Raw File
Tip revision: e85b7d008d8155461327da46a6e39de69fdfcff9 authored by Guido Schwarzer on 07 June 2018, 16:43:19 UTC
version 4.9-2
Tip revision: e85b7d0
metabin <- function(event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c, studlab,
                    data = NULL, subset = NULL, exclude = NULL,
                    method = ifelse(tau.common, "Inverse", gs("method")),
                    sm =
                      ifelse(!, c("peto", "glmm"),
                                              nomatch = NA)),
                             "OR", gs("smbin")),
                    incr = gs("incr"), allincr = gs("allincr"),
                    addincr = gs("addincr"), allstudies = gs("allstudies"),
                    MH.exact = gs("MH.exact"), RR.cochrane = gs("RR.cochrane"),
                    model.glmm = "UM.FS",
                    level = gs("level"), level.comb = gs("level.comb"),
                    comb.fixed = gs("comb.fixed"),
                    comb.random = gs("comb.random"),
                    hakn = gs("hakn"),
                    method.tau =
                      ifelse(!, "glmm",
                                              nomatch = NA)),
                             "ML", gs("method.tau")),
                    tau.preset = NULL, TE.tau = NULL,
                    tau.common = gs("tau.common"),
                    prediction = gs("prediction"),
                    level.predict = gs("level.predict"),
                    method.bias = ifelse(sm == "OR", "score", gs("method.bias")),
                    backtransf = gs("backtransf"),
                    pscale = 1,
                    title = gs("title"), complab = gs("complab"),
                    outclab = "",
                    label.e = gs("label.e"), label.c = gs("label.c"),
                    label.left = gs("label.left"), label.right = gs("label.right"),
                    byvar, bylab, print.byvar = gs("print.byvar"),
                    byseparator = gs("byseparator"),
                    print.CMH = gs("print.CMH"),
                    keepdata = gs("keepdata"),
                    warn = gs("warn"),
                    ) {

  ## (1) Check arguments
  sm <- setchar(sm, .settings$sm4bin)
  method.tau <- setchar(method.tau,
                        c("DL", "PM", "REML", "ML", "HS", "SJ", "HE", "EB"))
  method.bias <- setchar(method.bias,
                         c("rank", "linreg", "mm", "count", "score", "peters"))
  chknumeric(pscale, single = TRUE)
  ## Additional arguments / checks for metabin objects
  fun <- "metabin"
  if (sm != "RD" & pscale != 1) {
    warning("Argument 'pscale' only considered for risk differences.")
    pscale <- 1
  method <- setchar(method, c("Inverse", "MH", "Peto", "GLMM"))
  if (method == "GLMM") {
    is.installed.package("lme4", fun, "method", " = \"GLMM\"")
    is.installed.package("numDeriv", fun, "method", " = \"GLMM\"")
    is.installed.package("metafor", fun, "method", " = \"GLMM\"",
                         version = .settings$metafor)
  model.glmm <- setchar(model.glmm, c("UM.FS", "UM.RS", "CM.EL", "CM.AL"))
  if (method == "GLMM" & model.glmm == "CM.EL")
    is.installed.package("BiasedUrn", fun, "model.glmm", " = \"CM.EL\"")
  chkmetafor(method.tau, fun)
  if (sm == "ASD")
    method <- "Inverse"
  if (method == "Peto" & sm != "OR")
    stop("Peto's method only possible with argument 'sm = \"OR\"'")
  if (method == "GLMM" & sm != "OR")
    stop("Generalised linear mixed models only possible with argument 'sm = \"OR\"'.")
  if (method == "GLMM" & method.tau != "ML")
    stop("Generalised linear mixed models only possible with argument 'method.tau = \"ML\"'.")

