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Tip revision: 5f7ed3eb25aa5d35d836d1abd96cbc3780d5a638 authored by Brian Ripley on 30 August 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 7.3-21
Tip revision: 5f7ed3e
% file MASS/man/summary.rlm.Rd
% copyright (C) 1994-9 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
Summary Method for Robust Linear Models
\code{summary} method for objects of class \code{"rlm"}
\method{summary}{rlm}(object, method = c("XtX", "XtWX"), correlation = FALSE, \dots)
the fitted model.
This is assumed to be the result of some fit that produces
an object inheriting from the class \code{rlm}, in the sense that
the components returned by the \code{rlm} function will be available.
Should the weighted (by the IWLS weights) or unweighted cross-products
matrix be used?
logical. Should correlations be computed (and printed)?
arguments passed to or from other methods.
If printing takes place, only a null value is returned.
Otherwise, a list is returned with the following components.
Printing always takes place if this function is invoked automatically
as a method for the \code{summary} function.

The computed correlation coefficient matrix for the coefficients in the model.
The unscaled covariance matrix; i.e, a matrix such that multiplying it by
an estimate of the error variance produces an estimated covariance matrix
for the coefficients.
The scale estimate.
A scale estimate used for the standard errors.
The number of degrees of freedom for the model and for residuals.
A matrix with three columns, containing the coefficients, their standard errors
and the corresponding t statistic.
The terms object used in fitting this model.
This function is a method for the generic function
\code{summary()} for class \code{"rlm"}.
It can be invoked by calling \code{summary(x)} for an
object \code{x} of the appropriate class, or directly by
calling \code{summary.rlm(x)} regardless of the
class of the object.
  Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002)
  \emph{Modern Applied Statistics with S.} Fourth edition.  Springer.
summary(rlm(calls ~ year, data = phones, maxit = 50))
rlm(formula = calls ~ year, data = phones, maxit = 50)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max
-18.31  -5.95  -1.68  26.46 173.77

            Value    Std. Error t value
(Intercept) -102.622   26.553   -3.86
year           2.041    0.429    4.76

Residual standard error: 9.03 on 22 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Coefficients:
[1] -0.994

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