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Tip revision: 0e562f038613e9388e8c33a6cf59f7f57ae62bf5 authored by Martin Schlather on 03 August 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.32
Tip revision: 0e562f0
\title{Turning Bands Method}
 \command{\link{RMtbm}} is a univariate stationary isotropic covariance
 model in dimension \code{reduceddim} which depends on a univariate stationary
 isotropic covariance \eqn{\phi}{phi} in a bigger dimension \code{fulldim}.
 For formulas for the covariance function see details.
RMtbm(phi, fulldim, reduceddim, layers, var, scale, Aniso, proj)
 \item{phi, fulldim, reduceddim, layers}{see \command{\link{RPtbm}}.}
 \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any
 \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above
 covariance function remains unmodified.}
 \command{\link{RMtbm}} returns an object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}
 The turning bands method stems from the 1:1 correspondence between the
 isotropic covariance functions of different dimensions. See Gneiting

 The standard case \code{reduceddim=1} and \code{fulldim=3}.
 If only one of the arguments are given, then the difference of the two
 arguments equals 2.
 For \code{d == n + 2}, where \code{n=reduceddim} and 
 \code{d==fulldim} the original dimension, we have

 C(r) = \phi(r) + r \phi'(r) / n
 C(r) = phi(r) + r phi'(r) / n
 which, for \code{n=1} reduced to the standard TBM operator
 C(r) =\frac {d}{d r} r \phi(r)
 C(r) = d/dr [ r phi(r) ]
 For \code{d == 2 && n == 1} we have
 C(r) = \frac{d}{dr}\int_0^r \frac{u\phi(u)}{\sqrt{r^2 - u^2}} d u
 C(r) = d/dr int_0^r [ r phi(r) ] / [ sqrt{r^2 - u^2} ] d u
 \item Gneiting, T. (1999)
 On the derivatives of radial positive definite function.
 \emph{J. Math. Anal. Appl}, \bold{236}, 86-99

 Matheron, G. (1973).
 The intrinsic random functions and their applications.
 \emph{Adv . Appl. Probab.}, \bold{5}, 439-468.
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
x <- seq(0,25, if (interactive()) 0.02 else 5)
model <- RPtbm(RMspheric())
z <- RFsimulate(model, x, x)
\author{Martin Schlather, \email{}
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