Raw File
Tip revision: 92636eaee56714c89c7b7e7cdc52e0c77aeb79b3 authored by Doug Nychka on 07 February 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.3
Tip revision: 92636ea
"plot.qsreg" <-
function (x, pch = "*", main = NA,...) 
out<- x # hack S3
    old.par <- par("mfrow", "oma")
    set.panel( 2, 2, relax=TRUE)
    plot(out$x, out$y, xlab = "X", ylab = "y", pch = pch)
    orderx <- order(out$x)
temp<-  out$fitted.values[,c(out$, out$]
matlines(out$x[orderx], temp[orderx,], lty = 1,  col = c(1,2))
# residual plot
qsreg.psi( out$residuals[,c(out$, out$],  out$alpha, out$sc)
, col=c(1,2), pch="o", ylab="Pseudo residuals", xlab="X")


    if (nrow(out$cv.grid) > 1) {
        ind <- out$cv.grid[, 3] < 1e+19
        out$cv.grid <- out$cv.grid[ind, ]
        matplot(out$cv.grid[, 2], cbind(out$cv.grid[, 3], 
out$cv.grid[,6]), xlab = "Effective number of parameters", 
            ylab = "Log CV Rho function ", 
            log = "y", type="l", col=c(1,2))
xline( out$cv.grid[out$, 2], col=1)
xline( out$cv.grid[out$, 2], col=2)

        title(" CV curves", 
            cex = 0.5)

qsreg.psi( out$residuals[,c(out$, out$],  out$alpha, out$sc), 
labels=c("CV", "CV pseudo")

yline( 0, col=2)

    if ( 
        mtext(deparse(out$call), cex = 1.3, outer = TRUE, line = -2)
    else mtext(main, cex = 1.3, outer = TRUE, line = -2)

"predict.qsreg" <- function(object, x, derivative = 0,
                    model = object$,...) 
    if (missing(x)) 
        x <- object$x
    c(splint(object$predicted$x, object$predicted$y[, model],
                   x, derivative = derivative))

"qsreg" <-
function (x, y, lam = NA, maxit = 50, = 10, tol = 1e-07,
    offset = 0, sc = sqrt(var(y)) * 1e-05, alpha = 0.5, wt = rep(1, 
        length(x)), cost = 1, = 80, hmin = NA, hmax = NA, 
    trmin = 2 * 1.05, trmax = 0.95 * length(unique(x))) 
    out <- list()
    class(out) <- c("qsreg")
    N <- length(y)
    out$N <- N
    xgrid <- sort(unique(x))
    if (length(x) != length(y)) 
        stop(" X and Y do not match")
    if (![1])) 
hgrid<- log( lam)
# find lambda grid
        if ( {
            hmin <- 0
            for (k in 1:25) {
                b <- qsreg.trace(lam = as.double(exp(hmin)), 
                  x = x, y = y, wt = wt, cost = cost, maxit = maxit, 
                  tol = tol, sc = sc, alpha = alpha)
                if (b > trmax) {
                hmin <- hmin - 1
        if ( {
            hmax <- 0
            for (k in 1:25) {
                b <- qsreg.trace(lam = as.double(exp(hmax)), 
                  x = x, y = y, wt = wt, cost = cost, maxit = maxit, 
                  tol = tol, sc = sc, alpha = alpha)
                if (b < trmin) {
                hmax <- hmax + 1
h<- seq( hmin,hmax,,
lam<- exp( h)

# now loop through values for lam ( really log lam)
    b <- list()
    NL <- length(lam)
    NG <- length(xgrid)
     h <- log(lam)
    residuals <- matrix(NA, ncol = NL, nrow = N)
    diagA <- residuals <- rep(0, NL) <- rep(0, NL)
    cv <- rep(0, NL)
    predicted <- matrix(NA, ncol = NL, nrow = NG)
    trace <- rep(0, NL)
    converge <- rep(0, NL)
wt.old<- wt
    for (k in 1:NL) {

        b <- .Fortran("rcss", h = as.double(h[k]), npoint = as.integer(N), 
            x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y), wt = as.double(wt.old), 
            sy = as.double(rep(0, N)), trace = as.double(0), 
            diag = as.double(rep(0, N)), cv = as.double(0), ngrid = as.integer(NG), 
            xg = as.double(xgrid), yg = as.double(rep(0, NG)), 
            job = as.integer(c(3, 3, 0)), ideriv = as.integer(0), 
            din = as.double(c(cost, offset, maxit, tol, sc, alpha)), 
            dout = as.double(rep(0, 4)), ierr = as.integer(0), PACKAGE="fields")
        residuals[, k] <- y - b$sy
        diagA[, k] <- b$diag
        cv[k] <- b$dout[4]
        trace[k] <- b$trace
        predicted[, k] <- b$yg
        converge[k] <- b$dout[1]
wt.old<- b$wt
# second loop to find approx CV residuals based on pseudo values

