, "=coord[", i, ",]", sep="")
    eval(parse(text=paste("l <- list(",co,")")))
    fo <- as.list(formula)[[length(as.list(formula))]]
    variables <- NULL
    while (length(fo)==3) {
      dummy <- as.list(fo)
      if(dummy[[1]]!=ZF_SYMBOLS_PLUS) break
      fo <- dummy[[2]]
      if (class(dummy[[3]])=="numeric") {
	 text <- paste("~", dummy[[3]], "*",, "1^0", sep="")
	 dummy[[3]] <- as.list(eval(parse(text=text)))[[2]]
      variables <- cbind(eval(dummy[[3]],l), variables)
    if (class(fo)=="numeric") {
	text <- paste("~", fo, "*",, "1^0", sep="")
	fo <- as.list(eval(parse(text=text)))[[2]]
    variables <- cbind(eval(fo,l), variables)

  EmptyEnv <- function() baseenv()

  LSQsettings <- function(M) {    
    assign("LSQ.SELF.WEIGHING", M=="self", envir=ENVIR)
      assign("LSQ.WEIGHTS", weights[[M]], envir=ENVIR)
      if (globalsigma)
        assign("LSQ.BINNEDSQUARE", sum(binned.variogram^2 * LSQ.WEIGHTS),

  WarningMessage <- function (variab, LB, UB, txt) {
    cat("Note:", txt, ": forbidden values -- if there are too many warnings",
        "try narrower lower and upper bounds for the variables: (",
        paste(variab, collapse=","), ") not in [(",
        paste(LB, collapse=", "),  ") ; (",
        paste(UB, collapse=", "), ")]\n")

  LStarget <- function(variab) {
    variab <- variab + 0## unbedingt einfuegen, da bei R Fehler
    ##                     der Referenzierung !! 16.2.10
    if (printlevel>PL.FCTN.DETAILS) Print(LSMIN, format(variab, dig=20))#

    if (n.variab==0) return(NA)		##trivial case

    if (any((variab<LSQLB) | (variab>LSQUB))) {            
      ## for safety -- should not happen, older versions of the optimiser
      ## did not stick precisely to the given bounds
      ## 13.12.03 still happens ...
      if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE)
        WarningMessage(variab, LSQLB, LSQUB, "LSQ")
      penalty <- variab
      variab <- pmax(LSQLB, pmin(LSQUB, variab))
      penalty <- + sum(variab-penalty)^2 <- LSMIN
      assign("LSMIN", -Inf, envir=ENVIR)
      res <- LStarget(variab)
      assign("LSMIN",, envir=ENVIR)
      return(res + penalty * (1 + abs(res)))

    param <- as.double(trafo(variab[1:nvarWithoutbc]))
    .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, param, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
    model.values <- double(bins * vdim^2)
    .Call("VariogramIntern", Reg, bin.centers, bins, model.values,

#    Print( RFgetModelInfo(reg=Reg, lev=1, spC=F),
#          bin.centers, bins, model.values, length(bin.centers),length(model.values))
    if (any(!is.finite(model.values))) {
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT) {
        message("LSQ missing values!")
        Print(format(variab, dig=20), format(param, dig=20)) #
        #print(cbind(bin.centers, as.matrix(model.values, ncol=vdim))) #

      ## weights = 1/ model.values^2
        gx <- binned.variogram / model.values
        gx <- gx[is.finite(gx)]
        if (length(gx) == 0) return(Inf)
        if (globalsigma) {
          bgw <- sum(gx^2)
          g2w <- sum(gx)
          ergb <- length(gx) - g2w^2 / bgw
         } else {
          ergb <- sum((gx - 1)^2)
    } else {
      if (globalsigma) {
        ## in this case the calculated variogram model is not the one
        ## to which we should compare, but:
        bgw <- sum(binned.variogram * model.values * LSQ.WEIGHTS)
        g2w <- sum(model.values^2 * LSQ.WEIGHTS)
        ergb <- LSQ.BINNEDSQUARE - bgw^2/g2w
      } else {
        ergb <- sum((binned.variogram - model.values)^2 * LSQ.WEIGHTS)
    if (ergb<LSMIN) { 
      if (varnugNA) {
        sill <- bgw/g2w
        param[] <- sill * (1.0 - param[nugget.idx])
        param[nugget.idx] <- sill * param[nugget.idx]
      } else if (globalsigma) {
         param[] <- bgw/g2w ## variance
      assign("LSMIN", ergb, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("LSPARAM", param, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("LSVARIAB", variab, envir=ENVIR)


  MLEsettings <- function(M) {
    base <- 0
    ML.df <- ntotdata
    assign("MLEtarget", MLtarget, envir=ENVIR)

    assign("DO.REML", M =="reml" && anyfixedeffect, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("DO.RML1", M =="rml1" && anyfixedeffect, envir=ENVIR)

    if (DO.RML1) {
      ML.df <- ML.df - repet * rowSums(nCoVar[, fixedeffects])
      rml.a <- rml.x <- <- vector("list", sets)
      idx <- NULL
      for (i in 1:sets) {
        for (k in mmcomponents)
          if (fixedeffects[k]) idx <- c(idx, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k])
       [[i]] <- rml.a[[i]] <- rml.x[[i]] <-
          vector("list", length(idx.repet[[i]]))

        for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
          ortho <- eigen(tcrossprod(Xges[[i]][[m]][, idx, drop=FALSE]))
          ortho <-
            ortho$vectors[ , order(abs(ortho$value))[1:(ML.df[i]/repet[i])],
          rml.x[[i]][[m]] <-
            crossprod(ortho, Xges[[i]][[m]][, -idx, drop=FALSE])
          if (!lambdaest) {
            w <- werte[[i]][[[i]][[m]],[[i]][[m]], drop =FALSE]
            d <- dim(w)
            dim(w) <- c(d[1] * d[2], d[3])
  [[i]][[m]] <-  crossprod(ortho, w)                          
          rml.a[[i]][[m]] <- ortho
      assign("RML.A", rml.a, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("RML.Xges", rml.x, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("",, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("MLEtarget", MLtarget, envir=ENVIR)        
    } else if (DO.REML) {       
      ML.df <-
        ML.df - nCoVar[, fixedeffects]
      for (k in which(fixedeffects)) {
        XtX <- 0
        for (i in 1:sets) {
          for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
            XtX <- XtX +
              crossprod(Xges[[i]][[m]][, startCoVar[i, k] : endCoVar[i, k]]) 
          XtX <- try(chol(XtX))
          if (!is.numeric(XtX)) stop("X does not have full rank")
          base <- base - 2 * sum(log(diag(XtX)))
    } else if (M=="rml2") {
      stop("not programmed yet")
      ML.df <- ML.df - rowSums(nCoVar[, fixedeffects]) 
      ## hier wirklich die riesengrosse Matrix erstellen wo wirklich nur
      ## rowSums(nCoVar[, fixedeffects]) abgezogen wird und nicht
      ## das repet-fache ?!
      ## oder per Rechnung klein machen
      for (i in 1:sets) {
        for (k in mmcomponents) if (fixedeffects[k])
          idx <- c(idx, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k])
        Xfix <- NULL
        for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
          Xfix <- rbind(Xfix,
                        Xges[[i]][[m]][, idx, drop=FALSE])                  
          Xnonfix <- rbind(Xnonfix, Xges[[i]][[m]][, -idx, drop=FALSE])
        ortho <- eigen(tcrossprod(Xfix))
        rml.a[[i]] <-
          ortho$vectors[ , order(abs(ortho$value))[1:ML.df[i]], drop=FALSE]
        rml.x[[i]] <- crossprod(rml.a[[i]], Xnonfix)
        if (!lambdaest)[[i]] <- crossprod(rml.a[[i]], werte[[i]])

    ML.df <- sum(ML.df)
    if (globalsigma)  base <- base + ML.df * (1 - log(ML.df))
    dummy <- rowSums(nCoVar[, effect >= .RandomEffect & effect <= SpVarEffect,
    base <-  base + (sum(dummy) +  ML.df) * log(2 * pi)
    if (solvesigma) {
      dummy <- rowSums(nCoVar[, vareffect, drop=FALSE])
      base <- base + sum(dummy * (1 - log(dummy)))
    assign("ML.df", ML.df, envir=ENVIR)
     assign("ML.base", base, envir=ENVIR)

  linearpart <- function(sigma2, return.z=FALSE) {
    z <- list()
    reml.corr <- 0
    for (i in 1:sets) {      
      D <- matrix(0, ncol=nCoVarSets[i], nrow=nCoVarSets[i])
      rS <- 0
      for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {      
        Spalte <- crossprod(if (DO.RML1) RML.Xges[[i]][[m]] else Xges[[i]][[m]],
                            Sinv[[i]][[idx.error[1]]][[m]]) # all k
        for (k in mmcomponents) {
          if (nCoVar[i, k] > 0 && (!fixedeffects[k] || !DO.RML1)) {
            idx <- startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k]
            D[, idx] <- D[, idx] + idx.repet[[i]][m] * Spalte %*%
              if (DO.RML1) RML.Xges[[i]][[m]][, idx, drop=FALSE]
              else Xges[[i]][[m]][, idx, drop=FALSE] 

        rS <- rS + Spalte %*% sumdata[[i]][[m]]

      if (DO.REML) {
        idx <- NULL
        for (k in mmcomponents) if (fixedeffects[k])
          idx <- c(idx, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k])
        reml.corr <- reml.corr + LogDet(D[idx, idx])      

      j <- 1
      for (k in mmcomponents) {
        if (effect[k] >= .RandomEffect && effect[k] <= SpVarEffect) {
          idx <- startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k]
          if (effect[k] == .RVarEffect) {
            D[idx, idx] <- D[idx, idx] + Sinv[[i]][[k]] / sigma2[j]
            j = j + 1
          } else {
            D[idx, idx] <- D[idx, idx] + Sinv[[i]][[k]]

      if (DO.RML1) {
        idx <- NULL
        for (k in mmcomponents) if (fixedeffects[k])
          idx <- c(idx, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k])
        D <- D[-idx, -idx]
      z[[i]] <- try(solve(D, rS))
      if (!is.numeric(z[[i]]))
        stop("Design matrix shows linear dependence. Check the design matrix and \n  make sure that you do not use `trend' and the `mixed' model at the same time.")
    assign("REML.CORRECTION", reml.corr, envir=ENVIR)
    if (return.z) {

    cumsq <- j <- 0
    for (k in mmcomponents) {
      s2est <- 0
      if (effect[k] == .RVarEffect) {
        idx <- startCoVar[i, k] : endCoVar[i, k]
        for (i in 1:sets) {
          zi <- z[idx, i]
          s2est <- s2est + crossprod(zi[idx], Sinv[[i]][[k]] %*% zi[idx])
        cumsq <-  cumsq +  (sigma2[j] - s2est / nTotalComp[k])^2
        j <- j + 1

    if (cumsq < LINEARLARP) {
      assign("LINEARLARP", cumsq, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("LINEARLARPZ", z, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("LINEARLARPS2", sigma2, envir=ENVIR)

  MLtarget <- function(variab) {
    if (n.variab > 0) {
      variab <- variab + 0  ## unbedingt einfuegen, da bei R Fehler der Referenzierung !! 16.2.10
      if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.DETAILS ) {
        Print(format(variab, dig=20)) #
        if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS) Print(minmax) #
      if (any((variab < MLELB) | (variab > MLEUB))) {
        ## for safety -- should not happen, older versions of the optimiser
        ## did not stick precisely to the given bounds
        ## 23.12.03 : still happens
        if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE)
          WarningMessage(variab, MLELB, MLEUB, "MLE")   
        penalty <- variab
        variab <- pmax(MLELB, pmin(MLEUB, variab)) 
        penalty <-  - sum(variab - penalty)^2 ## not the best .... <- MLEMAX
        assign("MLEMAX", Inf, envir=ENVIR)
        res <- MLtarget(variab)
        assign("MLEMAX",, envir=ENVIR)

        return(res + penalty * (1+ abs(res)))

      param <- as.double(trafo(variab[1:nvarWithoutbc]))
#      if (printlevel>4)  Print(format(param, dig=20))
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, param, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
      options(show.error.messages = show.error.message)
    } else param <- NULL
    if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS) {
      cat("\n\nAufruf von MLtarget\n===================\n")
      Print(RFgetModelInfo(register=Reg, level=13))#

    logdet <- ML.base # Konstante; wird mit -0.5 multipliziert
    Werte <- list() ## nur bei BoxCox Schaetzung verwendet

    for (i in 1:sets) {

      S <- double((lc[i] * vdim)^2)
      for (k in allcomponents) {
        if (effect[k] >= SpaceEffect) { ## ansonsten muss schon vorher gesetzt
          ##                              werden

          sp.eff <- effect[k] == SpaceEffect || effect[k] == SpVarEffect
          if (balanced[i] || sp.eff) {
            .C("setListElements", Reg, as.integer(i),
               as.integer(if (sp.eff) k else idx.error),
               as.integer(if (sp.eff) 1 else length(idx.error)),

            dim(S) <- rep(lc[i] * vdim, 2)

            .Call("CovMatrixLoc", Reg, Xdistances[[i]], is.dist.vector,
               xdimOZ, as.integer(lc[i]), S, PACKAGE="RandomFields")
            dim(S) <- rep(lc[i] * vdim, 2)

          ##  Print("xx", S); #    fffff
          #Print(RFgetModelInfo(Reg), effect, k, allcomponents, SpaceEffect)
          if (sp.eff) {
            Sinv[[i]][[k]] <<- Solve(S, LINPACK=TRUE)
            logdet <- logdet + LOGDET # side effect of Solve
          } else {  ## .RemainingError/Primitive, genau 1x pro i aufgerufen
            for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
              if (balanced[i]) {
                Si <- S[[[i]][[m]],[[i]][[m]]]
              } else {
                nSidx <-[[i]][m]
                Si <- double(nSidx^2)

