Raw File
Tip revision: 5fc4518f6b8f0df6de6d4d8bd2ae88656001925a authored by CRAN Team on 17 September 2021, 05:19:17 UTC
version 3.99-0.8
Tip revision: 5fc4518

\title{Parse an XML document with options controlling the parser.}

This function is a generalization of \code{\link{xmlParse}}
that parses an XML document.  With this function, we can specify
a combination of different options that control the operation of the
parser. The options control many different aspects the parsing process
xmlParseDoc(file, options = 1L, encoding = character(),
            asText = !file.exists(file), baseURL = file)
  \item{file}{the name of the file or URL or the XML content itself}
  \item{options}{options controlling the behavior of the parser.
    One specifies the different options as elements of an integer
    vector. These are then bitwised OR'ed together. The possible options are
    \code{RECOVER}, \code{NOENT}, \code{DTDLOAD},
    \code{DTDATTR}, \code{DTDVALID}, \code{NOERROR}, \code{NOWARNING},
    \code{PEDANTIC}, \code{NOBLANKS}, \code{SAX1}, \code{XINCLUDE},
    \code{NONET}, \code{NODICT}, \code{NSCLEAN}, \code{NOCDATA},
    \code{NOXINNODE}, \code{COMPACT}, \code{OLD10}, \code{NOBASEFIX},
    \code{HUGE}, \code{OLDSAX}.
     ( These options are also listed in the (non-exported) variable
  \item{encoding}{character string that provides the encoding of the
    document if it is not explicitly contained within the document itself.}
  \item{asText}{a logical value indicating whether \code{file} is the
    XML content (\code{TRUE}) or the name of a file or URL (\code{FALSE})}
  \item{baseURL}{the base URL used for resolving relative documents,
    e.g. XIncludes. This is important if \code{file} is the actual XML
    content rather than a URL}
 An object of class \code{XMLInternalDocument}.  
\author{Duncan Temple Lang}

 f = system.file("exampleData", "mtcars.xml", package="XML")
     # Same as xmlParse()

 txt =
     '<top xmlns:r="">
        <b xmlns:r="">
          <c xmlns:omg="http:/"/>

 xmlParseDoc(txt,  NSCLEAN, asText = TRUE)

 txt =
     '<top xmlns:r=""  xmlns:r="">
        <b xmlns:r="">
          <c xmlns:omg="http:/"/>

 xmlParseDoc(txt, c(NSCLEAN, NOERROR), asText = TRUE)

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