  ## (2) Read data
  nulldata <- is.null(data)
  if (nulldata)
    data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
  mf <-
  ## Catch 'event.e', 'n.e', 'event.c', and 'n.c' from data:
  event.e <- eval(mf[[match("event.e", names(mf))]],
                  data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  k.All <- length(event.e)
  n.e <- eval(mf[[match("n.e", names(mf))]],
              data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  event.c <- eval(mf[[match("event.c", names(mf))]],
                  data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  n.c <- eval(mf[[match("n.c", names(mf))]],
              data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  ## Catch 'incr' from data:
  if (!missing(incr))
    incr <- eval(mf[[match("incr", names(mf))]],
                 data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  if (is.numeric(incr))
    chknumeric(incr, min = 0)
    incr <- setchar(incr, "TACC",
                    "should be numeric or the character string \"TACC\"")
  ## Catch 'studlab', 'byvar', 'subset' and 'exclude' from data:
  studlab <- eval(mf[[match("studlab", names(mf))]],
                  data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  studlab <- setstudlab(studlab, k.All)
  byvar <- eval(mf[[match("byvar", names(mf))]],
                data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  missing.byvar <- is.null(byvar)
  if (method == "GLMM" & !missing.byvar) {
    warning("Argument 'byvar' not considered for GLMMs. Use metareg function for subgroup analysis of GLMM meta-analyses.")
    byvar <- NULL
    missing.byvar <- is.null(byvar)
  subset <- eval(mf[[match("subset", names(mf))]],
                 data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  missing.subset <- is.null(subset)
  exclude <- eval(mf[[match("exclude", names(mf))]],
                  data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  missing.exclude <- is.null(exclude)

  ## (3) Check length of essential variables
  chklength(n.e, k.All, fun)
  chklength(event.c, k.All, fun)
  chklength(n.c, k.All, fun)
  chklength(studlab, k.All, fun)
  if (length(incr) > 1)
    chklength(incr, k.All, fun)
  if (!missing.byvar)
    chklength(byvar, k.All, fun)
  ## Additional checks
  if (method == "GLMM") {
    if (tau.common) {
      if (warn)
        warning("Argument 'tau.common' not considered for GLMM.")
      tau.common <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(TE.tau)) {
      if (warn)
        warning("Argument 'TE.tau' not considered for GLMM.")
      TE.tau <- NULL
    if (!is.null(tau.preset)) {
      if (warn)
        warning("Argument 'tau.preset' not considered for GLMM.")
      tau.preset <- NULL
  if (missing.byvar & tau.common) {
    warning("Value for argument 'tau.common' set to FALSE as argument 'byvar' is missing.")
    tau.common <- FALSE
  if (!missing.byvar & !tau.common & !is.null(tau.preset)) {
    warning("Argument 'tau.common' set to TRUE as argument tau.preset is not NULL.")
    tau.common <- TRUE

  ## (4) Subset, exclude studies, and subgroups
  if (!missing.subset)
    if ((is.logical(subset) & (sum(subset) > k.All)) ||
        (length(subset) > k.All))
      stop("Length of subset is larger than number of studies.")
  if (!missing.exclude) {
    if ((is.logical(exclude) & (sum(exclude) > k.All)) ||
        (length(exclude) > k.All))
      stop("Length of argument 'exclude' is larger than number of studies.")
    exclude2 <- rep(FALSE, k.All)
    exclude2[exclude] <- TRUE
    exclude <- exclude2
    exclude <- rep(FALSE, k.All)
  if (!missing.byvar) {
    chkmiss(byvar) <- byvarname(mf[[match("byvar", names(mf))]])
    bylab <- if (!missing(bylab) && !is.null(bylab)) bylab else

  ## (5) Store complete dataset in list object data
  ##     (if argument keepdata is TRUE)
  if (keepdata) {
    if (nulldata)
      data <- data.frame(.event.e = event.e)
      data$.event.e <- event.e
    data$.n.e <- n.e
    data$.event.c <- event.c
    data$.n.c <- n.c
    data$.studlab <- studlab
    data$.incr <- incr
    if (!missing.byvar)
      data$.byvar <- byvar
    if (!missing.subset) {
      if (length(subset) == dim(data)[1])
        data$.subset <- subset
      else {
        data$.subset <- FALSE
        data$.subset[subset] <- TRUE
    if (!missing.exclude)
      data$.exclude <- exclude

  ## (6) Use subset for analysis
  if (!missing.subset) {
    event.e <- event.e[subset]
    n.e <- n.e[subset]
    event.c <- event.c[subset]
    n.c <- n.c[subset]
    studlab <- studlab[subset]
    exclude <- exclude[subset]
    if (length(incr) > 1)
      incr <- incr[subset]
    if (!missing.byvar)
      byvar <- byvar[subset]
  ## Determine total number of studies
  k.all <- length(event.e)
  if (k.all == 0)
    stop("No studies to combine in meta-analysis.")