                .C("setListElements", Reg, as.integer(-i),
                   as.integer(if (sp.eff) k else idx.error),
                   as.integer(if (sp.eff) 1 else length(idx.error)),
                .Call("CovMatrixSelectedLoc", Reg, Xdistances[[i]],
                   is.dist.vector, xdimOZ, as.integer(lc[i]),
                   as.integer([[i]][[m]] - 1),
                      as.integer(nSidx), Si,
                dim(Si) <- rep(nSidx, 2)

                if (!all(eigen(Si)$value > 0))
                  Print("CovMatrixSelectedLoc", Reg, # Xdistances[[i]],
                   is.dist.vector, xdimOZ, as.integer(lc[i]),
                   as.integer([[i]][[m]] - 1),
                      as.integer(nSidx), Si,
                   PACKAGE="RandomFields", eigen(Si)$value,
                      GetModel(Reg)) ## OK


              if (DO.RML1) {
                Si <- crossprod(RML.A[[i]][[m]], Si) %*% RML.A[[i]][[m]]
              Sinv[[i]][[k]][[m]] <<- Solve(Si,  halt=FALSE, LINPACK=TRUE)
              if (class(Sinv[[i]][[k]][[m]]) == "try-error") {
                assign("MLEINF", TRUE, envir=ENVIR)
                if (printlevel>=PL.SUBIMPORPANT || {
                  cat("\nMLE: error in cholesky decomp. -- matrix pos def?")
                  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.ERRORS) {
                    Print(variab, MLEVARIAB, S, Si, eigen(Si)$val)#
              logdet <- logdet + LOGDET * idx.repet[[i]][m]
              ## Si ist hier Si^{1/2}!! Zum Schluss wird mit -0.5 multipliziert
      } # k, components
      S <- NULL
      Werte[[i]] <- list()
      for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
        if (lambdaest) {
          Werte[[i]][[m]] <-
            BoxCox(werte[[i]] [[[i]][[m]],[[i]][[m]],
                               drop = FALSE ], variab[n.variab])
          if (DO.RML1) 
            Werte[[i]][[m]] <- crossprod(RML.A[[i]][[m]],  Werte[[i]][[m]])
          for (k in which.deteff) {
            Werte[[i]][[m]] <- Werte[[i]][[m]] -
              Xges[[i]][[m]][, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k] ] 
        } else {          
          Werte[[i]][[m]] <-
            if (DO.RML1)[[i]][[m]]
            else werte[[i]] [[[i]][[m]],[[i]][[m]],
                             drop = FALSE ]
        sumdata[[i]][[m]] <<- as.vector(t(apply(Werte[[i]][[m]], 1, sum)))
        ##d <- dim(Werte[[i]][[m]])
        ##dim(Werte[[i]][[m]]) <- c(d[1] * d[2], d[3])
      } # for m
    } # for i (sets)

    assign("REML.CORRECTION", 0, envir=ENVIR)

    if (nCoVarAll > 0) {
      assign("LINEARLARP", Inf, envir=ENVIR)
      if (!solvesigma) {
        ## !solvesigma: alle Parameter der Kovarianzen auf
        ## globaler Ebene geschaetzt       
      } else  {
        OPTIM(LINEARLARPS2, linearpart,
              lower = LINEARLARPS2 / 10, upper = LINEARLARPS2 * 10,
              control= lsq.optim.control, optimiser=optimiser,silent=silent)
    quadratic <- 0
    quad.effect <- rep(0, max(1, length(mmcomponents)))
    MLtargetV <- list()
    for (i in 1:sets) {
      MLtargetV[[i]] <- list()
      for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {       
        MLtargetV[[i]][[m]] <- Werte[[i]][[m]] 
        if (nCoVarAll>0)
          MLtargetV[[i]][[m]] <- MLtargetV[[i]][[m]] -
            as.vector(if (DO.RML1) RML.Xges[[i]][[m]] else Xges[[i]][[m]]
                      %*% LINEARLARPZ[[i]])
                                        # y-\sum A_i z_i
        quadratic <- quadratic +
          sum(MLtargetV[[i]][[m]] *
              (Sinv[[i]][[idx.error[1]]][[m]] %*% MLtargetV[[i]][[m]]))       
      for (k in mmcomponents) if (effect[k] >= .RandomEffect) {
        idx <- startCoVar[i, k] : endCoVar[i, k]
        quad.effect[k] <- quad.effect[k] +
          sum(LINEARLARPZ[[i]][idx] *
              (Sinv[[i]][[k]] %*% LINEARLARPZ[[i]][idx]))

    if (solvesigma) {
      nc <- rowSums(nCoVar[, vareffect])
      quad.effect[vareffect] <- log(quad.effect[vareffect] / nc) * nc

    res <- -0.5 * (logdet + sum(quad.effect) + REML.CORRECTION +
                    if (globalsigma) ML.df * log(quadratic) else quadratic)
    if ( {
      Print(logdet, sum(quad.effect), REML.CORRECTION, globalsigma, ML.df,#
            if (globalsigma) ML.df * log(quadratic) else quadratic)
      warning("NA results appeared")
    if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS) {
      Print(globalsigma, variab, param,, ML.df, #
            quadratic / ML.df)
      readline(paste(res, "Bitte return druecken."))

    if (res > MLEMAX) {
      if (varnugNA) { ## then globalsigma is true as well. So never change oder of
        ##               if's
        sill <- quadratic / ML.df ### check!!!
        param[] <- sill * (1.0 - param[nugget.idx])        
        param[nugget.idx] <- sill * param[nugget.idx]
      } else {
        if (globalsigma)
          param[] <- quadratic / ML.df  ### check!!!

      assign("MLEMAX", res, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("ML.RESIDUALS", MLtargetV, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("MLEPARAM", param, envir=ENVIR)
      assign("MLEVARIAB", variab, envir=ENVIR)      

    if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS) Print(logdet, quadratic, res)#

  } # mltarget

  get.covariates <- function(Variab) {
    if (nCoVarAll == 0) return(NULL)
    max <- MLEMAX
    param <- MLEPARAM
    inf <- MLEINF
    variab <- MLEVARIAB 
    resid <- ML.RESIDUALS
    linpart <- LINEARLARP
    linz <- LINEARLARPZ
    lins2 <- LINEARLARPS2
    assign("MLEMAX", -Inf, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("LINEARLARP", Inf, envir=ENVIR)

    result <- unlist(LINEARLARPZ) 
    assign("MLEMAX", max, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("ML.RESIDUALS", resid, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("MLEPARAM", param, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("MLEVARIAB", variab, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("MLEINF", inf, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("LINEARLARP", linpart, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("LINEARLARPZ", linz, envir=ENVIR)
    assign("LINEARLARPS2", lins2, envir=ENVIR)   


  ## to avoid warning on "no visible binding" we define the following
  ## variable that are used in the local functions:
  ENVIR <- environment()
    DO.REML <- DO.REML1 <- RML.A <- RML.Xges <- <-
        ML.base <- ML.df <- MLEtarget <-
                LOGDET <- 
###              End of definitions of local functions             ###

###    Initial settings, coord part I (without model info)         ###

  time <- !is.null(T) && (!is.list(T) || !is.null(T[[1]]))

  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\ninitial settings...\n")

  variab.units <- RFopt$general$variab_units

  Z <- StandardizeData(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, data=data,
                       distances=distances, dimensions=dimensions, RFopt=RFopt)
  coord <- Z$coord
  data <- Z$data
  dimdata <- Z$dimdata
  isRFsp <- Z$isRFsp
  dist.given <- Z$dist.given
  gridTopology <- Z$gridTopology
  data.RFparams <- Z$data.RFparams
  lc <- Z$lc
  spdim <- Z$spdim
  tsdim <- Z$tsdim
  rangex <- Z$rangex
  coord.units <- Z$coord.units
  matrix.indep.of.x.assumed <- Z$matrix.indep.of.x.assumed
  neu <- Z$neu
  RFsp.coord <- Z$RFsp.coord
  distances <- Z$distances

  small.dataset <- max(lc) <= fit$smalldataset    
  ## check box-cox transformation 
  if (lambdaest <- !missing(bc_lambda) && {
    if (any(unlist(data) <= 0))   warning("negative data may cause errors")
    if (fit$bc_lambda_lb > 1 || fit$bc_lambda_ub<1)
      stop("bounds for Box-Cox lambda must satisfy lambda_lb <= 1 <= lambda_ub")

################    analyses of orginal model        ###############
##### variables needed for analysis of trend, upper and lower input --
##### user cannot know what the internal represenatation is

  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nfirst analysis of model  ...\n")

  variable.names <- extractVarNames(model)
  ## gets response part of model, if model is a formula

  xdimOZ <- as.integer(tsdim - !is.null(T[[1]]))

  info.cov <- .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
                    spdim, FALSE, TRUE, time, xdimOZ,
                    fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,

  ## hier zum ersten mal model verwendet wichtig,
  ## da interne Darstellung abweichen kann. Z.B. dass ein optionaler Parameter
  ## auf einen Standardwert gesetzt wird
  model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
                    do.notreturnparam=TRUE) ##standardisiert
  #userdefined <- GetParameterModelUser(model)
  modelinfo <- RFgetModelInfo(register=Reg, level=1, spConform=FALSE)
  vdim <- modelinfo$vdim
 ## -- wichtig fuer GetValuesAtNA

  NAs <-  info.cov$NAs
  trans.inv <- info.cov$trans.inv ## note: only with respect to the
  ##              coordinates, mixed effect koennen andere wirkung haben
  isotropic <- info.cov$isotropic
  if (dist.given && (!trans.inv || !isotropic)) {
    #Print(dist.given, !trans.inv, !isotropic, recall)
    stop("only domain and isotropic models go along with distances")
  minmax <- info.cov$minmax # 4 Spalten: 1:min, 2:max, 3:type, 4:is.nan, not na
  ##  .REGRESSION // 9
  diag.idx <- which(minmax[, 3] == DIAGPARAM)
  if (length(diag.idx)>0) minmax[diag.idx[1], 1] <- fit$min_diag
  ncovparam <- nrow(minmax)
  ptype <- minmax[, 3]

  ## identify the effects:
  effect <- info.cov$effect
  idx.error <- effect >= Primitive
  mmcomponents <- which(!idx.error & effect > DeterministicEffect)
  idx.error <- which(idx.error)
  allcomponents <- c(mmcomponents, idx.error[1])
  if (length(idx.error) == 0)
    stop("there must be an error component in the model")
  if (matrix.indep.of.x.assumed && !info.cov$matrix.indep.of.x)
    stop("x-coordinates are neither given by 'x' nor by 'distances' nor by 'data',\n  but the model seem to require them")

  stopifnot(sum(NAs) == nrow(minmax))
  eff <- rep(FALSE, nrow(minmax))  ## lokale Hilfsvariable
  csNAs <- cumsum(c(0, NAs))
  for (k in 1:length(effect)) {
    if (effect[k] >= .RandomEffect && effect[k] <= SpVarEffect && NAs[k] > 0)
      eff[(csNAs[k]+1) : csNAs[k]] <- TRUE
  minmax[ptype == MIXEDVAR & eff, 1] <- fit$minmixedvar
  minmax[ptype == MIXEDVAR & eff, 2] <- fit$maxmixedvar

  fixedeffects <- effect == FixedEffect | effect == FixedTrendEffect
  anymixedeffects <- any(effect >= FixedTrendEffect & effect <= SpVarEffect)
  anyrandomeffects <- any(effect >= .RandomEffect & effect <= SpVarEffect)
 # variogram.known <- trans.inv && !info.cov$matrix.indep.of.x && !anymixedeffects
  variogram.known <- trans.inv && !anyrandomeffects

  deteffects <- effect == DeterministicEffect | effect == DetTrendEffect
  trends <- effect == DetTrendEffect | effect == FixedTrendEffect
  which.deteff <- which(deteffects)
  anyfixedeffect <- any(fixedeffects)
  vareffect <- which(effect == .RVarEffect)
  if (length(vareffect) == 0) solvesigma <- FALSE
  is.dist.vector <- trans.inv && small.dataset || dist.given
  coordinate_system <- RFoptions()$general$coordinate_system
  cartesian <- coordinate_system %in% CARTESIAN_COORD_NAMES
  if (is.scalar.dist <- isotropic && is.dist.vector && cartesian) {
    xdimOZ <- as.integer(1)
  ts.xdim <- xdimOZ + !is.null(T[[1]])

  #Print(is.dist.vector, trans.inv, small.dataset, dist.given)

## model specific settings, upper & lower
   if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nupper & lower...\n")

#  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  trafoidx <- trafo <- NULL
  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    if (trafo <- is.list(transform) && length(transform)>0) {
      trafoidx <- transform[[1]]
      if (length(transform)==2 && nrow(minmax) == length(trafoidx) &&
          is.logical(trafoidx)) {        
        trafo <- transform[[2]]

  if (!is.null(trafo) && !is.function(trafo)) {
    if (length(trafoidx) != nrow(minmax) || !is.numeric(trafoidx))
    .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double((1:nrow(minmax)) * 1.11),
       PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
    model_with_NAs_replaced_by_ranks <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE)
    cat("transform must be a list of two elements:\n* A vector V of logicals whose length equals the number of NAs in the model.\n* A function taking a vector whose length equals sum(V). The output\n  is the original model where the NAs are replaced by real numbers.\n\nThe currently identified NAs are:\n")
    print(minmax[, c(1:2)]) #
    cat("\nwithin the following model (NA positions are given by n.nn) :\n")
    str(model_with_NAs_replaced_by_ranks, vec.len=20) #
    cat("\nHowever, 'RFfit' was called by\ntransform =")
    str(transform) #
    if (length(trafoidx) > nrow(minmax))
      cat("Note that the parameters of the trend are optimised analytically, hence they may not be considered, here.\n")

#######################   upper,lower,user     ########################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nlower and upper ...\n")
  users.lower <- users.upper <- NULL
  if (!is.null(lower)) {
    users.lower <- try(GetValuesAtNA(NAmodel=model, valuemodel=lower,
                                     Time=time, shortnamelength=fit$short,
                                     skipchecks=!is.null(trafo)) )
    if (!is.numeric(users.lower)) {
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT) Print(model, lower, users.lower)
      stop("'lower' does not match 'model'")
  if (!is.null(upper)) {
    users.upper <- try(GetValuesAtNA(NAmodel=model, valuemodel=upper,
                                     Time=time, shortnamelength=fit$short,
   if (!is.numeric(users.upper)) {
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT) Print(model, upper, users.upper)
      stop("'upper' does not match 'model'")

