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Tip revision: 0c08c1abeec6ee1d596fab660bcd04f277c4dc98 authored by Doug Nychka on 12 November 2004, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.0
Tip revision: 0c08c1a
  Thin plate spline regression 
Fits a thin plate spline surface to irregularly spaced data. The 
smoothing parameter is chosen by generalized cross-validation. The assumed 
model is additive  Y = f(X) +e  where f(X) is a d dimensional surface. 
This is a special case of the spatial process estimate.   
Tps(x, Y, m = NULL, p = NULL, decomp = "WBW", scale.type = "range", ...)
To be helpful, a more complete list of arguments are described that are the 
same as those for the Krig function.  

Matrix of independent variables. Each row is a location. 
Vector of dependent variables. 
A polynomial function of degree (m-1) will be  
included in the model as the drift (or spatial trend) component. 
Default is the value such that 2m-d is greater than zero where d is the 
dimension of x. 
Exponent for radial basis functions. Default is 2m-d. 
Type of matrix decompositions used to compute the solution. Default is  
the more numerically stable   
"WBW" Wendelberger-Bates-Wahba. This is the strategy used in GCV pack.   
An alternative is "DR" Demmler-Reinsch. This must be used if one 
wants a reduced set of basis functions (specifying knots). 
The independent variables and knots are scaled to the specified 
By default the scale type is "range", whereby 
the locations are transformed  
 to the interval (0,1) by forming (x-min(x))/range(x) for each x. 
Scale type of "user" allows specification of an and x.scale by 
user. The default for "user" is mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Scale 
type of "unscaled" does not scale the data.  
Any argument that is valid for the Krig function. Some of the main ones
are listed below. 
Smoothing parameter that is the ratio of the error variance (sigma**2) 
to the scale parameter of the  
covariance function. If omitted this is estimated by GCV. 
Cost value used in GCV criterion. Corresponds to a penalty for  
increased number of parameters. 
Subset of data used in the fit. 
Weights are proportional to the reciprocal variance of the measurement  
error. The default is no weighting i.e. vector of unit weights. 
Matrices from the decompositions are returned. The default is T.  
Number of grid points for minimum GCV search. 
Centering values are subtracted from each column of the x matrix. 
have scale.type="user".
Scale values that divided into each column after centering. 
have scale.type="user".
Scale factor for covariance. 
Variance of errors or if weights are not equal to 1 the variance is
Character string specifiying the method for estimating the "smoothing"
parameter. The default is 'GCV' -- generalized corss-validation. 
If true will print out all kinds of intermediate stuff.  
maximum size of condition number to allow when using DR decomposition. 
Object to predict the mean of the spatial process. 
Object to predict the marginal standard deviation of the spatial process. 
Name of y variable 
If true returns the big X matrix used for the estimate.  
An R function that creates the matrices for the null space model.  
The default is make.tmatrix, an S function that creates polynomial 
null spaces.  
The offset to be used in the GCV criterion. Default is 0. This would be 
used when Krig/Tps is part of a backfitting algorithm and the offset has
to be included  to reflect other model degrees of freedom. 
A list of class Krig. This includes the predicted surface of 
fitted.values and the residuals. The results of the grid 
search minimizing the generalized cross validation function is 
returned in gcv.grid. 
Please see the documentation on Krig for details of the returned 
A thin plate spline is result of minimizing the residual sum of 
squares subject to a constraint that the function have a certain 
level of smoothness (or roughness penalty). Roughness is 
quantified by the integral of squared m-th order derivatives. For one 
dimension and m=2 the roughness penalty is the integrated square of 
the second derivative of the function. For two dimensions the 
roughness penalty is the integral of  

        (Dxx(f))**22 + 2(Dxy(f))**2 + (Dyy(f))**22 

(where Duv denotes the second partial derivative with respect to u 
and v.) Besides controlling the order of the derivatives, the value of 
m also determines the base polynomial that is fit to the data. 
The degree of this polynomial is (m-1). 

The smoothing parameter controls the amount that the data is 
smoothed. In the usual form this is denoted by lambda, the Lagrange 
multiplier of the minimization problem. Although this is an awkward 
scale, lambda =0 corresponds to no smoothness constraints and the data 
is interpolated.  lambda=infinity corresponds to just fitting the 
polynomial base model by ordinary least squares.  

This estimator is implemented simply by feeding the right generalized 
covariance function based on radial basis functions to the more general 
function Krig. This is a different approach than the older version in 
FUNFITS (tps) and provides simpler coding. One advantage of this   
implementation is that once a Tps/Krig object is 
created the estimator can be found rapidly for other data and smoothing 
parameters  provided the locations remain unchanged. This makes simulation 
within R efficient (see example below).  
See "Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models"  
by Green and Silverman. 
See "Additive Models" by Hastie and Tibshirani. 
Krig, summary.Krig, predict.Krig,, plot.Krig,  
#2-d example 

fit<- Tps(ozone$x, ozone$y)  # fits a surface to ozone measurements. 
plot(fit) # diagnostic plots of  fit and residuals. 

# predict onto a grid that matches the ranges of the data.  

out.p<-predict.surface( fit)
image( out.p) 
surface(out.p) # perspective and contour plots of GCV spline fit 
# predict at different effective 
# number of parameters 
out.p<-predict.surface( fit,df=10)

#1-d example 
out<-Tps($t,$trt) # lambda found by GCV 
plot( out$x, out$y)
lines( out$x, out$fitted.values)

# compare to the ( much faster) one spline algorithm 
#  sreg($t,$trt) 
# simulation reusing
fit<- Tps($t,$trt)
true<- fit$fitted.values
N<-  length( fit$y)
temp<- matrix(  NA, ncol=50, nrow=N)
sigma<- fit$shat.GCV
for (  k in 1:50){
ysim<- true + sigma* rnorm(N) 
temp[,k]<- predict(fit, y= ysim)
matplot( fit$x, temp, type="l")

#4-d example 
fit<- Tps(BD[,1:4],BD$lnya,scale.type="range") 
# plots fitted surface and contours 
#2-d example using a reduced set of basis functions 
r1 <- range(flame$x[,1]) 
r2 <-range( flame$x[,2]) 
g.list <- list(seq(r1[1], r1[2],6), seq(r2[1], r2[2], 6)) 
knots<- make.surface.grid(g.list) 
# these knots are a 6X6 grid over 
# the ranges of the two flame variables 
out<-Tps(flame$x, flame$y, knots=knots, m=3)   
surface( out, type="I")
points( knots)
% docclass is function
% Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.
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