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Tip revision: 67ea8af95026bdeaae85ee281a2affce63596f07 authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 20 March 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.96-0.1
Tip revision: 67ea8af
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../Docs/XSL/Todo.xsl" ?> 

<!--<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file:///Users/duncan/Projects/org/omegahat/Docs/XSL/Todo.xsl" ?> -->
<!-- <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="" ?> -->

<topics xmlns:r="">
<title>XML package</title>

<ulink url="../XSL/S/libxslt/Todo.html">Sxslt Todo</ulink>
<ulink url="../../../../../Books/RPackages/RXMLDoc/Todo.xml">RXMLDoc Todo</ulink>
<ulink url="../../../../../Classes/StatComputing/XDynDocs/Todo.xml">IDynDocs Todo</ulink>
<ulink url="Todo-orig.html">Original HTML Todo</ulink>
<title>XML Internal Nodes</title>


Get rid of spurios warning message in removeNodes.list() removeNode only works on internal nodes at present.
See pkgBiblio.R in book directory.
In xmlTreeParse(), allow a function that takes the parser context.
See xmlParserContextFunction example.
getNodeLocation misbehaving on nested XIncludes.
See book.xml and 
ci = getNodeSet(doc, "//citation/biblioref[contains(@linkend, 'NCBIEntrez')]")
Should be eGQueryResultType.Rdb, but showing up as mapTypesToR.Rdb
This is a problem with findXInclude.
It appears that the issue is caused by an xpointer qualifier 
on the outer XInclude, i.e. XMLSchema include mapTypesToR.Rdb
with an xpointer.

Add error = argument for xmlParseDoc() so we can handle the errors.

getEncoding() methods for different types of nodes and trees.

Why does event parsing not scale linearly. See eventParse.R in 

 f = h3(4000);  system.time(xmlEventParse("enwiki-20100130-pages-logging.xml", handlers = f))


xmlRoot&lt;- for an internal node needs to fix the reference counting.

getNodeSet() and xpathSApply() should be able to work with a 
node that has no document. i.e. just put the top node into a document,
do the XPath query and then undo the doc.

Document xmlParseString, xml, XMLString class.

If we use clean = TRUE in xmlParseString, the name space on any of the
sub-nodes disappears when we put it into the document.

Check readHTMLTable() now that we have changed its value
for one of the method's defaults for header.

findXInclude is giving back the wrong file.
See the XML book as an example.
The percent function in XDocTools was giving back iTunes.xml
when the node was actually in ParseXML.xml

Define getXIncludeInfo

Dependency/Imports for bitops

<item status="low">
verifyNamespace needs to be fixed up. What does it try to do ?
Not exported or used!

Work on "XMLNamespaceRef" nodes.

xml <- xmlParse("~/Papers/RXMLXSL/Papers/ReusableDocuments/Sys.sleep.xml")
getNodeSet(xml, "/*/namespace::*")

Want to be able to removeNodes, xmlName, 
as(, "character")

Code is there (R_convertXMLNsRef), but not getting proper nodes back in

newXMLNode should guard against the parent not being an XMLInternalNode,
e.g. a list() from getNodeSet().

Allow addAttributes(node, v) where v is  c(name = value).
In other words, don't make the caller specify .attrs = v

Get an error when do something like
newXMLNode("p:el", namespaceDefinitions = c("o" = ""))

<item topic="xmlSource">
Line numbers in xmlSource, e.g. if there is a syntax error, map it
back to the XML file.

<r:code>htmlTreeParse("", useInternal = TRUE)</r:code>
causes an error about namespaces.

<item topic="xmlSource" status="low">
xmlSource("~/Books/XMLTechnologies/Examples/Examples.xml", xpath = "//section[@id='xsl']", verbose = TRUE)
to work.
Actually, we should use
xmlSource("~/Books/XMLTechnologies/Examples/Examples.xml", section = 'xsl', verbose = TRUE)
i.e. use the <r:arg>section</r:arg> parameter.

Display line number information when there is an error in the XML
parser about an entity, etc.
See xmllint.

Allow the warnings  from htmlTreeParse() to be silenced.
See the Examples.xml in the Book/XMLTechnologies and the
Flickr example.

Ability to identify the index of a node in its parent's children list
or ability to add nodes to a sibling,
i.e. insert them just after (or before) a particular sibling.
addChildren(, at = siblingNode)

Last example in xmlNamespace.Rd has no URI.

comments and problems raised by Deb in the book chapters.

