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Tip revision: 68f182c58738c298fe6dd88600e79db03d7c2f3b authored by Dmitry Yu. Naumov on 05 October 2016, 21:47:36 UTC
Merge pull request #1463 from chleh/improve-docu-part5
Tip revision: 68f182c
 * @date Oct 24, 2013
 * @copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenGeoSys Community (
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/optional.hpp>

// GeoLib
#include "GeoLib/Grid.h"

// MeshGeoToolsLib
#include "MeshGeoToolsLib/SearchLength.h"

// forward declaration
namespace GeoLib
class GeoObject;
class Point;
class Polyline;
class Surface;

namespace MeshLib
class Mesh;
class Node;

namespace MeshGeoToolsLib
class MeshNodesOnPoint;
class MeshNodesAlongPolyline;
class MeshNodesAlongSurface;

namespace MeshGeoToolsLib
 * Class for searching mesh node ids along polylines or points. This ids
 * can be used to set boundary conditions, source terms, initial conditions
 * or for outputting simulation results.
class MeshNodeSearcher
     * Constructor for objects of class MeshNodeSearcher. It calculates
     * internally used search length from the given MeshLib::Mesh.
     * @param mesh Run search algorithm on this mesh. It is assumed
     * that the mesh does not change its geometry.
    explicit MeshNodeSearcher(MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh,
        MeshGeoToolsLib::SearchLength const& search_length_algorithm
            = MeshGeoToolsLib::SearchLength(),
        bool search_all_nodes = true);

    virtual ~MeshNodeSearcher();

     * Searches for the nearest mesh nodes on the given geometric object (point, polyline, surface).
     * @param geoObj a GeoLib::GeoObject where the nearest mesh node is searched for
     * @return a vector of mesh node ids
    std::vector<std::size_t> getMeshNodeIDs(GeoLib::GeoObject const& geoObj);

     * Searches for the node nearest by the given point. If there are two nodes
     * with the same distance the id of the one that was first found will be
     * returned. The algorithm for the search is using GeoLib::Grid data
     * structure.
     * @param pnt a GeoLib::Point the nearest mesh node is searched for
     * @return  a vector of mesh node ids
    std::vector<std::size_t> const& getMeshNodeIDsForPoint(GeoLib::Point const& pnt);

     * Searches for the nearest mesh nodes along a GeoLib::Polyline.
     * The search for mesh nodes along a specific polyline will be performed
     * only once. The result ids will be stored inside an object
     * (@see class MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodesAlongPolyline).
     * @param ply the GeoLib::Polyline the nearest mesh nodes are searched for
     * @return a vector of mesh node ids
    std::vector<std::size_t> const& getMeshNodeIDsAlongPolyline(GeoLib::Polyline const& ply);

     * Searches for the nearest mesh nodes along a GeoLib::Surface.
     * The search for mesh nodes along a specific surface will be performed
     * only once. The result ids will be stored inside an object
     * (@see class MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodesAlongSurface).
     * @param sfc the GeoLib::Surface the nearest mesh nodes are searched for
     * @return a vector of mesh node ids
    std::vector<std::size_t> const& getMeshNodeIDsAlongSurface(GeoLib::Surface const& sfc);

     * Return a MeshNodesOnPoint object for the given GeoLib::Point object.
     * @param pnt the GeoLib::Point the nearest mesh nodes are searched for
     * @return a reference to a MeshNodesOnPoint object
    MeshNodesOnPoint& getMeshNodesOnPoint(GeoLib::Point const& pnt);

     * Return a MeshNodesAlongPolyline object for the given GeoLib::Polyline object.
     * @param ply the GeoLib::Polyline the nearest mesh nodes are searched for
     * @return a reference to a MeshNodesAlongPolyline object
    MeshNodesAlongPolyline& getMeshNodesAlongPolyline(GeoLib::Polyline const& ply);

     * Return a MeshNodesAlongSurface object for the given GeoLib::Surface object.
     * @param sfc the GeoLib::Surface the nearest mesh nodes are searched for
     * @return a reference to a MeshNodesAlongSurface object
    MeshNodesAlongSurface& getMeshNodesAlongSurface(GeoLib::Surface const& sfc);

     * Get the mesh this searcher operates on.
    std::size_t getMeshId() const;

     * Returns a (possibly new) mesh node searcher for the mesh.
     * A new one will be created, if it does not already exists.
    static MeshNodeSearcher& getMeshNodeSearcher(MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh);

    MeshLib::Mesh const& _mesh;
    GeoLib::Grid<MeshLib::Node> _mesh_grid;
    double _search_length;
    bool _search_all_nodes;
    // with newer compiler we can omit to use a pointer here
    std::vector<MeshNodesOnPoint*> _mesh_nodes_on_points;
    std::vector<MeshNodesAlongPolyline*> _mesh_nodes_along_polylines;
    std::vector<MeshNodesAlongSurface*> _mesh_nodes_along_surfaces;

    /// Mesh node searcher for the meshes indexed by the meshs' ids.
    static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MeshNodeSearcher>> _mesh_node_searchers;

} // end namespace MeshGeoToolsLib

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