  ## No meta-analysis for a single study
  if (k.all == 1) {
    comb.fixed  <- FALSE
    comb.random <- FALSE
    prediction  <- FALSE
    if (method == "MH")
      method <- "Inverse"
  ## Check variable values
  ## Recode integer as numeric:
  event.e <- int2num(event.e)
  n.e     <- int2num(n.e)
  event.c <- int2num(event.c)
  n.c     <- int2num(n.c)

  ## (7) Calculate results for individual studies
  ## Include non-informative studies?
  ## (i.e. studies with either zero or all events in both groups)
  if (sm == "RD" | sm == "ASD")
    incl <- rep(1, k.all)
  else {
    allevents <- event.c == n.c & event.e == n.e
    if (allstudies)
      incl <- rep(1, k.all)
    else {
      if (sm == "OR")
        incl <- ifelse((event.c == 0   & event.e == 0) |
                       (event.c == n.c & event.e == n.e), NA, 1)
      if (sm == "RR")
        incl <- ifelse((event.c == 0 & event.e == 0), NA, 1)
  ## Exclude studies from meta-analysis:
  sel1 <- event.e > n.e
  sel2 <- event.c > n.c
  if ((any(sel1, na.rm = TRUE)) & warn)
    warning("Studies with event.e > n.e get no weight in meta-analysis.")
  if ((any(sel2, na.rm = TRUE)) & warn)
    warning("Studies with event.c > n.c get no weight in meta-analysis.")
  incl[sel1 | sel2] <- NA
  sel3 <- n.e <= 0 | n.c <= 0
  if ((any(sel3, na.rm = TRUE)) & warn)
    warning("Studies with non-positive values for n.e and / or n.c get no weight in meta-analysis.")
  incl[sel3] <- NA
  sel4 <- event.e < 0 | event.c < 0
  if ((any(sel4, na.rm = TRUE)) & warn)
    warning("Studies with negative values for event.e and / or event.c get no weight in meta-analysis.")
  incl[sel4] <- NA
  ## Sparse computation
  sel <- switch(sm,
                OR = ((n.e - event.e) == 0 | event.e == 0 |
                        (n.c - event.c) == 0 | event.c == 0),
                RD = ((n.e - event.e) == 0 | event.e == 0 |
                        (n.c - event.c) == 0 | event.c == 0),
                RR = ((n.e - event.e) == 0 | event.e == 0 |
                        (n.c - event.c) == 0 | event.c == 0),
                ASD = rep(FALSE, length(event.e)))
  sel[] <- FALSE
  sparse <- any(sel, na.rm = TRUE)
  ## Check for studies with zero cell frequencies in both groups
  doublezeros <- FALSE
  if (sparse & sm %in% c("RR", "OR") & !(method %in% c("Peto", "GLMM"))) {
    sel.doublezeros <- switch(sm,
                              OR = (event.e == 0   & event.c ==   0) |
                                   (event.c == n.c & event.e == n.e),
                              RR = (event.c == 0 & event.e == 0))
    if (any(sel.doublezeros, na.rm = TRUE))
      doublezeros <- TRUE
  ## No need to add anything to cell counts for
  ##  (i)  arcsine difference as summary measure
  ##  (ii) Peto method or GLMM
  if (sm == "ASD" | method %in% c("Peto", "GLMM")) {
    if ((!missing(incr) & any(incr != 0)) |
        (!missing(allincr) & allincr ) |
        (!missing(addincr) & addincr) |
        (!missing(allstudies) & allstudies)
      if (sm == "ASD") {
        if (sparse | addincr) {
          warning("Note, no continuity correction considered for arcsine difference (sm = \"ASD\").")