#  Print(users.guess)
  if(!is.null(users.guess)) {
    Users.guess <- try(GetValuesAtNA(NAmodel=model, valuemodel=users.guess,
                                     Time=time, shortnamelength=fit$short,
    if (!is.numeric(Users.guess)) {
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT) Print(model, users.guess, Users.guess)
      stop("'users.guess' does not match 'model'")
    users.guess <- Users.guess
  if (anyrandomeffects) {    
    stopifnot(model[[1]] %in% ZF_PLUSSELECT)
    model[[1]] <- ZF_SELECT[1]

  if (is.dist.vector || anyrandomeffects) {
    info.cov <- .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
                      spdim, is.dist.vector, !is.dist.vector,
                      time, xdimOZ,
                      fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,
    modelinfo <- RFgetModelInfo(register=Reg, level=1, spConform=FALSE)
    model <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,


###########################      transform     #######################
## either given bu users.transform + users.min, users.max
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\ntransform ...\n")
  lower <- minmax[,1] 
  upper <- minmax[,2]
  delete.idx <- rep(FALSE, length(lower))
  if (is.null(trafo)) {
    if (any(minmax[,4]==1)) ## nan, not na
      stop("NaN only allowed if transform is given.")
    trafo <- function(x) x;
  } else { ## is function
    origNAs <- nrow(minmax)
    delete.idx <- !trafoidx
    if (any(minmax[,4]==1)) {
      if (any(minmax[delete.idx,4] != 1) || any(minmax[delete.idx,4] == 1)) 
        stop("NaNs do not match logical vector of transform")
    optim_var_estim <- "never"
    solvesigma <- FALSE
    try(z <- trafo(lower[!delete.idx]))
    if (!is.numeric(z) || !all(is.finite(z)) || !is.vector(z))
      stop("The transformation does not return a vector of finite numerical values.")
    if (length(z) != length(lower))
      stop("\n'transform' returns a vector of length ",
           length(z), ", but one of length ", origNAs, " is expected.",
           if (length(z) > origNAs) " Note that the parameters of the trend are optimised analytically, hence they may not be considered, here.",
           " Call 'RFfit' with `transform=list()' to get more information on the parameters of the model.\n\n")

  ## Achtung which, da upper,lower etc um box-cox-Variable verlaengert
  ## werden koennten !
  SDVAR.IDX <- ptype == SDPARAM | ptype == VARLARAM | ptype == NUGGETVAR
  SCALE.IDX <- ptype == SCALEPARAM  ## large capitals 
  var.idx <- which(ptype == VARLARAM)
  sd.idx <- which(ptype == SDPARAM)
  nugget.idx <- which(ptype == NUGGETVAR)
  MIXED.IDX <- which((ptype == MIXEDVAR) & ( || solvesigma))
  mixed.idx <-  which(ptype == MIXEDVAR)
  solvesigma <- length(MIXED.IDX) > 0

##############     prepare constants in S, X,etc      ###########

##############         distances              #################

  ## note: the direct C call needs matrix where points are given column-wise
  ##       whereas the R function CovarianceFct need them row-wise,
  ##                   except for fctcall==CovarianceMatrix
  ## distances are used to calculate bounds for the scale parameter(s)
  ## to be estimated -- further it is used in MLtarget

###  30.3.06 folgenden code durch nachfolgenden ersetzt.
###     dd <- 0   
###     for (i in 1:tsdim) {
###      dx <- outer(coord[,i], coord[,i], "-")
###      distances[i, ] <- as.double(dx[lower.tri(dx)])
###      ## x <- c(1,6,0.1)
###      ## outer(x, x, "-")
###      ##     [,1] [,2] [,3]
###      ##[1,]  0.0 -5.0  0.9
###      ##[2,]  5.0  0.0  5.9
###      ##[3,] -0.9 -5.9  0.0
###      if (i<=spdim) dd <- dd + distances[i, ]^2 
###    }
###    dd <- sqrt(dd)
###    coord <- NULL
###    maxdistances <- max(dd)
###    mindistances <- min(dd[dd!=0])  ## notwendig falls !is.null(T)
###    rm("dd")
 if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\ndistances ...\n")
  sets <- length(lc)
  Xdistances <- vector("list", sets)

  n.sample.smallset <- fit$smalldataset / 2
  mindistances <- matrix(ncol=sets, nrow=2)

  if (is.scalar.dist) {
    for (i in 1:sets) {
      Xdistances[[i]] <-
        if (dist.given) distances[[i]] else as.vector(dist(t(coord[[i]]))) 
      idx <- Xdistances[[i]] < nuggetrange
      if (any(idx)) {
        if (!general$allowdistanceZero)
          stop("distance with value 0 identified -- use allowdistanceZero=T?")
        Xdistances[[i]][idx] <- nuggetrange
      mindistances[, i] <- range(Xdistances[[i]][!idx])
  } else if (dist.given) {
    stop("Only distances, not distance vectors, and corresponding models allowed")
  } else {
    for (i in 1:sets) {
      if (small.dataset && lc[i] <= n.sample.smallset) {
        size <- lc[i]
        coord.idx <- TRUE
      } else {
        size <- n.sample.smallset
        coord.idx <-[i], size=size)

      d <- double(ts.xdim * size * (size - 1) / 2)
         as.double(coord[[i]][, coord.idx]),
         as.integer(c(ts.xdim, size)),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)        
      dim(d) <- c(ts.xdim, size * (size - 1) / 2)
      absdist <-
        sqrt(colSums(if (is.null(T[[i]])) d^2 else 
                       d[1:spdim, d[ts.xdim, ]==0, drop=FALSE]^2))
      idx <- absdist < nuggetrange
      if (any(idx)) {
        if (!general$allowdistanceZero) 
          stop("distance with value 0 identified - use allowdistanceZero=TRUE?")
        coord[[i]] <- coord[[i]] *
          (1 + rnorm(length(coord[[i]]), 0, nuggetrange))
      mindistances[, i] <- range(absdist[!idx])        
      if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS) Print(trans.inv, isotropic)#
      if (is.dist.vector) {
        ## if (isotropic) { Xdistances[[i]] <- absdist } else
        Xdistances[[i]] <- d
      } else {
        Xdistances[[i]] <- coord[[i]]
      storage.mode(Xdistances[[i]]) <- "double"
  maxdistances <- max(mindistances[2, ])
  mindistances <- min(mindistances[1, ])
  ## if small.dataset these values are not the true values. Can/Should
  ## they be improved??
##############         Coordinates & data    #################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\ndistances and data...")
    ## note: the direct C call needs matrix where points are given column-wise
    ##       whereas the R function CovarianceFct need them row-wise,
    ##                   except for fctcall==CovarianceMatrix

  if (lambdaest && vdim > 1) {
    stop("lambda can be estimated only in the univariate case")

  ntotdata <- sapply(data, length) <- <- <-  werte <- sumdata <-
    vector("list", length(coord))
  repet <- len.rep <- numeric(length(coord))
  idx.repet <-  vector("list", length(sets))

  balanced <- rep(TRUE, sets)


  #Print(isRFsp, dimdata, sets, data) <- 0
  for (i in 1:sets) {
    repet[i] <- length(data[[i]]) /  (lc[i] * vdim) ## repetitions
    if (repet[i] != as.integer(repet[i]))
      stop("number of data does not match number of coordinates" )

    if (!isRFsp) dimdata[i, ] <- dim(data[[i]])
    dim(data[[i]]) <- c(lc[i], vdim, repet[i])
    werte[[i]] <- array(data[[i]], c(lc[i] * vdim, repet[i])) # matrix only

#    stopifnot(all(abs(werte[[i]]) < 10))
    for (k in which.deteff) {
      ## for the deterministic effects:
      ## deteffects <- effect == DeterministicEffect | effect == DetTrendEffect
      ## trends <- effect == DetTrendEffect | effect == FixedTrendEffect
      if (!trends[k]) { # i.e. == DeterministicEffect
        size <- nrow(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$X[[i]])
        if (size != 1) {  
          if (size != nrow(werte[[i]]))
            stop("matrix of data does not match deterministic effect")

    if (!lambdaest) {
      if (!missing(bc_lambda)) werte[[i]] <- BoxCox(werte[[i]], bc_lambda)
      if (length(which.deteff) > 0) {
        deteffs <-
          rfSplitTrendAndCov(model=model, spatialdim=spdim,
                             xdimOZ = xdimOZ, Time = FALSE,
        if (!FALSE)
## Achtung! Muss hier x,y,z,T aus coord basteln
#         deteffs <- RFsimulate(model=deteffs$det, grid=FALSE,
#                               x=if(xlen>1) t(coord[[i]]) else coord[[i]][1,], 
#                               y=if(is.null(y)) NULL else coord[[i]][2,],
#                               z=if(is.null(z)) NULL else coord[[i]][3,],
#                               T=if(is.null(T[[i]])) NULL 
#                                 else coord[[i]][nrow(coord[[i]]),], 
#                               register = TrendReg, spConform=FALSE)
        werte[[i]] <- werte[[i]] - deteffs         
  #      for (k in which.deteff) {
  #        if (trends[k]) {
  #          if (length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$mean) > 0)
  #            werte[[i]] <- werte[[i]] - modelinfo$sub[[k]]$mean
  #          if (length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$plane) > 0)
  #            werte[[i]] <-
  #              werte[[i]] - as.vector(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$plane %*% coord[[i]])
  #          if (length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$polydeg))
  #            stop("Poly not programmed yet")
  #          if (length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$arbitraryfct))
  #            stop("Arbitary fct not programmed yet")
  #        } else {
  #          werte[[i]] <- werte[[i]] -
  #            as.vector(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$X[[i]])
  #        }
  #      }

    not.isna <- ![[i]])[[i]] <-[[i]] <- sumdata[[i]] <- list() <- + sum(not.isna)
    if (general$na_rm_lines) {
      dim(not.isna) <- c(lc[i], vdim, repet[i])
      not.isna <- matrix(ncol=repet[i], byrow=TRUE,
                         rep(t(apply(not.isna, c(1, 3), all)), times=vdim))

    if (any(colSums(not.isna) > fit$max_neighbours)) {
      balanced[i] <- FALSE
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT && fit$split)
        message("Too many locations to use standard estimation methods.\n",
            "Using approximative methods. However, it is *not* ensured\n",
            "that they will do well in detecting long memory dependencies.")
      if (is.scalar.dist) { ## distances
        j <- 1:lc
        l <- list()
        li <- 0
        maxi <-  (fit$splitn_neighbours[2] - 1) / vdim 
        # mini <-  fit$splitn_neighbours[3] / vdim
        while (length(j) >= maxi) {
          distpos <- (j[1]-1) * (lc - j[1] / 2) + 1
          distidx <- distpos : (distpos + (lc-j[1]-1))
          locs <- (j[1]+1):lc
          locidx <- which(!, j)))
          if (length(locidx) > maxi) {
            locidx <- locidx[order(Xdistances[[i]][distidx[locidx]])[1:maxi]]
          locidx <- c(locs[locidx], j[1])    

          li <- li + 1
          l[[li]] <- locidx
           j <- j[, locidx))]
        if (length(j) > 0) {
          li <- li + 1
          l[[li]] <- j
        ## kann jetzt noch optimiert werden hinsichtlich schaetzqualitaet durch
        ## zusammenfassen
      } else if (is.dist.vector) {
        stop("distance vector not fully programmed yet!")
      } else {
        modelnr <- -1
        if (!is.null(users.guess)) {
          .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, users.guess,PACKAGE="RandomFields",DUP=FALSE)
          modelnr <- Reg         
         if (ntotdata <= fit$max_neighbours)
          l <- list(1:ncol(Xdistances[[i]]))
          l <- GetNeighbourhoods(modelnr,
                                 list(given=Xdistances[[i]], vdim=vdim),
      } <- not.isna

      not.isna <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=lc[i] * vdim, repet[i] * length(l))
      save.rep <- numeric(repet * length(l))
      for (j in 1:length(l)) {
        idx <- rep(FALSE, lc[i])
        idx[l[[j]]] <- TRUE
        not.isna[idx, ( (j-1) * repet + 1 ) : (j * repet)] <-
[idx, ]
        save.rep[ ((j-1)*repet + 1) : (j * repet)] <- repet
    } else {
      # not: any(colSums(not.isna) > fit$max_neighbours)
      save.rep <- 1:repet[i]
    ##[[i]] indiziert ob fuer feste coordinate & feste
    ## wiederholung irgendeine multivariate komponente NA ist
    ##[[i]] holt sich, wo die wiederholungen sind
    repetitions <- list()
    j <- 1:ncol(not.isna)[[i]] <- list() # length([[i]][[m]]) = coordinates * vdim 

    while (length(j) > 0) {
      current <- not.isna[, j[1]]
      if (sum(current) < 2) {
        stop("data seem to be rather clumsy.")
        j <- j[-1]
      rep.curr <- which(apply(not.isna==current, 2, all))    
      j <- j[, rep.curr))][[i]][[length([[i]]) + 1]] <- as.integer(which(current))     
      repetitions[[length(repetitions) + 1]] <- save.rep[rep.curr]

    len.rep[i] <- length(repetitions)[[i]] <- sapply([[i]], length)[[i]] <- repetitions   
    idx.repet[[i]] <- sapply([[i]], length)
    for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
      sumdata[[i]][[m]] <-
                                     drop =FALSE], 1, sum)))
  } # i in sets

  if (vdim > 1) {
    dim(werte[[i]]) <- c(lc[i], vdim, repet[i])
    m <- apply(werte[[i]], 2, mean)
    s <- sqrt(apply(werte[[i]], 2, var))
    if (mean(abs(m)) != 0 && any(log(sd(m) / mean(abs(m))) > 1.5))
      warning("Are the average values of the components rather different? If so, it is worth thinking of standardising the values before calling RFfit")
    if (any(abs(log(s / s[1])) > 1.5))
      warning("The standard deviations of the components are rather different. It is adviced to standardise the components of the data before calling RFfit")
    dim(werte[[i]]) <- c(lc[i] * vdim, repet[i])    

  if (vdim>1 && printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT && !recall)
    message("Due to the covariance model a ", vdim,
        "-variate random field is expected. Therefore, \nthe data matrix",
        " is assumed to consist of ", repet,
        " independent measurements for\neach point.",
        " Each realisation is given as the entries of ", vdim,
        " consecutive \ncolumns.")

