Raw File
Tip revision: ab08892d097753cdf4449136af92b9e9fb89871c authored by Paul Gilbert on 01 December 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2009.12-1
Tip revision: ab08892
\title{Select Best Model}
\description{Select the best model.}
    bestTSestModel(models, sample.start=10, sample.end=NULL,
     criterion='aic', verbose=TRUE)
    \item{models}{a list of TSestModels.}
    \item{sample.start}{the starting point to use for  calculating 
       information criteria.}
    \item{sample.end}{the end point to use for  calculating 
       information criteria.}
    \item{criterion}{Criterion to be used for model 
       selection. see \code{informationTestsCalculations}. 'taic' would 
       be a better default
       but this is not available for VAR and ARMA models.}
    \item{verbose}{if TRUE then additional information is printed.}
\value{A TSestModel}
   Information criteria are calculated and 
   return the best model from ... according to criterion
   models should be a list of TSestModel's.
   models[[i]]$estimates$pred is not recalculated but a sub-sample identified by 
   sample.start and  sample.end is used and the likelihood is recalculated. 
   If sample.end=NULL data is used to the end of the sample.
   taic might be a better default selection criteria but it is 
   not available for ARMA models.
data("", package="dse")
models <- list(estVARXls(, estVARXar(
z <-  bestTSestModel(models)

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