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Tip revision: ab08892d097753cdf4449136af92b9e9fb89871c authored by Paul Gilbert on 01 December 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2009.12-1
Tip revision: ab08892

\title{Calculate Model Roots}
\description{Calculate roots of a TSmodel.}
    roots(obj, ...)
    \method{roots}{SS}(obj, fuzz=0, randomize=FALSE, ...)
    \method{roots}{ARMA}(obj, fuzz=0, randomize=FALSE, warn=TRUE, by.poly=FALSE, ...)
    \method{roots}{TSestModel}(obj, ...)
    \item{obj}{An object of class TSmodel.}
    \item{fuzz}{If non-zero then roots within fuzz 
       distance are considered equal.}
       Randomly arrange complex pairs of roots so the one with the positive imaginary
       part is not always first (so random experiments are not biased).}
    \item{warn}{If FALSE then warnings about unit roots added for TREND are not printed.}
       If TRUE then roots are calculated by expanding the determinant of the A
       polynomial.  Otherwise, they are calculated by converting to a state
       space representation and calculating the eigenvalues of F. This second
       method is preferable for speed, accuracy, and because of a limitation
       in the degree of a polynomial which can be handled by polyroot.}
    \item{...}{arguments passed to other methods.}
The eigenvalues of the state transition matrix or the inverse of the roots of the
determinant of the AR polynomial are returned.
   The equality of roots for equivalent state space and ARMA models is
   illustrated in \cite{Gilbert (1993)}. The calculation of ARMA model roots is
   more stable if the model is converted to state space and the roots
   calculated from the state transition matrix (see \cite{Gilbert,2000}). The
   calculation is done this way by default. If \code{by.poly=TRUE} then
   the determinant of the AR polynomial is expanded to get the roots.
  data("", package="dse")
  model <- estVARXls(
    Gilbert, P. D. (1993) State space and ARMA models: An overview of
    the equivalence. Working paper 93-4, Bank of Canada. Available at

    Gilbert, P.D. (2000) A note on the computation of time series model roots. 
    \emph{Applied Economics Letters}, \bold{7}, 423--424

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