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Tip revision: 6a574ee78277f7f38ae7939a12894c1616dc61eb authored by Douglas Nychka on 16 October 2015, 01:28:36 UTC
version 8.3-5
Tip revision: 6a574ee
# fields, Tools for spatial data
# Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
# Licensed under the GPL --

mKrig.trace <- function(object, iseed, NtrA) {
    # if more tests that number of data points just
    # find A exactly by np predicts.
    np<- object$np
    if (NtrA >= object$np) {
        Ey <- diag(1, np)
        NtrA <- np
        hold <- diag(predict.mKrig(object, ynew = Ey))<- NA
        trA.est <- sum(hold)
    else {
        # if fewer tests then use random trace method
        # find fitted.values  for iid N(0,1) 'data' to calculate the
        # the Monte Carlo estimate of tr A(lambda)
        # basically repeat the steps above but take some
        # short cuts because we only need fitted.values
        # create random normal 'data'
        Ey <- matrix(rnorm(np * NtrA), nrow = np, 
            ncol = NtrA) <- colSums(Ey * (predict.mKrig(object, ynew = Ey)))
        trA.est <- mean(
    if (NtrA < np) {
     GCV <-       MSE/(1 - trA.est /np)^2 <- MSE/( 1 -^2
    	GCV<- NA <- NA
    list( =, eff.df = trA.est,
             GCV= GCV,

mKrig.coef <- function(object, y) {
    # given new data y and the matrix decompositions in the
    # mKrig object find coefficients d and c.
    # d are the coefficients for the fixed part
    # in this case hard coded for a low order polynomial
    # c are coefficients for the basis functions derived from the
    # covariance function.
    # see mKrig itself for more comments on the linear algebra
    # Note that all these expressions make sense if y is a matrix
    # of several data sets and one is solving for the coefficients
    # of all of these at once. In this case d.coef and c.coef are matrices
    # generalized least squares for d
    if( any({
    	stop("mKrig can not omit missing values in observation vecotor")
    d.coef <- as.matrix(qr.coef(object$qr.VT, forwardsolve(object$Mc, 
        transpose = TRUE, y, upper.tri = TRUE)))
    #  residuals from subtracting off fixed part
    #  of model as m-1 order polynomial
    resid <- y - object$Tmatrix %*% d.coef
    # and now find c.
    c.coef <- forwardsolve(object$Mc, transpose = TRUE, resid, 
        upper.tri = TRUE)
    c.coef <- as.matrix(backsolve(object$Mc, c.coef))
    out <- list(d = (d.coef), c = (c.coef))
print.mKrig <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) {
    if (is.matrix(x$residuals)) {
        n <- nrow(x$residuals)
        NData <- ncol(x$residuals)
    else {
        n <- length(x$residuals)
        NData <- 1
    c1 <- "Number of Observations:"
    c2 <- n
    if (NData > 1) {
        c1 <- c(c1, "Number of data sets fit:")
        c2 <- c(c2, NData)
    c1 <- c(c1, "Degree of polynomial null space ( base model):")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$m - 1)
    c1 <- c(c1, "Total number of parameters in base model")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$nt)
    if (x$nZ > 0) {
        c1 <- c(c1, "Number of additional covariates (Z)")
        c2 <- c(c2, x$nZ)
    if (!$eff.df)) {
        c1 <- c(c1, " Eff. degrees of freedom")
        c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$eff.df, digits))
        if (length(x$ < x$np) {
            c1 <- c(c1, "   Standard Error of estimate: ")
            c2 <- c(c2, signif(sd(x$$, 
    c1 <- c(c1, "Smoothing parameter")
    c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$lambda.fixed, digits))
    if (NData == 1) {
        c1 <- c(c1, "MLE sigma ")
        c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$shat.MLE, digits))
        c1 <- c(c1, "MLE rho")
        c2 <- c(c2, signif(x$rho.MLE, digits))
    c1 <- c(c1, "Nonzero entries in covariance")
    c2 <- c(c2, x$nonzero.entries)
    sum <- cbind(c1, c2)
    dimnames(sum) <- list(rep("", dim(sum)[1]), rep("", dim(sum)[2]))
    print(sum, quote = FALSE)
    cat(" ", fill = TRUE)
    cat(" Covariance Model:", x$cov.function, fill = TRUE)
    if (x$cov.function == "stationary.cov") {
        cat("   Covariance function:  ", ifelse(is.null(x$args$Covariance), 
            "Exponential", x$args$Covariance), fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$args)) {
        cat("   Non-default covariance arguments and their values ", 
            fill = TRUE)
        nlist <- as.character(names(x$args))
        NL <- length(nlist)
        for (k in 1:NL) {
            cat("   Argument:", nlist[k], " ")
            if (object.size(x$args[[k]]) <= 1024) {
                cat("has the value(s): ", fill = TRUE)
            else {
                cat("too large to print value, size > 1K ...", 
                  fill = TRUE)

summary.mKrig <- function(object, ...) {
    print.mKrig(object, ...)

predict.mKrig <- function(object, xnew = NULL, ynew = NULL, grid.list=NULL,
    derivative = 0, Z = NULL, drop.Z = FALSE, just.fixed = FALSE, 
    ...) {
    # the main reason to pass new args to the covariance is to increase
    # the temp space size for sparse multiplications
    # other optional arguments from mKrig are passed along in the
    # list object$args
    cov.args <- list(...)
    # predict at observation locations by default
    if( !is.null(grid.list)){
        xnew<- make.surface.grid(grid.list)
    if (is.null(xnew)) {
        xnew <- object$x
    if (is.null(Z)) {
        Z <- object$Tmatrix[, !object$ind.drift]
    if (!is.null(ynew)) {
        coef.hold <- mKrig.coef(object, ynew)
        c.coef <- coef.hold$c
        d.coef <- coef.hold$d
    else {
        c.coef <- object$c
        d.coef <- object$d
    # fixed part of the model this a polynomial of degree m-1
    # Tmatrix <- fields.mkpoly(xnew, m=object$m)
    if (derivative == 0) {
        if (drop.Z | object$nZ == 0) {
            # just evaluate polynomial and not the Z covariate
            temp1 <- fields.mkpoly(xnew, m = object$m) %*% d.coef[object$ind.drift, 
        else {
            temp1 <- cbind(fields.mkpoly(xnew, m = object$m), 
                Z) %*% d.coef
    else {
        if (!drop.Z & object$nZ > 0) {
            stop("derivative not supported with Z covariate included")
        temp1 <- fields.derivative.poly(xnew, m = object$m, d.coef[object$ind.drift, 
    if (just.fixed) {
    # add nonparametric part. Covariance basis functions
    # times coefficients.
    # syntax is the name of the function and then a list with
    # all the arguments. This allows for different covariance functions
    # that have been passed as their name.
    if (derivative == 0) {
        # argument list are the parameters and other options from mKrig
        #  locations and coefficients,
        temp2 <-$, c(object$args, 
            list(x1 = xnew, x2 = object$knots, C = c.coef), cov.args))
    else {
        temp2 <-$, c(object$args, 
            list(x1 = xnew, x2 = object$knots, C = c.coef, derivative = derivative), 
    # add two parts together and coerce to vector
    return((temp1 + temp2))
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