##############      find upper and lower bounds      #################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nbounds...")
  txt <- "lower and upper are both lists or vectors of the same length or NULL"
  lengthmismatch <- "lengths of bound vectors do not match model"
  structuremismatch <- "structures of bounds do not match the model"

  varnames <- minmax.names <- attr(minmax, "dimnames")[[1]]  
  vardata <- var(unlist(werte), na.rm=TRUE)
  ## autostart will give the starting values for LSQ
    ## appears if trafo is given. Then better do not search for
    ## automatic bounds

  autostart <- numeric(length(lower))
  neg <- lower <= 0
  autostart[neg] <-  0.5 * (lower[neg] + upper[neg])
  autostart[!neg] <- sqrt(lower[!neg]*upper[!neg])

  idx <- c(var.idx, nugget.idx, sd.idx)  
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    ## lower bound of first model is treated differently!
    ## so the "main" model should be given first!             !!!!!
    ## lower[idx] <- 0
    ## first.idx <- nugget.idx
    ## if (is.null(first.idx)) first.idx <- var.idx
    ## if (is.null(first.idx)) first.idx <- sd.idx
    lower[idx] <- vardata / fit$lowerbound_var_factor / length(idx)
    if (fit$lowerbound_var_factor == Inf && length(idx)>1) {
      idx2 <- idx[if (is.null(users.guess)) length(idx) else
                 which(users.guess == max(users.guess, na.rm=TRUE))[1] ]
      lower[idx2] <- vardata / 1e8
    upper[idx] <- vardata * fit$upperbound_var_factor
    autostart[idx] <- ((length(idx)-1) * lower[idx] + upper[idx]) /length(idx)
    if (length(sd.idx) > 0) {
      lower[sd.idx] <- sqrt(lower[sd.idx])
      upper[sd.idx] <- sqrt(upper[sd.idx])
      autostart[sd.idx] <- sqrt(autostart[sd.idx])
  if (any(idx <- ptype == SIGNEDVARLARAM)) {
    lower[idx] <- -(upper[idx] <- vardata * fit$upperbound_var_factor);
    autostart[idx] <- 0 
  if (any(idx <- ptype == SIGNEDSDPARAM)) {
    lower[idx] <- -(upper[idx] <- sqrt(vardata * fit$upperbound_var_factor))
    autostart[idx] <- 0 
  if (any(idx <- ptype == DIAGPARAM)) {
    lower[idx] <- 1 / (fit$upperbound_scale_factor * maxdistances)
    upper[idx] <- fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor / mindistances
    autostart[idx] <- 8 / (maxdistances + 7 * mindistances)
  if (any(idx <- ptype == ANISOPARAM)) {
    if (is.null(trafo))
      warning("The algorithms RandomFields transpose the matrix Aniso to aniso -- this may cause problems when applying transform to the anisotropy parameters. To be safe, use only the parameter anisoT in RMfit.")
    lower[idx] <- -fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor / mindistances
    upper[idx] <- fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor / mindistances
    autostart[idx] <- 0
  if (any(SCALE.IDX)) {
    idx <- which(SCALE.IDX)
    lower[idx] <- mindistances / fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor
    upper[idx] <- maxdistances * fit$upperbound_scale_factor
    autostart[idx] <- (maxdistances + 7 * mindistances) / 8      


###########################        split       #######################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nsplit...")
  if (fit$split && length(autostart)>3) {
    Range <- if (is.scalar.dist || dist.given) {
      as.matrix(c(0, diff(range(if (dist.given) distances else
                                as.double(neu[[1]]$x) ))))
    } else rangex

    new.param <-
      if (is.null(users.guess)) autostart else users.guess

### Achtung!! delete.idx darf davor nur fuer trafo gesetzt werden!!

    aux.reg <- MODEL.MLESPLIT

    stopifnot(spdim == tsdim - time)

    .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", aux.reg, list("Cov", model),
          is.dist.vector, # 3.4.13: warum war dist auf FALSE gesetzt gewesen?
          !is.dist.vector, time,
          xdimOZ, # 3.4.13: gaendert von dim. ? Warum war nicht xdim ?
          ##      Kleiber-Datensatz funktioniert nur mit xdimOZ!?
          fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,

    stopifnot(ncol(Range) == ts.xdim)
    keep <- !delete.idx
    split <- ModelSplit(Reg=aux.reg, info.cov=info.cov, trafo=trafo,
                        lower=lower[keep], upper=upper[keep],
                        rangex = Range,
                        modelinfo=list(ts.xdim=ts.xdim, tsdim=tsdim,
                          xdimOZ = xdimOZ, vdim=vdim,
    if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nsplitted...")  


    if (length(split) == 1)
      stop("split does not work in this case. Use split=FALSE")
    if (length(split) > 1) {
      coord <- werte <- Xdistances <- NULL
      if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) {

      if (printlevel >= PL.RECURSIVE.CALL) Print(split) #

      return(recurs.estim(split=split, level=0,  Reg=aux.reg,
                          x=if (!dist.given) lapply(neu, function(x) x$x), 
                          T=if (!dist.given) lapply(neu, function(x) x$T),
                          data= data, ###
                          lower= lower[keep], upper= upper[keep],
                          users.lower = {
                            if (is.null(users.lower)) rep(-Inf,sum(keep))
                            else users.lower[keep]
                          users.upper = {
                            if (is.null(users.upper)) rep(Inf, sum(keep))
                            else users.upper[keep]
                          distances=if (dist.given) distances,
                          tsdim = tsdim,
                          spConform = general$spConform,
                          practicalrange = general$practicalrange,

  delete.idx <- which(delete.idx) ## !!
  .Call("Delete_y", Reg, PACKAGE="RandomFields")
###                                                                ###
###   check which parameters are NA -- only old style is allowed   ###
###                                                                ###
###     certain combinations of NA allow for faster algorithms     ###
###                                                                ###
###     ! needs special treatment, hence must be        ###
###     identified                                                 ###
###                                                                ###
###     scaling method must be identified                          ###
###                                                                ###
###     some autostart values are calculated                       ###
###                                                                ###
###                                                                ###

  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nauto...")  
  autopar <- autostart
  autopar[autopar == 0] <- 1
  varnugNA <- ## and
    globalsigma <- ## nugget==0
      sillbounded <- ## !

  if (optim_var_estim == "try" || optim_var_estim == "yes" ||
      (optim_var_estim == "respect bounds" && is.null(users.lower) &&
       is.null(users.upper))) { ## useful for lsq and mle methods

    ssm <- StandardSimpleModel(model, tsdim=tsdim, aniso=FALSE, addnugget=FALSE)

    if (!is.character(ssm)) {
      optim_var_estim <- "yes"
      l <- length(ssm)
      nonugget <- (!(ssm[[l]][[length(ssm[[l]])]][[1]] %in% ZF_NUGGET) ||
                   !is.finite(ssm[[l]]$var) && ssm[[l]]$var == 0.0)
      novariance <- (ssm[[2]][[length(ssm[[2]])]][[1]] %in% ZF_NUGGET ||
                     !is.finite(ssm[[2]]$var) && ssm[[2]]$var == 0.0)
  } else {
    ssm <- NULL
    nonugget <- novariance <- FALSE

  if (length(var.idx) > 1 || sum(SCALE.IDX)>1 || sum(ptype == DIAGPARAM)>0 ||
      sum(ptype==ANISOPARAM)>0 || sum(ptype==INTEGERLARAM)>0 ||
      sum(ptype==TRENDPARAM)>1 || length(nugget.idx)>1 ||
      length(MIXED.IDX) > 0 || sum(ptype==.REGRESSION)>0) {
    optim_var_estim <- "never"
  } <- var.idx
  sillbounded <- !

  if (sillbounded && optim_var_estim != "yes")
    stop("sill can not be bounded for complicated models. Check also the value of 'optim_var_estim' which should be 'try'.")

#  Print(optim_var_estim, sillbounded)

  if (optim_var_estim == "yes") {
    if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nstandard style settings...")
    if (sillbounded) {
      ## only VARIANCE need to be optimised
      stopifnot(sill > 0)

      if (length(nugget.idx) != 1 && length(var.idx) != 1) {
        if (length(var.idx)==0 && length(nugget.idx)==0)
          stop("variance and nugget are given, so sill must be NA")
          stop("Sill fixed. Then variance and nugget must be both NA.")

      autopar[c(nugget.idx, var.idx)] <-
        autostart[var.idx] <- sill / length(c(nugget.idx, var.idx))
      upper[nugget.idx] <- sill
      delete.idx <- c(delete.idx, var.idx)
      lower[nugget.idx] <- 0
      trafo <- function(x) {
        ## warum  mixed.idx  ?
        y <- numeric(length(x) + 1 + length(MIXED.IDX) )
        y[-c(var.idx, MIXED.IDX)] <- x
        y[var.idx] <- sill - y[nugget.idx]
        y[MIXED.IDX] <- 1
    } else { ## not sill bounded
      if (length(var.idx) == 1) {
        if (varnugNA <- length(nugget.idx) == 1) {
          if (!is.null(users.guess)) {
            users.guess[nugget.idx] <-
              users.guess[nugget.idx] / sum(users.guess[c(var.idx, nugget.idx)])
          ## of interest currently 
          ## both NUGGET and VARIANCE have to be optimised
          ## instead optimise the SILL (which can be done by
          ## a formula) and estimate the part of NUGGET
          ## (which will be stored in NUGGET) !
          ##  consequences:
          ## * estimtation space increased only by 1, not 2
          ## * real nugget: NUGGET * SILL
          ## *     variance: (1-NUGGET) * SILL
          autostart[nugget.idx] <- 1 / 2 ## lassen, da nicht standard Alg.
          lower[nugget.idx] <- 0
          upper[nugget.idx] <- 1
          delete.idx <- c(delete.idx, var.idx)
          trafo <- function(x) {
            y <- numeric(length(x) + 1 + length(MIXED.IDX))
            y[-c(var.idx, MIXED.IDX)] <- x
            y[var.idx] <- 1.0 - y[nugget.idx]
            y[MIXED.IDX] <- 1
        } else { ## not sillbounded,, !,
          ## but optim_var_estim
          if (globalsigma <- nonugget) {
            ## here SILL==VARIANCE and therefore, variance
            ## can be estimated by a formula without increasing the dimension

            ## more than only the variance has to be estimated
            delete.idx <- c(delete.idx, var.idx)
            # if (length(lower) == 0) stop("trivial case not programmed yet")
            trafo <- function(x) {
              y <- numeric(length(x) + 1 + length(MIXED.IDX))
              y[-c(var.idx, MIXED.IDX)] <- x
              y[c(var.idx, MIXED.IDX)] <- 1.0 ## 30.12.09 ex: vardata 
          } else { ## not sillbounded,, nugget!=0
            l <- length(ssm)
            nugget <- ssm[[l]]$var
            lower[var.idx] <-
              pmax(lower[var.idx], 0, (vardata-nugget)/fit$lowerbound_var_factor)
            if (lower[var.idx] < fit$lowerbound_sill) {
              if (printlevel>=PL.SUBIMPORPANT) {
                if (printlevel>=PL.SUBIMPORPANT)
                  cat("low.var=",lower[var.idx]," low_sill",fit$lowerbound_sill,
                      "\ estimated variance from data=", vardata,
                      "nugget=", nugget, "\n")
                message("The given nugget effect might not be too small.")
              lower[var.idx] <- fit$lowerbound_sill
            autostart[var.idx] <- autopar[var.idx] <- lower[var.idx]
      } else { ## not sillbounded, !, optim_var_estim
        if (novariance) {
          if (any(ptype %in% c(SCALEPARAM, ANYPARAM, CRITICALPARAM))) 
            stop("If variance=0, estimating scale or model parameters does not make sense")          
          lower[var.idx] <- 0
        if (length(nugget.idx)==1) { ## and ![VARIANCE])
          l <- length(ssm)
          variance <- ssm[[2]]$var
          lower[nugget.idx] <-
            pmax(0, (vardata - variance) / fit$lowerbound_var_factor)
          if (lower[nugget.idx] < fit$lowerbound_sill) {
            if (printlevel>PL.SUBIMPORPANT)
              cat("\nlower nugget bound=", lower[nugget.idx],
                  " < lower sill bound=", fit$lowerbound_sill,
                  " -- is the variance given correctly?\n",sep="")
            ## warning("Has param[VARIANCE] been given correctly?!")
            lower[nugget.idx] <- fit$lowerbound_sill
            autostart[nugget.idx] <- autopar[nugget.idx] <- lower[nugget.idx]
      } ##  else { ## not sillbounded, !
    } ## else { ## not sill bounded

    stopifnot( varnugNA + globalsigma + sillbounded <= 1)
  } else { ### optim_var_estim != "yes"
    globalsigma <- !anyrandomeffects &&
    ((modelinfo$name %in% DOLLAR &&$param$var)) ||
      (length(idx.error)==1 &&
         (modelinfo$sub[[idx.error]]$name %in% DOLLAR &&
          modelinfo$sub[[idx.error]]$name %in% ZF_PLUS &&
          length(modelinfo$sub[[idx.error]]$sub) == 1 &&
          modelinfo$sub[[idx.error]]$sub[[1]]$name %in% DOLLAR &&
    globalsigma <- globalsigma && is.null(transform) &&
                   length(c(var.idx, nugget.idx)) == 1

    if (globalsigma) {
      delete.idx <- c(delete.idx,       
      trafo <- function(x) {
        y <- numeric(length(x) + 1 + length(MIXED.IDX))
        y[-c(, MIXED.IDX)] <- x
        y[c(, MIXED.IDX)] <- 1.0
  RFoptions(fit.optim_var_estimation =# in case of a recursive call of fit.gauss
            if (optim_var_estim == 'yes') 'yes' else 'never') 