y.pseudo<- rep(NA, N)<- matrix( NA, ncol=NL, nrow= length( x))
for (k in 1:NL) {

y.pseudo<-  (sc)*qsreg.psi(residuals[, k], alpha=alpha, C=sc) + y-residuals[,k]
# call the robust spline but set the cutoff for the huber weight so big
# it is essentially a LS spline this helps to match the lambda for robust spline
# with a LS one. 
b <- .Fortran("rcss", h = as.double(h[k]), npoint = as.integer(N),
            x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y.pseudo), wt = as.double(wt),
            sy = as.double(rep(0, N)), trace = as.double(0),
diag = as.double(rep(0, N)), cv = as.double(0), ngrid = as.integer(NG), 
            xg = as.double(xgrid), yg = as.double(rep(0, NG)),
            job = as.integer(c(3, 3, 0)), ideriv = as.integer(0),
            din = as.double(c(cost, offset, maxit, tol, sqrt( var( y))*10, alpha)),
            dout = as.double(rep(0, 4)), ierr = as.integer(0), PACKAGE="fields")
# CV residuals based on pseudo-data)
# Use the linear approximation  Y_k - f.cv_k = (Y_k- f_k)/( 1- A_kk)
#  f.cv_k = f_k/( 1- A_kk) - ( A_kk)Y_k/( 1- A_kk)
# Note: we find based on pseudo data but then consider its deviation 
# from the actual data
#<- (b$sy/(1-b$diag)) -   b$diag*y.pseudo/(1-b$diag)[k]<- b$trace[,k]<- ([k]<- mean( qsreg.rho( y-, alpha=alpha, C=sc)) 

cv.grid <- cbind(lam, trace, cv, converge,,
dimnames(cv.grid) <- list(NULL, c("lambda", "trace", "CV", 
      "iterations", "trace.PS", "CV.PS"))
#<- ( 1: NL) [ cv==min(cv)]<- ( 1: NL) []
   out$call <-
    out$x <- x
    out$y <- y
    out$predicted<- list( x= xgrid, y= predicted)
    out$trace<- trace
    out$residuals <- residuals
    out$fitted.values<- y - residuals
    out$cv.grid <- cv.grid
    out$diagA <- diagA
    out$sc <- sc
    out$alpha <- alpha
"" <-
function (x, y, lam, maxit = 50, = 10, tol = 1e-04, 
    offset = 0, sc = sqrt(var(y)) * 1e-07, alpha = 0.5, wt = rep(1, 
        length(x)), cost = 1) 
    N <- length(y)
    if (length(x) != length(y)) 
        stop(" X and Y do not match")
    h <- log(lam)
    temp <- .Fortran("rcss", h = as.double(log(lam)), npoint = as.integer(N), 
        x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y), wt = as.double(wt), 
        sy = as.double(rep(0, N)), trace = as.double(0), diag = as.double(rep(0, 
            N)), cv = as.double(0), ngrid = as.integer(0), xg = as.double(0), 
        yg = as.double(0), job = as.integer(c(3, 0, 0)), ideriv = as.integer(0), 
        din = as.double(c(cost, offset, maxit, tol, sc, alpha)), 
        dout = as.double(rep(0, 4)), ierr = as.integer(0), PACKAGE="fields")$dout

"qsreg.psi" <-
function( r,alpha=.5,C=1){
temp<- rep( NA, length( r))

r<- r/C

temp<- r
ind<-  r>1
temp[ ind] <-   2*alpha
ind<-  r<1& r>0
temp[ ind] <-   (2*alpha*r[ind])
ind<-  r< -1
temp[ ind] <-   -2*(1-alpha)
ind<-  r>-1& r<0
temp[ ind] <-   2*(1-alpha)*r[ind]
"qsreg.rho" <-
function( r,alpha=.5,C=1){
temp<- rep( NA, length( r))

ind<-  r>C
temp[ ind] <-   2*alpha*r[ind] - alpha*C
ind<-  r<C& r>0
temp[ ind] <-   (alpha*r[ind]**2)/C

ind<-  r< -C
temp[ ind] <-   -2*(1-alpha)*r[ind] - (1-alpha)*C
ind<-  r>-C& r<0
temp[ ind] <-   ((1-alpha)*r[ind]**2)/C

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