Raw File
Tip revision: faadbbaf58e096cfba4732ba0fbc8145e5724481 authored by Roger Bivand on 08 November 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.6-12
Tip revision: faadbba
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Run GRASS commands}
  The functions provide an interface to GRASS commands run through \code{system}, based on the values returned by the \code{--interface description} flag using XML parsing.
execGRASS(cmd, flags = NULL, parameters = NULL, intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE)
doGRASS(cmd, flags = NULL, parameters = NULL)
\method{print}{GRASS_interface_desc}(x, ...)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{cmd}{GRASS command name}
  \item{flags}{character vector of GRASS command flags}
  \item{parameters}{list of GRASS command parameters}
  \item{intern}{a logical (not 'NA') which indicates whether to make the output of the command an R object. Not available unless 'popen' is supported on the platform}
  \item{ignore.stderr}{a logical indicating whether error messages written to 'stderr' should be ignored}
  \item{x}{object to be printed}
  \item{...}{other arguments to print method}
  \item{enc}{character string to replace UTF-8 in header of XML data generated by GRASS module --interface-description output when the internationalised messages are not in UTF-8 (known to apply to French, which is in latin1)}
  \code{parseGRASS} checks to see whether the GRASS command has been parsed already and cached in this session; if not, it reads the interface description, parses it and caches it for future use. \code{doGRASS} assembles a proposed GRASS command with flags and parameters as a string, wrapping \code{parseGRASS}, and \code{execGRASS} is a wrapper for \code{doGRASS}, running the command through \code{system}. The command string is termed proposed, because not all of the particular needs of commands are provided by the interface description, and no check is made for the existence of input objects. Support for multiple parameter values added with help from Patrick Caldon.
  \code{parseGRASS} returns a \code{GRASS_interface_desc} object, \code{doGRASS} returns a character string with a proposed GRASS command, and \code{execGRASS} returns what \code{system} returns, particularly depending on the \code{intern} argument.

\note{If any package command fails with a UTF-8 error from the XML package, try using \code{setXMLencoding} to work around the problem that GRASS modules declare --interface-description output as UTF-8 without ensuring that it is (French is of 6.4.0 RC5 latin1).}

\author{Roger S. Bivand, e-mail: \email{}}


if (nchar(Sys.getenv("GISRC")) > 0) {
  pars <- list(elevation="elevation.dem", slope="slope", aspect="aspect")
  doGRASS("r.slope.aspect", flags=c("overwrite"), parameters=pars)
  pars <- list(input="bugsites", output="bmap", distances=seq(1000,15000,1000))
  doGRASS("r.buffer", flags=c("overwrite"), parameters=pars)
% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
% R documentation directory.

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