#  Print(lower, users.lower, upper, users.upper, delete.idx)

  globalsigma <- globalsigma || varnugNA

  if (is.null(users.lower)) {
    users.lower <- rep(-Inf, length(lower))
  } else {
    idx <- !
    lower[idx] <- users.lower[idx]
    users.lower[!idx] <- -Inf
  if (is.null(users.upper)) {
    users.upper <- rep(Inf, length(upper))
  } else {
    idx <- !
    upper[idx] <- users.upper[idx]
    users.upper[!idx] <- Inf
  bounds <- apply(abs(minmax[, 5:6, drop=FALSE]), 1, max)
  if (solvesigma) delete.idx <- c(delete.idx, vareffect)
  if (length(delete.idx)>0) {    
    upper <- upper[-delete.idx]
    lower <- lower[-delete.idx]
    users.lower <- users.lower[-delete.idx]
    users.upper <- users.upper[-delete.idx]
    autostart <-autostart[-delete.idx]
    autopar <- autopar[-delete.idx]
    varnames <- varnames[-delete.idx]
    SCALE.IDX <- SCALE.IDX[-delete.idx]
    SDVAR.IDX <- SDVAR.IDX[-delete.idx]
    ptype <- ptype[-delete.idx]
    bounds <- bounds[-delete.idx]    

#  Print(lower, users.lower, upper, users.upper, delete.idx, users.guess); kkk

  if (any(autostart<lower) || any(autostart>upper)) {
    if (printlevel >= PL.FCTN.ERRORS)
      Print(cbind(lower, autostart, upper), vardata) #, orig.lower,orig.upper)#
    autostart <- pmin(upper, pmax(lower, autostart))

  nvarWithoutbc <- length(lower)
  if (lambdaest) {
    varnames <- c(varnames, "BoxCox")
    autostart <- c(autostart, 1)
    autopar <- c(autopar, 1)
    lower <- c(lower, fit$bc_lambda_lb)
    upper <- c(upper, fit$bc_lambda_ub)
    users.lower <- c(users.lower, fit$bc_lambda_lb)
    users.upper <- c(users.upper, fit$bc_lambda_ub)
    SDVAR.IDX <- c(SDVAR.IDX, rep(FALSE, length(fit$bc_lambda_lb)))
    SCALE.IDX <- c(SCALE.IDX, rep(FALSE, length(fit$bc_lambda_lb)))
  n.variab <- length(lower)

  if (any(idx <- lower >= upper)) {
    lu <- cbind(lower=lower, upper=upper, idx)  
    stop(paste("Some lower bounds for the parameters are greater than ",
               "or equal to the upper bound\n",
               paste(collapse="\n ", dimnames(lu)[[1]], ":",
                     apply(lu, 1, function(x)
                           paste("\tlower=", x[1], ",\tupper=", x[2],
                                 if (x[3]) "  \tnot ok!", sep=""))
  } <-  trafo(autostart)
  if (length(MIXED.IDX) > 0) {  ## Aufruf .C(Cov*Loc wird vor optim benoetigt
    ## somit muessen die NA's (jedoch nur) in mixed.var gesetzt sein
    autostart[MIXED.IDX] <- 1.0
  .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, trafo(autostart), PACKAGE="RandomFields",

###                                 Covariates                     ###
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nCovariates...")

##############  Sinv, etc              #################

  ##  ToDo !!! : check correct dimensions of X, etc

 ## startCoVar <- endCoVar <-  matrix(nr=sets, ncol=length(allcomponents))
  logdetbase <- 0

  ## all beta of mixed compents are fixed for each set
  ## and drawn independently among sets
  ## error part is independent for each repetition in/for each set

  nCoVar <- endCoVar <- startCoVar <- startXges <- endXges <-
      matrix(0, nrow=sets, ncol=length(effect))
  if (anymixedeffects) {     
    cs <- 0
    s <- numeric(length(effect))
    for (i in 1:sets) {   
      for (k in allcomponents) {
        s[k] <-
          if (effect[k] >= Primitive) 0
          else {
            stopifnot(effect[k] != DetTrendEffect,
                      effect[k] != DeterministicEffect)
            if (effect[k] == FixedTrendEffect) {
              s0 <- length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$mean) +
                length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$plane) +
              if (s0 > 0) s0 else {
                stop("arbitrary fct not programmed yet")
            } else {
              if (length(modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$X) > 0)
              else lc[i] * vdim
      nCoVar[i, ] <- s
      endXges[i, ] <- cumsum(s) 
      endCoVar[i, ] <- cs + endXges[i, ]   
      startXges[i, ] <- endXges[i, ] - s + 1
      startCoVar[i, ] <- endCoVar[i, ] - s + 1
      cs <- cs + sum(s)
    Ny <-
             function(x) {
               if((x$name %in% ZF_MIXED) && !is.null(x$param$X))
                 sapply(x$param$X, nrow)
               else if (x$name %in% ZF_TREND) rep(-1, sets)
               else rep(0, sets) # > SpVarEffect
             }) / vdim
    if (is.vector(Ny)) dim(Ny) <- c(1, length(Ny))   

  nTotalComp <- apply(nCoVar, 2, sum)
  nCoVarSets <- apply(nCoVar, 1, sum)
  nCoVarAll <- sum(nCoVarSets)

  Sinv <- list() ## coordinates
  Xges  <- list()
  for (i in 1:sets) {
    Xges[[i]] <- Sinv[[i]] <- list()
    if (anymixedeffects) {
      for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
        Xges[[i]][[m]] <- matrix([[i]][m], ncol=nCoVarSets[i])
        for (k in mmcomponents) {
          if (Ny[i, k] >= 0) { ## -1==trend
            if (Ny[i, k] == 0) {
              stop("Unclear why the algorithm has entered this part")
              stopifnot(nCoVar[i, k] == lc[i] * vdim) # or:[i]??
            } else {
              if (Ny[i, k] != lc[i] * vdim) { 
                stop("length of data does not match X matrix")
          Xges[[i]][[m]][, startXges[i, k] : endXges[i, k] ] <- 
            if (Ny[i,k] <= 0) { ## -1==trend
              if (trends[k]) {                
                         model=if(model[[1]] %in% ZF_PLUSSELECT)
                         model[[k]] else model,
                         vdim=vdim, param=modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param)
              } else {
                stop("unclear why the algorithm has entered this part")
                diag(nCoVar[i, k])
            } else modelinfo$sub[[k]]$param$X[[i]][[[i]][[m]], ]
    for (k in allcomponents) {
       if (effect[k] > FixedEffect) {
        if (effect[k] < SpaceEffect) {
          dummy <- modelinfo$sub[[k]]$sub[[1]]
          cov <- if (dummy$name %in% DOLLAR) {
          } else {
          Sinv[[i]][[k]] <- Solve(cov, LINPACK=TRUE)    
          logdetbase <- logdetbase + LOGDET
        } else {
          sp.eff <- effect[k] == SpaceEffect || effect[k] == SpVarEffect
          Sinv[[i]][[k]] <- if (sp.eff) NULL else list()
  } # i in 1:sets

  eff <- efftmp <- rep(0, .RemainingError + 1)
  for (k in mmcomponents) {
    if (effect[k] <= SpVarEffect) {
      eff[effect[k] + 1] <- eff[effect[k] + 1] + 1

  betanames <- character(nCoVarAll)
  for (i in 1:sets) {    
    for (k in mmcomponents) {
      if (effect[k] <= SpVarEffect) {
        efftmp[effect[k] + 1] <- efftmp[effect[k] + 1] + 1
        bn <- paste(EffectName[effect[k] + 1],
                    if (eff[effect[k] + 1] > 1) efftmp[effect[k] + 1], sep="")
        if (nCoVar[i, k]>1) bn <- paste(bn, 1:nCoVar[i, k], sep=".")
        betanames[startCoVar[i, k] : endCoVar[i, k]] <-
          if (sets == 1) bn else paste(i, bn, sep="")
  rm("eff", "efftmp")

###                     Estimation part itself                     ###

  ## check optim.control 
  ## parscale will give the magnitude of the parameters to be estimated
  ##     passed to optim/optimise so that the optimiser estimates
  ##     values around 1

  if (!is.null(parscale <- optim.control$parscale)) {
    if (!is.numeric(parscale)) {
      parscale <- GetValuesAtNA(NAmodel=model, valuemodel=parscale, spdim=spdim,
    } # else is.numeric
  } else {
    parscale <- pmax(abs(lower), abs(upper)) / 10 # siehe fit_scale_ratio unten
    idx <- lower * upper > 0
    parscale[idx] <- sqrt(lower[idx] * upper[idx])

  fit.fnscale <- optim.control$fnscale
  if (length(optim.control)>0) {
    opt.control <- optim.control
    forbidden.param <- c("parscale", "fnscale", "algorithm")
    ## fnscale=-1 turns the problem into a maximisation problem, see below
    forbidden <- which(!, forbidden.param)))
    forbidden.opt <- opt.control[forbidden]  
    if (length(forbidden) > 0)  opt.control <- opt.control[-forbidden]
  } else {
    opt.control <- list()

  if (length(fit$algorithm) > 0 && fit$algorithm != "")
      opt.control$algorithm <- fit$algorithm
  if (length(optim.control)>0) {
    if (length(forbidden.opt$algorithm) > 0)
      opt.control$algorithm <- forbidden.opt$algorithm

###################  preparation  ################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\npreparing fitting...")
  ## methods
  formals <- formals()
  allprimmeth <- c("autostart", "users.guess")
  nlsqinternal <- 3 ## cross checked after definition of weights below
  alllsqmeth <- (if (variogram.known)
                   paste("internal", 1:nlsqinternal, sep=""))
                 else NULL)
  allmlemeth <- eval(formals$mle.methods)

  # allcrossmeth <- eval(formals$cross.methods)
    allcrossmeth <- NULL
  allmethods <- c(allprimmeth, alllsqmeth, allmlemeth, allcrossmeth)

  ## how preceding methods have been considered ?
  ## note cm is used again at the very end when error checking
  cm <- cumsum(c(0, length(allprimmeth), length(alllsqmeth),
                     length(allmlemeth), length(allcrossmeth)))
  cm <- cbind(cm[-length(cm)] + 1, cm[-1])
  cm <- apply(cm, 1, function(x) x[1] : x[2])
  names(cm) <- c("prim", "lsq", "mle", "cross")

  methodprevto <-
    if (fit$only_users) {
    } else list(lsq=c(cm$prim),
              mle=c(cm$prim, cm$lsq),
              cross=c(cm$prim, cm$lsq, cm$cross)

  ## index (start, end) to the various categories of
  ## information to be stored
  IDX <- function(name) {idx <- tblidx[[name]]; idx[1]:idx[2]}
  tblidx <- cumsum(c(0,
                     n.variab, # variables used in algorithm
                     length(lower), # their lower bounds
                     length(upper), # ... and upper bounds
                     ncovparam,  # param values to be estimated
                     rep(1, length(allmethods) - length(allprimmeth)),#method
                     ##                                                 score
                     1, ## AICc
                     nCoVarAll # coeff to estimated for covariates, i.e.
                     ##           mixed effects and trend parameters

  tblidx <- rbind(tblidx[-length(tblidx)] + 1, tblidx[-1])
  idx <- tblidx[1, ] > tblidx[2, ]
  tblidx[, idx] <- 0
  dimnames(tblidx) <- list(c("start", "end"),                           
                           c("variab", "lower", "upper", "param", 
                             ##,  "lowbeta", "upbeta", only used for
                             ## cross-validation
  maxtblidx <- max(tblidx)
  tblidx <- data.frame(tblidx)
   ## table of all information; col:various method; row:information to method
  tablenames <-
     c(if (n.variab > 0) paste("v", varnames, sep=":"),        
       if (n.variab > 0) paste("lb", varnames, sep=":"),
       if (n.variab > 0) paste("ub", varnames, sep=":"),
##       if (nrow(minmax) > 0) paste("p", 1:nrow(minmax), sep=":")
  ##                       else minmax.names,
      ## do not try to join the next two lines, since both
      ## varnames and betanames may contain nonsense if
      ## n.variab==0 and nCoVarAll==0, respectively

  param.table <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=maxtblidx, ncol=length(allmethods),
                                   dimnames=list(tablenames, allmethods)))

   fit.fnscale <- if (is.null(fit.fnscale)) rep(NA, length(allmethods)) else

#  Print(tblidx, tblidx, n.variab, varnames, tablenames, param.table)

## end preparation; remaining part is estimation  ###########

###############    PRIMITIVE METHODS   ###########
  ##****************    autostart    *****************
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nautostart...")
  M <- "autostart"
  default.param <- param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- autostart
  param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- trafo(autostart) 

  ## ****************    user's guess    *****************
  if (!is.null(users.guess)) {
    M <- "users.guess"
    if (length(delete.idx) > 0) users.guess <- users.guess[-delete.idx]
    if (any(idx <- users.guess < lower | users.guess > upper)) {
      if (RFopt$general$modus_operandi == "careless") {
        lower <- pmin(lower, users.guess)
        upper <- pmax(upper, users.guess)
      } else {
        m <- cbind(lower, users.guess, upper, idx)
        dimnames(m) <- list(rep("", length(lower)),
                            c("lower", "user", "upper", "outside"))
        print(m) ## nicht loeschen!
        stop("not all users.guesses within bounds\n change values of `lower' and `upper' or \nthose of the `lowerbound*.factor's and `upperbound*.factor's")
    param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- users.guess
    param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- trafo(users.guess)

