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Tip revision: 681e187dad8b012cdad839bf88dbaaf8983436b8 authored by Richard M. Heiberger on 23 August 2015, 23:39:59 UTC
version 3.1-21
Tip revision: 681e187
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Display tabular results for Best Subsets Regression.}
  Print a tabular display of the results of Best Subsets Regression.
  This is an alternate display for the object from the \code{regsubsets}
  function.  This function is based on \code{\link[leaps]{regsubsets}}.
  The functions described here are designed for the HH package in R and
  use the leaps package in R.
  The leaps package is not in S-Plus, hence these functions
  do not work in the HH package for S-Plus.

`summaryHH`(object, ...)

           names = abbreviate(dimnames(incidence)[[2]], minlength = abbrev),
           abbrev = 1, min.size = 1, max.size = dim(sumry$which)[2],
           statistic = c("bic", "cp", "adjr2", "rsq", "rss", "stderr"),
           las = par("las"),
           cex.subsets = 1, ..., main=statistic)

\method{plot}{summaryHH.regsubsets}(x, ...,
           statistic="adjr2", legend=FALSE,
           col="darkgray", cex=1, pch=16,
           col.text="black", cex.text=1, col.abline="darkgray")

%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{object}{ An object of class \code{"regsubsets"}.}
  \item{x}{ An object of class \code{"summaryHH.regsubsets"}.}
  \item{statistic}{Name of statistic to be plotted for each model.}
  \item{\dots}{ Other arguments to be passed down to
    \code{subsets.regsubsets} and \code{plot}.}

  \item{names}{Abbreviations of variable names.}
  \item{abbrev}{minimum number of letters in each abbreviation.}
  \item{min.size}{minimum size subset to plot; default is 1.}
  \item{max.size}{maximum size subset to plot; default is number of predictors.}
  \item{legend}{logical variable, \code{TRUE} if the legend should be
    If the legend is printed, the execution halts until the user clicks an
  empty space in the graph where the legend should be placed.}
  \item{las}{Orientation for model names on graph.}
  \item{cex.subsets}{can be used to change the relative size of the characters used to
    plot the regression subsets; default is \code{1}.}
  \item{main}{\code{"main"} title for graph.}
  \item{col, cex, pch}{\code{par} values for dot locating statistic.}
  \item{col.text, cex.text}{\code{par} values for abbreviations of
  models on plot.}
  \item{col.abline}{\code{par} parameters for \code{abline} when the
  statistic is \code{cp}.}
  \code{summaryHH} produces a table of models, with
  \code{p, rsq, rss, adjr2, cp, bic, stderr} for each.
  \code{plot.summaryHH.regsubsets} plots the specified statistic
  from the summary.
  All the others are support functions.
\author{ Richard M. Heiberger <> }
  %  , \code{\link[RcmdrPlugin.HH]{bestSubsetsRegressionModel.HH}}
% \examples{
% ## This example works in R, not in S-Plus
% if.R(r={
% data(Prestige, package="car")
% Subsets.1 <- regsubsets(prestige~census+education+income+women,
%                         data=Prestige, nbest=2)
% summaryHH(Subsets.1, statistic.plot='cp')
% },s={}
% )
% }
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