Raw File
Tip revision: 6eca414de4c835af2032db4cae6c05e9cc684529 authored by Martin Schlather on 23 April 2016, 15:04:07 UTC
version 3.1.11
Tip revision: 6eca414


\title{Class "RMmodelFit" }
\description{ Extension of Class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}
    which additionally contains
 the likelihood of the data w.r.t. the covariance model represented by
 the "RMmodel" part, the estimated trend of the data if it is a
 constant trend, and the residuals of the data w.r.t. the model. Objects
 of this class only occur as slots in the output of "RFfit".

%anova.RM_modelFit(object, ...)
%print.RM_modelFit(x, ...)
%summary.RM_modelFit(object, ..., isna.param)
%  \item{object, x, ...}{
%    see the respective generic function
%  }
%  \item{isna.param}{
%    logical. Weather the vector of parameters should be considered as
%    having \code{NA}s. In this case, not the parameters, but the
%    internally used variables are reported.    
%  }
\section{Creating Objects}{
 Objects are only ment to be created by the function

    \item{\code{AIC}:}{the AIC value for the ml estimation}
    \item{\code{AICc}:}{the corrected AIC value for the ml estimation}
    \item{\code{BIC}:}{the BIC value for the ml estimation}
    \item{\code{call}:}{see \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}.} 
    \item{\code{likelihood}:}{numeric; the likelihood of the data
      w.r.t. the covariance model} 
    \item{\code{name}:}{see \code{\link[=RMmodel]{RMmodel}}.}
    \item{\code{par.model}:}{see \code{\link[=RMmodel]{RMmodel}}.}
    \item{\code{par.general}:}{see \code{\link[=RMmodel]{RMmodel}}.}
      vector of estimated parameters
    \item{\code{residuals}:}{array or of class \code{\link[=RFsp-class]{RFsp}};
      residuals of the data w.r.t. the trend model} 
    \item{\code{submodels}:}{see \code{\link[=RMmodel]{RMmodel}}.}
    \item{\code{trend}:}{numeric; the estimated mean of the data (if a
      constant mean was specified in the model)} 
      vector of estimated variables. Variables
      are used in the internal representation and
      can be a subset of the parameters.

 Class \code{"RMmodel"}, directly.

 \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodelFit")}: enables accessing
   the slots via the \code{"["}-operator, e.g. \code{x["likelihood"]}}
 \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodelFit")}: enables replacing
   the slots via the \code{"["}-operator}
  \item{show}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: returns the structure
    of \code{x}}
  \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: identical with

  \item{anova}{performs a likelihood ratio test base on a chisq approximation
  \item{summary}{gives a summary}



\author{Alexander Malinowski \email{},
  Martin Schlather, \email{} \url{}}


# see RFfit
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