  MLELB <- LSQLB <- lower
  MLEUB <- LSQUB <- upper

################### Empirical Variogram   ########################
  lsqMethods <- NULL
  ev <- list()

  if (variogram.known) {
    if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nempirical variogram...\n")
    sd <- vector("list", vdim)
    emp.vario <- vector("list", vdim) <- NULL

    cum <- rep(0, sets)
    for (j in 1:vdim) {
      for (i in 1:sets) {
        m <- 1
        if ((length([[i]]) > 1) && printlevel>PL.IMPORPANT)
          message("Only first column(s) used for empirical variogram.")
        idx <-[[i]][[m]][[[i]][[m]] > (j-1) * lc[i] &
                      [[i]][[m]] <= j * lc[i] ]

        lidx <- length(idx)
        W <- werte[[i]][idx, , drop=FALSE]
        if (nCoVarAll > 0) {
          oldwarn <- options()$warn
          X <- Xges[[i]][[m]][cum[i] + (1:lidx), , drop=FALSE]
          regr <- lsfit(X[, apply(X!=0, 2, any), drop=FALSE],
                        W, intercept=FALSE)
          W <- regr$residuals
        cum[i] <- cum[i] + lidx
        ##if (length(nphi)==1)
        ##  nphi <- c(0, nphi) # starting angle; lines per half circle
        ##if (length(ntheta)==1) ntheta <- c(0, ntheta) # see above
        if (length(ntime)==1) ntime <- c(ntime, 1)

        ntime <- ntime * T[[i]][2] ## time endpoint; step
        bin <-
          if (length(bins)>1) bins
          else c(-1, seq(0, fit$bin_dist_factor * maxdistances, len=bins+1))
        if (!dist.given) {
          ev[[i]] <-
            as(RFempiricalvariogram(t(coord[[i]][, idx - (j-1) * lc[i],
                                      T=T[[i]], data=W, grid=FALSE,
                                      phi=if ((spdim>=2) && !isotropic) nphi,
                                      theta=if ((spdim>=3) && !isotropic)
                                      deltaT=if (!is.null(T[[i]])) ntime
                                 ), # 7.1.11 coord -> t(coord) !
        } else {
          n.bin <- vario2 <- vario <- rep(0, length(bin))
          stopifnot(length(lc) == 1)
          k <- 1
          for (g in 1:(lc[1]-1)) {
            # cat(g, "")
            for (h in (g+1):lc) {
              idx <- sum(distances[[i]][k] > bin)
              n.bin[idx] <- n.bin[idx] + 2
              vario[idx] <- vario[idx] + mean((W[g] - W[h])^2, na.rm=TRUE)
              vario2[idx] <- vario2[idx] + mean((W[g] - W[h])^4, na.rm=TRUE)
              k <- k + 1
          vario <- vario / n.bin ## Achtung! n.bin ist bereits gedoppelt
          sdvario <-
            sqrt(pmax(0, vario2 / n.bin / 2.0 - vario^2)) ## numerische Fehler
          sdvario[1] <- vario[1] <- 0
          n.bin[1] <- lc[1]
          centers <- 0.5 * (bin[-1] + bin[-length(bin)])
          centers[1] <- 0
          ev[[i]] <- list(centers=centers,
      n.bin.raw <- sapply(ev, function(x) x$n.bin)
      n.bin <- rowSums(n.bin.raw)     
      sd[[j]] <- sqrt((sapply(ev, function(x) x$sd^2 * x$n.bin) %*%
                       rep(1, length(ev))) / n.bin) # j:vdim; ev contains the sets
      emp.vario[[j]] <- sapply(ev, function(x) x$emp.vario * x$n.bin) %*%
        rep(1, length(ev)) / n.bin <- cbind(, ![[j]])) ## exclude bins without
      ##                                                    entry
    } # j in 1:vdim <- apply(, 1, all)
    if (sum( <= 1)
      stop("not more than 1 value in empirical variogram that is not NA; check values of bins and bin_dist_factor")
    ## bei vdim>1 werden nur die diag-elemente von binned.vario gefuellt:
    bvtext <- paste("emp.vario[[", 1:vdim, "]][]", collapse=", matrix(0, nrow=sum(, ncol=vdim) ,", sep="")
    binned.variogram <- eval(parse(text=paste("cbind(", bvtext,")", sep="")))
    binned.variogram <- matrix(t(binned.variogram))[ , , drop=TRUE]

    stopifnot(sum(binned.variogram) >0)

    bin.centers <- as.matrix(ev[[1]]$centers)

    if (!is.null(ev[[1]]$phi)) {
      if (spdim<2) stop("x dimension is less than two, but phi is given") 
      bin.centers <- cbind(as.vector(outer(bin.centers, cos(ev[[1]]$phi))),
                           as.vector(outer(bin.centers, sin(ev[[1]]$phi))))
    if (!is.null(ev[[1]]$theta)) {
      if (spdim<3)
        stop("x dimension is less than three, but theta is given") 
      if (ncol(bin.centers)==1) bin.centers <- cbind(bin.centers, 0)
      bin.centers <- cbind(as.vector(outer(bin.centers[, 1],
                           as.vector(outer(bin.centers[, 2],
                           rep(sin(ev[[1]]$theta), each=nrow(bin.centers)))
    } else {
      ##  warning("must be ncol()")      
      if (ncol(bin.centers) < spdim) { # dimension of bincenter vector
        ##                       smaller than dimension of location space      
        bin.centers <- 
          cbind(bin.centers, matrix(0, nrow=nrow(bin.centers),
                                    ncol=spdim - ncol(bin.centers)
    if (!is.null(ev[[1]]$T)) {
      bin.centers <-
        cbind(matrix(rep(t(bin.centers), length(ev[[1]]$T)), byrow=TRUE,
                     ncol = ncol(bin.centers)),
              rep(ev[[1]]$T, each=nrow(bin.centers)))

    if (isotropic && cartesian) {
      bin.centers <- as.matrix(sqrt(apply(bin.centers^2, 1, sum)))
    bin.ts.xdim <- ncol(bin.centers)
    bin.centers <- as.double(t(bin.centers[, ])) #
    ## es muessen beim direkten C-aufruf die componenten der Punkte
    ## hintereinander kommen (siehe auch variable coord, Xdistance). Deshalb t()
    ## aus den vdim sd's muss ein Gewicht gemacht werden
    evsd <- sapply(sd, function(x) x)^2    
    evsd <-
      if (is.matrix(evsd)) rowSums(evsd / rowSums(is.finite(evsd)), na.rm=TRUE)
      else evsd[!is.finite(evsd)] <- 0    
    evsd[evsd==0] <- 10 * sum(evsd, na.rm=TRUE) ## == "infinity"
    evsd <- as.double(evsd)

    bins             <- length(n.bin)
    binned.n         <- as.integer(n.bin)

    weights <- cbind(NA,                      # self
                     rep(1, bins),            # plain 
                     sqrt(binned.n),          # sqrt(#)
                     1 / evsd,                # sd^-1
                     sqrt(bins:1 * as.double(binned.n)), # internal1 # kann sonst
                     ##                   fehler verursachen, da integer overflow
                     bins:1,                  # internal2
                     sqrt(bins:1)             # internal3
                     )[, ]
    dimnames(weights) <- list(NULL, alllsqmeth)
    weights <- data.frame(weights)
    bins <- as.integer(sum(
  } else { # not trans.inv
    if (!is.null(lsq.methods)) warning("submethods are allowed")

###################  AUTOSTART  ##################
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\ncovariab...")

  ## see above for the trafo definitions
  ## zuerst regression fit fuer variogram,
  ## dann schaetzung der Parameter, dann berechnung der covariates
  ## T.o.D.o.: kann verbessert werden durch einschluss der Trendschaetzung
  ## Xges auf RFsimulate basieren
#  if (anymixedeffects) {
#    for (i in 1:sets) {
#      for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
#        Xges[[i]][[m]] <- Xges[[i]][[m]] [[[i]][[m]], , drop=FALSE]
#      }
#    }
#  }

  ##****************    autostart    *****************
  MLEVARIAB <- autostart
  assign("LINEARLARPS2", rep(1, length(MIXED.IDX)), envir=ENVIR)
  param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(autostart)

  ## ****************    user's guess    *****************
  if (!is.null(users.guess)) {
    MLEVARIAB <- users.guess
    param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(users.guess)

#######################  LSQ  ####################
   ##***********   estimation part itself   **********     
    ## find a good initial value for MLE using weighted least squares
    ## and binned variogram
    ## background: if the number of observations (and the observation
    ## field) tends to infinity then any least square algorithm should
    ## yield the same result as MLE
    ## so the hope is that for a finite number of points the least squares
    ## find an acceptable initial values

    ## advantage of the following way is that the for-loop is run through
    ## in an ordered sense -- this might be useful in case partial results
    ## are reused
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nestimation part...")
  if (trans.inv && !is.null(lsq.methods)) {
    #Print(is.dist.vector, bin.ts.xdim)

   .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
          ## die nachfolgenden beiden Festlegungen widersprechen sich,
          ## werden aber in unterschiedlichen Situationen benoetigt.

       #  is.dist.vector, # wo war dies notwendig??
         bin.ts.xdim==1, # fuer Bsp von Emilio notwendig!
         time, bin.ts.xdim - time,
         fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,

    LSMIN <- Inf
    lsqMethods <- LsqMethods[pmatch(lsq.methods, LsqMethods)]
    if (!is.null(lsqMethods) &&
        any( stop("not all lsq.methods could be matched")
    if ("internal" %in% lsqMethods)
      lsqMethods <- c(lsqMethods, paste("internal", 1:nlsqinternal, sep=""))

     if (lambdaest) {
      ## koennte man prinzipiell besser machen...
      indices <-,c("v:BoxCox", "lb:BoxCox", "ub:BoxCox")))
      for (M in c(alllsqmeth)) {
        param.table[[M]][indices] <- 1
      #  param.table[[M]][!indices] <- 1

   firstoptim <- TRUE
   for (M in c(lsqMethods[1], alllsqmeth)) {
      if (!(M %in% lsqMethods)) next;
      if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\n", M) else cat(pch)

      param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- default.param

     # cxxx
      LSMIN <- Inf ## must be before next "if (n.variab==0)"
      ##      if (n.variab == 0) {
 #       warning("trivial case may cause problems")
 #     } else {
      param.table[[M]][IDX("lower")] <- LSQLB
      param.table[[M]][IDX("upper")] <- LSQUB
      options(show.error.messages = show.error.message) ##

      if (n.variab == 0) {
        LStarget(param.table[IDX("variab"), methodprevto$lsq[1]])
      } else {
        min <- Inf
        min.variab <- NULL
        for (i in methodprevto$lsq) { ## ! -- the parts that change if
          ##                               this part is copied for other methods

          ##   Print(M, param.table[IDX("variab"), i])
          if (!any( <- param.table[IDX("variab"), i]))) {
             value <- LStarget(variab) ##
             ## Print(value, min.variab, LSVARIAB, min, LSMIN,is.finite(value))
             if (is.finite(value)) {
               param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- value
               if (value < min) {
                 min.variab <- variab
                 min <- value
               } else {
                 param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- NaN

        ##Print( methodprevto$lsq, param.table[IDX("variab"),methodprevto$lsq])
        ##Print(min.variab, LSVARIAB, min, LSMIN)
        stopifnot(min.variab==LSVARIAB, min==LSMIN) ## check
        fnscale <- if (is.null(fit.fnscale) ||[M]))
          min else fit.fnscale[M]

        lsq.optim.control <-
          c(opt.control, list(parscale=parscale, fnscale=fnscale))
        OPTIM(LSVARIAB, LStarget, lower = LSQLB, upper = LSQUB,
      } # n.variab > 0
      options(show.error.messages = show.error.message)  
      ## side effect: minimum so far is in LSMIN and LSPARAM
      ## even if the algorithm finally fails

      if (is.finite(LSMIN)) {
        param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- LSMIN
        param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- LSVARIAB
        param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- LSPARAM

        ps <- abs(LSVARIAB)
        parscale <- ps
        zero <- parscale == 0
        parscale[zero] <- pmax(abs(LSQLB[zero]), abs(LSQUB[zero])) / 10 
       # Print(parscale)
      } else {
        param.table[[M]] <- if (n.variab==0) NA else NaN

      param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(LSVARIAB)

      firstoptim <- FALSE
    } # for M

    .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
          spdim, is.dist.vector, !is.dist.vector, time, xdimOZ,
          fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,
 } # trans.inv

  sum <- 0
  n <- 0
  for (M in alllsqmeth) {
     if (![[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]])) {
       sum <- sum + abs(param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")])
       n <- n + 1
  if (n >= 1) {
    parscale <- sum / n
    zero <- parscale == 0
    parscale[zero] <- pmax(abs(LSQLB[zero]), abs(LSQUB[zero])) / 10 

### optional parameter grid for MLE and CROSS  ###
  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nmle param...")
  idx <- IDX("variab")
  gridmax <- as.matrix(param.table[idx, cm$lsq])
  if (!any(is.finite(gridmax))) gridmax <- param.table[idx, , drop=FALSE]
  gridmin <- apply(gridmax, 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)
  gridmax <- apply(gridmax, 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)

  gridbound <- lower
  gridbound[!is.finite(gridbound)] <- NA
  idx <- !
  abase <- 0.25
  a <-[idx]) * (1-abase) + abase
  ## maybe there have not been any lsq estimate; then a=1
  gridmin[idx] <- (1-a) * gridmin[idx] + a * gridbound[idx]
  stopifnot(all(gridmin >= lower))
  gridbound <- upper
  gridbound[!is.finite(gridbound)] <- NA
  idx <- !
  a <-[idx]) * (1-abase) + abase
  gridmax[idx] <- (1-a) * gridmax[idx] + a * gridbound[idx]
  stopifnot(all(gridmax <= upper))

###################   MLE    #####################

  if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nMLE...")
  MLEtarget <- NULL
  mleMethods <- (if (is.null(mle.methods)) NULL else
                 allmlemeth[pmatch(mle.methods, allmlemeth)])
  if ("reml" %in% mleMethods && nCoVarAll == 0)
    mleMethods <- c("ml", "reml", "rml")

  .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
        ## die nachfolgenden beiden Festlegungen widersprechen sich,
        ## werden aber in unterschiedlichen Situationen benoetigt.
        is.dist.vector, # wo war dies notwendig??
        !is.dist.vector, time, xdimOZ - time,
        fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,

  ## lowerbound_scale_ls_factor <  lowerbound_scale_factor, usually
  ## LS optimisation should not run to a boundary (what often happens
  ## for the scale) since a boundary value is usually a bad initial
  ## value for MLE (heuristic statement). Therefore a small
  ## lowerbound_scale_ls_factor is used for LS optimisation.
  ## For MLE estimation we should include the true value of the scale;
  ## so the bounds must be larger. Here lower[SCALE] is corrected
  ## to be suitable for MLE estimation

  if (FALSE) {
    ## 12.11.13 ausgeblendet, da die Grenzen zu eng werden koennen,
    ## so dass user's guess oder was in lsq gefunden wurde
    ## ausserhalb der neuen MLE bounds liegt
    if (any(SCALE.IDX)) {    
        fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor / fit$lowerbound_scale_factor
    } else if (any(idx <- ptype == DIAGPARAM | ptype == ANISOPARAM))
      MLEUB[idx] <- MLEUB[idx] *
        fit$lowerbound_scale_factor / fit$lowerbound_scale_ls_factor
    MLELB[SCALE.IDX] <- pmin(users.lower[SCALE.IDX], MLELB[SCALE.IDX])
    MLEUB[SCALE.IDX] <- pmax(users.upper[SCALE.IDX], MLEUB[SCALE.IDX])
  if (any(MLELB > MLEUB))
    stop("the users lower and upper bounds are too restricitve")

  ## fnscale <- -1 : maximisation
  for (M in c(allmlemeth)) {

    assign("LINEARLARPS2", rep(1, length(MIXED.IDX)), envir=ENVIR)
    if (!(M %in% mleMethods)) next;
    if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE ) cat("\n", M) else cat(pch)
    param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- default.param
    if (M!="ml" && !anyfixedeffect) { 
      param.table[[M]] <- param.table[["ml"]]
      param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- param.table[[M]][tblidx[["ml"]][1]]

#    print(param.table)

    MLEMAX <- -Inf ## must be before next "if (nMLEINDEX==0)"
    MLEVARIAB <- Inf ## nachfolgende for-schleife setzt MLEVARIAB
    onborderline <- FALSE
    if (length(MLELB) == 0) { ## n.variab == 0
    } else {
      param.table[[M]][IDX("lower")] <- MLELB
      param.table[[M]][IDX("upper")] <- MLEUB
      options(show.error.messages = show.error.message) ##
      max <- -Inf
      for (i in methodprevto$mle) { ## ! -- the parts that change if
        ##                             this part is copied for other methods
        ## should mle be included when M=reml?
        ## same for lsq methods as well: should previous result be included?

