Raw File
Tip revision: ab08892d097753cdf4449136af92b9e9fb89871c authored by Paul Gilbert on 01 December 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2009.12-1
Tip revision: ab08892

\title{Compare Forecasts Cov Relative to True Model Output}
\description{Compare covariance of the forecasts less the true model output}
    forecastCovEstimatorsWRTtrue(true.model, rng=NULL,
                       est.replications = 2, pred.replications = 2,
                       discard.before = 10, horizons = 1:12, quiet =FALSE,
                       estimation.methods=NULL, compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED) 
%%                       Spawn=if (exists(".SPAWN")) .SPAWN else FALSE
    \item{true.model}{An object of class TSmodel.}
    \item{estimation.methods}{A list as used by estimateModels.}
    \item{simulation.args}{an arguments to be passed to simulate.}
    \item{est.replications}{An arguments to be passed to simulate.}
    \item{pred.replications}{An arguments to be passed to simulate.}
      An integer indicating the number of points in the
      beginning of forecasts to discard for calculating covariances.}
    \item{horizons}{Horizons for which forecast covariance should be calculated.}
    \item{rng}{If specified then it is used to set RNG.}
%%    \item{Spawn}{If TRUE then Splus For loops are used.}
    \item{quiet}{If TRUE then some messages are not printed.}
    \item{compiled}{a logical indicating if the compiled version of the code
       should be used. (FALSE would typically only be used for debugging.)}
    \item{obj}{an object.}
The returned results has element
  \code{forecastCov.true,, forecastCov.trend} containing 
     covariances averaged over estimation replications and simulation
     replications (forecasts will not change but simulated data will).
   \code{forecastCov} a list of the same length as estimation.methods with each
     element containing covariances averaged over estimation replications 
     and simulation replications.
   \code{estimatedModels} a list of length est.replications, with each elements as
     returned by estimateModels, thus each element has \code{multi.model} as a
     subelement containing models for different estimation techniques.  
     So, eg. \code{estimatedModels[[2]]$multi.model[[1]]}  in the result will
     be the model from the first estimation technique in the second replication.
Calculate the forecasts cov of models estimated from simulations of 
  true.model with estimation methods indicated by estimation.methods (see 
This function makes multiple calls to forecastCovWRTtrue.
data("", package="dse")
true.model <- estVARXls( # just to have a starting model
z <-  forecastCovEstimatorsWRTtrue(true.model, 

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