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Tip revision: 9924457bfed29635cbc74e54959beb6a433c8123 authored by Chong Gu on 23 September 2004, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.9-3
Tip revision: 9924457
\title{Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models}
    Fit smoothing spline ANOVA models with cubic spline, linear spline,
    or thin-plate spline marginals for numerical variables.  Factors are
    also accepted.  The symbolic model specification via \code{formula}
    follows the same rules as in \code{\link{lm}}.
ssanova(formula, type="cubic", data=list(), weights, subset,
        offset, na.action=na.omit, partial=NULL, method="v",
        varht=1, prec=1e-7, maxiter=30, ext=.05, order=2)
    \item{formula}{Symbolic description of the model to be fit.}
    \item{type}{Type of numerical marginals to be used.  Supported are
	\code{type="cubic"} for cubic spline marginals,
	\code{type="linear"} for linear spline marginals, and
	\code{type="tp"} for thin-plate spline marginals.}
    \item{data}{Optional data frame containing the variables in the
    \item{weights}{Optional vector of weights to be used in the
	fitting process.}
    \item{subset}{Optional vector specifying a subset of observations
	to be used in the fitting process.}
    \item{offset}{Optional offset term with known parameter 1.}
    \item{na.action}{Function which indicates what should happen when
	the data contain NAs.}
    \item{partial}{Optional extra unpenalized terms in partial spline
    \item{method}{Method for smoothing parameter selection.  Supported
	are \code{method="v"} for GCV, \code{method="m"} for GML (REML),
	and \code{method="u"} for Mallow's CL.}
    \item{varht}{External variance estimate needed for
	\code{method="u"}.  Ignored when \code{method="v"} or
	\code{method="m"} are specified.}
    \item{prec}{Precision requirement in the iteration for multiple
	smoothing parameter selection.  Ignored when only one smoothing
	parameter is involved.}
    \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations allowed for multiple
	smoothing parameter selection.  Ignored when only one smoothing
	parameter is involved.}
    \item{ext}{For cubic spline and linear spline marginals, this option
	specifies how far to extend the domain beyond the minimum and
	the maximum as a percentage of the range.  The default
	\code{ext=.05} specifies marginal domains of lengths 110 percent
	of their respective ranges.  Prediction outside of the domain
	will result in an error.  Ignored if \code{type="tp"} is
    \item{order}{For thin-plate spline marginals, this option specifies
	the order of the marginal penalties.  Ignored if
	\code{type="cubic"} or \code{type="linear"} are specified.}
    \code{ssanova} and the affiliated \code{\link{methods}} provide a
    front end to RKPACK, a collection of RATFOR routines for structural
    multivariate nonparametric regression via the penalized least
    squares method.  The algorithms implemented in RKPACK are of the
    orders \eqn{O(n^3)} in execution time and \eqn{O(n^2)} in memory
    requirement.  The constants in front of the orders vary with the
    complexity of the model to be fit.

    The model specification via \code{formula} is intuitive.  For
    example, \code{y~x1*x2} yields a model of the form
	y = c + f_{1}(x1) + f_{2}(x2) + f_{12}(x1,x2) + e
    with the terms denoted by \code{"1"}, \code{"x1"}, \code{"x2"}, and
    \code{"x1:x2"}.  Through the specifications of the side conditions,
    these terms are uniquely defined.  In the current implementation,
    \eqn{f_{1}} and \eqn{f_{12}} integrate to \eqn{0} on the \code{x1}
    domain for cubic spline and linear spline marginals, and add to
    \eqn{0} over the \code{x1} (marginal) sampling points for thin-plate
    spline marginals.

    The penalized least squares problem is equivalent to a certain
    empirical Bayes model or a mixed effect model, and the model terms
    themselves are generally sums of finer terms of two types, the
    unpenalized terms (fixed effects) and the penalized terms (random
    effects).  Attached to every penalized term there is a smoothing
    parameter, and the model complexity is largely determined by the
    number of smoothing parameters.

    The method \code{predict} can be used to evaluate the sum of
    selected or all model terms at arbitrary points within the domain,
    along with standard errors derived from a certain Bayesian
    calculation.  The method \code{summary} has a flag to request
    diagnostics for the practical identifiability and significance of
    the model terms.
    The independent variables appearing in \code{formula} can be
    multivariate themselves.  In particular,
    \code{ssanova(y~x,"tp",order=order)} can be used to fit ordinary
    thin-plate splines in any dimension, of any order permissible, and
    with standard errors available for Bayesian confidence intervals.
    Note that thin-plate splines reduce to polynomial splines in one

    For univariate marginals, the additive models using
    \code{type="cubic"} and \code{type="tp"} yield identical fit through
    different internal makes.  For example,
    \code{ssanova(y~x1+x2,"cubic")} and \code{ssanova(y~x1+x2,"tp")}
    yield the same fit.  The same is not true for models with
    interactions, however.
    Mathematically, the domain (through \code{ext} for
    \code{type="cubic"}) or the order (through \code{order} for
    \code{type="tp"}) could be specified individually for each of the
    variables.  Such flexibility is not provided in our implementation,
    however, as it would be more a source for confusion than a practical
    Factors are accepted as predictors.  When a factor has 3 or more
    levels, all terms involving it are treated as penalized terms, with
    the "level means" being shrunk towards each other.  The shrinking is
    done differently for nominal and ordinal factors; see
    \code{\link{mkrk.factor}} for details.
    \code{ssanova} returns a list object of \code{\link{class} "ssanova"}.

    The method \code{\link{summary}} is used to obtain summaries of the
    fits.  The method \code{\link{predict}} can be used to evaluate the
    fits at arbitrary points, along with the standard errors to be used
    in Bayesian confidence intervals.  The methods
    \code{\link{residuals}} and \code{\link{fitted.values}} extract the
    respective traits from the fits.
    Methods \code{\link{predict.ssanova}},
    \code{\link{summary.ssanova}}, and \code{\link{fitted.ssanova}}.
\author{Chong Gu, \email{}}
    Gu, C. (2002), \emph{Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models}.  New York:
    Wahba, G. (1990), \emph{Spline Models for Observational Data}.
    Philadelphia: SIAM.
## Fit a cubic spline
x <- runif(100); y <- 5 + 3*sin(2*pi*x) + rnorm(x) <- ssanova(y~x,method="m")
## The same fit with different internal makes <- ssanova(y~x,"tp",method="m")
## Obtain estimates and standard errors on a grid
new <- data.frame(x=seq(min(x),max(x),len=50))
est <- predict(,new,se=TRUE)
## Plot the fit and the Bayesian confidence intervals
plot(x,y,col=1); lines(new$x,est$fit,col=2)
## Clean up

## Fit a tensor product cubic spline
data(nox) <- ssanova(log10(nox)~comp*equi,data=nox)
## Fit a spline with cubic and nominal marginals
nox$comp<-as.factor(nox$comp) <- ssanova(log10(nox)~comp*equi,data=nox)
## Fit a spline with cubic and ordinal marginals
nox$comp<-as.ordered(nox$comp) <- ssanova(log10(nox)~comp*equi,data=nox)
## Clean up
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