#        Print(i, param.table[IDX("variab"), i], MLEMAX, MLELB, MLEUB, LSQLB, LSQUB)

        if (!any( <- param.table[IDX("variab"), i]))) {
          value <- MLEtarget(variab) ## !

#        Print(i, variab, value, MLEVARIAB)
          if (is.finite(value)) {
            param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- value
            if (value > max) {
              max.variab <- variab
              max <- value
          } else {
            param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- NaN
      fnscale <-
        if (is.null(fit.fnscale) ||
  [M])) -max(abs(max), 0.1) else fit.fnscale[M]

      mle.optim.control <- c(opt.control,
                             list(parscale=parscale, fnscale=fnscale))

#      print(param.table)
#      Print(methodprevto$mle,variab,mle.optim.control, parscale, MLEVARIAB, MLELB, MLEUB)

      stopifnot(length(parscale)==0 || length(parscale) == length(MLEVARIAB))

     # Print(fit$critical, mle.optim.control);
      if (fit$critical < 2) {

        OPTIM(MLEVARIAB, MLEtarget, lower = MLELB, upper=MLEUB,
              control=mle.optim.control, optimiser=optimiser, silent=silent)
        if (MLEINF) {
          if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE )
            Print("MLEINF", MLEVARIAB, MLEMAX) else cat("#") #
          OPTIM(MLEVARIAB, MLEtarget, lower = MLELB, upper=MLEUB,
          if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE )
            Print("MLEINF new", MLEVARIAB, MLEMAX) #
        options(show.error.messages = TRUE) ##
        mindistance <-
          pmax(fit$minbounddistance, fit$minboundreldist * abs(MLEVARIAB))
        onborderline <- 
          (abs(MLEVARIAB - MLELB) <
           pmax(mindistance,  ## absolute difference
                fit$minboundreldist * abs(MLELB) ## relative difference
                )) |
        (abs(MLEVARIAB - MLEUB) <
         pmax(mindistance, fit$minboundreldist * abs(MLEUB)))
    } # length(MLELB) > 0

    if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE )
      Print("mle first round", MLEVARIAB, MLEPARAM, MLEMAX) #
    if (!is.finite(MLEMAX)) {
      if (printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT ) message(M, ": MLEtarget I failed.")
      param.table[[M]] <- MLEPARAM <- NaN
      variab <- MLELB ## to call for onborderline
      ml.residuals <- NA
    } else {
      param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- MLEMAX
      param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- MLEVARIAB
      param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- MLEPARAM
      param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(MLEVARIAB)     
      ml.residuals <- ML.RESIDUALS

      if (FALSE) Print(recall, fit$critical>=2 || any(onborderline),#
             !fit$only_users , fit$critical >= 0)
      if ((fit$critical>=2  || any(onborderline))
          && !fit$only_users && fit$critical >= 0) {
        ## if the MLE result is close to the border, it usually means that
        ## the algorithm has failed, especially because of a bad starting
        ## value (least squares do not always give a good starting point,helas)
        ## so the brutal method:
        ## calculate the MLE values on a grid and start the optimization with
        ## the best grid point. Again, there is the believe that the
        ## least square give at least a hint what a good grid is
        if (fit$critical == 0) {
          MLEgridmin <- gridmin
          MLEgridmax <- gridmax
          if (any( || any( {
            if (printlevel >= PL.SUBIMPORPANT ) {
              Print(cbind(MLELB, variab, MLEUB, onborderline), #
                    MLEgridmin, MLEgridmax)
            warning(paste(M, "converged to a boundary value -- ",
                          "better performance might be obtained",
                          "when allowing for more lsq.methods"))
          } else {
            if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS)
              show(1, M, MLEMAX, MLEVARIAB) else cat(detailpch)
            MLEgridlength <-
              max(3, round(fit$approximate_functioncalls^(1/n.variab)))
            ## grid is given by the extremes of the LS results
            ## so, therefore we should examine above at least 4 different sets
            ## of weights wichtig: gridmin/max basiert auf den reduzierten
            ## Variablen 
            step <- (MLEgridmax - MLEgridmin) / (MLEgridlength-2) # grid starts
                                        # bit outside
            MLEgridmin <- pmax(MLEgridmin - runif(length(MLEgridmin)) * step/2,
                               MLELB)   # the extremes of LS
            MLEgridmax <- pmin(MLEgridmax + runif(length(MLEgridmax)) * step/2,
            step <- (MLEgridmax - MLEgridmin) / (MLEgridlength-1)
            startingvalues <- vector("list", length(step))
            for (i in 1:length(step)) {
              startingvalues[[i]] <-
                MLEgridmin[i] + step[i] * 0:(MLEgridlength-1)
            startingvalues <-"expand.grid", startingvalues)
            limit <- 10 * fit$approximate_functioncalls
            if ((rn <- nrow(startingvalues)) > limit) {              
              if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE)
                cat("using only a random subset of the", rn, "grid points")
              rand <- runif(rn)
              startingvalues <-
                startingvalues[rand < quantile(rand, limit / rn), , drop=FALSE]
            MLEMAX <- -Inf
            apply(startingvalues, 1,
                  function(x) {
                  try(MLEtarget(x), silent=silent)
                  ## try-result:
                  ##     if (!is.numeric(z) && abs(z)<1e10) cat(paste(x, sep=","), "\n") else cat(".\n")
                  ##  if (MLEINF) stop("stop")
            if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS)
              Print("mle grid search", MLEVARIAB, MLEPARAM, MLEMAX) #
            ## side effect:Maximum is in MLEMAX!
            ##                             and optimal parameter is in MLEVARIAB
            if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS)
              show(2, M, MLEMAX, MLEVARIAB)
            options(show.error.messages = show.error.message) ##
            OPTIM(MLEVARIAB, MLEtarget, lower = MLELB, upper = MLEUB,
                  control=mle.optim.control, optimiser=optimiser,
            options(show.error.messages = TRUE) ##
            if (!is.finite(MLEMAX) &&(printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT))
              message("MLtarget II failed.\n")
            ## do not check anymore whether there had been convergence or not.
            ## just take the best of the two strategies (initial value given by
            ## LS, initial value given by a grid), and be happy.
            if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.SUBDETAILS )
              show(3, M, MLEMAX, MLEVARIAB) else 
            if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE )
              Print("mle second round", MLEVARIAB, MLEPARAM, MLEMAX) #
            if (is.finite(MLEMAX) && MLEMAX > param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]]){
              param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- MLEMAX
              param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- MLEVARIAB
              param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- MLEPARAM
              param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(MLEVARIAB)
              ml.residuals <- ML.RESIDUALS
          } # ([1]))
        } else { # fit$critical > 0  

          critical <- ptype == CRITICALPARAM;
          if (fit$critical>=3 || !any(critical)) critical <- rep(TRUE, n.variab)
          ncrit <- as.integer(fit$n_crit^(1/sum(critical)))
          if (!is.finite(ncrit)) ncrit <- 2
          if (ncrit^sum(critical) > 100 && printlevel>=PL.IMPORPANT)
            message("The optimisation may last a pretty long time!")
          if (ncrit > 1 || fit$critical>=2) {
            if (!is.null(transform)) {
              stop("if 'transform' is given, 'critical' must be '0'")
            w <- 0.5
            lowlist <- upplist <- list()
            for (i in 1:n.variab) {
              if (critical[i]) {               
                newparam <- seq(if (SDVAR.IDX[i]) 0 else MLELB[i], MLEUB[i],
                lowlist[[i]] <- newparam[-length(newparam)]
                upplist[[i]] <- newparam[-1]
              } else {
                lowlist[[i]] <- MLELB[i]
                upplist[[i]] <- MLEUB[i]
            lowlist <- as.matrix("expand.grid", lowlist))
            upplist <- as.matrix("expand.grid", upplist))
            orig.MLEVARIAB <- MLEVARIAB
            b.idx <- is.finite(bounds)

            stopifnot(length(lowlist) > 1)

            for (i in 1:nrow(lowlist)) {

              lowerupper <- GetLowerUpper(lowlist[i, ], upplist[i, ],
                                          trafo, optim_var_estim, sillbounded,
                                          var.idx, nugget.idx, sill, nonugget,

              new.lower.vector <- lowerupper$lower
              new.upper.vector <- lowerupper$upper
              new.bounds <- TRUE
              new.parscale <- guess <- fnscale <- NULL              

              model2 <- model
              if (anyrandomeffects) {    
                stopifnot(model2[[1]] %in% ZF_SELECT)
                model2[[1]] <- ZF_SYMBOLS_PLUS
                model2$subnr <- NULL
              first.passage <- TRUE
              while (TRUE) {
                #Print("\n\n\n", recall, i, lowerupper, lowlist, upplist, trafo, sillbounded, var.idx, nugget.idx)
                if (new.bounds) {
                  new.bounds <- FALSE
                  .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double(new.lower.vector),
                     PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
                  new.lower <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,

                  .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double(new.upper.vector),
                     PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
                  new.upper <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
                if (printlevel>=PL.FCTN.STRUCTURE) cat("\nrecall rffit...\n")

                res <-
                              x=if (!dist.given) lapply(neu, function(x) x$x),
                              T=if (!dist.given) lapply(neu, function(x) x$T),
                              data= data, ###
                              users.guess = guess,
                              distances=if (dist.given) distances,
                                        # lsq.methods=lsq.methods,
                              dimensions = dimensions,
                              recall = TRUE,
                              general.pch = if (pch == "") "" else ":",
                              general.practicalrange = general$practicalrange,
                              general.spConform = FALSE,
                              fit.critical = -1,
                              fit.split =FALSE)
                guess <- res$table[IDX("param"), M]
                ## scale_ratio <- abs(log(abs(guess[-delete.idx]/new.parscale)))
                #Print(guess, new.lower.vector, users.lower, new.upper.vector,
                 #     users.upper, trafo, delete.idx)

                stopifnot(length(users.lower) + length(delete.idx)
                          == length(new.lower.vector))
                if (!all(guess >= new.lower.vector & guess <= new.upper.vector)
                    || !all(new.lower.vector[-delete.idx] > users.lower &
                            new.upper.vector[-delete.idx] < users.upper)) {
                  new.lower.vector <- pmin(new.lower.vector, guess)
                  new.upper.vector <- pmax(new.upper.vector, guess)
                  new.lower.vector[-delete.idx] <-
                    pmax(new.lower.vector[-delete.idx], users.lower)
                  new.upper.vector[-delete.idx] <-
                    pmin(new.upper.vector[-delete.idx], users.upper)
                  guess <- pmax(new.lower.vector, pmin(new.upper.vector, guess))
                  new.bounds <- TRUE

                ml.value <- res$table[tblidx[[M]][1], M]

#                Print(guess, res$table[, M], n.variab, res$table[IDX("param"), M], ml.value)

                if (is.finite(ml.value)) {
                  if (ml.value > param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]]) {
                    if (printlevel > PL.RECURSIVE.CALL && !first.passage)
                      cat("parscale: table improved by ",
                          ml.value -  param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]], "\n") 
                    param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- MLEMAX <- ml.value
                    for (j in c("variab", "param", "covariab"))
                      param.table[[M]][IDX(j)] <- res$table[IDX(j), M]
                    ml.residuals <- res$ml$residuals
                if (first.passage) {
         <- ml.value
                } else {
                  if (printlevel > PL.RECURSIVE.DETAILS) {
                    if (ml.value > {                      
                      cat("parscale: mle improved by",,
                ## urspruengliches Abbruchkriterium, das nicht gut fkt:
                ##value.ratio <- abs(log (abs(ml.value) / abs(MLEMAX)))
                ##outside <- (scale_ratio > fit$scale_ratio)  & MLEVARIAB != 0
                ##outside <- outside & (!b.idx | new.parscale >
                ##                      exp(fit$scale_ratio) * 
                ##                      (w * abs(guess) + (1-w) * bounds))
                ## if (!any(outside) && value.ratio <= fit$scale_ratio) {
               ##   break
               ## }

                zero <- new.parscale == 0
                new.parscale[zero] <-
                  pmax(abs(lower[zero]), abs(upper[zero])) / 10                
                new.parscale[b.idx] <-
                  w * new.parscale[b.idx] + (1-w) * bounds[b.idx]
                #new.parscale <- abs(guess[-delete.idx])
                used <- which(!apply($table), 2, all)[-1:-2]) # ohne auto,user
                names.tbl <- names(tblidx)
                start <- which(names.tbl %in% alllsqmeth)              
                start <- if (length(start) == 0) 0 else min(start) - 1
                if (start>0) names.tbl <- names.tbl[-1:-start]
                fnscale <- numeric(length(used))                
                for (j in 1:length(used)) {
                  fnscale[j] <- abs(res$table[tblidx[[start + used[j]]][1],
                                              2 + used[j]])
                  if (names.tbl[used[j]] == "ml")
                    fnscale[j] <- -max(0.1, fnscale[j])