<item status="done">
put classes on the document instances, up to XMLAbstractDocument

Figure out what XMLTreeNode and XMLHashTreeNode have in common
and what they are supposed to be

xmlRoot&lt;-()  function and methods.

Add a free() method for XMLInternalDocument, etc.
Ideally check whether it has a finalizer.
<item id="xsl:includes" status="done">
replaceNodes seems to be failing here.
If we include an addFinalizer = FALSE for the 
parsing of the imported documents, all seems well.
So it seems like we are releasing something that
is still in use.
Is it the text from the dictionary of the sub-document?
<r:code id="replace">
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
xsl.include =
       u = getRelativeURL(xmlGetAttr(x, "href"), base)
       try({tmpDoc = xmlParse(u, addFinalizer = TRUE) ;  
            replaceNodes(x, xmlRoot(tmpDoc));
docs = xpathApply(db, "//xsl:include", xsl.include)
sel = unique(unlist(getNodeSet(db, "//@select")))

This version takes account of the fact that we
are dying when freeing a DTD. One or more of
the subdocuments has a DTD and that is the root 
node. But we want the xsl:stylesheet node,
not the DTD. So we fetch that explicitly
and use that as the node to replace the 
xsl:include with.
This seems to cure the problem.
So we want to find out why the DTD caused the problem.
It might be the presence of an entity
<r:code id="replace2">
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
xsl.include =
       u = getRelativeURL(xmlGetAttr(x, "href"), base)
       try({tmpDoc = xmlParse(u, addFinalizer = TRUE) ;  
            replaceNodes(x, tmpDoc[["//xsl:stylesheet"]]);
xpathApply(db, "//xsl:include", xsl.include)
sel = unique(unlist(getNodeSet(db, "//@select")))

I run this with
replicate(100, xmlSource("Todo.xml", ids = "replace2"))

The following all seem to work.
This one creates a new node outside of a document and
tries to replace that.
But it only processes the first xsl:include node.
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
n = db[["//xsl:include"]]
replaceNodes(n, newXMLNode("bob"))

This one replaces a brand new node,
but for all nodes.
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
# gctorture(TRUE)
n = xpathApply(db, "//xsl:include", 
                  replaceNodes(node, newXMLNode("bob")))

This one parses a document and inserts the root
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
# gctorture(TRUE)
n = xpathApply(db, "//xsl:include", 
                function(node) {
                  doc = xmlParse("<foo><bar/></foo>", asText = TRUE)
                  replaceNodes(node, xmlRoot(doc))

Let's try adding the root of the imported document to the
import node.
db = xmlParse("~/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/fo/docbook.xsl")
base = dirname(docName(db))
xsl.include =
       u = getRelativeURL(xmlGetAttr(x, "href"), base)
       try({tmpDoc = xmlParse(u) ; 
            addChildren(x, xmlRoot(tmpDoc))
xpathApply(db, "//xsl:include", xsl.include)
sel = unique(unlist(getNodeSet(db, "//@select")))
   # Get rid of the variables
i = grep("^\\$[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+$", sel)
  sel = sel[-i]

Add a sep argument to xmlValue().  For XMLInternalNode, we would have
to write the code slightly differently, in R and not a single call to
a C routine in libxml2, xmlGetNodeContent().

<item status="done">
Make xmlValue() for the different nodes return the same content.

<item status="done">
Check we have methods for XMLNamespaceDefinitions nodes
d = xmlParse("data/job.xml")
See tests/attrNS.R

<item status="test">
Problem with EntitiesEscape class on the XMLTextNode
means is(xmlTextNode("bob"), "XMLAbstractNode")

<item status="done">
Get the classes defined for PI nodes, comments, etc.
for the different types so that they inherit from
the correct base classes.
I.e. find and fix all the class(x) = vector, not scalars!

<item status="test">
Check for duplicates in xmlNamespaces&lt;-()

<item status="done">
Consolidate the code in xmlNamespaces.XMLNode/XMLInternalNode.
Not very much to consolidate, so not worth it.
Added a setAs("XMLNamespace", "character") method which
reduces the duplicated details.

<item status="done">
test the xmlNamespaces() and move to xmlNamespaceDefinintions.
See tests/attrNS.R
Actually, leave it at xmlNamespaces and xmlNamespaces&lt;-
for ease of typing.
But we have xmlNamespaces as a synonym for xmlNamespaceDefinitions.
Set the namespace definitions on an XMLInternalNode
z = newXMLNode("bob")
xmlNamespaces(z, append = TRUE) = c(r = "", omg = "")

<item status="test">
change the name of XMLNameSpace to XMLNamespace or whatever.