      else if (method == "Peto") {
        if (sparse | addincr)
          warning("Note, no continuity correction considered for method = \"Peto\".")
      else if (method == "GLMM") {
        if (sparse | addincr)
          warning("Note, for method = \"GLMM\", continuity correction only used to calculate individual study results.")
  ## Define continuity correction
  if (addincr) {
    if (is.numeric(incr)) {
      incr.e <- if (length(incr) == 1) rep(incr, k.all) else incr
      incr.c <- if (length(incr) == 1) rep(incr, k.all) else incr
    else {
      if (all(incr == "TACC")) {
        ## Treatment arm continuity correction:
        incr.e <- n.e / (n.e + n.c)
        incr.c <- n.c / (n.e + n.c)
  else {
    if (sparse) {
      if (allincr) {
        if (is.numeric(incr)) {
          incr.e <- if (length(incr) == 1) rep(incr, k.all) else incr
          incr.c <- if (length(incr) == 1) rep(incr, k.all) else incr
        else {
          if (all(incr == "TACC")) {
            ## Treatment arm continuity correction:
            incr.e <- n.e / (n.e + n.c)
            incr.c <- n.c / (n.e + n.c)
      else {
        ## Bradburn, Deeks, Altman, Stata-procedure "metan":
        ## & SAS PROC FREQ (for method = "Inverse")
        if (is.numeric(incr)) {
          incr.e <- incr * sel
          incr.c <- incr * sel
        else {
          if (all(incr == "TACC")) {
            ## Treatment arm continuity correction:
            incr.e <- n.e / (n.e + n.c) * sel
            incr.c <- n.c / (n.e + n.c) * sel
    else {
      incr.e <- rep(0, k.all)
      incr.c <- rep(0, k.all)
  ## No continuity correction for Peto method
  if (method == "Peto") {
    incr <- 0
    incr.e <- rep(0, k.all)
    incr.c <- rep(0, k.all)
  n11 <- event.e * incl
  n21 <- event.c * incl
  n1. <- n.e * incl
  n2. <- n.c * incl
  n.. <- n1. + n2.
  n12 <- n1. - n11
  n22 <- n2. - n21
  n.1 <- n11 + n21
  n.2 <- n12 + n22
  Q.CMH <- (sum((n11 - n1. * n.1 / n..)[!exclude], na.rm = TRUE)^2 /
              sum((n1. * n2. * n.1 * n.2 / n..^3)[!exclude], na.rm = TRUE))
  ## Estimation of treatment effects in individual studies
  if (sm == "OR") {
    if (method %in% c("MH", "Inverse", "GLMM")) {
      ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 251-2
      TE <- log(((n11 + incr.e) * (n22 + incr.c)) /
                ((n12 + incr.e) * (n21 + incr.c)))
      seTE <- sqrt((1 / (n11 + incr.e) + 1 / (n12 + incr.e) +
                    1 / (n21 + incr.c) + 1 / (n22 + incr.c)))
    else if (method == "Peto") {
      ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 252
      O <- n11
      E <- n1. * n.1 / n..
