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Tip revision: 7c44787d022ce63fc21b058c61d11590cd125781 authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 03 May 2017, 09:28:58 UTC
version 3.98-1.7
Tip revision: 7c44787
\title{Look up an element via the XML catalog mechanism}
  XML parsers use a catalog to map generic system and public addresses
  to actual local files or potentially different remote files.
  We can use a catalog to map a reference such as
  \code{} to a particular
  directory on our local machine and then not have to
  modify any of the documents if we move the local files to another
  directory, e.g. install a new version in an alternate directory.
  This function provides a mechanism to query the catalog to
  resolve a URI, PUBLIC or SYSTEM identifier.

  This is now vectorized, so accepts a character vector of
  URIs and recycles \code{type} to have the same length.

  If an entry is not resolved via the catalog system,
  a \code{NA} is returned for that element.
  To leave the value unaltered in this case, use \code{asIs = TRUE} .
catalogResolve(id, type = "uri", asIs = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{id}{the name of the (generic) element to be resolved}
  \item{type}{a string, specifying whether the lookup is for a uri,
    system or public element}
  \item{asIs}{a logical. If \code{TRUE} any element of \code{id} which
    is not resolved by the catalog system will be left as given in the
    call. If \code{FALSE}, such unresolved elements are identified
    by \code{NA}.
  \item{debug}{logical value indicating whether to turn on debugging
    output written to the console (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).}

  A character vector. If the element was resolved,
  the single element is the resolved value.
  Otherwise, the character vector will contain no elements.
  \url{} provides a short, succinct tutorial on catalogs. 
\author{Duncan Temple Lang}


if(!exists("Sys.setenv")) Sys.setenv = Sys.putenv

Sys.setenv("XML_CATALOG_FILES" = system.file("exampleData", "catalog.xml", package = "XML"))

catalogResolve("-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN", "public")


catalogResolve("", "uri")
catalogResolve("", "uri")

  # This one does not resolve anything, returning an empty value.
catalogResolve("", "uri")

   # Vectorized and returns NA for the first and /tmp/html.xsl
   # for the second.

 catalogAdd("http://made.up.domain", "/tmp")
 catalogResolve(c("ddas", "http://made.up.domain/html.xsl"), asIs = TRUE)

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