<item status="done">
Define an abstract class, e.g. RXMLNode, which is the 
base class of XMLNode and XMLHashTreeNode.

<item status="done">
Add methods for newXMLNamespace for the different types of nodes.
Or use 
xmlNamespaceDefinitions(x) = c(r = "", ...)
Prefer this.

<item status="done">
Check we can pass a list of namespace definitions, e.g. from an XMLInternalNode
to xmlNode(), in addition to a character vector.
x = xmlNode("bob", namespaceDefinitions = c(r = "", omg = ""))

<item status="done">
Hash tree for data/job.xml and dealing with comments
as first nodes.
tt = as(xmlParse("data/job.xml"), "XMLHashTree")
table(unlist(eapply(tt, class)))
xmlRoot(tt, skip = FALSE)
For the top-level nodes with no parents, we need to keep the order.
We can add a .root and them sequentially.
Add an argument to xmlRoot() to allow skipping over these.
This is skip which is there already.
Apply to XMLInternalDocument also.

<item status="done">
Does XMLInternalDocument handle the comments as top-level nodes properly?
tt = xmlParse("data/job.xml")
saveXML(xmlRoot(tt, skip = FALSE))

<item status="done">
getSibling() for XMLHashTree nodes.

<item  topic="XMLInternalNodes and GC">
Mechanism for taking xmlRoot() and not freeing the XMLInternalDocument
and its nodes, but freeing it when none of them are referenced
in R.
The problem is 
 top = xmlRoot(xmlInternalTreeParse(f)) 
assigns the node to top but arranges to free the document.  If the
G.C. happens then, the doc is cleaned up, freeing the nodes at the
same time.  If we could determine that xmlRoot() was called with the
parsing command inlined, then we would know we had this situation.
Then we could detach the document from the node and free the document,
moving forward.  Of course, we can also avoid adding a finalizer via
<r:code>addFinalizer = FALSE</r:code> in the call to
<r:func>xmlInternalTreeParse</r:func>.  We could also put a finalizer
on the node that says jump to the document and free it when we are
GC'ing that variable.  But the general problem remains that we can
extract sub-nodes at will and assign them to R variables.  If we free
an ancestor node, the C-level data structure is freed too and the R
variable will be pointing to garbage.
We might also try to put <emphasis>the same</emphasis>
reference to the document as an attribute on all extracted nodes.
We could attach this SEXP to a userData in the tree.
But how do we protect it - via R_PreserveObject() and that
causes problems too.
So how about we bring the libxml2 memory management under R's
and try to handle the chains, etc. 
It is not obvious how to do this and maintain
the copy-on-modify semantics.

<item status="done">
Fill in the class names for xmlRoot.XMLHashTree in hashTree.R

<item status="low">
Finish off xmlRoot.XMLFlatTree in tree.R
Define an XMLAbstractFlatTree class and have
XMLFlatTree and XMLHashTree extend this.
Do we really want to make XMLFlatTree visible from the package?

<item status="done">
Attributes on children 
See tests/attrs.R or man/xmlNode.Rd
 d = xmlTreeParse("data/simple.xml")
 b = xmlRoot(d)
 xmlAttrs(b[[1]]) = c("class" = "character")
 xmlAttrs(xmlChildren(b)[[1]]) = c("r:class" = "character") 

 d = xmlParse("data/simple.xml")
 b = xmlRoot(d)
Does it work for XMLNode objects? and not for XMLInternalNode ?
Yes. So it is XMLInternalNode
And  it looks like the reassignment back to a.
The C-level node has been updated by the time the error occurs.
The error message talks about an externalptr, but
does this mean that we have lost the class?
It seems to be the case.
The error is in do_subassign2_dflt
which is called by do_subassign2 which attempts to dispatch
before calling do_subassign2_dflt.
<!--- crap here!
It turns out that when we use xmlTreeParse(), things work,
but when we create the node ourselves (as in xmlNode.Rd), it does not.
The nodes have different classes.

Check the namespaces of the ancestors to see if it is valid before
issuing a warning about it not being defined in 
xmlAttrs(), e.g. the  example in tests/attrs.R
Can we use XPath.