      V <- n1. * n2. * n.1 * n.2 / ((n.. - 1) * n..^2)
      TE <- (O - E) / V
      seTE <- sqrt(1 / V)
  else if (sm == "RR") {
    ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 247-8
    if (!RR.cochrane) {
      TE <- log(((n11 + incr.e) / (n1. + incr.e)) /
                  ((n21 + incr.c) / (n2. + incr.c)))
      ## Hartung & Knapp (2001), Stat Med, equation (18)
      seTE <- sqrt((1 / (n11 + incr.e * (!allevents)) - 1 / (n1. + incr.e) +
                      1 / (n21 + incr.c * (!allevents)) - 1 / (n2. + incr.c)))
    else {
      TE <- log(((n11 + incr.e) / (n1. + 2 * incr.e)) /
                  ((n21 + incr.c) / (n2. + 2 * incr.c)))
      seTE <- sqrt((1 / (n11 + incr.e) - 1 / (n1. + 2 * incr.e) +
                      1 / (n21 + incr.c) - 1 / (n2. + 2 * incr.c)))
  else if (sm == "RD") {
    ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 246-7
    TE <- n11 / n1. - n21 / n2.
    seTE <- sqrt((n11 + incr.e) * (n12 + incr.e) / (n1. + 2 * incr.e)^3 +
                   (n21 + incr.c) * (n22 + incr.c) / (n2. + 2 * incr.c)^3)
  else if (sm == "ASD") {
    ## Ruecker et al. (2009)
    TE <- asin(sqrt(n11 / n1.)) - asin(sqrt(n21 / n2.))
    seTE <- sqrt(0.25 * (1 / n1. + 1 / n2.))

  ## (8) Do meta-analysis
  k <- sum(![!exclude]) & ![!exclude]) &
           ![!exclude]) & ![!exclude]))
  if (sum(! == 1 & k.all > 1 & method == "MH") {
    if (warn)
      warning("For a single study, inverse variance method used ",
              "instead of Mantel-Haenszel method.",
              call. = FALSE)
    method <- "Inverse"
  if (all(incr.e == 0) & all(incr.c == 0) & method == "MH" & MH.exact == FALSE)
    MH.exact <- TRUE
  if (method == "MH") {
    incr.e <- incr.e * (!MH.exact)
    incr.c <- incr.c * (!MH.exact)
    if (sm == "OR") {
      ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 253-5 (MH.exact == TRUE)
      ## Bradburn, Deeks, Altman, Stata-procedure "metan"
      ## und RevMan 3.1 (MH.exact == FALSE)
      A <- (n11 + incr.e) * (n22 + incr.c) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      B <- (n11 + incr.e + n22 + incr.c) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      C <- (n12 + incr.e) * (n21 + incr.c) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      D <- (n12 + incr.e + n21 + incr.c) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      A[exclude] <- B[exclude] <- C[exclude] <- D[exclude] <- 0
      ## Cooper & Hedges (1994), p. 265-6
      w.fixed <- C
      TE.fixed <- log(sum(A, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(C, na.rm = TRUE))
      seTE.fixed <- sqrt((1 / (2 * sum(A, na.rm = TRUE)^2)  *
                            (sum(A * B, na.rm = TRUE) +
                               exp(TE.fixed) * (sum(B * C, na.rm = TRUE) +
                                                  sum(A * D, na.rm = TRUE)) +
                                                    exp(TE.fixed)^2 * sum(C * D, na.rm = TRUE))))
    else if (sm == "RR") {
      ## Greenland, Robins (1985) (MH.exact == TRUE)
      ## Bradburn, Deeks, Altman, Stata-procedure "metan"
      ## (MH.exact == FALSE)
      D <- ((n1. + 2 * incr.e) * (n2. + 2 * incr.c) * (n.1 + incr.e + incr.c) -
              (n11 + incr.e) * (n21 + incr.c) * (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)) /
                (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)^2
      R <- (n11 + incr.e) * (n2. + 2 * incr.c) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      S <- (n21 + incr.c) * (n1. + 2 * incr.e) / (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)
      D[exclude] <- R[exclude] <- S[exclude] <- 0
      w.fixed <- S
      TE.fixed <- log(sum(R, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(S, na.rm = TRUE))
      seTE.fixed <- sqrt(sum(D, na.rm = TRUE) / (sum(R, na.rm = TRUE) *
                                                   sum(S, na.rm = TRUE)))
    else if (sm == "RD") {
      ## Jon Deeks (1999) (MH.exact == TRUE)
      ## Bradburn, Deeks, Altman, Stata-procedure "metan"
      ## und RevMan 3.1 (MH.exact == FALSE)
      R <- ((n11 + incr.e) * (n12 + incr.e) * (n2. + 2 * incr.c)^3 +
              (n21 + incr.c) * (n22 + incr.c) * (n1. + 2 * incr.e)^3) /
                ((n1. + 2 * incr.e) * (n2. + 2 * incr.c) * (n.. + 2 * incr.e + 2 * incr.c)^2)
      S <- n1. * n2. / n..