                .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, guess,
                   PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)
                guess <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_DEL_MLE, spConform=FALSE,
                first.passage <- FALSE
              } # while true
            } # for 1:nrow(lowlist)            
          } # ncrit  > 1          
        } # fit$critical > 0
      if (!fit$only_users && (fit$reoptimise || any(SDVAR.IDX)) &&
          fit$critical >= 0 && fit$critical <= 1){
        if (pch!="") cat("#")
        new.parscale <- abs(revariab <- param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")])
        new.parscale[new.parscale == 0] <- 1e-3
        fnscale <- -max(0.1, abs(MLEMAX <- param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]]))
        old.control<- if (exists("mle.optim.control")) mle.optim.control else NA
        mle.optim.control <- c(opt.control,
                               list(parscale=new.parscale, fnscale=fnscale))
        low <- MLELB
        if (any(SDVAR.IDX)) low[SDVAR.IDX] <- pmax(0, users.lower[SDVAR.IDX])
        OPTIM(revariab, MLEtarget, lower = low, upper=MLEUB,
              control=mle.optim.control, optimiser=optimiser, silent=silent)
        if (MLEMAX >  param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]]) {   
          if (printlevel > PL.SUBIMPORPANT)
            Print(old.control, fnscale, revariab, #
                  MLEMAX, MLEVARIAB,  MLEPARAM)
          param.table[[M]][tblidx[[M]][1]] <- MLEMAX
          param.table[[M]][IDX("variab")] <- MLEVARIAB         
          param.table[[M]][IDX("param")] <- MLEPARAM
          param.table[[M]][IDX("covariab")] <- get.covariates(MLEVARIAB)     
    } # is.finite(MLEMAX)
  } ## M

###     calculate all target values for all optimal parameters     ###
  for (i in 1:length(allmethods)) if (![1, i])) {
    idx <- IDX("variab")
    idxCovar <- IDX("covariab")

    if (!lambdaest) {
      for (M in alllsqmeth) {
        cur <- param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i]
        if ( && !is.nan(cur) && M %in% lsqMethods) {
          param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- LStarget(param.table[idx, i])

    for (M in allmlemeth) {
      cur <- param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i]
      if ( && !is.nan(cur) && M %in% mleMethods) {
        param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <-
          MLEtarget(param.table[idx, i])
    for (M in allcrossmeth) {
      cur <- param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i]
      if ( && !is.nan(cur) && M %in% NULL) { # crossMethods) {
        stop("not programmed ")
       ##  crosssettings(M) ## uncomment
        variab <- param.table[idx, i]
        if (nCoVarAll > 0) {
          variab <- c(variab, param.table[idxCovar, i])
        param.table[tblidx[[M]][1], i] <- stop("") # crosstarget(variab)
  if (pch!="" && !recall) cat("\n")

###                     error checks                               ###
  ## if rather close to nugget and nugget==fixed, do exception handling.
  ## This part is active only if
  ## scale_max_relative.factor < lowerbound_scale_ls_factor
  ## By default it is not, i.e., the following if-condition
  ## will "always" be FALSE.
  if (optim_var_estim == "yes" && length(nugget.idx) == 0 && any(SCALE.IDX)) {
    idx <- IDX("variab")
    alllsqscales <- param.table[idx, cm$lsq][SCALE.IDX, ]
    if (any(alllsqscales < mindistances/fit$scale_max_relative_factor,
                    "Chosen model seems to be inappropriate!\n Probably a ",
                    if (nugget!=0.0) "larger ",
                    "nugget effect should be considered")

###                   format and return values                     ###

  ## if the covariance functions use natural scaling, just
  ## correct the final output by GNS$natscale
  ## (GNS$natscale==1 if no rescaling was used)
  ## currently natural scaling only for optim_var_estim...

  if (model[[1]] %in% ZF_SELECT) {
    model[[1]] <- ZF_SYMBOLS_PLUS
    model$subnr <- NULL
    info.cov <- .Call("SetAndGetModelInfo", Reg, list("Cov", model),
                      spdim, is.dist.vector, !is.dist.vector, time, xdimOZ,
                      fit$short, FALSE, TRUE,

  idx <- IDX("param")
  idxCovar <- IDX("covariab")
  idx.meth <- rep(FALSE, length(allmethods))
  res <- values.res <- list()
  nparam <- ncovparam + nCoVarAll
  storage.mode( <- "integer"
  storage.mode(nparam) <- "integer"
  AICconst <-
    2 * nparam + 2 * nparam * (nparam + 1) / ( - nparam - 1)
  for (i in 1:length(allmethods)) {
    M <- allmethods[i]
    if (idx.meth[i] <- ![1, i]) || is.nan(param.table[1,i])
        || length(idx)==1 && idx==0) {
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double(param.table[idx, i]),
         PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
      # modus: 1 : Modell wie gespeichert
      #        0 : Modell unter Annahme practicalrange>0
      #        2 : natscale soweit wie moeglich zusammengezogen
      modelres <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_SOLVE_MLE,

     ## Print(M, modelres)
      ## trend werte in das Modell einfuegen fuer die fixed effects
      ## geht nur gut wenn sets==1
      if (length(idxCovar)>0) {
        regression <- param.table[idxCovar, i]
        names(regression) <- betanames
        if (sets==1) {       
          if (keinplus <- !(modelres[[1]] %in% ZF_PLUSSELECT)) {
            stopifnot(length(effect) == 1)
            modelres <- list(ZF_SYMBOLS_PLUS, modelres)
          i <- 1
          for (k in mmcomponents) {
            if (effect[k]==FixedTrendEffect) {
              nr <- startCoVar[i, k]
              if (length(modelres[[k+1]]$mean) > 0) {
                nr <- nr + 1
              if (length(modelres[[k+1]]$plane) > 0) {
                modelres[[k+1]]$plane=regression[nr:(nr - 1 + tsdim)]
                nr <- nr + tsdim
              if (length(modelres[[k+1]]$polydeg) > 0) {
                stop("not programmed yet")
              if (length(modelres[[k+1]]$arbitraryfct) > 0) {
                stop("not programmed yet")
            } else if (effect[k]==FixedEffect) {
              modelres[[k+1]]$beta=regression[startCoVar[i, k] : endCoVar[i, k]]
          if (keinplus) modelres <- modelres[[2]]

      if (M == "ml")  {
        residu <- werte
        for (i in 1:length(residu)) {
          for (m in 1:len.rep[i]) {
            residu[[i]][[[i]][[m]],[[i]][[m]]] <-

#          Print(dimdata, dimdata[i, ], residu[[i]])

          dim(residu[[i]]) <- dimdata[i, ] ## passt das so??
#          d <- dim(residu[[i]])
#          dim(residu[[i]]) <- c(d[1], d[2] * d[3])

      ml.value <- param.table[[M]][tblidx[["ml"]][1]]
      aicc <- AICconst - 2 * ml.value
      param.table[[M]][tblidx[["aicc"]][1]] <- aicc
      res[[M]] <- list(model=modelres,
                       trend=if (length(idxCovar)>0) regression,
                       residuals = if (M == "ml") residu,
                       ml.value = ml.value,
                       aicc = aicc
    } else {
      ## else  res[[M]] <- NA
      ## -- none --
#  names(res) <- names(param.table)

#  Print("here")


  lowerupper <- GetLowerUpper(lower, upper,
                              trafo, optim_var_estim, sillbounded,
                              var.idx, nugget.idx, sill, nonugget,
                               vardata )
  lower <- lowerupper$lower
  upper <- lowerupper$upper
  idx <- lower == upper
  lower[idx] = upper[idx] = NA

  .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double(lower),
     PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)  
  lower <-    GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_SOLVE_MLE,
  .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, as.double(upper),
    PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE)  
  upper <- GetModel(register=Reg, modus=GETMODEL_SOLVE_MLE,

  ## Print("here E", GetModel(Reg, modus=GETMODEL_SOLVE_MLE))
  ## die nachfolgenden Zeilen aendern die Tabellenwerte -- somit
  ## muessen diese Zeilen unmittelbar vor dem return stehen !!!
  if (fit$use_naturalscaling && any(SCALE.IDX)) {
    idx <- IDX("param")
    for (i in 1:length(allmethods)) if (![1, i])) {
      param <- as.double(param.table[idx, i] + 0.0)
      .C("PutValuesAtNA", Reg, param, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
      .C("expliciteDollarMLE", Reg, param, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)
      param.table[idx, i] <- param
#  Print("here E1")

  if (!general$spConform) {
    return(c(list(ev = ev,
                  transform = transform,
                  number.of.parameters = nparam,
                  vario = "'$vario' is defunctioned. Use '$ml' instead of '$value$ml'!"
  } else {
    ev2 <- lapply(ev, FUN=list2RFempVariog)
    res2 <- lapply(res, FUN=list2RMmodelExt, isRFsp=isRFsp, coord=RFsp.coord,
                   gridTopology=gridTopology, data.RFparams=data.RFparams)
    if (is.null(transform)) transform <- list()

    # res2 <- res2["autostart"] ## nur fuer test-Zwecke
  <- c(list(Class = "RFfit",
                          number.of.parameters = nparam
    fit2 <-"new",
#   Print("here E2")


RFratiotest <-
  function(nullmodel, alternative,
           x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL,  grid, data,
           alpha=0.05, n = 5 / alpha, ## number of simulations to do
           seed = 0,
           lower=NULL, upper=NULL, 
           BC.lambda, ## if missing then no BoxCox-Trafo
           methods, # "reml", "rml1"),
           ## "internal" : name should not be changed; should always be last
           ##              method!
           distances=NULL, dim,
           ##type = c("Gauss", "BrownResnick", "Smith", "Schlather",
           ##             "Poisson"),
           ... ) {
  stopifnot(alpha>=-0, alpha<=1, n >= 1 / alpha)
  RFoptOld <- internal.rfoptions(general.modus_operandi="normal",
                                  ..., general.seed=NA)
  RFopt <- RFoptOld[[2]]
  printlevel <- RFopt$general$printlevel

  if (!is.null(seed) && ! set.seed(seed)
  else if (!$general$seed)) set.seed(RFopt$general$seed)

  nullmodel <- PrepareModel2(nullmodel)
  alternative <- PrepareModel2(alternative)

  Z <- StandardizeData(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, data=data,
                       distances=distances, dimensions=dim, RFopt=RFopt)
  values <- try(GetValuesAtNA(NAmodel=nullmodel, valuemodel=alternative,
                              spdim=Z$spdim, Time=Z$tsdim-Z$spdim,
                              shortnamelength=3, skipchecks=FALSE),

  isSubmodel <- is.numeric(values) && all(
  if (!isSubmodel && printlevel > 0)
    message("'nullmodel' cannot be automatically detected as being a nullmodel of 'alternative'")
  model.list <- list(nullmodel, alternative) <- list()
  guess <- users.guess

  for (m in 1:length(model.list)) {
 #   Print(guess)[[m]] <-
      RFfit(model.list[[m]], x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, data=data,
            lower=lower, upper=upper, BC.lambda=BC.lambda,
            sub.methods=sub.methods, optim.control=optim.control,
            distances=distances, dim=dim,
            ..., spConform = FALSE)$ml
    guess <- if (isSubmodel)[[m]]$model else NULL
 #   Print(guess); stopifnot(!is.null(guess))
  model <-[[1]]$model
  data.ratio <- -diff(sapply(, function(x) x$ml))
  stopifnot(!isSubmodel || data.ratio <= 0) # should never appear

  simu.n <- n - 1
  ratio <- numeric(simu.n)
  fit <- numeric(2)
  Z <- StandardizeData(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, data=data,
                       distances=distances, dimensions=dim, RFopt=RFopt)
  dist.given <- !is.null(distances)
  if (length(Z$neu) > 1) stop("multisets of data cannot be considered yet")

#  stopifnot(isSubmodel)
  newx <- if (!dist.given) Z$neu[[1]]$x # lapply(Z$neu, function(x) x$x)
  newT <- if (!dist.given) Z$neu[[1]]$T # lapply(Z$neu, function(x) x$T),

  ##  Print(Z, model,users.guess, nullmodel, alternative,, guess, isSubmodel, newx, newT, dim);
  pch <- if (RFopt$general$pch=="") "" else '@'
  for (i in 1:simu.n) {
    if (printlevel>=PL.SUBIMPORPANT)
      cat("\n ", i, "th simulation out of", simu.n)
    else cat(pch)
    simu <- RFsimulate(model, x=newx, T=newT, grid=grid, 
                       distances=Z$distances[[1]], dim=dim, spC=FALSE)
    guess <- users.guess   
    for (m in 1:length(model.list)) {
      simufit <-
        RFfit(model.list[[m]], x=newx, T=newT, grid=grid,
              lower=lower, upper=upper, BC.lambda=BC.lambda,
              sub.methods=sub.methods, optim.control=optim.control,
              distances=Z$distances[[1]], dim=dim,
              ..., spConform=FALSE)
      fit[m] <- simufit$ml$ml
      guess <- if (isSubmodel) simufit$ml$model else NULL
#      Print(m, guess)
#      Print(simufit,fit, digits=10)
#      print(simufit$table, digits=10)

    ratio[i] <- -diff(fit)

    stopifnot(!isSubmodel || ratio[i] <= 0)# should never appear
    if (printlevel > PL.SUBIMPORPANT)
      Print(c(data.ratio, ratio), fit, rank(c(data.ratio, ratio))[1])#

#  Print(c(data.ratio, ratio))
  r <- rank(c(data.ratio, ratio))[1]
  p <- r / n

  msg <-
    paste("\nThe likehood ratio test ranks the likelihood of the data on rank",
          r, "among", simu.n, "simulations. Thus the p-value equals", p,
         "and the Hypothesis that the two models significantly differ at",
          "the level alpha=", alpha, "is",
          ifelse(p <= alpha, "accepted.", "rejected."),
  if (printlevel > 0) {
  invisible(list(p=p, n=n, data.ratio=data.ratio, simu.ratios=ratio,
       , msg=msg)
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