Raw File
Tip revision: 6eca414de4c835af2032db4cae6c05e9cc684529 authored by Martin Schlather on 23 April 2016, 15:04:07 UTC
version 3.1.11
Tip revision: 6eca414
\name{Internal functions}
\title{Internal functions}
 These functions are internal and should not be used.
 RFpath = "~/R/RF/svn/RandomFields",
 RMmodels.file = paste(RFpath, "RandomFields/R/RMmodels.R", sep="/")
           RFpath = "~/R/RF/svn/RandomFields",
           RCauto.file = paste(RFpath, "RandomFields/R/RCauto.R", sep="/")
rfGenerateTest(files = NULL,
               RFpath = "~/R/RF/svn/RandomFields/RandomFields")
rfGenerateMaths(files = "/usr/include/tgmath.h", Cfile = "QMath",
                        RFpath = "~/R/RF/svn/RandomFields/RandomFields")
checkExamples(exclude = NULL, include=1:length(.fct.list),
               ask=FALSE, echo=TRUE, halt=FALSE, ignore.all = FALSE,
               path="RandomFields", package = "RandomFields", 
               read.rd.files=TRUE, libpath = NULL, single.runs = FALSE)

ScreenDevice(height, width)

StartExample(reduced = TRUE)

Dependencies(install = all(pkgs == all.pkgs),
             check=TRUE, pkgs = all.pkgs, dir = "Dependencies")


plotWithCircles(data, factor=1.0,
                col=1, fill=0, ...)
  \item{assigning, RFpath, RMmodels.file,RCauto.file,files,Cfile}{internal}
  \item{exclude, include, ask, echo, halt, ignore.all, path, package,
    read.rd.files, libpath, single.runs
    ignore.all referes to the \sQuote{all} export statement in the
    namespace -- whether this should be ignored.
    if \code{read.rf.files} is \code{TRUE} or a path to the Rd files, then
    the man pages are analysed to get all examples; \code{ignore.all} is
    then ignored. If \code{FALSE} only examples of functions (which are
    search in the environments) are run.
  \item{install, check, pkgs, dir}{internal}
  \item{height,width}{window sizes}
  \item{data, factor, xlim, ylim, col, fill, ...}{internal}
 % \item{REGISTER, COVREGISTER, RELAX}{internal}

\author{Martin Schlather, \email{}

RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## internal functions: no examples given
\dontshow{\dontrun{ ## OK
## check own examples
checkExamples(ignore.all=TRUE, halt=!TRUE)

### Check the examples of the other packages:
dep.packages <- c( #"DSpat","lgcp", "constrainedKriging", "MarkedPointProcess",
                  "Geneland", "glmmBUGS", 
                  "CompRandFld", ## RFsim does not work in version 2.1.18
                  "fractaldim", "rpanel", "spatstat")
#for (i in dep.packages) library(i, character.only=TRUE)
#for (i in dep.packages) install.packages(i)

not.working <- list()
for (.i in 1:length(dep.packages)) {
  not.working[[.i]] <-
    checkExamples(path=paste("~/TMP/dep.packages", dep.packages[.i], sep="/"),
  Print(.i, not.working); repeat{ if (readline()=="e") break}


# for (i in dep.packages) cat(maintainer(i), "\n") 
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