      R[exclude] <- S[exclude] <- 0
      w.fixed <- S
      TE.fixed <- weighted.mean(TE, w.fixed, na.rm = TRUE)
      seTE.fixed <- sqrt(sum(R, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(S, na.rm = TRUE)^2)
    w.fixed[] <- 0
  else if (method == "Peto") {
    w.fixed <- 1 / seTE^2
    w.fixed[exclude] <- 0
    TE.fixed   <- weighted.mean(TE, w.fixed, na.rm = TRUE)
    seTE.fixed <- sqrt(1 / sum(w.fixed, na.rm = TRUE))
    w.fixed[] <- 0
  else if (method == "GLMM") {
    glmm.fixed <- metafor::rma.glmm(ai = event.e[!exclude],
                                    n1i = n.e[!exclude],
                                    ci = event.c[!exclude],
                                    n2i = n.c[!exclude],
                                    method = "FE",
                                    test = ifelse(hakn, "t", "z"),
                                    level = 100 * level.comb,
                                    measure = "OR", model = model.glmm,
    TE.fixed   <- as.numeric(glmm.fixed$b)
    seTE.fixed <- as.numeric(glmm.fixed$se)
    w.fixed <- rep(NA, length(event.e))
  m <- metagen(TE, seTE, studlab,
               exclude = if (missing.exclude) NULL else exclude,
               sm = sm,
               level = level,
               level.comb = level.comb,
               comb.fixed = comb.fixed,
               comb.random = comb.random,
               hakn = hakn,
               method.tau = method.tau,
               tau.preset = tau.preset,
               TE.tau = if (method == "Inverse") TE.tau else TE.fixed,
               tau.common = FALSE,
               prediction = prediction,
               level.predict = level.predict,
               method.bias = method.bias,
               backtransf = backtransf,
               title = title, complab = complab, outclab = outclab,
               label.e = label.e, label.c = label.c,
               label.left = label.left, label.right = label.right,
               keepdata = FALSE,
               warn = warn)
  if (!missing.byvar & tau.common) {
    ## Estimate common tau-squared across subgroups
    hcc <- hetcalc(TE, seTE, method.tau,
                   if (method == "Inverse") TE.tau else TE.fixed,

  ## (9) Generate R object
  res <- list(event.e = event.e, n.e = n.e,
              event.c = event.c, n.c = n.c,
              method = method,
              incr = if (length(unique(incr)) == 1) unique(incr) else incr,
              sparse = sparse,
              allincr = allincr, addincr = addincr,
              allstudies = allstudies,
              doublezeros = doublezeros,
              MH.exact = MH.exact, RR.cochrane = RR.cochrane,
              Q.CMH = Q.CMH, df.Q.CMH = 1, pval.Q.CMH = pvalQ(Q.CMH, 1),
              print.CMH = print.CMH,
              incr.e = incr.e, incr.c = incr.c,
              k.MH = if (method == "MH") sum(w.fixed > 0) else NA)
  ## Add meta-analysis results
  ## (after removing unneeded list elements)
  m$n.e <- NULL
  m$n.c <- NULL
  m$method <- NULL
  res <- c(res, m)
  ## Add data
  res$TE.tau <- TE.tau
  res$pscale <- pscale
  res$call <-
  if (method %in% c("MH", "Peto", "GLMM")) {
