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Tip revision: 0e562f038613e9388e8c33a6cf59f7f57ae62bf5 authored by Martin Schlather on 03 August 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.32
Tip revision: 0e562f0
\title{Transformation among tail correlation functions}
 These functions can be used to model different max-stable processes
 with the same tail correlation functions.

   C(h) = \cos(\pi (1 - 2\Phi(\sqrt{\gamma(h) / 8}) ) )
    C(h) =1 - 2 (1 - 2 \Phi(\sqrt{\gamma(h) / 8}) )^2 
 Here, \eqn{\Phi} is the standard normal distribution
 function, and \eqn{\gamma} is a variogram with sill
 \eqn{ 8(erf^{-1}(1/sqrt 2))^2 = 1.8197} and
 \eqn{8(erf^{-1}(1/2))^2 = 4.425098}, respectively.

RMbr2bg(phi, var, scale, Aniso, proj)
RMbr2eg(phi, var, scale, Aniso, proj)

 \item{phi}{covariance function of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}.}
 \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any
 \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above
 covariance function remains unmodified.}
 object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}
 \item \command{\link{RMbr2bg}} \cr
 binary random field \command{\link{RPbernoulli}}
 simulated with \code{\link{RMbr2bg}(\link{RMmodel}())} has
 a uncentered covariance function that equals
 the tail correlation function of
 the max-stable process constructed with this binary random field
 the tail correlation function of Brown-Resnick process with
 variogram \command{\link{RMmodel}}.
 \item \command{\link{RMbr2eg}} \cr
 The extremal Gaussian model \command{\link{RPschlather}}
 simulated with \code{\link{RMbr2eg}(\link{RMmodel}())} has
 tail correlation function that equals
 the tail correlation function of Brown-Resnick process with
 variogram \command{\link{RMmodel}}.
 Strokorb, K. (2012) PhD thesis.
\author{Martin Schlather, \email{}
## see 'maxstableAdvanced' for some examples
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