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Tip revision: e5a7a2f272b7834f96c925ced7acfa0c6456a87f authored by Martin Schlather on 17 April 2017, 22:09:51 UTC
version 3.1.50
Tip revision: e5a7a2f
\title{Soil data of North Bavaria, Germany}
 Soil physical and chemical data collected on a field in the
 Weissenstaedter Becken, Germany
 This data frame contains the following columns:
 \item{x.coord}{x coordinates given in cm}
 \item{y.coord}{y coordinates given in cm}
 \item{nr}{number of the samples, which were taken in this order}
 \item{moisture}{moisture content [Kg/Kg * 100\%]}
 \item{NO3.N}{nitrate nitrogen [mg/Kg]}
 \item{Total.N}{total nitrogen [mg/Kg]}
 \item{NH4.N}{ammonium nitrogen [mg/Kg]}
 \item{DOC}{dissolved organic carbon [mg/Kg]}
 \item{N20N}{nitrous oxide [mg/Kg dried substance]}
 For technical reasons some of the data were obtained as differences
 of two measurements (which are not available anymore). Therefore,
 some of the data have negative values.
 The data were collected by Wolfgang Falk,
 Soil Physics Group,
% \url{},
 University of Bayreuth, Germany.
 Falk, W. (2000)
 \emph{Kleinskalige raeumliche Variabilitaet von Lachgas und bodenchemischen
 Parameters [Small Scale Spatial Variability of Nitrous Oxide and
 Pedo-Chemical Parameters]},
 Master thesis, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## ##
## a geostatistical analysis that demonstrates ##
## features of the package `RandomFields' ##
## ##

soil <- RFspatialPointsDataFrame(
 coords = soil[ , c("x.coord", "y.coord")],
 data = soil[ , c("moisture", "NO3.N", "Total.N", "NH4.N", "DOC", "N20N")],
 RFparams=list(vdim=6, n=1)
data <- soil["moisture"]
\dontshow{if (RFoptions()$internal$examples_red) {
  warning("data have been reduced !")
  All <- 1:7 
  soil <- RFspatialPointsDataFrame(
     coords = soil[All, c("x.coord", "y.coord")],
     data = soil[All, c("moisture", "NO3.N", "Total.N",
      "NH4.N", "DOC", "N20N")],
      RFparams=list(vdim=6, n=1)
  data <- soil["moisture"]

## plot the data first
colour <- rainbow(100)
plot(data, col=colour)

## fit by eye
gui.model <- RFgui(data) 
\dontshow{if (!interactive()) RFgui.model <- RMexp()} %ok

## fit by ML
model <- ~1 + RMwhittle(scale=NA, var=NA, nu=NA) + RMnugget(var=NA)
(fit <- RFfit(model, data=data))
plot(fit, method=c("ml", "plain", "", "sd.inv"),
     model = gui.model, col=1:8)

## Kriging ...
x <- seq(min(data@coords[, 1]), max(data@coords[, 1]), l=121)
k <- RFinterpolate(fit, x=x, y=x, data=data)
plot(x=k, col=colour)
plot(x=k, y=data, col=colour)

## what is the probability that at no point of the
## grid given by x and y the moisture is greater than 24 percent?
% works well since fit$ml:nugget==0!!!!
cs <- RFsimulate(model=fit, x=x, y=x, data=data, n=50)
plot(cs, col=colour)
plot(cs, y=data, col=colour)
Print(mean(apply(as.array(cs) <= 24, 3, all))) ## about 40 percent ...


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