    ci.f <- ci(TE.fixed, seTE.fixed, level = level.comb)
    res$TE.fixed <- TE.fixed
    res$seTE.fixed <- seTE.fixed
    res$w.fixed <- w.fixed
    res$lower.fixed <- ci.f$lower
    res$upper.fixed <- ci.f$upper
    res$zval.fixed <- ci.f$z
    res$pval.fixed <- ci.f$p
  if (method == "GLMM") {
    if (sum(!exclude) > 1)
      glmm.random <- metafor::rma.glmm(ai = event.e[!exclude],
                                       n1i = n.e[!exclude],
                                       ci = event.c[!exclude],
                                       n2i = n.c[!exclude],
                                       method = method.tau,
                                       test = ifelse(hakn, "t", "z"),
                                       level = 100 * level.comb,
                                       measure = "OR", model = model.glmm,
    else {
      ## Fallback to fixed effect model due to small number of studies
      glmm.random <- glmm.fixed
    TE.random   <- as.numeric(glmm.random$b)
    seTE.random <- as.numeric(glmm.random$se)
    ci.r <- ci(TE.random, seTE.random, level = level.comb)
    res$w.random <- rep(NA, length(event.e))
    res$TE.random <- TE.random
    res$seTE.random <- seTE.random
    res$lower.random <- ci.r$lower
    res$upper.random <- ci.r$upper
    res$zval.random <- ci.r$z
    res$pval.random <- ci.r$p
    res$se.tau2 <- NA
    ci.p <- metafor::predict.rma(glmm.random, level = 100 * level.predict)
    res$seTE.predict <- NA
    res$lower.predict <- ci.p$
    res$upper.predict <- ci.p$cr.ub
    if (is.null(res$lower.predict))
      res$lower.predict <- NA
    if (is.null(res$upper.predict))
      res$upper.predict <- NA
    res$model.glmm <- model.glmm
    res$Q      <- glmm.random$QE.Wld
    res$df.Q   <- glmm.random$QE.df
    res$pval.Q <- pvalQ(res$Q, res$df.Q)
    res$Q.LRT      <- glmm.random$QE.LRT
    res$df.Q.LRT   <- res$df.Q
    res$pval.Q.LRT <- pvalQ(res$Q.LRT, res$df.Q.LRT)
    if (k > 1)
      res$tau <- sqrt(glmm.random$tau2)
    res$H <- sqrt(glmm.random$H2)
    res$lower.H <- NA
    res$upper.H <- NA
    res$I2 <- glmm.random$I2 / 100
    res$lower.I2 <- NA
    res$upper.I2 <- NA
    res$.glmm.fixed  <- glmm.fixed
    res$.glmm.random <- glmm.random
    res$version.metafor <- packageDescription("metafor")$Version
  if (keepdata) {
    res$data <- data
    if (!missing.subset)
      res$subset <- subset
  class(res) <- c(fun, "meta")
  ## Add results from subgroup analysis
  if (!missing.byvar) {
    res$byvar <- byvar
    res$bylab <- bylab
    res$print.byvar <- print.byvar
    res$byseparator <- byseparator
    res$tau.common <- tau.common
    if (!tau.common)
      res <- c(res, subgroup(res))
    else if (!is.null(tau.preset))
      res <- c(res, subgroup(res, tau.preset))
    else {
      res <- c(res, subgroup(res, hcc$tau))
      res$Q.w.random <- hcc$Q
      res$df.Q.w.random <- hcc$df.Q
      res$pval.Q.w.random <- pvalQ(hcc$Q, hcc$df.Q)
    res$event.w <- NULL
    res$n.w <- NULL
    res$time.e.w <- NULL
    res$time.c.w <- NULL
  class(res) <- c(fun, "meta")

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