For XMLNode objects, we can't check ancestors.
But for XMLHashTree objects we can.
Something like
getNodeSet(getNodeSet(doc, "//x:defaultNs", "x")[[1]], "./ancestor::namespace")
But we need to get the XPath query working at  a particular node.
See getEffectiveNamespaces() which does the walk up the tree.

<item status="done">
Assign function for xmlAttrs&lt;-.XMLInternalNode

<item status="done">
End element handlers for SAX identified by /

Handlers for DOM and SAX using name space identifiers.

Access to the fields in the xmlParserCtxt object for XMLParserContextFunction.

<item status="done">
Do we have as(node, "XMLNode") for XMLInternalNode and vice-versa

<item status="done">
Implement xmlRoot() for which there is no XMLInternalDocument
as a run up the ancestors to the top.
See xmlRoot.XMLInternalNode in xmlTree.R

<item  topic="XMLInternalNodes and GC">
Check into xmlSource example crashing for Deb.

<item topic="XMLInternalNodes and GC">
Who frees the loose nodes or the nodes within a document with a finalizer which unlinks the nodes
or no finalizer at all?

<item  topic="XMLInternalNodes and GC">
See gc.R, xpathGC.R
Protect nodes from gc'ing of the document.
e.g.  getTemplate in Sxslt where we have to copy the contents of the node
to XSLCopiedTemplateDescription objects.
Perhaps put the document on the node as an attribute.

<item status="done">
Fix the getNodeSet/xpathApply problem Martin and I found.

<item status="high">  
Function like xmlSource() but which gets the code out and into character vector.

<item topic="hashtree">
When coercing to a hash tree, allow the user to control
the handling of the parserSettings, e.g. for namespace 

<item topic="hashtree">
Get the encoding for the strings in the hashtree correct.

<item topic="hashtree" status="low">
Finish conversion of unusual nodes,
i.e. atypical nodes such as DTD nodes, etc.

<item topic="hashtree" status="done">
Convert the DOM in R to an xmlHashTree().
This will test the xmlHashTree() code.
See XMLHashTree.c.
Finish off the nodes.
Deal with XInclude nodes. - Done

<item topic="hashtree">
Hash tree conversion.
Printing without spaces/new lines.
Do we need to trim?
Display of XMLHashTree has too many spaces.

<item topic="hashtree">
Functions for adding different types of nodes to trees.

<item topic="hashtree" status="done">
Put the name of the document source in the tree when parsing.

<item status="done">
xmlStopParser() doesn't work. Fix it.

<item status="test">
When setting the error handlers in C , do this from R
and make certain we reset the existing ones.
But this may not be possible as we don't seem to be able to
see the user data variable.
Seems to work.

<item status="done">
at parameter for newXMLCommentNode.

<item status="low">
at parameter for DTDNode?

<item status="done">
Class XMLDocument when DTD or just the top-level node is the same!
The top-level object is an XMLDocument.
The doc field is an XMLDocumentContent.

<item status="done">
Error handler for SAX parser.

<item status="done">
Error handler
.errorFun parameter and the default handler is xmlErrorCumulator.
Can cumulate the errors one at a time and gets
called at the end of a failed parse  with the empty message
so that it knows it is complete.

<item status="done">
Access to xmlStopParser
We only need this in the SAX world as
handlers may want to call a halt to the entire thing
but successfully.

<item status="done">
XMLParserContextFunction for handler functions
to indicate that they will accept the context as the 
first argument.

d = xmlParse("../SOAP/WSDLs/msnSearch.asmx")
saveXML(d, "/tmp/foo.xml")
xmlParse(saveXML(d), asText = TRUE)
Seems okay now.
But not if we just sink() and get the indentation
then we can't read it back in!
There is  unicode here

<item status="low">
Make a function for xmlKeepBlanksDefault
Only used in one place so far, so is it really necessary.

<item status="done">
Add xmlKeepBlanksDefault support in xmlTreeParse and friends.
Seems to be done.
Is this done?

<item status="done">

Make xmlAttrs()['ns:val'] = value warn about missing  definition for ns
in the same way that newXMLNode() does.


<item status="done">
doc = xmlInternalTreeParse("dynDoc.xml")
xpathApply(doc, "//rh:arg", xmlGetAttr, "id")
The first works, the second complains about undefined namespace prefix.

<xi:include xmlns:xi=""  href="../../../../../Books/RPackages/RXMLDoc/Todo.xml" xpointer="xpointer(//topic[./title/text()='Infrastructure']/items/item)"/>

Nested XInclude nodes don't seem to have their attributes.

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